D&D - The Dawn of Evolution

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The Dawn of Evolution

!! Warning !! A Lot of Vlad's Rambling Ahead!!

The Text is Coloured according to Importance:

Red - Important (Will reduce your chances to 0% if you don’t read it all).

Blue - Relevant (Will increase your chances by 50% if you read it all).

Magenta - Interesting (Something to be enjoyed, what the fun is all about and something that
might show if this game is for you).

Green - Not that Important, Read if You Want. (For the True, Dedicated, Game Theory Enjoyer,
Hardcore Gamers).

Lore of the World:

The Ultimate Planet: Verhara Drakony Destanys

It is planet of incomprehensible proportions. There are Two Ultra Continents on it: The main
Continent of Elyps and the Outlander Continent of Imperial Storm.

Thanks to its unbelievably colossal size, every day has 30 hours, every month has 30 days and
every year has 13 months, each year ending with the month of Arkana after December.

The Main Continent: Elyps

Elyps is the name of the Main Ultra Continent of this world, it is made from the combination of
MK, HE and CL and the uncountable other countries that are too small and irrelevant to appear
on the map. When you hear that Elyps is BIG, You don’t realise how gigantic it actually is.
Boasting many times the size of our Earth, the landmass where the three main campaigns are
taking place is a fully Explorable and potentially Conquerable.

The world is commonly known and referred to as Elyps by all inhabitants of the Main
Continent and No One except Imperial Storm has the ability to explore outside of the safety of
the Pace Waters and into the Leviathan Sea.

After a certain distance from the coast, the water will turn Pich Black as if it was Petroleum,
just an immediate split from blue to black as if a line drawn by pen and paper, from the bottom to
the top.

In that black region where no Natural Light goes through, there lurk The Leviathans, the
enemies of all life on land. It is unknown as to Why they never show themselves in to the light or
why they will always destroy or swallow anything unfortunate enough to cross the boundary with
the black waters.

A Leviathan can only be vaguely spotted true the darkness of the water as it nears the surface,
only the people that stayed in the Peace Waters have witnessed what happens on the other side
and lived to tell the tale. They all say that long lines of lights, presumed to be some kind of light
emitting organs running across the Leviathan’s giant body, will approach from afar or from below,
being as visible as if the darkness was non-existent and shortly after that, the disappearance of
any Creature or Vessel on the water follows. After they get close enough, natural disasters will
start manifesting all across the Black Waters, be it Tsunamis, Whirlpools, Water Sinks, Water
Explosions or any sort of Cataclysmic Effects, no boat of wood and sails can survive them.
Even a Young Leviathan is big enough to swallow small continents the size of Asia or bigger.
Fortunately, all non juvenile Leviathans dwell only in the Black Waters of the Leviathan Seas,
where even the sea floor will just precipitate to unreachable depths as the Black Waters Start. It
is said in legends that Leviathans big enough to swallow one of the moons in the sky are dwelling,
deep in to the darkness.

If you were to gaze at the sky, you would marvel at the sight. Be it during the day or during the
night, the planet Verhara will always display at least two of the 7 Celestial Bodies that are orbiting
it, marvels of the cosmos that are so big, they have been called Dreadnaught Planets.

- Garon:

The smallest of the seven, a blue and yellow planet with red clouds, incredible spiral shapes all
over it.

The 1st world within the Inner Orbital Sector, the sector that is within range of the powerful
spells which allow people to travel in between the worlds within it and Verhara.
Said to be The World Where Primordial Life Began, a lush world that is inhabited by all sorts of
beasts and humanoid creature.

In its orbit there are 5 Stars, called from the Smallest & Closes to the Biggest & Furthest:
Garon Ant, Garon Cricket, Garon Mice, Garon Snake and Garon Wolf.
Each of the stars has its own Solar system with multiple planets.

- Sylva:

Slightly Bigger than Garon, it is a green planet with tints of blue and white clouds. Cultists
Speculate that it is the home world of all Fey and the original source of the Fey Wields.
Unfortunately, there is no magic or technology on the Elyps continent that can confirm such

The 2nd world within the Inner Orbital Sector, the sector that is within range of the powerful
spells which allow people to travel in between the worlds within it and Verhara.

In its orbit there are 4 Juggernaut Moons, even bigger than Stars, from the Smallest & Closes
to the Biggest & Furthest:
Sylva Satir, Sylva Centaury, Sylva Fairy and Sylva Arachnis, each having many planets orbiting
around them as if they were an actual star.

Again, speculated by Cultists, the theory that the Juggernaut Moons orbiting each start and
their planets are mainly dominated by the races they are named after, some deeper conspiracy
theorists speculate that the many solar systems orbiting each moon are populated with unknown
subspecies of the races on said moon.

- Sydius:
Being three times the size of both Sylva and Garon combined does not change the fact that there
has never been witness or record of any stars orbiting it.

The 1st world within Middle Orbital Sector, the sector that is barely within range of the
powerful spells which allow people to travel to it. However, the only way to travel to Sydius is
from the transport Monolith on Sylva Arachnids, once they are in Position.

Just a dry and lifeless planet, completely Black like Obsidian, almost no one knows anything
about it other than the fact that it will always be on opposite side of the planet from where
Allegra is.

Recent advancement in technology which allowed The Holy Empire to create Monoliths on
Sylva Arachnids and finally travel to its surface has led to the discovery that the planet is
inhabited by an unknown number of never-before-seen Obsidian Golems, they have yet to find a
way to communicate with the Golems.

- Alegra:

About five times the size of Sydius, it’s a planet speculated to be made from and visibly
surrounded by Magic. Boasting all colours of the spectrums, some lucky species that can see
more than the ROYGBIV say that it is has Hundreds or even Thousands of Different Colours and all
their Variations.

It is also the middle orbiting planet around Verhara, as if making a barrier between the
smaller, life bearing Planets and the more Dangerous outer ones.

The 2nd world within Middle Orbital Sector, the sector that is barely within range of the
powerful spells which allow people to travel to it. However, the only way to travel to Alegra is
from the transport Monolith on Sylva Arachnids, once they are in Position.

Alegra has Hundreds of Dwarf Stars orbiting it in all directions, trough the many vails of magic
that surround it, those stars that each have at least ten or twenty planets orbiting them are
almost completely unobservable to inhabitants of Elyps and only look like small dots of colour. No
attempts at exploring it have been possible since Sylva has only been in proximity to Sydius since
the creation of the monoliths.

Even with the strongest observation magic invented to this day, all that it is truly known about
it is that for some reason it will always be on the opposite side of Verhara from where Sydius is.
- Zyrkon:

The Shattered Planet with Countless Asteroid Rings all around it, Zyrkon is a Completely White
planet, broken into multiple pieces as if it was destroyed, with a suspicions black circle at the
centre of it that seems to be holding it together.

The 1st world within Outer Orbital Sector, a mysterious and unreachable sector that is too far
for any known magic or technology to ever come close to it.

Ancient literature and depictions of it seem to show that the circle has gotten smaller, but no
one knows why or what this could mean.

The must baffling thing about Zyrkon is that less than two hundred years ago, a Gargantuan
metallic structure has appeared around it, One Towering Pillar going from the north to the south
as if skewering the planet and an arching metallic bridge that goes around it through its lower
orbit and connects to both towers at each end.

- Mucles:

A cataclysmic mass of matter of all 4 states and magic binding it together. It is believed to be
as big as 1% of Verhara and has multiple Black Holes orbiting it, spinning in all directions and
sometimes clashing and bouncing off one another like crystal balls.
Ancient Texts tell stories about how Mucles is the world of the mythical Sin Eaters, the winged
creatures that fulfil any and all wishes, as long as you can find one.

The 2nd world within Outer Orbital Sector, a mysterious and unreachable sector that is too far
for any known magic or technology to ever come close to.

Currently it is the one and only known source of the Chaos Nightmare Realm. Modern
research has managed to calculate and pinpoint it as the source, thanks to the efforts of the
brave researchers that have become Chaos Divers to uncover it’s mysteries.

All those that have managed to actually see a clearer sight of it have been Cursed and Died in
Horrible ways, always being found in dead in their beds. Waking up melted, disfigured or in any
way that a corpse would have ended up after Dying in the Chaos Nightmare Realm, without it’s
protective force.

- Korsyka:

Unknown world that is too Far for observation, all that can be seen is a blackened shadow of a

The 3rd world within the Outer Orbital Sector, a mysterious, unreachable sector that is too far
for any known magic or technology to ever come close to.

Researchers speculate that it is three times as big as Garon, Sylva, Sydius, Alegra, Zyrkon and
Mucles combined but Nothing is truly known about this Dreadnaught Planet.
[ ESSENTIAL: All Players Must Remember ]
Everyone can choose one of the following Continents to be part of and play in:

In the Main Continent of Elyps:

Where All 3 Campaigns that
Players can Join are found:

• MK - The Magic Kingdom: Kasamira

A land of magic and opportunity. As a Classic D&D Campaign, a word of Sword and Magic,
who's greatness and achievements are overshadowed by it's terrible Corruption and Evils. There
are many opportunities for Coin and Adventure but not so much for Life and saddling down.

This continent Will face great disaster in the future and it's up to the players what roles they
chose to play in the unfolding events. Not getting involved is also an option.

Intense, planned Battle with a lot of Brain Storming, Puzzles, Planning, Adventure and almost
every desire or fantasy your character could have, here they can fulfil it.

Roleplay Focused

The once great kingdom that expanded over multiple continents. A great nation boasting in
not only military and economical might but also in vast magical techniques, culture, technology,
mysteries and seemingly endless possibilities. Now standing at the brink of ruin, proving time and
time again that no matter how mighty the nation, all you need is an incompetent enough ruler for
everything to crumble. All their mightiest warriors, greatest treasures and artefact now Lost in
the chase for power.

Be it stranded in the great sea of trees of the great Kovalsky Forest, now only serving to
entertain the flora and fauna inhabiting it or forever lost at the bottom of the far sea, faded in the
Leviathan infested waters.

It all started may generations ago, in the search for more land and power, the rulers of
Kasamira dared, time and time again, to break the One and Only absolute rule passed down by
their ancestors “Never Sail the black as night seas and never cross in to the red forest”.

Time and time again, ships were sent full of the hopes and dreams of countless people, never
to return or be seen again. All, Swallowed up by the Gargantuan Leviathans.

Time and time again, caravans were sent with enough resources to build a new tomorrow,
never to return or be seen again. All disappearing in the Red Kovalsky Mist.

All that is left in Kasamira now is greed, despair and suffering for most of its inhabitants.
Today, all the law-abiding citizens of this once great empire are either Rich enough to live an
grotesquely lavish life and squander away exorbitant sums of money for their own Pride and
Vanity, while chasing for infinitely more at the expense of others, or unfortunate enough to be at
the very bottom of the food chain. Chained to the bottom by all those that once swore to protect
them, with no hopes for the future and no way out, those unable to put up a fight and fend for
themselves have no one to help them.

Well, it’s not like the lives of the people have anything to do with you, you can fight and earn a
good life with your own wit and strength. Countless Labyrinths and Dungeons to explore, one
deadlier than the other, filled with treasure, just waiting for someone crazy or desperate enough
to dive in to try and take them. Will your tactical genius succeed in a solving the forgotten puzzles
of far-gone civilisations or will you become another number that no one even bothers to count, a
corpse without and name and without a grave, in the ever-increasing causalities of the rotten,
never-ending corruption?

The actions of the players in this campaign may go down in the History of the whole nation or
even the entire continent. Their names to be remembered as legend, for generations to come.

Allied Factions:
- The Arch Fey
- Foxhay
- Verda
- Skylar
- Sound Lurkers
- Shurima’Ra
- Gold Dragons
- Imperial Storm
Enemy Factions:
- Babylon
- Chimera Omega
- Pirate Haven
- Mytra

• HE - The Holy Empire: Babylon

For Once a "Holy Empire" that is Truly Righteous and Holly. Now in distress since the
mysterious disappearance of their One True God and Protector Deity.

Will you save them and help them find their God or will you try to Destroy them for your own

Light hearted Exploration and fun adventure. Just enjoy the ride, the cool and cinematic story and
scenery. The one and only LEGIT Holy Empire will have your back, as long as you remain one of
Lore Focused

The Mighty and Imposing Superpower that rules over must of the main Supercontinent of
Babylonia is at the brink of war with the surrounding countries. The sudden and inexplicable
disappearance of their God and Symbol of Peace has made the surrounding countries become
arrogant and foolish enough to try and take a piece of the empire for themselves.

The empire does wish to find out what happened to their God but it is not essential for she is
only a Symbol, even as she walked the ground of the Imperial Capital, her influence was Second
Only to the Pope himself. It is the great Pope that has founded the Empire himself, it is by his
guidance and care that the Holy Empire went from being a simple Port city on the western Coast,
to an unbeatable Giant that Dictates the Laws and Makes the Coin of the Entire World.

With all essential the troops deployed and keeping the wars and disasters at bay everywhere
all over the Imperial territory, there are not enough troops to spare for a wild goose chase
around the world, to search for close on every single island and clue that might pop up.
By the wisdom of the great pope and his Prophetic Prowess, you have been selected to
participate in Top Secret operation, to find and put together all the missing pieces of this
inexplicable disappearance.

Make use with your wit and cunning to gain a good start from your Auditorium with the Pope
as the beginning of your journey and wisely chose how to spend them to boost your success. You
will be able to keep receiving more support and resources in accordance to your results, weather
you struggle to scrape by and trip at every step or enjoy the peak of luxury from beginning to the
end, it is All Up to You and Your Team!

Allied Factions:
- Azgard
- Foxhay
- Verda
- Mytra
- Gold Dragons
- Imperial Storm

Enemy Factions:
- Kasamira
- Chimera Omega
- Pirate Haven
- Shurima’Ra

• CL - The Forsaken Realm: Mytra

A Wide area where the players are free to roam around and explore.
If you want adventure, this is it!
This will be so wide, even the DMs Barely know what’s going to happen.
Your Only Goal: Survive another day. If you can do that, you can decide what to do afterwards.

Battle Focused

Learn to manage your resources and survive for as long as you can, In the hope that Some
Day, you’ll reach the end of the Desert. There is no clear Objective for this campaign, anything
that happens, be it good or bad, is completely up to you to handle however you chose.
You can keep going forward towards the myth of a legendary Green Land; filled with plants, life
food and anything you could ever wish for as a desert wanderer. A land that you might never
even be able to reach.
You can find a town to inhabit and live in to the best of your abilities, it surely is better than the
desert, if you’re more ambitious you could even come to rule it, or even Build Your own. Just be
sure that you can take care of yourself before you try and take care of others.

In a land so poor that you have to struggle just to get even the most basic of resources, do
you think you have what it takes to become a True Ruler and Conqueror of the Worst Continent
in the entirety of Elyps and the known world or will you become one with the grins of the
endless Seas of Sand, nothing more than a corpse with no name and no grave.
Allied Factions:
- Mytra
- Babylon
- Pirate Haven
- Imperial Storm
Enemy Factions:
- Kasamira
- Chaos Lands
- Chimera Omega
- The Ancient Ones
- Skevens
- Shurima’Ra

Individual Factions
Outsider factions are not active campaigns but can still be interacted with by any of the
players of the 3 Campaigns.

May be available for One Shots and Events, Occasionally.

Down below are the ones that the players until now have discovered and what information
they have about them:

Spoiler warning, read at your own risk!

• I.S. - The Foreign Empire: Imperial Storm

(Secret Faction, Please Keep in mind during RP)

Coming from an unknown continent, outsider of the Main Continent where the Game will
Take place, the Imperial Storm Players have greater natural power and potential than any other
race or civilization.

Boasting incredible Cunning and mastery of MagiTech that could easily dominate and take
over the main continent of Elyps by force, they decided to instead Learn, Adapt and mix in among
the groups and powers of the Maine Continent.

No one except the highest-ranking officials and their kin know why but their civilization is
choosing such a course of action but is seems that they are progressing towards their hidden goal
at an alarming rate.

Strategy Focused

This faction is an addition to the campaign that will bring a plethora of new Homebrew
content, stories, items and adventures. Imperial Storm is like the Must Expansive and Expensive
DLC you’ve ever see.
You must play to find out about this one. .

Allied Factions:
- Mytra
- Babylon
- Pirate Haven
- Imperial Storm
Enemy Factions:
- Kasamira
- Chaos Lands
- Chimera Omega
- The Ancient Ones
- Skevens
- Shurima’Ra

• F.S. - The Frozen South: Azgard

A Viking like culture that evolved in a Frozen Wasteland, filled with magical creatures and
monsters. The Azgardians are BIG, Strong and Stubborn.

Having respect only for the strong and competent, they are one of the simplest allies that you
could ever have. If you can meet their standard and respect their base laws, you will be regarded
as family by any Azgardian.

Roleplay Focused

Heavily inspired by the real-life Norse Mythology, Azgard is the answer to the “What If the
Vikings got Isekaied to a fantasy world of Sword and Magic?”. Explore the hellish fantasy tundra
and face all the Horrors that it has to offer.

Just make sure you have a good hygiene before making first contact, you wouldn’t want
Them to make sure you don’t stink.
Allied Factions:
- Freilyord
- Babylon
- Foxhay
- Imperial Storm
Enemy Factions:
- Protigen
- The Nightmares
- Chimera Omega
- Frozen Sun
- Selebatir
- White Dragons

• C.L. – The Chaos Lands: Shurima’Ra

A region of the Forsaken Realm that has declared independence from Mytra.
Starting as a City State, it is now a thriving and rapidly expanding metropolis, colonising
the desert and making it inhabitable and hospitable for civilization to grow.
Constantly at war eithbothe the extremely aggressive wildlife of the Chaos Lands and the
attacks from Mytra who won’t accept their absolute dominance over the Forsaken Realm being
undermined they have grown to be an extremely tough and resilient.
This war is in an unbreakable deadlock since the people of Mytra are not strong enough
to conquer Shurima’Ra or fight back against their overwhelmingly powerful Ascended Heres but
unfortunately they also posses an unknown way of being undetected by the wildlife of the desert
can exploe it without the constant risk of being devoured.
Thanks to the deserts of the rest of the Forsaken Realm being even more deadly than the
ones of the Chaos Lands, Shurima’Ra is unable to go past its own borders and push in towards the
lands of Mytra but is too strong to be conquered by their inferior armies who had not grown as
battle hardened and resilient because of their mysterious protection and reduced conflict.
Allied Factions:
- Kasamira
- Chaos Lands
- The Ancient Ones
- Imperial Storm
Enemy Factions:
- Mytra
- Babylon
- Chimera Omega
- Pirate Haven
- Skevens
- Blue Dragons

• F.X. – The New Haven: Foxhay

The city of Foxhay is a Wander of technology and magic that has been designed to be a Safe
Haven for Kitsune and races alike.
Created with the use of MagiTek, this ground breaking, monumental feet of engineer is a
self sustaining ecosystem. A veritable ARK that requires no outside interference to sustain
itself. An entire Mountain transformed in to a flying island that can soar past the horizon and
the high heavens faster than light is able to travel, this city is thought to be indestructible.
From its walls that are kilometres in thickness and form a perfect circle around the city; it’s
13 Gargantuan Towers that stretch towards the haves, even taller than the very mountain they
guard; Countless MagiTek Gates to bring you to the colossal Central Hub in the mountain, from
which sprout countless MagiTek Railways that will let you glide to any destination in the city at
extreme Speeds with no risk; every single inch of this city being completely modular, easily
disassembled, reassembled, changed, upgraded or modified with close to no effort by anyone
qualified; Well thought out and always adapting facilities, laws and political systems that will
protect and take care of the population without fail.
Every Citizen within the city walls is guaranteed to be not only protected but also trained,
educated to be able to protect and care for both themselves and those around them,
benefitting of infrastructure designed and already in place to support the city growth for the
next few hundreds of generation, Foxhay seems to have no blind spots or weaknesses that can
be exploited.
With every passing moment it’s just growing and nothing can stop it or stand in its way.
Lore Focused
Allied Factions:
- Azgard
- Shurima’Ra
- Verda
- Kasamira
- Babylon
- The Architect
- Imperial Storm
Enemy Factions:
- Chimera Omega
- Pirate Haven
- Monsters Hunter Union
- Architect Alliance
- Purist Faction

• S.F. - The Hearth of Elyps: Sky FaIl

The city of one of the founding members of The World Aliance

Allied Factions:
- Foxhay
- Babylon
- Azgard
- Imperial Storm
Enemy Factions:
- Chimera Omega

Vlad’s Notes:
• Anyone willing to help with development is more than Welcome.

• This will be an Enormous Project and I plan to hopefully have Multiple Groups of Players
involved in writing this world’s story, each being part of this own Great Adventure. At separate
times in history and different parts of the world.

• The different groups will most likely Never Interact with each other at all since they are all part
of Different campaigns based on the same book, lore and system. But will feel each other's
actions on the large scale since they are all in the same world.

Discord Notes:
• You need special permissions to join and use the Private Discord Serve: Imperial Storm

• Once allowed on the Discord Server, you must be an active part of the community and
familiarize yourself with your teammates.

• Notice: The player manifest, entrance test instruction and other useful campaign essentials are
kept at the end of the document, discord only holds potential Information or guidelines.
<> Joining System and Restrictions:
• Choose One of the 3 campaigns. The 4th choice is an optional pick available for all 3 campaigns.

• There are 3 Factions to join (Distinct Player Groups) and each one has 5 players, each group
of players is situated on a different continent.

• The entire 2nd Echelon has been converted into a Private Playtest group and won’t interact
with Echelon 1.

Reason: The DM is doing all this for Free for your enjoyment so Managing 6 distinct groups of 5
people each (to a total of 30 People for a single Big Campaign) all Alone and Sacrificing 6 days of
the week is Unreasonable, so the active campaign and player limit has Been set

• The best answers in the Entry Test will earn their place in Echelon;

• Once a Continent (MK, HE, CL) has 5/5 Players (Accepted players will revive the role
“Echelon 1” and access to their respective Private Continental Channel in the Discord Server). The
entry for that specific campaign is considered Closed.
You are not allowed to choose it anymore.

• You can only vote and be in Echelon 1. Echelon 2 is only allowed for Private Testing players.

• You can only choose 1 Continent to play in.

• The bonus fiction “Imperial Storm” is an Added Content choice; it does not have its separate
story line. Once you choose to be Affiliated or Originating from the bonus faction, you’ll unlock
special Benefits provided by that faction and access to the Private Lore and Information.
For lore purposes, Imperial Storm [I.S.] players must not be discovered by Non I.S. players, NPC or
creatures, Be Careful, don’t let your Secret Be Discovered.

• Before being allowed in the server, you are require to send the DM an Application that can
be found in this DOCX. Finding and

• Failing to comply with the rules and DM to at list a decent level will resolution in denial of

• For Roleplay reason, it is not allowed to play a different Gender than your current Real-Life

This rule is no longer set but Negotiable since 29 - August - 2023.

No, You won’t be able to have your own harem made from you as the guy and your homies as
the girls.


Some of the Homebrew Content:

• Coin Values are now classified in 5 Ranks
1. PP – Platinum (King’s Coin)
2. GP – Gold (Royalty and High Nobility)
3. EP – Electrum (Rich and Luxurious)
4. SP – Silver (Merchants and Good adventurers)
5. CP – Copper (The money of the average citizens)

Any normal Bank or Merchant Guild should have the ability to exchange your money for equal
value with no fees. If you give 100 coins of the same type you will receive 1 of a higher rank and
vice versa (EX: Give 100 SP = Get 1 EP; Give 1 PP = Get 100 GP).
The prices for some items have been Rebalanced to match the new coin values:
A normal peasant can live and eat with a single CP for 1 day.
You can buy a house to use as your homebase for a few hundred GP and save on Logging Fees.

Simplified because people keep saying “I don’t get it”:

1 Platinum = 100 Gold

1 Gold = 100 Electrum
1 Electrum = 100 Silver
1 Silver = 100 Copper = 1 Credit = 1 Gold Coin Worth in Vanila D&D
5 Copper = Can Keep a Peasant Fed for 1 Day
1 Copper = Buy Basic Necessities

• Logging Prices:
Star Rating - Price = Monthly Price & Quality
6 - 20 GP = Royal Suit
5 - 5 GP = Luxury Inn
4 - 10 EP = Rich Inn
3 - 60 SP = Business Inn
2 - 25 SP = Economy Inn
1 - 10 SP = Cheep Inn

• Non-Lethal (Capture, Knockout, Incapacitate) changes:

If it makes sense physically and realistically, you would normally be able to subdue a creature
(Unless a DM specifies otherwise) BUT be careful, if a non-PC creature hits 0 HP it dies
Immediately. However, non-PC creature might become incapacitated or attempt to escape /
retaliate before their HP hits 0.
Knockout can be done in different ways as well, Arrows, Swards, Magic and Skill checks (EX:
Acrobatics for Karate manoeuvres; Throwing a fireball at the wall and knocking them out with the
impact of the blast) may be possible.

• Player at 0 HP have different mechanics will be implemented:

If a player hits 0, it will be classified as “Unable to stop yourself from going in a critical
condition” which could mean knocked out, bleeding out or another factor that would make you
Yes, that also means there are no Death Save Roles. If your “Integrity” (Status value known
only by the DM) Does not hit 0 as well you can be rescued. The bad part is that the lower your
Integrity is, the harder it will be for you to be rescued and you’ll need a longer time to recover.
Your life is your Integrity, not your HP.

• Bleeding status:
Once a creature is in a Critical State it starts bleeding out and fall to the ground. ( EX: when your
HP hits 0 for a PC, when the HP is nearing 0 for an NPC )
A creature will have an unknown amount of time to get someone that is downed Back Up, the
longer they take the more integrity is drained. Damage received while in this state will also go
directly in to your Integrity.
Monsters and NPCs also have Integrity

To stop the bleeding of any living creature:

-Do a successful (variate a on the wound) medicine check within 5ft of him;
-Restore enough HP for the wound to close on its own.

• Overlapping Mechanics: If you hit a target with an attack that can be considered as Area
Hazard (It does damage to the entire Square or can be considered a 5ft AOE), any other creature
(Player, NPC, Monster or Enemy) that also occupies the same square will also be affected, even if
the attack is Single target like for example a Fire Ball, something standing over the thing you have
hit with said fireball, also get caught in the blast.

• If Swarms types or Larger creatures, which can spread out or occupy more than 1 square of
space is hit by an Area Hazard attack, it will cause anything that occupies one or more of the
quarts of space it is occupying at the moment it’s hit to take said damage as well.

In short, Do Not Fireball a swarm of rats or an owlbear while your party members or allies are IN
or ON It, you’ll hit them as well!

• DM Loves Realism so there may be some Homebrew actions such as pushbacks, knockdowns or
structural damage, if they make sense.

• Realistic Combat and Actions are allowed and appreciated. If you want to try and do something
fancy like Shooting a Small Creature with an arrow in the foot and pin it in place; take an arrow or
a dagger to jam on to a wall to stop yourself from falling to your death; pick a rat by the tail and
swing it like a nunchaku instead of an improvised weapon or break the bottom of the shop you’re
on to flood and sink it:

Ask The DM, he may or may not allow it, You also might have to pass a Check or a Save to Pull it

• Special Elements:
The campaign was made to be a little bit more challenging than most and All players can choose a
Special Element for their character like a Custom:
- Race
- Effect
- Power
- Background
- Item
Remember, the more you get from one side, the more you’ll lose from another, the DM will help
you balance it, just explain to him what you wish for and work something out.

Be Warned, the DM might be magnanimous, but everything has a price.

References and Examples:

- Player Asmodeus had:

Custom Ability: Eyes of Fate
Once per Long Rest, use your Divination to Cast 3 Dice of 1d20 that can change Fate itself and
Keep the 3 dice in your soul until you use it or you take a Long Rest.
For every Active action (To Hit) of yourself or another creature you can see or pinpoint its exact
location, choose one of the 3 dice and Burn It from your soul.
Upon burning a dice roll 1d100. Only it’s an Uneven Number, the effect of the burnt dice will
activate and Replace the Roll that you targeted with itself.

- Player Motan had:

Custom Race: Magical Cat
Set Race as Cat
(Even the HP dice is 1d4 like that of a cat, he starts with 4 HP and only gains 1d4 HP every level)

<> Advantage: DEX, Acrobatics, Stealth, Insight, Survival and Investigation;
~ Also on Damage types: Fall, Blast, Poison and Radiant.

<> Disadvantage: CON, Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion and Animal Handling.

~ Also on Damage types: Fire, Electric, Slashing, Piercing and Necrotic.

- Player Lucy had:

Custom Item: The Staff of Lucy
After Casting a Spell, choose whether or not you wish to channel it true the power of your staff.
If you channel a spell true the staff, roll 1d100. If the roll is an Uneven Number, you Succeed and
not use a spell slot. If used for 2nd level spell slots or higher, drains [spell level]d4 HP upon failure.

- Player Tactical Advantage had:

Custom Race: Metamorf

If the aliens from Prey (2017) and the Xenomorph from Alien were a Single Creature that
creature would be a Metamorf.

Study an Object for a certain number of hours to gain the ability to transform in to it.
Roll 1d[Value] for the number of hours it takes to learn the transformation.
The Value is the product of Size X Complexity.

- Size
Tiny = 1
Small = 2
Medium = 3
Large = 4
Extra Large = 5

- Complexity:
Raw material = 1
Simple Constructs and Tools = 2
Mechanical and Simple Machinery = 3
Complex Machinery and Electronics = 4
Biological Creature and Magical Items = 5

Once a shapeshift is learned it will be registered in the memory of the Metamorf for a few
centuries as an individual mimik form.
- For every 3 consecutive hours being in the shape of something, you gain 1 proficiency with that
- Before reaching 13 proficiency, you need an hourly DC 13 INT Check to maintain your shape.
- Upon being damaged while mimicking, do another DC 13 INT Save to see if you can Simulate the
damage the legitimate objects would take (the dent or change in its shape) instead of taking the
damage. If the object gets destroyed or split in two parts that go further than 10 ft from each
other, the transformation is done.
- If you mimic something that has integrity (HP) Your HP becomes that of what you are mimicking
while in that form.
- You do not impersonate things, You Become Them. If you have Proficiency in that form, you
assume all of their properties while mimicking it.
- If what you are mimicking goes to 0 HP or you are unable to mimic it anymore, the mimicry is
- The damage you took while mimicking will be subtracted from your actual HP Pool when the
transformation is undone. You cannot have less than 1 HP when the transformation is Undone.

<> Fake Mimik:

You can transform in a low quality, unanimated, non-magical version of something, for 1d10
minutes without studying it if you succeed in an Intelligence Check against the Maximum Value of
what you are trying to mimik.

PS: The Examples are from the Past, you can still choose them or create something similar.
As long as it’s not already taken, let your imagination run Wild.
• Full list of Homebrew Changes, Rules and Elements, Updated:

Disclaimer: Some of the new rules might still be awaiting approval and are marked with - A?

To be allowed to Join the Campaign you must pass

the Bare Minimum Competence Test
• Proper way to complete the entrance test:
The campaign was made to be easy to access but some people still fail to do so, therefore Here is
a guide on “How to properly Complete the Test”. Copy it then properly write the answers over it
(get rid of the [explanations]).

The DM will first evaluate you on your ability to Copy Paste and answer this, then give
you an answer.

__**Bare Minimum Competence Test**__

**Earn your right to join the Campaign:**

-From Below This-

**<> Real Life**

- Age: [ Are you 18? Yes / No ]
- Sex: [ Male / Female / What You Identify As ]
- Religious and Cultural Restrictions: [ Anything that will offend your religion if it were to happen
in game, such as being Mussulman and not wanting to assassinate the Sultan on a mission or
being Catholic and not wanting to defy the Pope.

If you have any such issues, please mention them here so you won’t have to worry about them
happening in the game]

**<> In Game**
- Playstyle: [ How you like to play, what role you usually enjoy filling in the party ]
- Race: [ Official Race or potentially Homebrew that must be mentioned at Special Element in
more detail. Write the Race name Here ]
- Class: [ Official Class or Potentially Homebrew that that must be mentioned at Special Element
in more detail. Write the Class name Here ]
- Preferences (About Campaign Content): [ What kind of adventure you prefer the must, where
you feel more in your element.
Examples: Climb mountains and volcanos, explore forests, the ruins of fallen empires or ravines;
fight Dinosaurs, Aaracakra, Dragons, Sand Warms or maybe even Cthulhu Himself. ]
- What you would like in the campaign: [ Anything at all that you’d actually, legitimately want
the DM to actually see in the campaign and you think is reasonable to ask the DM for them.
Examples: To achieve my character’s goal and defeat my mortal enemy, find the G Spot, make my
own kingdom, good cooperation. ]
- What you wouldn’t like in the campaign: [ Things about the Players or the Content are perfectly
Examples: Meta Gaming, Minmaxing, Railroading, Paedophiles, Angry & Edgy Assassins that ruins
the party synergy, or even worse, BARDS!! ]
- Describe what special element would you like (Race, Power, Item, Etc.): [ It’s meant to make
you more unique and make the game more Enjoyable, sometimes to also give you more potential
to do what you want. It’s usually tied with your Background, Story, Purpose and Lore of your
character and the world.
Examples: I want a Bracelet that allows me to Warp, I want to be able to fly as this nonflying race,
I want a cool combat technique to be able to parkour like Batman, I want to be able to breathe
under water; I want this custom Race / Class that I previously mentioned, here is the description
of it. ]

**<> Campaign**
- Which campaign you chose to apply for: [ MK / HE / CL. Chose the campaign and type the 2
letters ]
- What attracted you towards it: [ Reason why you wish to join this instead of the other two
campaigns. “Because the others are Full” and “To join as quickly as possible” are not valid or
acceptable reasons.
Examples: The Puzzles, the concept, exploring, the difficulty, the site seeing or whatever notion
that made you chose that specific campaign over the other, not just because the other 2 are full,
you can still apply for a campaign that is Full but you are going to have to wait for a spot to free
up. ]

-Until Above This-

/ Instruction Manual \
- Copy the entire marked text above: Everything that is between the yellow markers as
plain text, Excluding the markers themselves.

- Paste it in Discord Chat exactly as it is.

- Write your answers after the parentheses.

- Delete all the parenthesis and everything that is in them.

- Make sure the Formatting is Correct and Presentable.

- Read and make sure your answers comply with the requirements in the note below.
- Send the message to the DM on Discord.

If you do not mess up the formatting, the Discord bot will notify one of the DMs and your
Application will be evaluated, if you mess up than there is no guarantee that any of the DMs will
even get the Chance to see your application.

Once the Evaluation is complete you will be notified in Private by the same DM you send
the application to, regarding to weather you failed, or you’re allowed in the community and have
a chance to take one of the available slots.

Many People fail to read this because they think they don’t need to. All of them ended up
Breaking the Rules written below and failing the test.


Please make sure to complete everything correctly and well explained / argumented.

It is necessary for the story and the course of the campaign since our DMs love to make
the sessions personalised for the enjoyment of every player.

Saying that you “prefer anything” / “do not mind anything” or giving a vague answer with
nothing that the DM can construct upon is Failing the NOTE section of the requirements.

If it is asked in the test that you Must complete it to pass said test, what you thought,
wanted or believed is irrelevant.

Failing the Formatting, skipping lines or information, leaving “-”s empty or failing to
comply with any of the basic instructions will result in your request being DENIED. Be 100% Sure
you copied everything Correctly, BEFORE You Actually Send It!

Make the text look in the Discord Message just like it looks here, the Bot does not count
Space or ENTER as a character so feel free to send it in multiple messages if it does not fit. As long
as it is in order, correctly formatted and hopefully looks nice, it will pass the formatting test.

Meme answers are funny and might make a DM chuckle but do not go overboard, as
much as people enjoy a Comic Relief character, no one wants to have to put their lives in the
hands of one, IRL or In Roleplay.

Treat this as a formal work e-mail, it will be judged the same way.

You take full responsibility for the quality of your own application, whether or not you are
accepted or denied is 100% up to you as an individual. Minor mistakes caused by faulty
equipment (Bad Spacing and Errors) might be excused if you manage to Correct them after they
have been pointed out by the DM or Recruiter you are submitting it to.

PS: This test was given to a 5 YO that barely learned English as his 2ND LANGUAGE and he
Passed with full marks.

__There is no Reason for failing this test, Just Excuses!__

Backup TEST
If you can’t Copy & Paste, you can Try This:


Remember to inform the recruiter if you have taken the Backup TEST instead.

When the 2 conditions below are both met:

- You are using the Form, instead of sending the text to your DM in private.
- If the DM advertising and handling the session of recruitment you are attempting to
join is named: CristianVlad2013

You Must:
a. Make Sure you Finished the Form so it gets registered and Saved.
b. Send Him private message notifying you have completed the form.
c. Understand that his Cheap Xiaomi Phone won’t send him any notifications at all
until he already Manually Checked and Answered. He does check Discord
whenever able.

Campaign Status and Available Slots:

• Echelon 1: [ 14/15 Players ] Join Here!

MK: 2/5 – Wednesday At 3:30 pm – GMT- LV 8

HE: 5/5 – Tuesday At 3:30 pm – GMT- LV 8

CL: 5/5 – Saturday At 3:30 pm – GMT- LV 8

IS: 7/15 – Secret Agents Infiltrated in the Echelons.

Currently: All Games are at 3:30 pm – GMT

There can be Changes to the times.

• Echelon 2: [ 5/5 Players ] Playtest Version UNAVAILABLE!! For New Members

SF: 4/5 – Sunday Private! At 3:30 pm – GMT- LV 4

IS: 4/15 – Secret Agents Infiltrated in the Echelon.

There can not be Changes to the times.

As a consequence of the In Game Actions and Achievements of the players, the Magic
Kingdom of the 2nd Echelon became an official campaign and region, taking the name of Sky FaIl.

However the Joining Requirements still remain as Private, must be Invited by the DM of
Sky FaIl. To be invited, be an good and active member of the community, regardless of weather
you are in one of the 3 Main Campaigns or Not.

<> Your DM will no longer send it to you the test himself, since 13 - September - 2022,
the very SIMPLE Questioner that you must successfully complete before joining. After you’ve
finished reading and feel prepared to take the challenge, you must send the Test to the DM via
Discord to Apply for the Game.

- The Questioner Above is Extremely simple, everything is well ordered and spelled out
for you in the instructions. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask the DM without
being a Karen and he will gladly help you.

- Every DM must answer many people every time there is a recruitment, none of the DMs
from any of the currently available campaigns in The Dawn of Evolution have any obligation to
answer questions that are already answered in the document.

- Everything you do, from the 1st message you send is being evaluated:

+ How you act and react.

+ How much attention you actually paid to the details and instructions, from the moment you
read the message on the server, to the very last interaction with the Recruitment DM before
you’re actually Accepted or Rejected.
+ Your creativity, patience, perspective about D&D and the Campaign.

It’s all part of the test that decides whether you’re going to be part of the Campaign that
CristianVlad2013 (the Main DM) has poured all his heart and soul into, for Years.

<> If you are Unable to do even that little, this campaign is not a place for you.

Last Updated:
7 – June – 2024

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