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QUESTION: Write a letter to a friend in another school telling him/her about sanitation and at least
three importance of keeping the environment clean.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Hi Friend,

I hope this letter finds you well and thriving in your new school! I miss our conversations and thought I'd
share something that's been on my mind lately - the importance of sanitation and keeping our
environment clean.

Our school has been emphasizing the significance of sanitation and cleanliness, and I've come to realize
just how crucial it is for our health, well-being, and even the planet's future! A clean environment is
essential for preventing the spread of diseases. When our surroundings are dirty and unsanitary, it creates
a breeding ground for germs and bacteria to thrive. This can lead to the spread of diseases like cholera,
typhoid, and even COVID-19! By keeping our environment clean, we reduce the risk of getting sick and
protect ourselves and those around us.

Moreover, keeping our environment clean helps conserve natural resources. When we litter and pollute
our environment, we waste precious natural resources like water, air, and land. By keeping our
surroundings clean, we conserve these resources for future generations and reduce the risk of
environmental disasters like oil spills and toxic waste.

A clean environment is also vital for supporting wildlife and biodiversity. When our surroundings are
polluted, it harms plants, animals, and even entire ecosystems! By keeping our environment clean, we
protect the delicate balance of nature and preserve the beauty and wonder of the world around us.

In conclusion, I hope this makes you think about the importance of sanitation and cleanliness, just like it
has for me. Let's make a conscious effort to keep our schools, homes, and communities clean and green!
We owe it to ourselves, our planet, and future generations to take care of our environment.
Take care, and let's catch up soon!

Your Friend,
[Your First Name]
QUESTION: Write a letter to the member of parliament telling him/her about violence associated
elections in your area and suggesting at least three solutions to solving it.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Member of Parliament,
Nsawam-Adoagyiri Constituency,
P. O. Box 336,
Dear Honorable Member of Parliament,
I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing concern in our constituency - the persistent violence
associated with elections in our area. As a constituent, I am deeply troubled by the recurring incidents of
violence, intimidation, and harassment that mar our electoral processes. This not only undermines the
integrity of our democracy but also puts the lives of innocent citizens at risk.

The violence associated with elections in our area is a complex issue with deep-rooted causes, including
political polarization, ethnic tensions, and socioeconomic factors. However, I believe that with your
leadership and commitment, we can work towards finding solutions to this pressing problem. Here are
three suggestions to address election-related violence in our area:

Firstly, I recommend the establishment of an independent electoral commission to oversee the electoral
process. This commission should be composed of impartial individuals with a proven track record of
integrity and fairness. By having an independent body manage the electoral process, we can reduce the
risk of political manipulation and bias, which often fuels violence and conflict.

Also, I suggest implementing community-based initiatives to promote peaceful coexistence and conflict
resolution. This could include programs that bring together community leaders, youth, and other
stakeholders to promote dialogue, understanding, and peaceful resolution of conflicts. By fostering a
culture of peace and tolerance, we can reduce the likelihood of violence erupting during elections.

To add to, I propose increasing police presence and security measures during the electoral period. This
should include deploying neutral and impartial security personnel to sensitive areas, as well as
implementing measures to prevent the proliferation of weapons and other dangerous materials. By
ensuring a visible and effective security presence, we can deter potential perpetrators of violence and
provide a safe environment for citizens to exercise their right to vote.

I urge you to take these suggestions seriously and work towards implementing them in the upcoming
elections. I believe that with your leadership and commitment, we can create a more peaceful and
inclusive electoral process that reflects the values of our democracy. Thank you for your time and
consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]
QUESTION: Write a letter to a friend in another town telling him/her about how you narrowly escaped
an accident.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Hi [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I'm writing to share a harrowing experience I had
recently, and I'm still shaken but grateful to be alive.

Last week, I was involved in a near-fatal accident that could have ended differently. I was driving home
from school when a car suddenly swerved into my lane, and I had to swerve off the road to avoid a
collision. My car skidded and spun out of control, but somehow, I managed to regain control and avoid
crashing into a nearby tree.

It was a terrifying experience, and I'm still trying to process how close I came to disaster. The thought of
what could have happened keeps replaying in my mind, and I'm reminded of how fragile life is.

Despite the shock and fear, I'm grateful for the narrow escape. It's made me realize how precious life is
and how quickly things can change. I've been taking stock of my priorities and relationships, and I'm
making a conscious effort to cherish every moment and connection I have.

I wanted to share this experience with you, dear friend, because I value our friendship and want you to
know how much you mean to me. Life is unpredictable, and we never know what's around the corner.
Let's make the most of every moment and stay in touch more often. Take care, and let's catch up soon!

Yours Friendly,
[Your Full Name]

QUESTION: Write a letter to a friend in another town telling him/her about why you prefer attending a
single sex school to a mixed school.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Hello [Friend's Name],

Hope this letter finds you well! I've been thinking a lot about our conversation last time we met, and I
wanted to share my thoughts on why I prefer attending a single-sex school over a mixed school.

Firstly, I find that single-sex schools provide a more focused and distraction-free learning environment.
Without the presence of the opposite gender, I can concentrate better on my studies and extracurricular
activities without unnecessary distractions. I've noticed that I'm more productive and engaged in class,
which has positively impacted my academic performance.
Also, single-sex schools offer a sense of camaraderie and sisterhood that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Being surrounded by girls who share similar experiences and challenges creates a strong bond and
support system. We encourage and uplift each other, and I feel a sense of belonging and acceptance that I
might not have found in a mixed school.

Lastly, I believe that single-sex schools provide a safe space for self-expression and exploration. Without
the pressure of impressing the opposite gender, I feel more comfortable being myself and trying new
things. I've discovered new interests and talents, and I'm more confident in my abilities and decisions.

Of course, I understand that mixed schools have their own advantages, and I respect your perspective.
However, for me, the benefits of a single-sex school outweigh the drawbacks. I'm grateful for the
opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that feels tailored to my needs and preferences.

Let's catch up soon and discuss this further!

Your friend,
[Your First Name]

QUESTION: Write a letter to the minister of energy complaining about the recent power outages and
stating at least 2 effects it has on your preparedness towards the BECE

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Minister of Energy,
The Ministry of Energy,
P. O. Box 336,
Dear Honorable Minister of Energy,

I am writing to express my deep frustration and concern about the recent frequent power outages in my
area. As a student preparing for the upcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), I am
finding it extremely challenging to study and prepare adequately due to the persistent electricity cuts.

The power outages have had a significant impact on my preparedness for the BECE, and I would like to
highlight two critical effects:

Firstly, the lack of electricity has hindered my ability to study effectively during the evening hours,
which is typically the most productive time for me. Without power, I am unable to use essential resources
like my computer, lamps, and internet, making it difficult to complete my assignments and study for my

Also, the power outages have caused me to fall behind schedule, as I am unable to access online
resources and study materials that require electricity. This has put me at a disadvantage compared to my
peers who have consistent access to electricity, and I fear that this will negatively impact my performance
in the upcoming exams.
I kindly request that you take immediate action to address this issue and ensure a stable power supply. I
believe that every student deserves an equal opportunity to succeed, and I hope that you will take my
concerns seriously. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]

QUESTION: Cheating in examinations has become rampant of late. Write a letter to the Director of
Education addressing this issue and suggest three ways by which this problem can be stopped.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Director of Education,
Ghana Education Service,
P. O. Box 336,
Dear Director of Education,

I am writing to bring to your attention the growing concern of cheating in examinations. This issue has
become rampant in recent times, and it is imperative that we address it promptly to maintain the integrity
of our education system.

Cheating in examinations not only undermines the value of education but also creates an unfair advantage
for those who engage in it. It is our responsibility to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to
succeed based on their own merits.

To combat this problem, I suggest the following measures.

First of all, there must be the implementation of strict examination rules and regulations: Establishing
clear guidelines and consequences for cheating will help deter students from engaging in this behavior.
This could include measures such as metal detectors, bag checks, and strict supervision during exams.

Also, technology should be utilized to prevent cheating: Leverage technology to make cheating more
difficult. For instance, using digital tools to randomly shuffle questions and answers, or implementing
AI-powered proctoring software to monitor students during online exams.

Furthermore, a culture of academic integrity must be built: Encourage students to value honesty and
integrity by incorporating character education into the curriculum. This can be achieved through
workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns that emphasize the importance of ethical behavior.

I believe that by implementing these measures, we can effectively curb cheating in examinations and
uphold the integrity of our education system. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]

QUESTION: As a senior Prefect of your school, write a letter to the Member of Parliament telling him
three problems which worry the pupils in your school.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Member of Parliament,
Nsawam-Adoagyiri Constituency,
P. O. Box 176,
Dear Sir,

I am writing to you today as the senior prefect of my school to bring to your attention three pressing
issues that worry the pupils in our institution. As a representative of my fellow students, I believe it is
essential to share our concerns with you, hoping that you can offer guidance and support in addressing
these challenges.

The first issue is the inadequate infrastructure in our school. Our classrooms are overcrowded, and the
lack of sufficient desks and chairs forces many students to sit on the floor during lessons. Additionally,
our school lacks a decent library, making it difficult for us to access resources and study materials. We
urgently need improvements to our school's infrastructure to create a conducive learning environment.

The second issue is the shortage of teachers in critical subjects such as mathematics, science, and
English. This has resulted in a heavy workload for the available teachers, making it challenging for them
to provide individual attention to students. We need more teachers to be employed to cater to the growing
student population and ensure that we receive the quality education we deserve.

The third issue is the safety and security of students in and around the school premises. We have noticed
an increase in criminal activities, such as theft and vandalism, which have created a sense of insecurity
among students. We need improved security measures, such as CCTV cameras and regular police patrols,
to ensure our safety and well-being.

I hope you will take our concerns seriously and work towards addressing these issues. We believe that
with your support, we can create a better learning environment and achieve our full potential. Thank you
for your time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your Full Name]
Senior Prefect, [School Name]
QUESTION: As the games prefect of your school, write a letter to the chairman of the Parent Teacher
Association complaining about the uncooperative attitude of the school authorities towards sports.
Royal Stars International School,
P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Chairman of Parent Teacher Association,
Royal Stars International School,
P. O. Box 285,
Dear Chairman,

I am writing to you today as the Games Prefect of our school to express my deep concern and frustration
regarding the uncooperative attitude of the school authorities towards sports. Despite my efforts and
those of my fellow students, we have faced numerous challenges and setbacks in our attempts to promote
and develop sports in our school.

The school authorities have consistently shown a lack of support and interest in sports, often prioritizing
academic pursuits over extracurricular activities. This has resulted in inadequate funding for sports
equipment and facilities, limited access to training grounds and facilities, insufficient time allocated for
sports practices and events and lack of encouragement and recognition for student athletes.

Furthermore, our proposals for sports events and tournaments have been met with resistance and
dismissal, without consideration for the benefits that sports can bring to students' physical and mental
well-being, teamwork, and school spirit.

I urge you to address this issue and work with us to find solutions that will promote a more supportive
and inclusive environment for sports in our school. We believe that a well-rounded education should
include both academic and extracurricular activities, and we hope that you will share our vision.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]
Games Prefect, [School Name]
QUESTION: The format of education in your school has become computerized. The teaching and
learning in your school is now all digitalized. You need some technological tools to help you in learning
but your parents cannot afford it. Write a letter to your uncle abroad, telling him about some things he
should purchase and give two reasons why you need them.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Dear Uncle [Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today because I need your help with something very
important to me - my education. As you know, our school has recently transitioned to a fully digitalized
format, and while this has brought many benefits, it has also created some challenges for me.

Our school requires us to have certain technological tools to keep up with the digital curriculum, but
unfortunately, my parents cannot afford to purchase them for me. That's why I'm turning to you, dear
uncle, for help.

Here are the tools I need:

First of all, I need a laptop or tablet. This is the most essential tool for me to access digital resources,
complete assignments, and participate in online classes. Having a laptop or tablet will enable me to keep
up with my peers and fully engage in the learning process.

Also a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. Our school recommends that we have a reliable internet connection to
access online resources and submit assignments. A portable Wi-Fi hotspot will allow me to have a stable
internet connection wherever I am, ensuring that I can complete my work efficiently.

I need these tools for two main reasons:

Firstly, they will enable me to keep up with my peers and fully participate in the digital learning
environment. Without them, I risk falling behind and struggling to keep up with the curriculum.

Also, having these tools will help me develop essential skills for the future. In today's digital age,
technology is an integral part of our daily lives, and having the skills to navigate and utilize digital tools
effectively will give me a head start in my future endeavors.

Thank you for considering my request, dear uncle. I would be forever grateful if you could help me
acquire these essential tools.

Your Nephew/Your Niece,

[Your First Name]

QUESTION: Write a letter to your penpal abroad telling him/her about the course you would like to
pursue in the Senior High School after your results have been released and why you would like to offer
such a course.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Hi [Penpal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am excited to share with you my plans for Senior High School, which I
will be starting soon. After receiving my results, I have decided to pursue the Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) course.

I have always been fascinated by science and mathematics, and I enjoy solving problems and
understanding how things work. The STEM course will allow me to explore these interests further and
develop skills in critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and creativity. I am particularly drawn to physics
and computer science, and I hope to specialize in one of these areas in the future.

My desire to pursue STEM is also driven by the desire to make a positive impact in my community. I
believe that science and technology have the power to solve some of the world's most pressing problems,
such as climate change, healthcare, and sustainable development. By acquiring knowledge and skills in
STEM, I hope to contribute to finding innovative solutions to these challenges.

Furthermore, pursuing STEM will open up various career opportunities for me, both locally and
internationally. I am excited about the prospect of working in a field that is constantly evolving and
innovating, and I believe that this course will provide me with a strong foundation for my future

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I look forward to sharing my progress with
you as I embark on this exciting journey.

Yours Friendly,

[Your First Name]

QUESTION: Most Ghanaian communities are filled with filth and the gutters are chocked. As a youth
community leader in your area, write a letter to the assembly member in your electoral area telling
him/her, the causes of the problem and suggesting two ways it can be solved.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Assembly Member,
Municipal Assembly,
P. O. Box 126,
Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue that affects our community's health, environment,
and overall well-being: the prevalence of filth and choked gutters. As a youth community leader, I have
witnessed firsthand the negative impact this has on our community, and I believe it is essential to address
the root causes and find solutions.

The causes of this problem are lack of effective waste management systems, inadequate education and
awareness about proper waste disposal, insufficient funding for sanitation infrastructure and maintenance
and inadequate enforcement of sanitation regulations.

To address this issue, I suggest the following solutions.

Firstly, implement a comprehensive waste management system that includes regular trash collection,
recycling programs, and proper disposal of hazardous waste. This can be achieved through collaborations
with private waste management companies and government agencies.

Also, organize community-led initiatives, such as clean-up events, education campaigns, and awareness
programs, to engage residents and encourage them to take ownership of their environment. This can be
done through partnerships with local schools, community groups, and religious organizations.

I believe that by addressing these causes and implementing these solutions, we can create a cleaner,
healthier, and more sustainable community for all. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]
Youth Community Leader
QUESTION: Write a letter to a friend in another school telling him/her about the preparations your
school is making towards the BECE.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I know we haven't spoken in a while, but I wanted to reach out and share
with you the excitement and buzz going on in our school right now. As you know, the BECE exams are
approaching, and our school is gearing up for it in a big way!

Preparations are in full swing, and our teachers and students are working tirelessly to ensure we're all
ready for the exams. To help us prepare, our teachers are conducting extra classes to help us revise and
practice what we've learned throughout the year. We've been having mock exams to simulate the real
exam experience and identify areas where we need to improve. Students are forming study groups to
collaborate and support each other in their studies. Our school counselors are providing guidance on
career choices and university options, which is really helpful.

The atmosphere in our school is electric, and everyone is motivated to do their best. We're all supporting
each other, and it's great to see. How about your school? How are your preparations going? I'd love to
hear about it. Let's stay in touch and support each other through this journey.

Yours ever,

[Your First Name]

QUESTION: Your female cousin abroad just turned 13 and has started engaging herself in irresponsible
adolescent behavior. Write a letter to her telling her the effects of what she is doing and advise her to put
a stop to it.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Dear [Cousin's Name],

Happy belated birthday! I hope you had an amazing 13th birthday celebration. I heard about some
changes in your behavior lately, and I wanted to reach out to you with love and concern.

As your older cousin, I want to share some wisdom with you. I know it's exciting to explore new things
and assert your independence, but please be aware of the consequences of your actions. Engaging in
irresponsible behavior can lead to strained relationships with family and friends, negative impact on your
mental and physical health, poor academic performance and lost opportunities, unwanted consequences
like peer pressure, bullying, or even legal issues.
Remember, you are young and talented, with so much potential! Don't let temporary thrills compromise
your bright future. You deserve better.

Here's my advice, surround yourself with positive influences and supportive friends, focus on your
passions and interests, like hobbies or sports, communicate openly with your parents or a trusted adult
about your feelings, prioritize self-care, self-respect, and self-love.

You are loved, capable, and strong. Don't let anyone or anything dull your sparkle. Make wise choices
and remember, I'm always here for you.

Your Cousin,
[Your First Name]
QUESTION: Your school has been missing out in sports and entertainment activities just because the
current headteacher detests sports and wants you to focus more on your books. Write a letter to him
telling him two reasons why your school must take part in such activities.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Headteacher,
Royal Stars International School,
P. O. Box 285,
Dear Headmaster,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concern about the lack of sports and
entertainment activities in our school. As a student, I believe that participating in these activities is
essential for our overall development and well-being.

Firstly, participating in sports and entertainment activities helps to develop our physical and mental
health. Engaging in sports improves our physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork skills, while
entertainment activities like music, drama, and art help to reduce stress and improve our creativity. This,
in turn, enhances our academic performance and overall well-being.

Also, participating in sports and entertainment activities provides us with opportunities to develop
important life skills like leadership, communication, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for
our future success and are often not taught in the classroom. By participating in sports and entertainment
activities, we can develop these skills in a fun and engaging way.

I understand that academics are important, but I believe that sports and entertainment activities
complement our academic pursuits and help us become well-rounded individuals. I kindly request that
you reconsider your stance and allow us to participate in sports and entertainment activities.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]
QUESTION: Your friends are planning a trip to an ocean side in the country. Write a letter to your
bestie, inviting him/her to join you on the trip

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
Hello [Bestie's Name],

Hey, guess what?! Our friends are planning an epic trip to the ocean side, and I wouldn't want to
experience it with anyone else but YOU!

Imagine us soaking up the sun, playing in the waves, and enjoying the salty sea air together. We'll have
the best time, just like we always do! We'll share stories, laugh, and make unforgettable memories.

The trip is planned for [insert dates], and we'll be staying at a cozy beachside resort. Our friends have
already started preparing an amazing itinerary, including beach activities, water sports, and even a
bonfire night with music and snacks!

So, what do you say? Are you in? Let me know as soon as possible so we can make the necessary
arrangements. I can't wait to share this adventure with you!

Your Bestie,
[Your First Name]

QUESTION: Although your grades at the BECE were good, all the schools you chose didn't offer you
admission. Write a letter to the appropriate office addressing this issue.

Royal Stars International School,

P. O. Box 285,
16th May, 2024.
The Director of Admissions,
Ghana Education Service,
P. O. Box 94,
Dear Admissions Office,

I am writing to express my concern and disappointment regarding the recent admission results for senior
high school. Despite achieving good grades in the BECE, I was not offered admission to any of the
schools I chose. In the results, I had ones in English, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies,
Computing, Career Technology, Religious and Moral Education (R.M.E) and French. I had grade 2 in
Akwapem Twi and Creative Arts and Design (C.A.D).

I had chosen the following schools: St. Mary's Senior High School, Accra Academy Senior High School
and Achimota Senior High School, however, none of these schools offered me admission. I am worried
because I had worked hard to achieve good grades and was looking forward to continuing my education
in a reputable senior high school.

I kindly request that you review my application and consider offering me admission to one of my chosen
schools or a similar institution. I would appreciate any guidance or support you can provide in this

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours Faithfully,
[Your Full Name]
Summary remains the simplest yet the most delicate section in the English Language O level exam. (It is
not so difficult to get all the marks, and it is not so difficult as well to get zero). You have to follow the
technicality involved closely so as not to lose precious marks.

Before going into the technicality, there is the need for students to identify the portions of the passage
that need to be summarised. Without this, the student will not do a good job of the summary.

The (a) to (e) practical way to digest a passage as shared in the note for answering Comprehension
questions can also apply here. Please take note.

Now, how do you answer Summary questions?

1. Write simple sentences: For further clarification and because of the technicality of Summary, I would
like to really tell what a simple sentence is:

In English grammar and sentence construction, there are three main kinds of sentence.

Simple sentence: A simple sentence is one that contains one main clause and no subordinate clauses.

The students were bored in the class.

The dog slept in the park.
Segun went to the cinemas to see a movie.
Ramu is too poor to buy a bicycle.

These are simple sentences, having a subject and its predicate only. You can see that simple sentences
don't usually have conjunctions (and, but yet etc.) and interrogatives (which, who where etc.) because
these tend to make a sentence complex or compound rather than simple).

To tell the difference apart well, let me show you what complex and compound sentences look like:

Complex Sentence: It consists of one main clause and one subordinate clause. Example:

Though the dog slept in the park, it was given food.

If I do not wake up early tomorrow, I will be late.
Ramu did not buy the cycle as he was too poor.

Compound Sentence: It consists of two main clauses linked together by a conjunction. Example:

The students were bored in the class, but they tried to be attentive.
The dog slept in the park, yet it was given food.
I have to wake up early, or I will be late.

NOTE: Only Simple Sentences are expected in your Summary.

Your examiner wants your summarised sentences to be Simple Sentences, NOT complex, NOT
‘Simple’ doesn't just mean short (yes, it really cannot be so long), but it means a sentence with just a
subject and its predicate (i.e. with a verb and simply stating something about the subject). Your sentence
must be that simple.

 Start your sentence with a noun. You are advised to start with a noun because that noun will act
as the subject of your simple sentence. All that will remain is the predicate. (By the way, don't use
pronoun to start your sentences. Your examiner wants you to start your sentences with a noun).

 Don't do mindless lifting. Don't just lift a portion of the passage as your answer. Your examiner
frowns at it.

 Use your own unique expression. One of the ways you won't need to do mindless lifting is to try
to use just one word to describe or depict the whole portion you are trying to summarise. Then try
to use that word in your simple sentence. If the word is a noun, you can even use it as a subject of
your simple sentence.

 Be careful about preamble: If you are going to use preamble, make sure each of your sentences
below it is a completion of the sentence begun by the preamble (by the way, you don't have to use
a preamble; using it will not fetch you more marks).

 Write the main idea and leave out details: You have just a simple sentence to express yourself,
so you don't have the luxury of too many words. So, ensure you include in that your simple
sentence the main idea of the portion you are summarising, not going into instances and examples
about it. No 'stories', just the main idea.

 Each answer must be a sentence. That should go without saying because that is what the
question asks you to do in the first place. Many students however write sentences with the first
letter in the sentence not in capital, and without full stop at the end of the sentence. That is a BIG
ERROR. If your answer is a sentence, it must be closed with a full stop, and it must begin with
the first letter (of the first word) in the sentence being in capital letter.

 Be correct grammatically: You are writing three or four simple sentences for one summary
passage. Ensure that the whole short length of your answers is correct grammatically.

 Avoid using Conjunctions and Interrogatives: This needs to be stressed again. In order for your
sentences not to become complex or compound, avoid conjunctions (and, because, yet etc.) and
interrogatives (which, who, where etc.).

 Number your sentences with a form of numbering different from that of the question. Your
question will likely carry an Arabic number, so it is safe to number your sentences in Roman
1 Finding the Answers
The answer to every Comprehension question is in the Comprehension passage or can be inferred from
the passage. Answering questions from a comprehension passage is like looking for something within a
confined space. Apart from the side questions on grammatical name and function, figure of speech and
synonyms, answer to all other questions are directly in the passage or can be inferred from the passage.
Therefore, in Comprehension, the passage is your main focus. Look no further. The answers to those
questions are in the comprehension passage.

How do I know the answers?

Looking at the comprehension passage so as to recognize answers to questions requires your digest of
both the passage and the questions asked. If you understand the passage, but you have not come to
interpret the question well, your misinterpretation of the question may likely ruin your answer. So, not
only do you need to digest the passage, you need to be able to interpret the questions correctly.

A Practical Way to Digest the Passage and Interpret Questions Correctly

In the exam hall, you don't have all the time. You have to as quickly as possible know what you need to
do with each question of a passage.

In what practical way can you do this?

 Go through the passage quickly for the first time.
 Glance though the questions as well.
 Go back to the passage and read more slowly, with the aim of digesting the passage.
 Go to the questions again this time more intently to interpret exactly what each question demands.
 Go back to the passage the third time, and begin to fetch the answer to the questions.
This (a) to (e) should take you about 5 minutes, after which you are ready to answer the questions. If you
have done this exercise well, you will find the answers in the passage more easily.

2. Expressing Your Answers (How do you articulate your answers?)

Over the years, examiners have made answering Comprehension questions easier and simpler for
students. Here are tips to answering questions on Comprehension:
 Write in short sentences, not necessarily long.
 Don't copy verbatim from the passage. Use your own words.
 Be grammatically correct. Watch out for errors of spelling, punctuation, tenses, subject-verb
agreement, and letter capitalisation of proper nouns, the first letter in a sentence, and Pronoun I.
 On questions on synonyms, make sure your replacement must be such that can fit into the
passage. For instance, if the word in the passage is 'intentionally,' the replacing synonym can be
'deliberately', but not 'deliberate' because you likely need a word that can act as an adverb in the
sentence just like 'intentionally’.

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