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Roll No: ..?:-l~~\~.19.~ 1f. ...... \..

Total No of Pages: - 03
I 1st Professional B.A.M.S>Examination Batch- 2021 Main/Supp.
Ii Subject
Rachna Sharir
Paper First
Paper Code AYUGRS
Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks 100
Minimum Pass Marks 50

Note: -All questions are compulsory. Marks of each question are indicated
in front of it. Write answer of questions in sequence.
~;, 3i~a1:a ~I ~~cfi ~if 3o1~ t11-cH&
3-i~a t1
~arr 3i1=t shcHio1t1l=t
.:, ~~QI
Multiple Choice Question
(~ .:,6 cfi C'-41 ~err)
(20 X 1)=20
"C] .:, 3ta1.ftF{
.:, fcr1F4.:, .:, .ft&l-11 ~-
(A) 700 ~)900
(C) 639 (D) 500
2. di~
~cfiF{ mil' ~:-
(B) -ti IJ.H~,a I
(C) 3<{&t'i (D)~

. /X- - ~)3@"
.:, .:,
cl;' 3tci1.ftF(
~cfiF( ~:-
(A)4 (B) 8
.(C) 5 (D) 6
y'oil ,;i~~ 111Rl ..................:itlll~' -
• (A) cfit'it'i (B)~a~

G (C)3fera"
In adui: spinal cord ends at the level of: -
(A) SI

v(C) L4 (D) T12
@) Median nerve is also called as: -
A) Labourer's Nerve Musician's Nerve
(C) Cranial Nerve (D) Ulnar

Page 113
~e rag e weight of brain: -
(A) 1 kg (B) 2 kg
• (C) 1.4 kg (D) 2.4 kg
>.-H ow many ventricles present in brain: -
, (A) 4 (B) 3 I
(C) 2 (D) None
% .~N i R 1111"' 3rni ~:-
(A )~ (B)
Je f'~ (D )~
3c-ctffi M ~:-
(A) '{cfn fc\;c:c:
ti 1
(8) vfcf t" ti
)C ) '{cfn qitfi' 'il-Hla
JN ?.:, of Chromosomes present in Secondar
ti (D) vf<i t- <;1.ft1a mcrr t
y oocyte-
(1\) 22 + X
(C) 44 + X (B) 22 + Y
y . Average weight of Placenta is: - (D)4 4+X +X
$)5 00g m
(C) 450 gm (B)4 00 gm
(D)430 gm
%-f il~c +-q .:, ~:-
·( A ) ~ ~
~R 'R: # "4;l""~~I t:-
(A) 4
(8) 5
(C) 16
y. ~,ati.c&:101 c\; ~¥ °'" ~ref ~a° ' fair
~) 6
.c&°' q;r ~ r
~i -
'(A) 7 (8) 8
(C) 9 (D) 6
}6· tm- # '¥'" f%ct.fl ~a~"i M ~: -
(A) 3 (B) 1 ,,.-

(C) 2
17 £um ber of Lobes present in Thyroid
iPr 5
gland: -
_;7 -·(A ) 1
• (B) 2 4 ftl
(C) 3 (D)4
~-~ ti,
18 . .ft1?""'5ilci '14cf;F( t" 6:- Cll.~Ul
/ (A) iITT" ~q;c -i~ 61 (8) 'Qcf;' ilR ~~cfi-('i~d 61
~) .m_IR~ (D) 1,1J,
19 _Where is thymus gland l~ca~ed?
7 (A) Lower part ~f~ed1ast1num (B) Upper part ofMediastinum
J/c) Beh ind Med1ast1num (D) In front ofMediastinum
Pag e 2\3

---- aB !)i- ll!l l!'lt illl l:111 1

• :---F llF.J llll.~ J
- ~ - -
- - h-
·- - -
,-am~,.,- - - - - - - = ··1 1 - - - - • -.... :r-=---

' \

1Qn r.:rr 1r 1fci fflfttfo:r cf;T 3"-<ITTT * ~;a,l":- \

(8) 3{t -~ 6
(A) ,rrfR 5 1 '-

(D). filfclic-.ffl 3{t-=i11;a 6

(C) ~a,a1 3ft.<mr ·s \
Short Answer Question
(~ .:,
3t1•fFa ~if )
(8 X 5)=40

~~~fsf; t- c1~o-1 <Rr~3

,JL~rfrt, ~rrfR' cf;T au~cr1 cRI~:

tv-13. t" Qcfii~l cf;T au'icr1 cRI 2- .

~ - Qlfc i ~- fcl~~q au~crj _cRI
~- Write external feature of spinal co!dJ.3 f\,J-'T -f Cry

$.D esc ribe dorsal surfact.of scapula..J·

ements. - L
f 27. Write down the Iigainents of Hip e~t and its ID(?V
1- 28. Write short notes on pituitary~land. - 1-_~ '-

Sec tion -C
Long Answer Question
(cfrtr 3 rl fl~ ~if )
(4 X 10)=40

cf;'r" J-l lf/1 Oj<H I R!cf-i sl1J-I" cf-i) cl ~o-1 cf;! Qi QI 6

write down the f~Jq_res of
, 30. Explain the classification of Nen:'ous sy~ !e~ d . · ...
cerebellum. - 4- ' "
~s cti be the types ofjoint accordin¥ to ,v'J Acharya Sushruta and explain the
shoulder joint. - 5 \o's P ••
Sushruta and explain the
. 32. Write down the type of bones according to Acharya -
Ilium bone. - 3


Pag e 3/3

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