FRM-IR-250 S200供應商品質系統檢核表 06 2023

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Aerospace Industrial

Development Corporation
Supplier Quality System Checklist

漢翔航空工業股份有限公司 S-200品質系統檢核表
Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation S-200 Quality System Checklist

供應商名稱 稽核日期Date:
稽核者 稽核結果
Auditor Result

稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark
1. 品質管理系統 Quality Management System
1.1 X AS9100D及相關文件
Does the supplier establish, document and maintain
a quality management system to comply with its
own and customer requirements, and ensure the
product conforms to specified requirements and
continually improve its effectiveness?
1.2 文件化要求 Documentation Requirements X 文件管制 RQP-16
供應商是否必須對文件管制、品質記錄之管制、 品質記錄管制 RWI-02
不合格品之管制、檢驗與測試、矯正與預防措施 不合格品之管制 RQP-22
等品質活動建立書面化程序? 檢驗與測試 RQP-21
Does the supplier establish documented procedures 矯正與預防 RQP-26
for quality activities including Control of (品保)
Documents, Control of Quality Records, Control of
Nonconformance, Inspection and Test status?
1.3 文件管制 Documentation Control X 文件管制 RQP-16
供應商是否對品質文件須予以管制? (品保)
Does the supplier control, preserve and maintain
quality documents?

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250
稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark
1.4 品質記錄管制 Control of Records X 文件管制 RQP-16,5.1~5.9.6
供應商是否建立書面化程序以律定品質記錄之 (品保)
Does the supplier establish documented procedures
to define control activities of quality records for
identification, storage, protection, retrieval,
retention time and disposition?

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250
Aerospace Industrial
Development Corporation

稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark

2. 管理責任 Management Responsibility

2.1 供應商最高管理階層是否對品質管理系統的發展 X 每月KPI
與執行及持續改善其有效性,提出具體承諾。並應 (品保)
質 管 理 系 統 ? Does the top management of the
supplier provide evidence of the commitment to the
development, implementation and continual
improvement of the effectiveness of quality
management system?
Does the supplier management understand customer
requirements, and flow down to request each
department to enhance customer satisfaction and
ensure consistent conformity to quality management
system through review programs?
3. 資源管理 Resource Management
3.1 供應商對實施與維持品質管理系統,及持續改善 X RQP-25 持續改善管理程
其有效性等作業是否決定及提供必要的資源,包 序
含人力、設施及環境資源? (品保)
Does the supplier provide necessary resources, RQP-42 資源管制管理程
including manpower, infrastructure and work 序
environment to implement and maintain the quality
management system and continually improve its (品保)
4. 產品實現 Product realization
4.1 供應商於規劃產品實現流程時,是否適當決定產 X RQP-21 檢驗與測試管理
品品質要求、產品實現的製程、所需之產品檢驗、 程序
測試與製程管制及品質記錄? (品保)
Does the supplier determine properly the quality
requirement for the product, processes needed for
product realization, and requirements for inspection,
testing, process control, and quality records when
planning the processes for product realization?

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250
Aerospace Industrial
Development Corporation

稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark

4.2 供應商是否制訂及維持合約審查程序,使合約之 X RQP-01 合約審查及作業

所有需求得以完整傳達至供應商內部各部門及其 管理程序
相關次合約商,並能確保各項支援製造程序之製 (業務)
Does the supplier establish and maintain a contract
review process to provide complete flow-down of all
purchase order requirements within their facility and
applicable subcontractors, to ensure conformity of
manufacturing, inspection, testing, and
documentation requirements supporting the
manufacturing process?

4.3 採購 Purchasing X RQP-11 廠商管理程序

供應商是否建立書面程序以評估及選擇有能力符 (資材)
Does the supplier establish a documented procedure
to evaluate and select the subcontractors, includes
AIDC or AIDC’s customer designated sources, based
on their ability to meet subcontract requirement?
Are the evaluation records of subcontractor retained?
4.4 供應商對於採購之物料是否依藍圖、規範及書面程 X RQP-10 採購作業管理程
序或檢驗計劃驗證其符合需求? 序
Does the supplier assure purchased material are
verified to meet specified requirements according RQP-21 檢驗與測試管理
drawing, specification and documented procedure or 程序,5.1.1
inspection plan? (品保)
4.5 供應商是否建立書面程序,以律定相關工程變更 X RQP-27 設計/製程變更管
之審查及執行,以確保產品構型符合要求? 理程序
Does the supplier establish documented procedure for (研發)
the review and implementation of engineering
changes to ensure configuration conformity of the

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250
Aerospace Industrial
Development Corporation

稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark

4.6 供應商是否建立工具及數位控制程式之驗證與管 X RQP-23 首件驗證管理程

制程序,並確保產品生產流程均依已核定之製程 序
順序、方法、工具及設備來執行? (研發)
Does the supplier establish procedures for the RWI-03 檔案管理辦法
verification and control of production tools and (品保)
numerical control (NC) programs? Does the supplier
guarantee products to be made in accordance with
authorized production procedure, method, tool and

4.7 鑑別和追溯Identification and traceability X RQP-13 產品識別及追溯

供應商自接收以及於生產至交貨漢翔公司,是否 管理程序
以適當之方法鑑別產品及維持產品之追溯性? (資材)
Does the supplier identify the product by suitable
means and maintain product traceability from receipt,
production, to delivery of product to AIDC?
4.8 當漢翔公司財產在供應商管制或使用下,供應商 X RQP-03 客戶供應品管理
是否小心保管?供應商是否鑑別、驗證、保護和保 程序
全漢翔公司所提供使用或併入產品中的財產? (業務)
Does the supplier exercise care with AIDC's property
while under supplier's control or being used by the
Does the supplier identify, validate, protect and
safeguard AIDC's property provided for use or
incorporation into the product?

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250
Aerospace Industrial
Development Corporation

稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark

4.9 產品防護Preservation of product X RQP-12 搬運、儲存、包

供應商內部對產品之搬運、包裝、儲存和防護是否 裝、保存與交貨管理程序
建立管制作為?若有壽限器材需求時應管制其儲存 (資材)
當客戶有要求時應建立及維持符合 AS/EN/SJAC 包裝SOP
Does the supplier establish control activities on the
handling, packaging, storage and protection of
products? When applicable, shelf life shall be
controlled in accordance with contract and
specification requirements.
A FOD prevention program in compliance with
AS/EN/SJAC 9146 shall be established and
maintained when requested by customer.
4.10 監控與量測儀具之管制Control of Monitoring and X RQP-20 量測儀器管理程
Measuring Devices 序
凡用於檢驗、量測與試驗之設備,無論是自有、借 (品保)
Does the supplier control, calibrate and maintain
inspection, measuring and test equipment, whichever
owned by the supplier, loaned, or furnished by AIDC,
to demonstrate the conformance of product to the
specified requirements?
5. 量測、分析及改善Measurement, Analysis and Improvements
5.1 流程的量測和監控Monitoring and Measurement of X RQP-24 統計技術管理程

供應商是否透過資料分析以進行後續持續改善作 (品保)
Does the supplier implement continuous
improvement through the analysis of data?

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250
Aerospace Industrial
Development Corporation

稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark

5.2 內部稽核 Internal Audits X RQP-19 稽核管理程序

供應商是否建立一書面程序以規劃及執行內部稽 (品保)
Does the supplier establish documented procedure for
planning and conducting internal audits to ensure
effective operation of the quality system?
5.3 供應商是否於產品生產製造流程之適當時機,依 X RQP-21 檢驗與測試管理
藍圖、規範、製造計劃、檢驗計劃或作業程序執行 程序
產品製程中之檢測工作? (品保)
Are the products inspected according to drawing,
specification, manufacturing plan, inspection plan or
documented procedures at proper manufacturing

5.4 供應商是否對於未經檢測或驗證合格前之產品必 X RQP-21 檢驗與測試管理

須不予放行至完成檢測為止,除非放行之產品可 程序
依程序有效召回? (品保)
Are the products held until the required inspection
and tests have been completed, except when product
is released under positive recall procedures?
5.5 供應商對於檢驗與測試結果是否適當記錄及保 X RWI-02 產品品質紀錄管
存?以提供足夠的證據顯示檢測已完成並符合允 制作業辦法
收標準,檢測記錄是否清楚顯示產品為合格或不 (品保)
合格? RQP-21 檢驗與測試管理
Are the results of inspection and testing recorded and 程序
maintained and evidences of completing inspection (品保)
and tests provided that indicate conformance to
acceptance criteria?
Does the records also clearly show whether the
product has passed or failed the inspection or test?
5.6 不合格品的管制 Control of Nonconforming Product X RQP-22 不合格品管理程
供應商是否確保不符合要求的產品已被鑑別、標 序
識、記錄、隔離和管制? (品保)
Does the supplier ensure that product which does not
conform to product requirements is identified, marked,
segregated and controlled?

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250
Aerospace Industrial
Development Corporation

稽核結果Result 備註
項次Item 需求 Requirements
Y N I/A N/A Remark

5.7 矯正與預防措施 Improvements X RQP-26 矯正與預防管理

供應商是否建立書面程序律定矯正行動與預防措 程序
施之作法,以確保不符合原因或潛在不符原因已 (品保)
Does the supplier establish documented procedure for
corrective and preventive actions to ensure causes of
nonconformance or potential nonconformance
eliminated to prevent from reoccurring?

Y: Yes合格 N: No不合格 I/A: In-adequate不完整 N/A: Non-applicable不適用

06/2023 FRM-IR-250

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