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Institute of Technology & Management, Gwalior

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Continuous Assessment Sheet (CAS)
Academic Year:2023-2024

Course Name: B-tech Subject Name and Code: python programming BT(405)

Class &Batch: CS(A)(B2)

Name of Student: ------------------------------------ Roll No. :--……………………………….

Date Title of Experiment


Signature of
Writing (5)

ing (10)

Oral and

Date of



1 Write a program to demonstrate
different number data types in
2 Write a program to perform
different Arithmetic Operations on
numbers in Python.
3 Write a program to create,
concatenate and print a string and
accessing sub-string from a given
4 Write a program to create, append,
and remove lists in python.

5 Write a program to demonstrate

working with tuples in python.

6 Write a program to demonstrate

working with dictionaries in python.
7 Write a python program to find
largest of three numbers.
8 Write a Python program to convert
temperatures to and from Celsius,
Fahrenheit. [Formula: c/5 = f-32/9]
9 Write a Python program to
construct the stars(*) pattern, using
a nested for loop on
Institute of Technology & Management, Gwalior
10 Write a Python script that prints
prime numbers less than 20.
11 Write a python program to find
factorial of a number using
12 Using a numpy module create an
array and check the following: 1.
Type of array 2. Axes of array 3.
Shape of array 4. Type of elements
in array
13 Write a python program Using a
numpy module create array and
check the following: 1. List with
type float 2. 3*4 array with all zeros
3. From tuple 4. Random values
14 Write a python program to
concatenate the data frames with
two different objects.
15 Write a python code to read a csv
file using pandas module and print
the first and last five lines of a file.
Total Marks

Marks (out of 100)

Signature Sign Signature

Head of Department Course Teacher Student

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