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Shamiul Hasan Email: shamiulhasan93@gmail.

Github (Personal): shamiul94 Mobile: +8801963842217
Github (Professional): shamiul38
LeetCode: shamiul93
LinkedIn: Shamiul Hasan
Work Experience
bKash Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh

Software Engineer May, 2021 - Present
◦ Working on the Payment Gateway System, a flagship product of bKash, the largest Mobile Financial System Company of
◦ Developed the Merchant Webhook System in a full asynchronous manner using Reactive Java, SNS, SQS,
◦ Developed a fully asynchronous system for Webhook and Auto Merchant Onboarding using Reactive Java, Cognito,
SNS, SQS, DynamoDB, and GraphQL.
◦ Re-architected the existing AWS Cognito based Merchant authentication system using Spring Boot, Dynamo DB,
AWS Lambda and EC2 ensuring fast response and security, used by 10,000 merchants everyday.
◦ Rewrote the Merchant authentication grant token and refresh token system using Python and AWS Lambda making
it 60% faster.
◦ Built the Admin Portal Frontend using Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify and wrote optimized codes to reduce code redundancy
and make the website 40% faster.
LEADS Corporation Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh

Software Specialist November, 2020 - April, 2021
◦ Worked on the next generation banking solution named BankUltimus targeting the Banking corporations of Bangladesh.
◦ Built the Frontend of the solution from scratch using Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify and wrote optimized codes to reduce code
redundancy and site loading time.
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Dhaka, Bangladesh

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering; CGPA: 3.33 out of 4.00 February, 2016 - February, 2021
Courses: Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Networking, Database, Network Security, High Performance Database
Systems, Fault Tolerant Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition

Skills Summary
• Languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Bash, SQL, PHP, Kotlin
• Frameworks: Spring Boot, Vue.js, Laravel, Express.js, jQuery, Selenium, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch
• Tools: CSS, GIT, MATLAB, LATEX, Wireshark, Packet Tracer
• Database: Dynamo DB, Oracle DB, MySQL, MSSQL
• AWS: IAM, EC2, Dynamo DB, SNS, SQS, Lambda, Cognito, Cloudwatch, API Gateway, S3
• Containers: Docker
Algorithmic Problem Solving
• Actively involved in Algorithmic Problem Solving since the beginning of my undergrad. Solved 500+ algorithmic problems on
various online judges including LightOJ, Leetcode and Codeforces. [ Github URL ]
• VashaShikkha: An English Language Learning Platform:
◦ Helps a Bengali-speaking user to learn English through translation, fill in the blanks, MCQs and other fun tasks.
Currently being used by an NGO to help around 300 poor kids learn English in a fun way.
◦ Lead the Backend team of 3 people while designing the solution, writing APIs, reviewing code of other developers.
◦ Tech Stack: Laravel, React, Flutter, MySQL
• TMDB: An Online Movie Database Android App:
◦ An open movie database app where one can see the movie lists, casts, ratings and details about different movies.
◦ Tech Stack: Android, Kotlin, SQLite
• Implementing DHCP spoofing attack and countermeasure:
◦ A real life implementation of a Man In The Middle attack named Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
spoofing attack using Python. This project was demonstrated using an Android device and a router.
• JavaFX: 2 Player Street Fighter Game Using UDP Protocol:
◦ 2 players can play this game over 2 computers by connecting to the same LAN using UDP Protocol.
◦ Tech Stack: Java, JavaFX
• A Telecommunication Company Management System:
◦ A database oriented project demonstrating complex SQL queries along with Java FX GUI.
◦ Tech Stack: Java, JavaFX, ORACLE Database
• AI Bot Player for Chain Reaction Game Using MiniMax Algorithm:
◦ Built a bot player for the Chain Reaction Game using Python and Java for the BUET CSE Fest AI Contest,
2019 and made it to the 2nd round.
◦ Implemented MiniMax algorithm, DFS and multiple other heuristics to evaluate the next move at each step.
• A Robotic Shadow Arm Using ATmega32:
◦ A robotic arm that replicates all the gestures the user makes with his hand. [ Github URL ]
◦ Hardware: ATmega32, Flex Sensor, Gyroscope Sensor, Servo motors
◦ Tech Stack: C++, Atmel Studio
Research Works
• Automated Bengali Text Generation Using GPT-2 Model:
◦ A project to enable OpenAI’s GPT-2 generate Bengali text using Transformer model.
◦ Crawled around 8 GB of Bengali text data from thousands of webpages by writing tens of crawlers.
◦ Created a large Bengali text dataset and trained the Pytorch implementation of GPT-2 using this dataset.
◦ Tech Stack: Python, Selenium, Pytorch
• Static Detection of Malicious Code in Programs Using Semantic Techniques:
◦ Detects malicious codes intending to conduct a DDoS attack using semantic detection using Protege software.
◦ Tech Stack: Java, Protege, Python
• Winner of Code Debugging Competition, Google Developers Group Cloud Bangladesh, 2019
• Participated in multiple ACM ICPC national programming contests and got placed among top 60 teams every time.
• 2nd Runner’s Up, IUT Hackathon, 2017

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