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________ 1 Considered one of the leaders in photo editing software.

The software
allows users to manipulate, crop, resize, and correct color on digital photos

A. Illustrator B. Photoshop C. Premier D. Paint

________ 2. Khaleed used to move layers, selections and guides within a Photoshop
document. Enable "Auto-Select" to automatically select the layer or group. What tool
need to use?

A. Hand B. Move C. Select D. Zoom

________ 3. Tigreal wants to divide an image or layout into smaller sections which
can be exported and optimized separately. He needs to use the?

A. Crop B. Marquee C. Ruler D. Slice

________ 4. Increase "Sample Size" in the Options Bar for a better representation of
the sampled area's color.

A. Brush B. Eyedropper C. Paint Bucket D. Magic Wand

________ 5. Balmond wants to Create a text on an image. He needs to use the?

A. Type B. Letter C. Clipping Mask D. Mask

________ 6. Bruno wants to draw extremely precise paths, vector shapes or selections.
He needs to use the?

A. Pen B. Lasso C. Marquee D. Slice

________ 7. Nana wants to write a letter. what type of text she will use?

A. Point type B. Area type C. Vertical type D. Horizontal type

________ 8. In this image, black is the _________.

A. Background B. First C. Foreground D. Second

________ 9. The white color in this image is the __________.

A. Background B. First C. Foreground D. Second

________ 10. It controls the opaqueness of the paint (the transparency).

A. Hardness B. Flow C. Opacity D. Brush Size

________ 11. It controls the speed at which paint is laid down (much like painting with
a spray paint can).

A. Hardness B. Flow C. Opacity D. Brush Size

_______ 12. In these pictures, what customized settings did they use for the brush tool?

A. Hardness B. Flow C. Mode D. Brush Size

_______ 13. It creates a unique brush effect.

A. Brush Tip B. Flow C. Mode D. Opacity

_______ 14. _______ is a way to change how a brushstroke interacts with the pixels behind it.

A. Brush Tip B. Flow C. Mode D. Opacity

_______ 15. The primary painting tool in Photoshop.

A. Brush Tool B. Pen Tool C. Shape Tool D. Text Tool

_______ 16. These are used to create shapes and paths.

B. Brush Tool B. Pen Tool C. Shape Tool D. Text Tool

II. Identify what is being asked for. Choose the correct answer letter from the
image and write it in the space provided.

For numbers 21 to 25.


_______ 21. This shape is used to make polygons.

_______ 22. This is used to create a rectangle or square shape.

_______ 23. A tool used to create a rounded corner of a square or rectangle.

_______ 24. A tool used to create shapes that can be accessed from the shapes library.

_______ 25. A tool used to create vertical or horizontal lines.

For numbers 26 to 30.


________ 26. It gives an easy way to add lots of different effects to layers, including
shadows, strokes, glows, and more.
________ 27. To group related layers together into a layer group, you need to click this
________ 28. What button would I drag a layer to in order to duplicate it?
__________ 29. If you would like to link the layer, which button would you click?
__________ 30. If you find that you no longer need a layer, which button are you going to

II. Give the Windows shortcut key of the following commands. Write the correct
answer in the space provided.

41. Brush Tool -________________ 46. Rectangle Shape Tool -_________

42. Paint Bucket Tool -___________ 47. Pen Tool - ___________________

43. Gradient Tool -_______________ 48. Direct Selection Tool -___________

44. Shape Tool -_________________ 49. Path Selection Tool -____________

45. Circle Shape Tool -____________ 50. Move tool-_______

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