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Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2

Warehouse Activities



This chapter gives an introduction about the procedure for arranging goods on dock,
importance of visual inspection, types of material handling device, format for recording
of goods unloaded from carriers and generation of goods receipt note using computers.

After studying this lesson the learner:
l defines material handling devices in a warehouse;
l identifies the standard operating procedure prescribed for WDRA warehouses;
l discusses the procedure for arranging goods on dock for counting
l lists the importance of visual inspection of goods unloaded;
l determines the format for recording goods unloaded from carriers;
l shows the generation of receipt for good using computers.


There are a number of different types of material handling devices (MHDs) most of
which move material via material handling paths on the shop floor. The choice of specific
MHDs depends on a number of factors including cost, weight, size and volume of the
loads, space availability of work stations and requirements.

8.1.1 Mechanised Handling Systems

There are number of mechanised handling systems, which are used by different industrial


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities
sectors in warehouses, & some of the major systems are as follows:

i. Fork lift trucks

The fork lift trucks were one of the most common mechanised handling systems at the
Notes advent of the pallets and containers designed to accommodate fork lines that could lift
them. Fork lift trucks come in various configurations, such as high flow lifting, low /
medium high load capacity, and fast / slow movement.

Fig. 8.1: Forklift trucks

ii. Conveyors

Conveyors are fixed path MHDs in other words conveyors should be considered only
when the volume of parts of material to be transported is large and when transported
material is relatively uniform in size and shape, depending on the application there are
many types of conveyor accumulation conveyor, belt conveyor, bucket conveyor, etc.

Fig. 8.2: Conveyors

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
iii. Palletizes

Palletizes are high-speed automated equipment used to palletize containers coming off
the production or assembly line. With an operator friendly touch screen controls they
palletize at the rate of hundred cases per minute. It is commonly used in loading, unloading
and shifting of containers in warehouses.

Fig. 8.3: Palletizers

iv. Hoist Cranes & Jibs

These MHDs are preferred when the parts to be moved are bulky and there is abundant
room to transport bulky material. The movement of material in the overhead space does
not affect the production process and workers in the factory. The main disadvantages of
these MHDs are that they are expensive and time consuming to install.

Fig. 8.4: Cranes

v. Walker Rider Pallet Trucks

These trucks provide low cost effective methods of general material handling utility.


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities
Application of walker rider are loading and unloading of goods. Shuttling loads over
longer transportation distance throughout the warehouse.


Fig. 8.5: Walker rider pallet trucks

vi. Towlines

Towlines either consist of in floor or overhead mounted cable or drag devices. They are
utilised to provide continuous power to four-wheel trailers. The application of towlines
is for order selection, order selectors place, merchandise on four wheel trailers.

Fig. 8.6: Towlines

vii. Carousels

Rather than requiring the order selector to go to the goods storage location in the
warehouse the carousel moves inventory to the order selector. A carousel consists of a
series of bins mounted on an oval track or rack. There may be multiple track levels
allowing for very high density carousel storage. The most common use of the carousels
is selection of packages in pack, repack and service parts.

8.1.2 Semi-Automated Handling System

There are a number of semi-automated handling systems that are used in warehouses,
depending on their need and requirements. Some of the major ones are as follows:

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
i. Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS)

Automated guided vehicle systems provide the same type of handling functions as a
mechanised tow tractor with trailer or rider pallet truck. The main difference is that
AGVS does not require any operator. It is automatically routed and positioned at the
destination without operator intervention. Application of AGVS is loading, unloading
and transfer of goods from one point to another.

Fig. 8.7: Automated guided Vehicle system

ii. Robotic Arm

Robots are programmable devices that resemble the human arm. They are also capable
of moving like the human arm and can perform. Robotic Arm functions such as weld,
pick and place, load and unload. Main advantage of using these MHDS is they can
perform complex repetitive takes automatically and they can work in hazardous and
uncomfortable environments that a human operator cannot work. The disadvantages of
robots are that they are relatively expensive.

Fig. 8.8: Robotic arm


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities


1. What is appreviate MHD?

2. Application of AGVS is loading, unloading and transfer of goods from one point to
another without operator.(True/False)

3. _____________are programmable devices that resemble the human arm?

4. ____________systems provide the same type of handling functions as a mechanised

tow tractor with trailer or rider pallet truck?


The minimum Standard Operating Procedures for conducting warehousing activities by
the warehouses registered under the Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Act,
2007 (37 of 2007) and the Warehousing (Development and regulation) Registration of
Warehouses Rules, 2017 is given below.

8.2.1 Procedure for deposit of goods

As per the standard operating procedures of Warehousing development and Regulatory

Authority the procedure for receipt of goods is given below.

Ÿ Submission of Deposit Application.

Ÿ Entry of loaded vehicles in the premises after making entries in gate Register.

Ÿ Weighment of the stocks

Ÿ Assaying the quality of the stocks.

Ÿ Unloading of stocks from the transport vehicle into the godown.

Ÿ Stacking of stocks in the godown.

Ÿ Preparation of the necessary records.

Ÿ Issuance of e-negotiable warehouse receipt through Repository platform.

Ÿ Completion of the entries in the Office Record.

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
8.2.2 General precautions during deposit

Following general precautions shall be taken during receipt of stocks:

Ÿ General condition of stock shall be verified before its entry into the warehouse.
Ÿ In case received in such conditions, slack bags shall be filled to standard weight,
torn bags stitched or replaced and damp or wet bags cut open and the grain
salvaged, dried and rebagged.
Ÿ Infested stocks shall be subjected to immediate fumigation.
Ÿ Reconditioned stocks shall be accepted only for a short period of storage and
shall be stacked to admissible stack height.
Ÿ Before accepting the stocks the relevant code of storage practice and specific
precautions required to be taken, if any, shall be adhered to ensure its safe storage.

8.2.3 Procedure for verification of quality of goods

i. As per the statutory regulations under Food Safety and Standards Act contaminated,
damaged or infested stock requires to be checked before acceptance for storage.
ii. The warehouses shall have all the equipment prescribed as per infrastructure
requirements under WDRA registration rules.
iii. The goods deposited shall be graded as per the Agricultural Produce (Grading
and Marking) Act, 1937 (AGMARK Grade) standards.
iv. However goods for which AGMARK grade standards are not available the same
shall be graded as per any other law for the time being in force.

8.2.4 Weighment of goods accepted

The goods accepted to be stored in the warehouse shall be verified for weight of the
goods. Goods can be accepted by random sample weighment if packing of the goods is
in standard packs, or on 100% weighment basis by trained weighers who shall affix his
signatures and record the weight in the deposit application form. If there is no weighment
facility available with the warehouse, a list of approved weighbridges shall be maintained
within the vicinity of 10 km. or nearest of the warehouse from where weight of the goods
shall be checked in presence of trained weigher of the warehouse. The net weight of
goods received would be entered in the deposit application, stack card and NWR.

A. Negotiable warehouse receipt

Negotiable warehouse receipt, which was launched in 2011, allows transfer of ownership


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities
of that commodity stored in a warehouse without having to deliver the physical
commodity. These receipts are issued in negotiable form, making them eligible as
collateral for loans.

8.2.5 Stacking of Goods

For each consignment of goods received from a depositor and accepted for storage,
location in terms of godown number and designated location (stack, bay, etc. as
applicable) in the godown shall be identified and recorded in the deposit application.
During the process of unloading of goods from the vehicle of the depositor in godown,
the condition of the packaging of the goods (containers / bags) shall be evaluated. The
goods which have been damaged or are unworthy for storage shall be removed and
may not be accepted for storage. Details of such damaged or storage unworthy goods
shall be recorded in deposit application. If during the storage of goods, it is observed
that the packaging / bags are damaged / non-standard and can be accepted by changing
the packaging / standardisation, it can be carried out with the consent of the depositor.
Record of such standardisation / change of packaging and loss, if any during the
standardisation, shall be recorded in “Record of Standardisation” and deposit

All the goods stored shall have a tag attached to each stack / lot containing details of
the goods (i.e. net weight, number of bags, containers, grades, classification, moisture
contents-where applicable) as per stack card. If a depositor wishes to provide a private
mark on the goods or packages, it shall be allowed except in the case of fungible
products. A godown wise stock register of commodities would be maintained by the
warehouseman. The details of goods received would be entered in the depositor’s
ledger. The warehouseman would maintain a daily record of all the transactions in the
warehouse in the relevant registers.

8.2.6 Stacking Methods

A variety of stacking methods of goods are being used by different industrial sectors for
warehousing depending on their needs and requirements. Most commonly used stacking
equipments are as under:

A. Frame Stacking Pallet

Pallet stacking frames consist of decks and posts that can be established and removed if
necessary. Frame allows stacking several pallets to be stored high and very useful when
pallets to be stored are not stackable. Many companies will use frames to accumulate in
the warehouse when they need a temporary squeeze during busy periods.

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities


Fig. 8.9: Frame stacking pallet

B. Drive in Rack

i. Drive-in rack is commonly used by warehousing operators. The application of

drive in racks is access for the forklift to place and remove the stock. The LIFO
principle is used for making pallets.

Fig. 8.10: Drive in rack

C. Block Stacking

Block stacking refers to the units loads stacked on top of each other and store in the
warehouse floor in patch or block series pallets stacked up to the floor in path or series


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities
pallets stacked up to the certain heights based on several criteria such as condition of
pallets height weight and the application of the warehouse forklift. Palette will be based
on the LIFO method; it means palette will be taken from the last block.


Fig. 8.11: Block stacking

D. Rack Single Deep Pallet

Single deep pallet rack provides access to each pallet stored in the rack. This gets
around the issues of honeycombing stacking frames and stacking blocks. When a pallet
is removed the space is immediately available for a new palette to be placed in that
space. This type of squeezing can be configured in several ways with various heights.
The main drawback is that the rack requires significant floor space suitable for the alley.

Fig. 8.12: Rack Single Deep Pallet

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
8.2.7 Steps involved in the delivery of goods

The following procedure is followed for delivery of goods as per standing operating
procedure of WDRA.
1. Depositor/ eNWR holder requests for delivery of stock to the warehouse in charge
who authorises delivery of the stock after due verification.

2. Verification of documents/ records, particularly the warehouse receipt is done in

the office. Warehouse rental and other charges assessed and depositors informed
about the same.

3. Inspection of the quality of the stocks.

4. Collection of storage, insurance and other charges.

5. Issuance of the delivery order to the Godown in charge.

6. The entry of the empty vehicles in the warehouse premises.

7. Weighment of the empty vehicles, if required.

8. Placement of empty vehicles at the gate of the godowns for loading.

9. Weighment of the loaded vehicles.

10. The endorsement in the warehouse receipt in the event of partial delivery or its
surrender to the warehouse in charge in the event of full delivery of covered goods.

11. Preparation of the gate pass.

12. The exit of the loaded vehicles, after weighing, if required.

13. Preparation of the records and making entries in the Godown/office registers.


1. Expand WDRA

2. Negotiable warehouse receipt was launched in ———

3. ___________ racked provides access to each pallet stored in the rack

4. Single deep pallet rack requires significant floor space suitable for the alley(True/


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities

The quality of storage conditions may vary along the supply chain and a manager may
Notes occasionally need to verify the quality of some products. Visual inspection is the process
of examining products and their packaging to look for obvious problems with product
quality. Maintaining appropriate storage conditions and ensuring that damaged or expired
products do not reach a service delivery point where they could be inadvertently given to
a client is essential.

Visual inspection is the process of examining products and their packaging to

look for obvious problems with product quality.

This activity occurs during the unloading of inbound vehicles and includes the visual
inspection of delivered packages to ensure that products were not damaged during
transport. It is also important during this activity that staff verify the quantities of products
received against the packing slip or shipping invoice and report any discrepancies.

To ensure the quality of the product in your warehouse and pipeline, conduct a visual
inspection when you do any of the following:

Ÿ Receive products from the manufacturer (usually at the central level)

Ÿ Conduct a physical inventory count

Ÿ Receive a complaint about a product you issued

Ÿ Identify a product that is about to expire

Ÿ Identify a damaged product

Ÿ Notice that a product has not been stored properly.

Two basic types of damage may occur during shipping and storage that affect product
quality: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical damage is caused by physical stresses, such
as crushing or tearing when the products are loaded, off-loaded, or when cartons or inner
boxes are stacked. This kind of damage is usually limited to crushed or torn parts.

Chemical damage is more difficult to detect and confirm during a visual inspection.
Laboratory testing is usually required. Some indications of chemical damage may include
changes in the colour, odour, or consistency of the product. Generally, mechanically-
damaged items are removed from stocks; the remainder of the box, or carton, is distributed
as usual. Chemically-damaged items should be removed from inventory, along with all

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
like items (i.e., from the same lot), quarantined, and tested or disposed of according to
national drug authority guidelines.

8.3.1 Inbound Quality Inspection

The production or the quality department provides the purchase department the exact
specifications of the products to be purchased. The purchasing department negotiates
with the suppliers the best quality, cost and delivery timelines.

Though in most of the cases, the quality department checks the shipment before it leaves
the door of the supplier, however, the receiving organisation still checks for the quality of
the inbound shipment in terms of specifications given in the Purchase Order.

The quality department will provide the warehouse with instructions on how to deal with
incoming materials. Not all parts incoming shipments need to be inspected. Some low
cost standard items may not require inspection at the time of receipt. However, for many
items used in the production line, the part or raw material will be subject to inspection

Material as it is received at the unloading bay, should be visually inspected for defects or
damages. The incoming pallet may be damaged from the side, the received white goods
may be dented during transit, and the drum carrying chemicals may be leaking. Such
items should be rejected immediately on unloading.

Packaged items may be rejected if the packaging is damaged. The quality department
may have specific instructions for inspection of the packaging to the warehouse depending
on the item that is being received

A. Sampling

In case a large quantity of the particular parts or material arrives at the warehouse, not
every part is to be checked. The quality department generally instructs to do a random
sampling and only the samples to be checked. The sample size, as determined by the
quality department could be a function of poor performance of the vendor, the nature of
the material being received, the criticality of the part being received and the quantity of
the Shipment being received. The Samples selected from the inbound shipment may
undergo visual inspection or detailed quality check based on the instructions from the
quality department.

B. Falling Inspection

Some products that are received at the plant may fail either the initial visual inspection or
testing by the quality department. The company then has to determine how to deal with


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities
the quality issue. There are a number of scenarios that can be employed.

Scenario Action to be taken

Notes Reject the Shipment Return the shipment back to the supplier

Return forReplacement Return the shipment to the supplier for him to

replace the defective items. This is possible when
the items are available with the suppliers and quick
turnaround is possible

Rework the Parts In case the supplier is far off and time does not
permits return and re- supply and quality and
production team rework on the parts and make
them usable as per their specifications

Accept with Discount The purchasing department can negotiate with the
supplier to accept the items with a price discount.
If the vendor is unwilling then the parts will be


1. Chemical damage is more difficult to detect and confirm during a visual inspection

2. The quality of the inbound shipment in terms of specifications is checked against the
Purchase Order (True/False)

3. Define Visual inspection

4. ______________is caused by physical stresses, such as crushing or tearing when

the products are loaded, off-loaded, or when cartons or inner boxes are stacked



The following table indicates the typical steps in the Goods Receipt process and use of
the Goods receipt checklist at the warehouse at the time of receiving.

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
Table 8.1: Goods Receipt Checklist at the warehouse at the time of receiving

Step no. Description Performed by

1. On receipt of material at warehouse gate. Security checks WH security Notes

the receipt documents and takes them to the Warehouse
Manager along with the Good Receipt Checklist (GRCL)

2. If a decision to unload is taken, the Warehouse Manager Warehouse

will stamp the documents “Allowed for unloading”, enter manager
in the Good Receipt Checklist and inform the security.

3. Warehouse Security after getting instructions form WH WH security

executive makes entry into gate inward register & allows
the vehicle to park at the receiving bay for unloading

4. Warehouse Supervisor unloads the consignment & Warehouse

checks the Warehouse condition of outer cartons of the supervisor

5. During the check, if the Warehouse Supervisor finds a Warehouse

damaged or tampered box, then 100% physical count supervisor
of that particular box needs to be carried out in presence
of the transporter.

6. Any differences during the physical count needs to be Warehouse

endorsed on LR by Warehouse Manager and the manager
intimation given for initiating insurance claim. LR also
needs to be endorsed for damaged /tampered cartons

7. After unloading the consignment, Warehouse Manager Warehouse

will give a Goods Receipt Checklist to the Executive for manager
carrying out the blind count

8. Warehouse Supervisor fills the Goods Receipt Checklist Warehouse

and gives it back to the Warehouse Manager. supervisor
9 The Warehouse Manager checks the quantity mentioned Warehouse
in the blind count sheet with the quantity mentioned in manager
the actual documents.


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities

Step no Description Performed by

10 If the Warehouse Manager finds any variance in the Warehouse

actual Vs document qty, then he will instruct the Sup manager
Notes to carry out the blind count process again

After the Blind Count Process, Warehouse Executive Warehouse

will check the consignment for Legal Metrology Act executive
compliance and enter in Goods Receipt Checklist

12 If the consignment complies with legal requirement, Warehouse

weighment of consignment is to be carried out executive

13 WH executive will instruct the WH supervisor to Warehouse

carry out weight check activity and fills the details in supervisor
weight check sheet part of GRCL

14 If during the weight check, WH supervisor finds Warehouse

weight variance, then he will do a 100% physical supervisor
check of that particular box.

15 After doing the weight check WH supervisor gives Warehouse

the weight check report to the WH executive. supervisor

16 Prepare a report for the consignment received. Warehouse

(Goods Receipt Checklist to be completed) supervisor

17 If Sup finds shortages in the weight & sample check, Warehouse

then the same needs to be informed for initiating supervisor
insurance claims.

18 After doing the weight check, the WH supervisor Warehouse

moves the material from the receiving area to the supervisor
scanning area only if the material is required to scan.

19 WH supervisor moves material from receipt area to Warehouse

Storage area and makes entry in the Material Inward supervisor

20 DEO prepares the GRN of the actual qty received DEO

in the ERP system and takes a printout from the ERP

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities


1. Expand GRCL
2. The Warehouse Manager fills the Goods Receipt Checklist and gives it back to
the Warehouse Manager. (True/False)

3. ___________prepares the GRN of the actual qty received

4. _____________checks the quantity mentioned in the blind count sheet with the
quantity mentioned in the actual documents


Every company receives as well as supplies goods; whether it is in the form of raw materials,
consumable items, or finished goods. Hence, Goods Received Note / Goods Receipt
Note / GRN is an essential document for every purchasing company. It is a vital record
maintained by the purchaser. Goods Received Note serves as the internal document for the
basis of clearing invoices against goods received and making payments thereof.

Goods Receipt Note is a document that validates that goods received are exactly as per
the Purchase order raised by the company and serves as an internal document for proof
of the physical receipt of goods from the Supplier.

The goods receipt note is an internal document produced after inspecting the goods
received and acts as a documentary proof of the goods received at the warehouse. It is
generally created against a Purchase order and acts as a proof of order receipt. It is
created by the warehousing or Stores team. However, it is used by both the Purchase
team as well as the finance team.

GRN indicates the complete details of items and its quantity received on a particular date
when the product was delivered. This all information is needed to keep inventory on-
track. The GRN document is used by the Logistics department to update the inventory
in the stock ledger.

8.5.1 Uses of GRN

Ÿ The Purchase Department uses GRN to compare the list of goods supplied by the
supplier against the order placed by them.
Ÿ It’s used by the finance department to allow payment to be made against supplier


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities
Ÿ GRN helps you realise your available inventory.

Ÿ GRN is considered as the Delivery Proof. That means it assures that given material
and quantity is successfully delivered at the client end
GRN brings a great sense of responsibility for the warehouse team Goods Received
Note (GRN)is the concrete evidence of receiving goods. Hence the warehouse team is
extremely careful in creating this document and ensures that integrity and consistency of
information is maintained.

Goods received note (GRN) is generally issued in triplicate. One copy should be given
to the supplier, one copy forwarded to the accounts department of the company for bill
processing and one copy should be retained by the store manager for their documentation.

A copy of the GRN is sent to the accounts department, for cross verification against the
invoice that will be raised by the supplier. This marks the completion of the purchase

Fig. 8.13: Good received note

When is a Goods Received Note Issued/Prepared

A Goods Receipt note is issued/prepared when the goods received are in the perfect
physical condition and adhere to the requirements specified in the Purchase Order.

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
On the other hand, if all or some of the goods received do not meet the specifications, or
some are damaged in transit, then, the receiving company representative, may reject the
entire lot or partial lot; as the case may be.

In case of such an event, the Goods Receipt Note will be prepared only for the approved
goods and the shortfall will become part of a pending/revised purchase order.

What information is contained in the Goods Received Note (GRN)

Ÿ Name & Address of Supplier

Ÿ Purchase Order Details

Ÿ Details of Products delivered – Quantity, Make, Specifications, Price

Ÿ Date and Time of delivery

Ÿ Name & Signature of Store Manager / Representative

Ÿ Name & Signature of End User / User Department

8.5.2 Generation of goods receipt note using computers

These days the GRN is done using computers mostly in the ERP system. Following are
typical steps in creating a GRN in the system.

1. In the GRN creation click the New button

2. In the Purchase order field select the purchase order

3. In the Invoice No. field, enter an invoice number provided by the supplier.

4. In the GRN Date field, select the GRN date. The GRN date cannot be cartier
than the purchase order date.

5. In the Invoice Date field, select the invoice date provided by the supplier. The
invoice date cannot be earlier than the purchase order date.

6. In the Other Charges field, enter any additional charges incurred. If necessary,
you can change the required quantity.

7. In the Expiry Date field, select the item expiry date

8. Click the Save button.


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities

The first process in the warehousing operations is to receive the goods. Any slip up in the
receiving process can affect all the subsequent processes. All professional warehouses
follow a strong SOP for the receiving process. The supplier may be advised in terms of
Notes the requirement of the warehouse in terms of labelling, documentation and appointment.
Many warehouses insist on an Advance shipment Notice from the supplier, which helps
them to plan better the receiving operations and their inventory planning.

There are various stages in the receiving process starting from the arrival of the incoming
vehicle to the put away of the goods into the storage location and generation of the
Goods Receipt Note (GRN). The goods arrived are tallied with the documents and
visually checked for any defects or damages. The entire receiving process is controlled
through documents called Goods Receipt Checklist. A strong and effective receiving
process ensures sets the stage for all subsequent processes in the warehouse


1) A____________is issued/prepared when the goods received are in the perfect
physical condition and adhere to the requirements specified in the Purchase Order.
2) The Goods Receipt Note will be prepared only for the approved goods (True/
3) A copy of the GRN is sent to the HR department, for cross verification against the
invoice that will be raised by the supplier. (True or false)
4) All professional warehouses follow a strong SOP for the receiving process.(True or


Ÿ Automated guided vehicle systems provide the same type of handling functions
as a mechanised tow tractor with trailer or rider pallet truck. The main difference
is that AGVS does not require any operator.
Ÿ Warehouses are regulated by Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Act,
Ÿ Negotiable warehouse receipt, which was launched in 2011, allows transfer of
ownership of that commodity stored in a warehouse without having to deliver

Procedure for Arranging Freight MODULE - 2
Warehouse Activities
the physical commodity. These receipts are issued in negotiable form, making
them eligible as collateral for loans.
Ÿ Visual inspection is the process of examining products and their packaging to
look for obvious problems with product quality.
Ÿ Goods Receipt Note is a document that validates that goods received are
exactly as per the Purchase order raised by the company and serves as an
internal document for proof of the physical receipt of goods from the Supplier.

Mechanical Handling device Stacking

eWDR Automated guided vehicle system

Visual inspection Goods receipt note

1. List any two mechanical handling device
2. List any two automated guided vehicle system
3. What is visual inspection?
4. What is WDR?
5. List any two acts related to warehouses.
6. Write about any two staking methods?
7. Give the format for Goods receipt note
8. Write about the steps involved in the delivery of goods from the WDRA
9. Explain in detail about the steps involved in the goods receipt process and the
activities performed by the warehouse employees.
10. Explain in detail about the mechanical handling devices used in warehouses
11. Explain about the importance of Visual inspection in warehousing
12. Explain in detail about the minimum standard operating procedure given by
WDRA for warehouses.


MODULE - 2 Procedure for Arranging Freight
Warehouse Activities


1. Mechanical Handling Device 2. True

3. Robots 4. Automated guided vehicle


1. Warehouse Development and Regulatory Authority

2. 2011

3. Single deep pallet

4. True


1. True

2. True

3. Visual inspection is the process of examining products and their packaging to look
for obvious problems with product quality.

4. Mechanical damage


1. Goods receipt checklist 2. False

3. DEO 4. Warehouse manager


1. Goods Receipt Note 2. True

3. False 4. True


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