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2/2/24, 5:53 PM MCN Quiz (#1)

MCN Quiz (#1) Switch account

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1. Chills with fever is among the danger signs during pregnancy. At what * 1 point
temperature reading should a pregnant patient consult a physician at once?

37.8 degrees Celsius

38.0 degrees Celsius

38.2 degrees Celsius

38.5 degrees Celsius

2. The following characterize the causes of risks in pregnancy. Which is not * 1 point
included ?

relates to the pregnancy itself

due to the mother's medical condition or injury

results of environmental hazards

due to certain maternal culture and religious beliefs… 1/5
2/2/24, 5:53 PM MCN Quiz (#1)

3. Of the following actions, which among the following actions will help to * 1 point
allay or reduce the parental anxiety of expectant couple?

providing psychosocial support for the couple

explaining the labs results and the progress of pregnancy

using doppler and letting the couple listen to the heart beat

letting the patient undergo several tests for their peace of mind

4. This is defined as one in which the health of the mother as well as the * 1 point
fetus is in jeopardy.

abnormal pregnancy

high-risk pregnancy

untoward pregnancy

unwell pregnancy

5. Lilia is an elderly primigravida. She was diagnosed to have high blood * 1 point
pressure. Her doctor advised her to have her BP controlled because of
these risks which are : 1. kidney damage of the mother
2. lung immaturity of the fetus
3. pre-eclampsia
4. low birth weight of infant

1 and 2

1,2 and 3

1,3 and 4

1,2,3 and 4… 2/5
2/2/24, 5:53 PM MCN Quiz (#1)

6. In polycystic ovary syndrome, pregnant women have higher risk of * 1 point

pregnancy at how many weeks AOG?

before 10 weeks of pregnancy

before 15 weeks of pregnancy

before 20 weeks of pregnancy

before 25 weeks of pregnancy

7. Nenavie is an obese pregnant woman. Her doctor advised Nanavie to * 1 point

obtain a weight gain of how many pounds of during her pregnancy?

15-20 pounds

11-15 pounds

20-25 pounds

11-20 pounds

8. The most noticeable complication of Zika infection among pregnant * 1 point

woman is :



cerebral palsy

hydocephalus… 3/5
2/2/24, 5:53 PM MCN Quiz (#1)

9. Pre-eclampsia is a sudden increase in blood pressure which usually * 1 point

happens during which time of pregnancy?

before the 14th week of pregnancy

before the 16th week of pregnancy

before the 18th week of pregnancy

before the 20th week of pregnancy

10. Which among the following conditions will more likely be not well- * 1 point

known among teenage pregnant women?

nutritional intake

sexually-transmitted infection

hypertension in pregnancy


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