BID Documents Group 4

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Independence - Freedom – Happiness


PROJECT: 6 - Star Resort

PACKAGE: Supply of Sausages for 6 - Star Resort
INVESTOR: 6 - Star Resort
CONTRACTOR: Bayernich Vietnam Foods Company Limited
Address: 51st Floor, Landmark 81, 208 Nguyen Huu Canh, Ward 22,
Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Nguyễn Vũ Nhật Minh



Date: May 28, 2024

Project Name: 6 - Star Resort
Bid Package: Supply of Sausages for 6 - Star Resort
To: 6 - Star Resort

After studying the bidding documents we received, Bayernich Vietnam Foods

Company Limited, commit to executing the package for supplying sausages to the 6-
Star Resort as per the requirements of the bidding documents, with a contract duration
of 6 years. Our bid submission includes this technical proposal and a separate sealed
financial proposal.
We commit to:
1. Participating in only this bid as the main contractor.
2. Not being in the process of dissolution; not being concluded bankrupt or unable
to pay debts as per the law.
3. Not violating regulations on ensuring competition in bidding.
4. Not engaging in corruption, bribery, collusion, obstruction, and other violations
of the law on bidding when participating in this package.
5. Ensuring that the information declared in the bid is truthful.
If our bid is accepted, we will implement contract performance security as specified
in Section 43 - Bidder Instructions of the bidding documents.
This technical proposal, along with the financial proposal, is valid for 100 days from
April 29, 2024.

Legal Representative of the Contractor

Nguyễn Vũ Nhật Minh


Company Name: Bayernich Vietnam Foods Company Limited

Address: Floor 51, Landmark 81 Building, 208 Nguyen Huu Canh Street, Ward
22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Representative: Nguyễn Vũ Nhật Minh
Phone: (84+) 326.628.755

Bayernich Group is a leading supplier in the production and distribution of
sausages, with over 30 years of experience in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Established in 1990, we have built a solid reputation for excellent product quality and
outstanding customer service. With 60 branches globally in 40 countries, we pride
ourselves on bringing delicious and safe sausage products to numerous international
With a product catalog of over 500 types of sausages available in stock and
custom special sausages, we offer a range of sausages from mid-tier to ultra-premium to
meet all customer needs.
History and Development:
Establishment and Growth: Founded in 1990 in the Federal Republic of
Germany, Bayernich has grown significantly and become one of the leading brands in
the sausage industry. With a motto of prioritizing quality, we have established a stringent
production process, ensuring each product meets the highest standards of food safety
and taste.
International Expansion: Following successful operations in Germany, we
expanded to international markets with 60 branches in 40 different countries. This global
presence allows us to meet diverse customer needs and maintain consistent quality
standards everywhere.
Branch in Vietnam: To cater to the growing demand in the Asian market, we
established a branch in Vietnam five years ago. Since then, Bayernich has quickly
asserted its position and become a reputable supplier in the food industry in Vietnam.
We are committed to providing high-quality sausage products that suit the tastes and
needs of Vietnamese consumers.
To provide delicious, safe, and high-quality sausage products to deliver an
excellent culinary experience to customers. We continuously strive to improve our
production processes, ensure sustainability, and meet all customer requirements

Similar Contracts:
Globally, we have supplied premium sausages to luxury resorts ranging from 5
to 6 stars, such as the 6-star Royal Resort in the UK, and renowned restaurants
worldwide, including the Kross Goals restaurant in Germany. In Vietnam, we are
currently supplying sausages to the 5-star Elson Meat & Wine Restaurant in Ho Chi
Minh City. Detailed contracts are as follows:
Contract with Royal Resort
Contract with Kross Goals Restaurant
Contract with Elson Meat & Wine Restaurant

Quality Certifications:
- Quality Management Certification ISO 9001:2015
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
- Food Safety System Certification FSSC 22000
- British Retail Consortium
- Good Manufacturing Practices
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- International Food Standard
- Safe quality food SQF 2000
Sustainable Development:
At Bayernich, sustainable development is always a long-term goal, and
protecting the environment is our top priority. The energy sources used in our production
come from solar energy plants invested and developed by the corporation itself.
Additionally, an integrated quality and environmental management system based on
DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and DIN EN ISO 14001:2009 standards is applied by the
corporation, committing to both production quality and minimizing adverse impacts on
the environment.
List of Personnel:
Management Board:
Position: Global CEO
Position: CEO in Vietnam
Qualification: Master of Business Administration
Experience: 10 years in the food and beverage industry, experienced in project
management for supplying food to leading resorts.
Position: Product Quality Manager at Bayernich Vietnam
Qualification: Food Engineer
Experience: 8 years in quality inspection and food safety assurance, worked for
leading enterprises in the industry.
Position: Research and Development Specialist at Bayernich Vietnam
Qualification: PhD in Food Science
Experience: 12 years in food product research and development, achieved
numerous achievements and awards in this field.
Total Number of Employees Worldwide: 2500
Total Number of Employees in Vietnam: 120
The global revenue of Bayernich from 2011 to 2023 (in million EURO).







2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


7 Things That Make Bayernich Stand Out:

Long-Standing Brand:
- A family-owned business since 1990.
Impressive Figures:
- Global revenue of 1,132 million euros in 2022.
- 2,500 employees.
Global Network:
- 60 branches in 40 countries.
- Delivery services to 160 countries.
Product Range:
- A variety of sausages and other food items serving the food and beverage
industry, ranging from mid-range to premium.
- Over 500 available products.
- 24-hour delivery service.
- Modern logistics operations.
Quality Standards and Environmental Friendliness:
- ISO 9001, 14001, and 50001 certifications.
- Total capacity generated from our solar energy system is over 1,250 Kw.
- 150 production facilities worldwide.
- 1 production facilities in Viet Nam

Price List:

Unit Price
Type of Sausage Minimum Order Quantity
Bratwusrt 120.000/kg 50 kg/week
Weisswurst 150.000/kg 30 kg/week

Nürnberger Rostbratwurst 168.000/kg 40 kg/week

Bockwurst 138.000/kg 35 kg/week

Knackwurst 162.000/kg 30 kg/week

Currywurst 378.000/kg 45 kg/week

Frankfurter 132.000/kg 50 kg/week

Blutwurst 252.000/kg 20 kg/week

Leberwurst 246.000/kg 25 kg/week

Thüringer 150.000/kg 30 kg/week

Käsekrainer 228.000/kg 20 kg/week

Wiener Cocktail 240.000/kg 20 kg/week

Detailed Information about Types of Sausages:

1. Bratwurst Sausage:
- Origin: It is the oldest fresh sausage in Germany, originating from the Nuremberg
region. Typically prepared by boiling.
- Flavor: Herbal, garlic, and pepper flavor (can be spiced up with chili powder).
- Weight: 100 – 150g each
- Size: Approximately 15 – 20cm long, with a diameter of about 3 – 4cm
- Ingredients: Pork, beef, or veal, salt, pepper, garlic, caraway seeds, marjoram
leaves, carum powder
- Production Process:
• Prepare Ingredients: Meat is diced and cleaned.
• Spice Mixing: Meat is mixed with salt, pepper, and caraway seeds to create a
distinctive flavor.
• Stuffing: The meat and spice mixture is stuffed into sausage casings
• Cooking: Sausages are boiled or grilled until fully cooked with a beautiful
golden color.
• Cooling and Packaging: After cooking, sausages are cooled and packaged in
specialized packaging.
- Storage: Frozen at 0 – 4 ℃
2. Weisswurst Sausage
- Origin: Fresh sausage originating from the Bavarian region, specifically Munich,
in southern Germany.
- Flavor: Lemon and parsley flavor, sweet.
- Ingredients: Veal, suckling pig meat, pork skin, lemon, onions, white pepper,
ginger, salt, bay leaves.
- Weight: 80 – 120g each
- Size: Approximately 12 – 15cm long, with a diameter of about 3cm
- Production Process:
• Prepare Meat: Suckling pig meat and veal are diced and cleaned.
• Spice Mixing: Meat is mixed with onions, white pepper, lemon, and fresh
ginger to create a distinctive flavor.
• Stuffing: The meat and spice mixture are stuffed into sausage casing.
• Cooking: Sausages are cooked in simmering water until fully cooked.
• Cooling and Packaging: After cooking, sausages are cooled and packaged
- Storage: Frozen at 0 – 4 ℃
3. Nürnberger Rostbratwurst Sausage
- Origin: Fresh, short, and small sausages originating from the city of Nuremberg,
- Flavor: Caraway seeds, pepper, and parsley.
- Weight: 25 – 40g each
- Size: Approximately 7 – 9cm long, with a diameter of about 2cm
- Ingredients: Pork, veal, caraway seeds, pepper, ginger, parsley, lemon, salt.
- Production Process:
• Prepare Meat: Pork and veal are diced and cleaned.
• Spice Mixing: Meat is mixed with onions, salt, and pepper to create a
distinctive flavor
• Stuffing: The meat and spice mixture are stuffed into sausage casings.
- Cooking: Sausages are cooked or steamed until fully cooked.
- Storage: Frozen at 0 – 4 ℃
4. Bockwurst Sausage
- Origin: Fresh sausages originating from the Thuringia region of Germany.
- Flavor: White pepper, marjoram, spicy
- Weight: 100 – 150g each
- Size: Approximately 15 – 18cm long, with a diameter of about 3 – 4cm
- Ingredients: White pepper, marjoram, beef, pork, onions, chili powder, marjoram
- Production Process:
• Prepare Meat: Pork and beef are diced and cleaned.
• Spice Mixing: Meat is mixed with onions, salt, and white pepper to create a
distinctive flavor.
• Stuffing: The meat and spice mixture are stuffed into sausage casings.
• Cooking: Sausages are cooked or steamed until fully cooked.
- Storage: Frozen at 0 – 4 ℃
5. Knackwurst Sausage
- Origin: Smoked sausage, originating from the Rheinland region of Germany.
- Flavor: Garlic, black pepper, ginger.
- Weight: 100 – 150g each.
- Size: Approximately 12 – 15 cm long, with a diameter of about 4 cm.
- Ingredients: Ginger, beef, salt, garlic powder, white pepper, coriander seeds.
- Production process:
• Prepare the meat and spices.
• Mix the meat with the spices.
• Stuff the mixture into sausage casings.
• Smoke and cook.
• Cool and package
- Storage: Frozen at 0 – 4 ℃
6. Currywurst Sausage
- Origin: Fresh sausage, originated by Herta Heuwer in Berlin, Germany. A
favorite street food in Germany.
- Flavor: Rich curry favor with a mild spiciness.
- Weight: 100 – 150g each.
- Size: Approximately 12 – 15 cm long, with a diameter of about 4 cm.
- Ingredients: Pork, tomato curry sauce, five-spice powder, pork, garlic, chili, salt,
- Production process:
• Ingredient preparation: Marinate the meat with five-spice powder.
• Grinding: After preparing the meat, if frozen, thaw it, slice it, and finely grind
it. Then, grind it with spices.
• Shaping: Use sausage stuffing and tying machines to shape the product
according to the desired size.
• Cooking: Sausages can be cooked by steaming or smoking.
• Packaging: After cooking, sausages are packaged and prepared for
- Storage: Frozen at 0 – 4 ℃
7. Frankfurter Sausage
- Origin: Smoked sausage, originating from Frankfurt, Germany.
- Flavor: Smoky aroma with a beefy taste.
- Weight: 50 – 70g each.
- Size: Approximately 15 – 20 cm long, with a diameter of about 2 – 3 cm.
- Ingredients: Beef, table salt, pork fat, black pepper, chili powder, marjoram, bay
leaves, sheep casing.
- Production process:
• Ingredient preparation: Select high-quality meat, add necessary spices and
food additives.
• Grinding the meat: The prepared pork will be finely ground to create the
sausage meat mixture.
Shaping the sausage: The meat mixture will be stuffed into casings and shaped
to desired length and thickness.
• Cooking and smoking: The sausages will be cooked, typically through a low-
temperature smoking process to develop their characteristic flavor.
• Packaging: After cooking and smoking, the sausages are packaged and
appropriately stored before distribution
- Storage: Frozen at 0 – 4 ℃
8. Blutwurst Sausage
- Origin: Blood sausage, originating from various regions in Germany, Austria, and
- Flavor: Spiced aroma, sweet taste from pork blood.
- Weight: 100 – 150g each.
- Size: Approximately 10 – 15cm long, with a diameter of about 3 – 4 cm.
- Ingredients: Pork blood, pork skin, salt, pork meat, oats, parsley, black pepper,
thyme, pork fat, garlic, juniper berries.
- Production process:
• Ingredient preparation: Fresh pork meat and pork fat are ground. Pork blood
is collected and mixed with the ground meat.
• Spices and flavorings: The meat and blood mixture is seasoned with a spice
blend, which may include salt, pepper, thyme, juniper berries, and other
traditional spices and herbs.
• Emulsification and mixing: The meat and blood mixture is thoroughly mixed
to ensure even distribution of the spices and ingredients. The mixture may be
emulsified to create a smooth texture.
• Stuffing: The emulsified mixture is stuffed into natural casings, typically
made from animal intestines or synthetic casings. The casings are twisted or
tied at regular intervals to form individual sausages.
• Cooking: The sausages are cooked by boiling, steaming, or grilling. Boiling
is a common method, where the sausages are simmered in water or broth until
fully cooked. Some recipes may also involve smoking the sausages to
enhance flavor.
• Cooling and storage: After cooking, the sausages are quickly cooled to halt
the cooking process. Once cooled, they are usually stored in refrigerators or
vacuum-sealed packaging.
• Packaging and distribution: Blutwurst sausages are packaged according to
market demand. They may be sold fresh, fully cooked, or smoked, and
packaged in various sizes and formats. Packaged sausages are distributed to
retail stores, markets, or restaurants for sale to consumers.
- Storage: After cooking, the sausages are quickly cooled to halt the cooking
process. Once cooled, they are usually stored in refrigerators or vacuum-sealed
9. Leberwurst Sausage
- Origin: Liver sausage, originating from Germany.
- Flavor: Fragrant, rich and savory liver taste.
- Weight: 100 – 150g each.
- Size: Approximately 10 – 15 cm long, with a diameter of about 4 – 5 cm.
- Ingredients: Pork liver, pork meat, pork fat, black peppercorns, marjoram,
caraway seeds, salt, onions.
- Production process:
• Ingredient preparation: Pork meat, pork liver, and pork fat are prepared and
diced. Spices such as salt, pepper, onions, garlic, and other necessary herbs
for distinctive flavor are prepared.
• Cooking the liver: Pork liver is boiled in water or broth until tender. The liver
is then diced finely for easy mixing and grinding.
• Cooking the meat and fat: Pork meat and fat are cooked in water until soft
and easy to grind. The cooking temperature and time depend on the type of
meat and fat used.
• Grinding and mixing: Cooked liver and meat/fat are then finely ground. The
liver, meat, and fat mixture are thoroughly mixed with spices to create the
distinctive flavor of Leberwurst.
• Stuffing into casings: The mixed blend is stuffed into natural or synthetic
casings. Ensuring no air pockets and proper casing integrity.
• Cooking: The sausages are cooked in boiling water or steamed until fully
cooked. The specific cooking temperature and time depend on the size and
type of sausage.
• Packaging and distribution: Leberwurst sausages, after being cooled and
preserved, are packaged into standard units or according to customer
specifications. They are packaged and labeled to comply with food safety
regulations and then distributed to retail stores or restaurants for sale to
- Storage: After cooking, Leberwurst sausages are quickly cooled to halt the
cooking process. They are then refrigerated or vacuum-sealed to prolong shelf
10. Thüringer Sausage
- Origin: Fresh sausage, from the state of Thuringia, Germany.
- Flavor: Aromatic caraway seeds, black pepper, and garlic.
- Weight: 100 – 150g each.
- Size: Approximately 10 – 15 cm long, with a diameter of about 3 – 4 cm.
- Ingredients: Pork shoulder meat, beef, salt, pepper, garlic, sheep casing, onions,
marjoram, caraway seeds, bay leaves, celery, cashews, pork fat.
- Production process:
• Ingredient preparation: Pork, beef, and pork fat are the main ingredients.
Spices such as salt, pepper, cashews, black pepper, onions, garlic, and celery
seeds are typically used to create a distinctive flavor.
• Meat grinding: Pork and beef are cut into small pieces and then finely ground.
• Mixing spices: Spices are thoroughly mixed into the ground meat to ensure
even distribution and to create the distinctive flavor of Thuringian sausage.
• Stuffing into casings: The meat and spice mixture is then stuffed into sheep
• Shaping and cutting: The sausages, after stuffing, are cut into segments of a
certain length.
• Cooking or steaming: Thuringian sausages can be cooked in boiling water or
steamed until fully cooked. Proper cooking or steaming time is necessary to
ensure even cooking and moisture retention.
• Packaging and distribution: Thuringian sausages, after being cooled and
preserved, are packaged into standard units or according to customer
specifications. They are packaged and labeled to comply with food safety
regulations and then distributed to retail stores or restaurants for sale to
- Storage: Quick chilling, vacuum sealing, and refrigeration.
11. Käsekrainer Sausage
- Origin: Cocktail sausages with cheese, lightly smoked, originating from Austria.
- Flavor: Rich with the taste of melted Emmental cheese.
- Weight: 100 – 150g each.
- Size: Approximately 12 – 15 cm long, with a diameter of about 4 cm.
- Ingredients: Pork, beef, Emmental cheese, salt, pepper, garlic, mustard greens.
- Production process:
• Ingredient preparation: Using pork, beef, cheese, salt, pepper, and other
• Meat grinding: The meat is finely ground.
• Mixing spices and cheese: Cheese is cut into small pieces and mixed evenly
with the meat and spices.
• Stuffing into casings: The mixture of meat and cheese is stuffed into casings.
• Shaping and cutting: The sausages are cut into segments of a certain length.
• Cooking or steaming: The sausages are cooked or steamed until fully cooked.
- Storage: Quick chilling, vacuum sealing, and refrigeration.
12. Wiener Cocktail Sausage
- Origin: Smoked Cocktail sausages, closely associated with the city of Vienna in
- Flavor: Smoky aroma, rich sweet taste from beef and pork.
- Weight: 20 – 30g each.
- Size: Approximately 5 – 7 cm long, with a diameter of about 1.5 – 2 cm.
- Ingredients: Beef, pork, sugar, salt, skim milk powder, chili, pepper, celery.
- Production process:
• Ingredient preparation: Select high-quality fresh meat. Cut into small pieces
as needed.
• Meat grinding: The meat is finely ground to create a smooth meat mixture.
• Mixing spices: Spices such as salt, pepper, natural seasonings, and other
additives are thoroughly mixed into the meat mixture.
• Stuffing into casings: The meat and spice mixture is stuffed into small casings,
forming small cocktail sausages.
• Shaping and cutting: The sausages are cut into segments of a certain size.
• Cooking or grilling: The sausages are cooked or grilled in boiling water, on a
grill, or in an oven until fully cooked and the flavor is retained.
- Storage: Chilling and packaging: After cooking, the sausages are quickly chilled
to prevent bacterial growth. They are then packaged in appropriate packaging for
Note: These ingredients, flavors, and specifications can be adjusted according to the
specific needs of the resort and the requirements of the customers.
Payment Methods:
1. Advance Payment:
- Customers pay a portion or the full value of the order before delivery.
- Percentage of advance payment: 50% of the order value.
2. Post-Delivery Payment:
- Customers pay after receiving the goods and inspecting the product quality.
- Payment term: Within 15 days after delivery.
3. Installment Payment:
- Customers pay in installments according to specific terms.
- Payment terms: Weekly or monthly.
- Each installment: 25% of the order value for that period.
4. Bank Transfer:
- Customers make direct bank transfers to the supplier's bank account.
Discount Policies:
1. Volume Discount:
- Discount based on large order quantities.
- Discount levels:
• Orders of 100 kg or more: 5% off the total order value.
• Orders of 200 kg or more: 10% off the total order value.
2. Early Payment Discount:
- Discount for customers who pay the full order value in advance.
- Discount rate: 3% off the total order value.
3. Long-term Contract Discount:
- Discount for customers signing long-term supply contracts (6 months or more).
- Discount rate: 5% off the total order value per month.
4. Loyalty Discount:
- Discount for customers who have been cooperating for over 1 year.
- Discount rate: 5% off the total order value.
Delivery Time:
- 24-hour delivery
- Special Order Fulfillment Capabilities:
• Customized Quality and Flavor: We can adjust the quality and flavor of
sausages to reflect the luxury and uniqueness of the resort. From using
premium ingredients to meticulous processing, we are committed to
delivering the highest quality products.
• Flexible and Customized Service: We can customize the size, shape, and
flavor of sausages according to the specific requirements of the resort.
Whether it's traditional sausages or innovative creations, we have the ability
to produce and deliver.
• Food Safety and Quality: We adhere to the strictest standards of food safety
and product quality. Our quality control processes ensure that every product
achieves perfection and absolute safety.
• On-Time Delivery: We understand that time is crucial for the resort. We are
committed to delivering on time and ensuring that products are safely and
promptly transported to your location.
• Continuous Support and Communication: Our professional team is always
ready to support and interact with your resort. We will work closely with you
to understand your needs and ensure that all requirements are fully met.
• Innovation and Development: We continuously seek innovations and new
ideas in sausage production. We are willing to collaborate with you to develop
new and unique products that reflect the style and brand of the resort.
• Maximum Oder Quantity per day: 2500 kg
Enhanced Capacity to Meet Increasing Demand
We have the capability to expand our production to meet the rising demand from
the resort. With our modern manufacturing facilities and efficient management
processes, we ensure the ability to supply large quantities in a short period.
Performance Evaluation and Customer Service
We place great importance on regularly evaluating performance and committing
to continuous improvement to best meet customer requirements. Our team is always
ready to support and advise, ensuring absolute satisfaction from our customers.
We have a professional team of well-trained employees with excellent
communication skills. We are committed to closely managing and supervising the
implementation of contracts, ensuring that the quality of sausages provided always
meets the highest standards.
We hope that this profile adequately meets the requirements of the resort and look
forward to receiving feedback from your management team soon. We are very willing
to meet and discuss further to clarify any information in this profile.

Nguyễn Vũ Nhật Minh

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