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(Từ ngày 18/4/2022 đến ngày 24/4/2022)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


I. Lý thuyết
1. fly off the handle: dễ nổi cáu/nổi giận
2. drop sb a line: liên lạc với ai (viết thư/ gọi điện cho ai)
3. pull/get your finger out: làm khẩn trương hơn, làm chăm chỉ hơn (đặc biệt sau một khoảng thời
gian làm việc kém)
4. get/have cold feet: đột nhiên thấy lo lắng khi sắp làm việc gì mà đã lên kế hoạch trước đó rồi
5. hold my horses: bình tĩnh nào, đừng nóng, đừng vội!
6. call it a day: quyết định dừng lại việc mình đang làm
7. beside the point: vấn đề ngoài lề, không liên quan
8. for the time being = for a short period of time: một lúc, một khoảng thời gian ngắn (không phải mãi
9. by the way: tiện thể, nhân tiện
10. off the record: không được ghi nhận, không chính thức
11. piece of cake: một việc dễ như ăn kẹo
12. chip off the old block: người có tính cách/diện mạo giống bố/mẹ của họ
13. by the way: tiện thể, nhân tiện
14. one’s cup of tea: người/vật ai đó ưa thích; gu của ai
15. get st on one’s mind: đang bận tâm về điều gì
16. out of shape: không khỏe mạnh về mặt thể chất
17. down at heel: tàn tạ, xơ xác hơn so với trước đó (thường do thiếu thốn, túng thiếu)
18. hand over fist: (kiếm được tiền/bị thua lỗ) rất nhanh chóng
=> Make money hand over first: vớ bở; thu lợi kếch xù
19. out of practice: không có thời gian luyện tập nên bị xuống tay nghề, làm không tốt
20. out of breath: hết hơi, thở không ra hơi
21. out of step (with sb): bất đồng/khác quan điểm, niềm tin (với ai)
22. have one’s cake and eat it (too): được voi đòi tiên; được cái nọ, mất cái kia
23. burn the candle at both ends: làm việc cật lực, hết sức, quần quật cả ngày
24. play with fire: hành động theo cách mạo hiểm mà ngớ ngẩn
25. go to town (on st): làm việc gì một cách chỉn chu, nhiệt huyết hết mình,... bằng cách chi tiền rất
nhiều, chơi lớn
26. on the tip of tongue: biết về một điều gì đó nhưng chưa thể nhớ ra và nói ngay, nhưng sẽ có thể
nhớ ra được
27. put one’s foot in it = put your foot in your mouth: nói hớ, vô tình nói hay làm một điều gì đó thiếu
tế nhị hoặc khiến ai đó ngượng ngùng
28. kill two birds with one stone: một mũi tên trúng hai đích
29. put two and two together: cứ thế mà suy ra; rút ra kết luận rõ ràng/ hiển nhiên từ điều gì/
chứng cứ đã biết
30. hit the nail on the head: nói một cách chính xác về một vấn đề, tình huống nào đó
31. keep one’s fingers crossed for sb: cầu mong điều tốt đẹp cho ai
32. It’s no use/good crying over spilt milk: kêu ca cũng bằng thừa; đừng buồn hay tiếc nuối vì chuyện
gì đã qua
33. have a narrow escape/squeak: thoát chết/nguy trong gang tấc
34. a close/near thing = a close call: suýt nữa thì điều gì đó tồi tệ xảy ra
35. (within/by) a hair’s breadth: trong đường tơ kẽ tóc; một li, suýt nữa (ranh giới khoảng cách/thời
gian vô cùng nhỏ)
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. He has a quick temper and easily __________ off the handle.
A. leaps B. goes C. runs D. flies
2. Before she left for Australia she promised her parents that she would drop them ______ at least once a
A. a note B. a word C. the news D. a line
3. I was all set to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute I _________ and decided to stay in Britain.
A. pull/get your finger out B. got cold feet
C. held my horses D. called it a day

4. “What I’ve got to say you now is strictly _________ and most certainly not for publication,” said the
government official to the reporter.
A. beside the point B. for the time being
C. by the way D. off the record
5. I’ve never enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my _________.
A. piece of cake B. chip off the old block
C. by the way D. cup of tea
6. “What’s wrong with Tom today? He’s unusually quiet.” “He’s got something on his _________. I expect.”
A. brain B. mind C. thoughts D. brow
7. He was wearing very shabby, dirty clothes and looked very __________.
A. easy-going B. down to earth C. out of shape D. down at heel
8. Since he started his own business he has been making money hand over _______.
A. fist B. heel C. head D. palm
9. I can’t see us beating them at tennis this year—we’re so out of ________.
A. step B. practice C. fitness D. breath
10. I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been __________ for a long time. It was bound to affect his health
sooner or later.
A. having his cake and eating it B. burning the candle at both ends
C. playing with fire D. going to town
11. I just couldn’t remember her name even though it was on the ________ of my tongue.
A. edge B. tip C. top D. front
12. That’s exactly what I mean, Tom. You’ve __________!
A. put your foot in it B. killed two birds with one stone
C. put two and two together D. hit the nail on the head
13. “I’m going for an interview for a job this afternoon.” “Good luck! I’ll keep my ___________ crossed for
A. legs B. fingers C. arms D. hands
14. “If only I hadn’t lent him all that money!” “Well. You did, so it’s no good crying over _______ milk.”
A. spilt B. wasted C. sour D. goat’s
15. The car swerved to avoid a cyclist and just missed hitting a passer-by by _________.
A. a slight edge B. a narrow escape
C. a close thing D. a hair’s breadth

I. Lý thuyết
1. a sight for sore eyes: rất vui khi được gặp ai đó hoặc vì họ ưa nhìn, xinh đẹp....
2. keep one’s chin up = remain brave and keep on trying: hãy can đảm lên và tiếp tục cố gắng, đừng
nản chí
3. come out of one's shell: trở nên cởi mở, hòa đồng hơn
4. catch sb on the hop: làm chuyện gì mà ai chưa sẵn sàng, làm khó ai
5. (like) water off a duck’s back: như nước đổ đầu vịt, không có tác dụng gì, vô dụng đối với một ai đó
6. be the spitting image of sb: giống nhau như hai giọt nước, giống hệt ai
7. money for old rope = money for jam: tiền dễ kiếm; làm chơi ăn thật
8. an old wives’ tale: điều sai sự thật hoặc mê tín; câu chuyện mê tín huyễn hoặc
9. long shot: điều gì đó mà bạn cố gắng, nỗ lực cho nó nhưng không có cơ may thành công
10. fly in the ointment: con sâu làm rầu nồi canh; mắc míu nhỏ, khúc mắc nhỏ mà phá hỏng cả một
cuộc vui hay điều gì đó đang rất tốt đẹp
11. It’s a crying shame: điều gì đó xảy ra không phù hợp; thật đáng buồn
12. all agog: nóng lòng, sốt ruột, háo hức, mong đợi điều gì
13. have sb/st on one’s hands: thêm gánh nặng bởi ai/cái gì, phải giải quyết các vấn đề gì/lo cho ai đó
14. in time to/with sth: (âm nhạc) kịp với, cùng lúc với (hát kịp nhịp và lời nhạc cùng lúc với nhau)
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. Well, well, if it isn’t Kathy Lewis! You’re a sight for _________eyes!
A. old B. blue C. sore D. crocodile
2. I know times have been bad lately, Peter, but keep your _________ up; things are bound to get better
A. chin B. head C. socks D. mind
3. He may be shy now, but he’ll soon come out of his ________ when he meets the right girl.
A. shoe B. shell C. shed D. hole
4. I’m afraid you’re caught me on the _________. I wasn’t expecting you until this afternoon.
A. stove B. grapevine C. spot D. hop
5. Nagging Susan to stop smoking has no effect on her. It’s like water off ____________.
A. a windmill B. a duck’s back
C. a dripping tap D. an umbrella
6. Have you seen the new boss? She’s the ______ image of Marilyn Monroe.
A. live B. true C. spitting D. same
7. Writing rhymes for birthday cards is really easy. It’s money for old ________.
A. rags B. bread C. rope D. rubbish
8. Of course you won’t become more intelligent if you eat a lot fish- that’s just an old ______ tale.
A. maids B. ladies C. mothers’ D. wives’
9. I agree that this is a bit of a ______ shot, but we’re desperate–we have to do something to try to save
the company.
A. hot B. long C. wild D. high
10. I like my new job; the only fly in the ______ is the fact that I have to work every other weekend.
A. fat B. porridge C. soup D. ointment
11. It’s a ________ shame that so little is done nowadays to help the homeless in our large cities.
A. sweeping B. crying C. dying D. pitying
12. We couldn’t wait for them to come home after their holidays as we were all agog to hear what had
A. quite nervous B. so optimistic C. very interested D. very worried
13. My new employer gave me a/an _______ on my salary to buy some work clothes.
A. payment B. finance C. money D. advance
14. Now the grandparents are much busier when they have the children on their hands.
A. in their care B. in trouble C. to obey them D. to follow them
15. Small children often have difficulty singing in time with the music.
A. in good time for B. later than
C. at the same pace with D. all together to


1. She thought she smelled a ____ when she saw John slinking away from the scene of the crime.
A. cat B. rat C. mouse D. chicken
2. I've been a good sport about letting Tom share the credit for my work, but this is the last ______! I'm
finally going to expose him for the liar he is.
A. rites B. post C. word D. straw
3. Whoa, hold your _______, kids. We're going to sing before we start eating cake.
A. breath B. horses C. attention D. color
4. Oh, Denise is definitely _______ the candle at both ends—she's been getting to the office early and
staying very late to work on some big project.
A. burning B. bringing C. firing D. making
5. When I started seeing pink ________, I knew I had to stop drinking so much.
A. spider B. cats C. tiger D. elephants
6. It really hurt Steph's feelings to know that the group had been taking the ______ out of her that whole
A. sadness B. donal C. background D. mickey
7. We were up all night drinking cheap wine, and I woke up the next morning with a _______ headache.
A. chronic B. major C. splitting D. uneasy
8. These waterproof jeans are the best thing since ______ bread. I don't have to worry about getting
A. sliced B. mouldy C. hard D. fresh
9. Mike's automotive repair skills really rival those of his father. He's a real chip ____ the old block!
A. on B. in C. off D. over
10. We had a _______ escape on the way here. The wind blew a tree down just in front of us. We could
have been killed.
A. bare B. narrow C. wide D. moderate
11. I had the answer on the _______ of my tongue, but couldn't think of it in time.
A. tip B. slip C. skip D. trip
12. When I saw the articles about the stolen semi truck and the escaped convict, it didn't take long to
put ______together.
A. nine and nine B. five and five C. two and two D. ten and ten
13. The political candidate knew the issue was a hot _______, so he deferred to his chief of staff, who
directed questions to the committee chairperson.
A. dog B. potato C. tomato D. meat
14. I'm sure that David would be happy to pay for everyone—when _______ fly, that is.
A. birds B. cats C. pigs D. mice
15. If you do the laundry I'll do the cooking-you scratch my _____ and I'll scratch yours.
A. head B. back C. name D. hand
16. I don't have any vacation time yet at my new job, so I can't just travel at the _____ of a hat.
A. top B. stop C. chop D. drop

17. I'll need to ______ the midnight oil to have any chance of finishing this paper before class tomorrow
A. light B. burn C. fire D. make
18. It’s clear he didn’t take his family’s wishes into _______ when deciding to change jobs.
A. heart B. head C. confidence D. account
19. The fact that he embezzled money from the company for years just makes my blood _____.
A. curdle B. cold C. boil D. freeze
20. She is a rising star as a stand-up comedian, always able to bring the _______ down during each
A. house B. hammer C. bacon D. curtain


1. A man jumped me in the dark alley, but I fought him ________ and managed to drive him away.
A. chalk and cheese B. wear and tear
C. fair and square D. tooth and nail
2. You really hit the _____ on the head with that answer—good job.
A. books B. nail C. bottle D. ball
3. Jason sent Phillip a fax before Monday's show, with the greeting: ‘Break a _____ and enjoy yourself.'
A. habit B. law C. leg D. code
4. John has been looking increasingly _____ at heel ever since he lost his job last year.
A. down B. up C. over D. on
5. He just tends to put his ______ in his mouth when he's forced to speak for too long, so try to get him
off stage as soon as possible.
A. back B. eye C. finger D. foot
6. You better hit the ______ if you want to pass your exam on Friday.
A. nail B. books C. nails D. book
7. I was excited to start taking night classes after work, but now, without enough time to devote either
to school or to my job, I feel like I'm falling between two ______.
A. fires B. worlds C. stools D. tools
8. Let's keep our ______ crossed that it doesn't rain.
A. chin B. eyes C. fingers D. lips
9. I know you really wanted that job, but you weren't hired, so it's no good _____ over spilt milk now.
A. running B. crying C. swimming D. fighting
10. Jen swears she's being safe when she experiments with drugs, but I think she's playing with ______.
A. dice B. fire C. deck D. light
11. This doll is so popular that the manufacturer is making money hand over _____.
A. fist B. hand C. head D. date
12. By the ______, I remembered where I left my keys, in case you were wondering.
A. time B. hand C. year D. way
13. The senator told the reporters that his remarks were strictly off the _______.
A. air B. ball C. record D. bat
14. After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to _____ it a day.
A. make B. call C. get D. bring
15. He seems to fly off the _______ about the slightest thing these days.
A. handle B. shelves C. roof D. ground
16. Oh man, my car wouldn't start this morning - I just made it here by the skin of my _______!
A. hand B. body C. teeth D. foot
17. We had to order a second shipment of shirts because they have just been going like hot _____!
A. cakes B. potatoes C. desk D. air
18. It was a close ______ - if I hadn't been paying attention we could both have been flattened.
A. deal B. bargain C. shave D. sale
19. The kids sure _____ to town on those cupcakes—there's none left.
A. came B. went C. got D. moved
20. I wanted to play songs on the guitar for my brother's wedding, but I was too out of ______.
A. question B. order C. heart D. practice


1. I invited you because I thought long-distance cycling was your cup of ______.
A. coffee B. tea C. beans D. palm
2. I do love the apartment, but that's beside the _____ because I don't have enough money for a security
deposit right now.
A. point B. question C. cushion D. mark
3. I know you'll be busy enjoying yourself, but please, drop me a _____ on your trip.
A. message B. text C. line D. phone
4. For the ______ being, our plans remain unchanged until something convinces us otherwise.
A. year B. month C. date D. time
5. John learned the words to his part in the play while peeling potatoes - He was killing two _____ with
one stone.
A. chickens B. birds C. pigs D. cows
6. I had to run to catch the bus, so I was totally out of ______ as I sat down in my seat.
A. brain B. breath C. hand D. shape
7. Keep exercising regularly, or you'll get out of _______.
A. shape B. breath C. hand D. brain
8. I thought I was going to fail the test, but it turned out to be a piece of ______!
A. mind B. goods C. cake D. time
9. It was a close ______, but I managed to avoid hitting the deer that ran directly in front of my car.
A. deal B. bargain C. call D. sale
10. After wandering around the forest for an hour thinking we were lost, it turned out that we were
only a hair's ______ away from our campsite.
A. width B. length C. breadth D. distance
11. You can get pretty good meals on airplanes these days, but you're going to pay through the nose.
A. nose B. eye C. chin D. neck
12. Quit pulling my leg, I know there isn't a Hollywood director calling me right now.
A. chain B. belt C. leg D. arm
13. It seems that Mike still has a ______ in his bonnet over the criticism he got in the staff meeting.
A. butterfly B. bee C. bird D. fly
14. I don't mean to blow my own _______, but this pasta sauce I made is quite delicious!
A. mind B. nose C. donuts D. trumpet
15. I guess I just took your support for ______, because I thought you would be there for me no matter
A. granted B. gospel C. spin D. ride
16. Sure, I can keep a/an ______ on the baby while you go to the store.
A. ear B. eye C. watch D. promise
17. The boss hit the ______ when he saw that we'd already blown through the budget.
A. books B. ball C. roof D. light
18. If you pull your _____ out, we might finish on time.

A. finger B. hair C. bacon D. leg
19. His daughter’s very ill, so he’s got a lot on his _____ just now.
A. back B. feet C. hand D. mind
20. I barely look at my phone each day, so I've begun to feel out of ______ with most members of my
A. practice B. way C. step D. reach


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