Filter Sizing Calculation

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Filter Sizing Calculation Report A.Hoseingoo
Report your data from "Vendor Sizing
Calculation" to excel sheets.

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Cylindical Vessel With Cone vented at the roof



Input Data
Vessel Internal Diameter (D) m 1
TL-TL m 2
Cone Height m 1.03
Cylinder Radius / Cone Big Radius (R1) m 0.5
Cone Small Radius (R2 ) m 0.102
Pmax bar 9
Pmax,a bar 0.39
Kst bar.m/s 300
St class 16.02
Pstat (rupture disk set pressure) bar 0.1
Pred bar

Predmax (Resistanse over pressure) bar 2

Pdyne bar
Pex bar
Rs m 2.38
Pr bar
Lf in m 9.51
Filter Type - vertical Veff
( dp/dt)Max mbar 15
each Filter element Volume m3 0.02
No. of Filter Elements - 22
Cylinder Volume m3 1.57
Cone Volume m3 0.11
Total Volume m3 1.68
Filter Element Volume m3 0.46

Effective Volume (Veff) m 1.22
Effective Diameter (Deff) m 1.80
Effective Length (Leff) m 2.34
Effective Area( Aeff) m2 0.52 R2
Leff/Deff - 1.30

Vent Size Specification

B - 0.068968125

C - -0.537934131

A - 0.068968125

Surface Vent Area A* m2 0.068968125 in2 106.9005932 144

Equivalent Diaameter (DE) m 0.296407631 in 11.6695801 12

Filter Sizing Calculation Report
Report your data from "Vendor Sizing
Calculation" to excel sheets.

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Rectangular Vessel (Dryer) With Cone vented at the side



Input Data
Vessel Length ( X1) m 1.8
Vessel Height ( Y1) m 5 X1
Vessel Depth (Z1) m 1.50
Vessel Length ( X2) m 0.3
Vessel Height ( Y2) m 1
Effective Length (Leff) m 4.5
Pmax bar 9
Pmax,a bar 0.39
Kst bar.m/s 300
St class

Pstat (rupture disk set pressure) bar 0.1
Pred bar

Predmax (Resistanse over pressure) bar 2
Pdyne bar
Pex bar
Rs m 4.94
Pr bar
Lf in m 19.76
Filter Type - vertical
( dp/dt)Max mbar 15
each Filter element Volume m3 0.00
No. of Filter Elements - 0
Vessel Volume m3 13.5
Regtangular Cone Volume m3 1.58
Total Volume m3 15.08

Filter Element Volume m3 0.00
Effective Volume (Veff) m 12.15
Effective Diameter (Deff) m 1.85
Effective Area( Aeff) m2 2.70
Leff/Deff - 2.43

Vent Size Specification

B - 0.38950567

C - -0.537934131

A - 0.38950567

Surface Vent Area A* m2 0.38950567 in2 603.7337884 784

Equivalent Diaameter (DE) m 0.704404406 in 27.73242919 28

Filter Sizing Calculation Report Report your data from "Vendor Sizing
Calculation" to excel sheets.

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Squre Filter With Cone Fvented at the side



Input Data
Vessel Length ( X1) m 2
Vessel Height ( Y1) m 3
Vessel Depth (X1) m 2
Vessel Length ( X2) m 0.3
Vessel Height ( Y2) m 1.5
Vessel Height ( Y3) m 0.8
Vessel Height ( Y4) m 2

Vessel Height ( Y5) m 0.5

Pmax bar 9
Pmax,a bar 0.39
Kst bar.m/s 300
St class 30.86
Pstat (rupture disk set pressure) bar 0.1
Pred bar
Predmax (Resistanse over pressure) bar 2

Pdyne bar
Pex bar
Rs m 4.98 Y4

Pr bar
Lf in m 19.93
Filter Type - vertical
( dp/dt)Max mbar 15
each Filter element Volume m3 0.02
No. of Filter Elements - 22 Veff
Vessel Volume m3 12
Regtangular Cone Volume m3 3.45
Total Volume m3 15.45

Filter Element Volume m3 0.44

Effective Length (Leff) m 2.5
Effective Volume (Veff) m 8.71
Effective Diameter (Deff) m 2.11
Effective Area( Aeff) m2 3.48
Leff/Deff - 1.19

Vent Size Specification

B - 0.303152754

C - -0.537934131

A - 0.303152754

Surface Vent Area A* m2 0.303152754 in2 469.8867681 676

Equivalent Diaameter (DE) m 0.621435316 in 24.46593285 26

Equivalent diameter DE in m: Diameter of a circle, which has the same area as the reference area A*
of any shape:

‐Activation overpressure
Static activation overpressure pstat in bar: Pressure which activates a pressure venting device while
the pressure rises slowly.
Dynamic activation overpressure pdyn in bar: Pressure, which activates a pressure venting device in
case of an explosion. It may be higher than the staticactivation overpressure.
Pressure venting device, which will open the vent area at a defined activation overpressure and
generally reclose after discharge.
Venting element
Part of the vent system, which covers the vent area and opens under explosion conditions. It may be
reusable or consumable.
Vent area A in m2
Geometric vent area of an explosion pressure venting device.
Venting efficiency EF
Relation of the effective pressure vent area AW and vent area A .
Effective vent area AW in m2
Area of a pressure venting device which has the same effect as an nearly inertia‐free pressure venting
device with the area A.
Explosion overpressure pex in bar
The maximum overpressure in a closed vessel after the explosion of a dust/air mixture (Figure 1 ).
Rate of pressure rise (dp/dt )ex in bar ∙ s–1
The highest rate of pressure rise in a closed vessel after the explosion of a dust/air mixture at any
Maximum explosion overpressure pmax in bar
The maximum explosion overpressure pex obtained by systematically changing the dust concentration
under defined measurement.
Maximum rate of pressure rise (dp/dt )max in bar ∙ s–1
The highest value for the rate of pressure rise (dp/dt)ex obtained by systematically changing the dust
concentration under defined measurement conditions.
KSt‐value in bar ∙ m ∙ s–1
Dust specific characteristic which is calculated with the help of the cubic law.
Note: The numeric value of the KSt‐value is equivalent to the maximum rate of pressure rise in a 1 ‐m3
‐ Lenght diameter ratios
Length diameter ratio L/D
The ratio of the longest linar dimenstion L (length, height) of a round vessel/silo to its geometrical
diameter D
Length diameter ratio L/DE
The ratio of the longest linar dimenstion L (length, height) of an angular vessel/silo to its equivalent
diameter DE.
Effective length diameter ratio Leff/Deff

In case of a pressure venting of a vessel/silo of any shape the ratio of the effective flame travelling Leff
to the effective diameter Deff of the effective vessel volume Veff travelled by the explosion flame:
Note: The length diameter ratio Leff/Deff is dependent on the shape of the vessel and on the local
arrangement of the venting device.
‐ Reach of flame/pressure rise
Maximum reach of flame LF in m
External maximum reach of the flame during explosion pressure venting. Generally, the maximum
range can be expected in the direction of the venting.
Maximum external peak overpressure pmax,a in bar
Maximum pressure value of the external peak measured during explosion pressure venting at a
distance Rs from the vent opening.
External peak overpressure pr in bar
Pressure value of the external peak measured at a distance r ≥ Rs from the vent opening.
Distance Rs
Distance from the vent opening in direction of the vent discharge which will show the maximum peak
of the external overpressure pmax,a:
Cubic law
The correlation of the maximum rate of pressure rise (dp/dt)max with the vessel volume assuming
complete geometrical similarity and volume independent burning velocities, is:
Reduced explosion overpressure pred in bar
Maximum overpressure generated by an explosion of a dust/air mixture in an explosion pressure
vented vessel.
Reduced rate of pressure rise (dp/dt )red in bar ∙ s–1
The maximum rate of pressure rise in an explosion pressure vented vessel after explosion of a dust/air
mixture (Figure 3).
Maximum reduced explosion overpressure pred,max in bar
The highest value of the reduced overpressure pred, max obtained by systematically changing the dust
concentration under defined measurement
Maximum reduced rate of pressure rise (dp/dt )red,max in bar ∙ s–1
The highest value of the reduced rate of pressure rise (dp/dt)red, max obtained by systematically
changing the dust concentration under defined measurement conditions .
Recoil duration tD in s

Time interval between opening of the pressure venting device and reaching ambient air pressure.
Maximum recoil force FR, max in kN
The maximum force developed as a result of explosion pressure venting acting opposite to the vent
Dust explosion class St
Dusts are classified in accordance with KSt‐values, as shown in the following table.

Dust explosion class KSt‐value in bar ⋅ m ⋅ s–1

St 1 >0 to 200
St 2 >200 to 300
St 3 >300

Refrences :
‐Pressure venting of dust explosions,VDI 3673 Blatt‐1 2002‐11.
‐Richard Siwek, Ciba‐Geigy Limited:VDI guideline 3673 Pressure release of dust explosions,
Basle, Switzerland:October, 1994

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