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What We need

 Visual indicators of contracts ending within the decided period of time

 Overview of workmen in transition, assessment completions, and pending actions.
 Automatic reminders of contract ending before decided time to vendors, E-proc, CWR Cell
 Automated notifications to medical, safety and skill assessment departments to prepare

Why do we need it?

 Not enough time between 2 contracts to complete the process- operations resume
immediately after 1-2 days so as to not hamper productivity
 Average of 5 vendors being non-compliant in full and final settlement (1%)
 Avoid entry issues with timely gate pass renewals.
 Adjust workmen transition time between contracts so as to not hamper productivity

Key Stakeholders

 CWR Cell
 Vendors- prepare for full n final
 Medical, safety & skill assessment team-prepare resources for upcoming workload
 It Department- Integration, development and maintenance

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