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Introducing the SGR-ReSI: A Next Generation

Spaceborne GNSS Receiver for Navigation and

Reynolt de Vos van Steenwijk, Martin Unwin Philip Jales
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, Surrey Space Centre, the University of Surrey,
Guildford, UK Guildford, UK

Abstract— This paper presents the latest development in SSTL’s data processing capabilities and on board data storage. By
successful SGR range of Space GNSS Receivers. The SGR-ReSI permitting the collection of higher quality sampled data and
(Remote Sensing Instrument) is a highly versatile and uniquely near continuous on-board processed data, the SGR-ReSI aims
capable GNSS receiver that has been designed with the low-cost, to further develop the GNSS-R application while forming the
microsatellite market in mind. Based on COTS parts, the SGR- basis for a highly capable and flexible instrument for a range of
ReSI builds on the expertise SSTL and SSC have developed in spaceborne GNSS applications.
the field of GNSS signals, navigation and remote sensing from
Low Earth Orbit. In developing the SGR-ReSI, SSTL is working with
partners from The National Oceanography Centre, the
We look at some of the key features of the SGR-ReSI and the University of Bath, Surrey Space Centre and Polar Imaging
results of testing of the prototype hardware that has been Limited, under sponsorship of the UK Centre for Earth
developed. Additionally, we will present some of the novel Observation Instrumentation, with the intention of developing a
algorithms and techniques for data processing and remote flexible instrument that can not only log sampled data for post-
sensing that are currently in development. Finally, we will look at processing on the ground, but provide on-board processing and
the plans for exploitation of the new instrument and the compression to support GNSS reflectometry over the ocean
preparations for an early flight opportunity on a technology and other GNSS remote sensing and navigation applications.
demonstration satellite mission funded by the UK’s Technology
Strategy Board known as TechDemoSat.
Keywords - SGR-ReSI; GNSS-R; Reflectometry; GPS; FPGA; Building on SSTL's small satellite expertise and using state
DDM; Delay Doppler Map of the art technology, the SGR-ReSI aims to provide a highly
capable yet relatively compact and affordable way of studying
I. INTRODUCTION the Earth from orbit. The core technology can also be reused
SSTL’s successful SGR (Space GNSS Receiver) range of for a new family of navigation-grade receivers that will
GPS L1 receivers, based on commercial-off the shelf (COTS) ultimately replace SSTL’s heritage SGR receivers which
components, has been flown on well over 30 missions in Low include, amongst others, the SGR-20, SGR-10, SGR-07 &
Earth Orbit to date. The low cost approach to space pioneered SGR-GEO.
by SSTL has enabled affordable and fast access to space. This
has provided several key opportunities for the GNSS team at
SSTL to be involved in a number of novel applications of
GNSS receivers in space since the first SGR was flown on
TMSat in 1998, including GPS attitude determination, GPS at
GEO, and GPS scintillation monitoring.
One such experiment was flown on the small satellite UK-
DMC, launched in 2003. It carried a pioneering experiment
based on a modified SGR-10 L1 C/A receiver able to collect
samples containing reflected GNSS signals from the ocean
surface. The data generated demonstrated the feasibility of
GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R) as a remote sensing technique,
with special application to ocean roughness sensing.
SSTL is developing a follow-on instrument that is intended
to take the state of the art beyond that achieved with the UK- Figure 1. SGR-ReSI prototype with 8 Front-Ends
DMC experiment. Based on a wholly new correlator
architecture implemented in an FPGA, the SGR-ReSI (SGR- At its heart, the SGR-ReSI is a highly versatile GNSS
Remote Sensing Instrument) is designed to be a multi- navigation receiver. The receiver core is a 24-channel L1
frequency, multi-constellation GNSS receiver with additional receiver with support for up to 4 antennas. The SSTL

978-1-4244-8739-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

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developed GNSS correlators are implemented alongside a However this requires a significantly large antenna for
LEON3 softcore processor in an Actel ProASIC3 FPGA. The both the reflected and the direct signal [4].
Actel ProASIC3 is a non-volatile Flash-based FPGA that
consumes little power, providing a low-power, compact • GNSS-R for scatterometry uses the non-coherently
solution for the basic orbit determination and timing functions integrated reflected power to recover geophysical
required typically required of platform GNSS receivers. information about the dielectric and roughness
properties of the surface. This application has
With the addition of reprogrammable, multiple frequency comparatively less demanding requirements which
front-ends, reconfigurable DSP capabilities, a small data make it suitable for implementation on a small satellite
recorder and specialised antennas, the SGR-ReSI will support platform. The applications of this technique include
enhanced mission applications, enabling scientific and remote measurement of ocean, ice and land surface properties.
sensing applications. This is the approach that was used on the UK-DMC
GPS-Reflectometry experiment in 2003 [5][6], which
III. REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS provided proof of concept that the basic technique was
viable, and this approach is the technique targeted by
A. GNSS Radio Occultation the SGR-ReSI. A significant benefit of this approach is
the relatively small size and low power and cost of the
The use of GNSS signals for remote sensing applications is
instrument and antenna.
not a new idea. A number of orbiting missions have made use
of GNSS Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO), i.e. using GNSS
signals for the recovery of tropospheric temperature, pressure C. UK-DMC GPS-Reflectometry Proof of Concept
and humidity, (for example COSMIC/Formosat and the GRAS The potential for GNSS Reflectometry was demonstrated
instrument on Eumetsat [1][2]) as well as Total Electron on the UK-DMC mission by SSTL and the University of
Content and scintillation in the ionosphere. This science case is Surrey with support from the BNSC NEWTON programme in
therefore well-developed, although further research into 2003 [3]. A 12 dBi nadir downward pointing antenna had a 3
targeted areas is possible, and the exploitation using new dB field of view of approximately 20 degrees by 80 degrees,
GNSS signals requires more work permitting collection of, typically, three reflected signals
simultaneously. The primary mode of operation on the first
With the implementation of dual frequency capability in the experiment was the collection of sampled IF data into a data-
SGR-ReSI, measurements of the refractive index of the recorder, typically 20 seconds, and downloading for post
atmosphere from the bending of the GNSS signals becomes processing on the ground. The raw data was processed on the
possible using GNSS-RO. Meteorological institutes assimilate ground into delay Doppler maps using software receiver
this data to extract information on humidity in the lower techniques to allow analysis of signal returns off ocean, land
atmosphere. New GNSS satellites and signals will allow a and ice (see examples in Figure 2. ).
higher measurement density to improve weather forecasting.
Ionosphere knowledge has always been important for
GPS/GNSS and military communications, but is becoming
increasingly important for Earth Observation, for example, JPL
Global Ionospheric Model is used for correcting altimetry
measurements, but there is a shortage of ionospheric
measurements and incomplete knowledge about effects such as

B. GNSS Reflectometry
Less mature is the exploitation of GNSS signals reflected
off the Earth’s surface. GNSS-R is a relatively new application
and this technique seeks to derive information about the Earth
by looking at GNSS signals that have been reflected off the
Earth's surface and subsequently received by a satellite in low
Earth orbit. (GNSS-R). Two approaches can be taken:
• GNSS-R for ocean altimetry, e.g. for ocean height
measurement, requires recovery of dual frequency
range measurements off the Earth’s surface and needs
a physically large high gain antenna. To achieve the
height accuracy required for the application of
mesoscale ocean altimetry, the wideband military
signals are needed which are, in general, unknown. An
interferometric approach can be used where the
unknown codes are measured from an upward pointing
Figure 2. Example Delay-Doppler Maps from UK-DMC GPS-R Experiment
antenna then correlated with the reflected signal. a) Ocean reflection, b) sea ice / water reflection

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A substantial ongoing effort into the modelling of signal GNSS-based sensor, as it could be hosted on multiple satellites
returns has been undertaken based on data from the first UK- and be operated, perhaps as a secondary payload, on a low-cost
DMC experiment with the intention to assess inversion of sea constellation.
state parameters [5][6] and the retrieval of directional
roughness information [7][8][9]. Although severely band- IV. SGR-RESI ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN
limited, the collection of reflected Galileo signals (from
GIOVE-A) was also demonstrated. Moreover, the collection of The prioritised requirements were developed based on
signals over mixed sea and ice indicates the potential of GNSS experience from the UK-DMC experiment and inputs from
Reflectometry for ice edge mapping. [10] The UK-DMC science partners in the study to help steer the functional design
experiment demonstrated the feasibility for many remote of the instrument. SSTL has long experience in developing
sensing applications but not enough space-based data is GNSS receivers for spacecraft for navigation using commercial
available to date to allow robust assessment of the geophysical technology, and so the technology push from this approach also
retrieval accuracy of GNSS-R. helped in the design of the architecture of the SGR-ReSI.
Figure 3. shows the block diagram of the SGR-ReSI hardware.
D. Science and Operational Needs Dual Freq Antennas
One of the headline applications of GNSS-R is the potential LNAs

for remote sensing of ocean roughness, with a corresponding

relationship to directional windspeed measurements. L1 L1 L1/L2 L1/L2

Accuracy requirements are wind speed to better than 2 m/s,

however GNSS Reflectometry arguably does not measure wind SRAM
GNSS Receiver
Core Reprogrammable
speed directly, unless the sea is well developed. Instead, the (1MB TMR) interlink
measurements taken by GNSS reflectometry are more closely Flash FPGA SRAM DSP FPGA
Soft core Processor
related to directional mean square slope (dmss) - a parameter and GNSS Correlators TCXO
increasingly used in wave modelling. Higher sampling and (16MB)
longer time-series of dmss are valuable for understanding
ocean/atmosphere exchange of heat and gases, especially CO2: 1GB mass
Interfaces: Power Supply
Operational measurements of dmss are useful for weather RS422 / LVDS /
forecasting, dangerous sea states and storm surge predictions. LVDS
(Hi rate Data)
Dmss measurements also have a supporting role for other 16-40V
operational missions & measurements that require ocean
Figure 3. SGR-ReSI configuration
The spatial and temporal characteristics of the ocean vary
considerably depending on latitude; a study [11] found the The most significant advances over the modified SGR-10
mean duration and length of stationarity at the Equatorial that was used on the UK-DMC experiment are the addition of
Atlantic was 7 hours duration and 189 km square and in the L2C capability, higher sampling rate to accommodate wider
North Sea was 3 hours 63 km length. One satellite cannot meet bandwidths, larger data storage and on-board signal processing
these requirements, so ultimately a constellation of satellites is capability.
required. To allow for a wide range of possible applications, the
The major gap in the science of ocean reflectometry is the SGR-ReSI features up to 8 separate RF inputs, enabling
lack of data. UK-DMC only generated about 40 useable data support for up to 4 dual frequency antennas. Two varieties of
collection sets. These showed the potential for remote sensing, RF front-ends have been incorporated in the design, one of
but cannot be used to develop any statistically significant which is L1 optimised (MAX2769) while the other is re-
empirical refinement of the models. It is therefore essential configurable to any of the GNSS bands (MAX2112) with up to
that a priority is placed on more extensive data collection in 8-bit I&Q sampling. The RF front-ends are housed on
orbit. One year of instrument operation would permit much daughter boards with a reasonably generic interface scheme,
data to be gathered – this may be achieved on a demonstration allowing the adaptation of new front-ends without requirement
satellite. However, the move towards an operational data of a motherboard redesign, and other front-ends are also being
source would require a longer duration, suggesting a three year considered for the future.
plus mission lifetime. The DSP capability is provided by a second FPGA which is
Whilst Oceanography is the primary beneficiary of the controlled and configured from the ProASIC3. This is a Xilinx
measurements, numerous other applications have also been Virtex 4 FPGA which is SRAM based, allowing the upload of
identified for GNSS-R such as in the remote sensing of land, new co-processing algorithms even once the SGR is in orbit. It
atmosphere and the cryosphere; although these applications are enables special processing algorithms for reflected or occulted
currently less well developed. Again, further data from a signals used allowing the equivalent of thousands of correlators
spaceborne instrument with flexible processing is needed. to map the distorted signals. To allow the storage of both
sampled and processed data, a bank of DDR2 memory with a
Much of the potential is linked to the higher density of capacity of 1 GByte is used.
measurements afforded by such a low size, power & cost

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The instrument supports multiple interfaces (CAN, RS422, V. OPERATIONAL MODES
Spacewire, USB) so it could be accommodated by a variety of Two baseline GNSS-R collection modes are being targeted
different satellite missions. The unit is around 1 kg in mass, for operations.
consumes less than 10 watts, and fits within half of an SSTL
standard satellite micro-tray (approx 300x 160 x 30 mm).
A. Raw Data Collection
A. COTS & Radiation The first mode is the sampling of direct and reflected
signals directly at Intermediate Frequency, similar to the mode
To maintain low cost and flexible approach, SSTL has of operation on UK-DMC experiment. The SGR-ReSI,
often used Commercial, Off-The-Shelf (COTS) parts in its however, can store up to 1GB of data in its on-board DDR2
spacecraft design and this is true in the case of the SGR-ReSI memory allowing significantly more data to be collected with
development too. The COTS approach has advantages and each operation of the instrument. This raw data collection
disadvantages: A larger choice of technology is readily mode also now supports either single or dual frequency (L1
available at commercial lead times and costs, with professional and L2C) collections, greatly enhancing the scope for
development tools. If components are selected from higher experimentation in orbit and new scientific applications. Data
volume production lines, there is an increased assurance of the collected in the mass memory is subsequently down-linked for
component reliability. Conversely, COTS components carry post-processing on the ground.
the risk of susceptibility to orbital radiation effects and are
subject to manufacturing process and die change without The volume of data that is generated in this mode is fairly
warning. large but allows for the development of models and processing
algorithms that can subsequently be tried out in orbit using the
Measures are taken to mitigate the risk of radiation effects, Virtex 4 co-processor. The limited on board storage available
including a latch-up switch, and memory protection through and the capacity of the downlink thus limit this mode of
triple modular redundancy. Testing for radiation induced operation to data collections of no more than a few minutes in
single-event effects (SEE) including upsets and latch-up is not duration.
simple, so wherever possible, SSTL uses parts that have in-
orbit heritage or parts that have been characterised under
radiation with documented results that can been used to help B. On-board near real-time DDM generation
select components. The second mode of operation, and one that demonstrates
the versatility and potential of the SGR-ReSI for in orbit
The cumulative effect of radiation damage on semi- experimentation, is the on-board processing of the data into
conductor parts, known as Total-Ionising Dose (TID), is easier Delay-Doppler Maps (DDM).
to test for. Part of the radiation mitigation strategy for the
COTS front-end ICs used for the SGR-ReSI radiation included Real-time delay Doppler maps can be processed onboard
testing to evaluate TID performance. Test boards were however the computational complexity of this is very
manufactured for both the candidate front-end solutions and significant as the processing time using individual correlator
tested using a Co-60 source at the National Physical channels goes with the number of pixels (Ndelay . NDoppler). There
Laboratory (NPL) in London. are various techniques used by navigation GNSS receivers for
reducing the computational complexity of signal acquisition
The dose rate was set at 470rad/hr up to a TID of 6krad(Si) [12][13]. These typically use fast Fourier transforms for
after which the dose rate was increased to 3krad/hr up to a TID parallel computation of a range of delays or Doppler. The size
of >20krad(Si) at which point testing was concluded. The of the delay and Doppler search space in terrestrial navigation
results of functional testing showed that neither of the front-end receiver acquisition is considerably different to the spaceborne
implementations had suffered any degradation in performance remote sensing DDM, so the techniques need to be tuned to the
as a result of the TID to which they had been exposed. remote sensing application.
The size of the signal space for remote sensing DDM
generation is determined by the geometry of the receiver and
transmitter, and the size of the scattering area on the surface.
The example case we consider is for the UK-DMC satellite,
which is in low-earth orbit at approximately 700km. At this
altitude, there is a Doppler spread of around 14 kHz and a
spread of signal path delays of around 20 μs , or 20 GPS C/A
code chips [14]. The number of pixels required is determined
by size of the signal’s ambiguity function, a function of
coherent integration time and signal bandwidth.

Figure 4. Figure 1 SGR-ReSI RF Front-end test boards under test at the

National Physical Laboratory

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A single correlation pixel in the Delay Doppler map is frequencies can then be measured by a spectrum estimation
formed by integrating the incoming signal, s(t ) , multiplied by a technique such as a Fourier transform.
replica PRN code c(t − t ' ) and carrier sin( 2πf ' t ) over a coherent The signal input to the spectrum estimation has a residual
time period Tcoh Doppler in the range of a few kHz, but is sampled at the few
MHz intermediate sampling frequency. The computation
Tcoh complexity of the spectrum estimation can be reduced by
s(t )c(t − t ' ) sin(2πf ' t )dt (1) firstly decimating the signal before Fourier transform. This
adds some artefacts towards the edges of the bands, however
Where t ' and f ' are the trial delay and Doppler frequency careful filter selection reduces the aliases to meet the required
accuracy of the signal power estimation.
respectively for a given pixel in the DDM. The chosen
technique calculates a number of Doppler pixels in a parallel
operation, Figure 5. Then this structure is replicated for each of
the signal delays to be computed.

Figure 6. Signal processing architecture for real-time DDM computation.

The overview of the processing structure is shown in Figure

7. The DDM is accumulated incoherently in order to increase
the processing gain and then is written to the DDR2 mass
storage for subsequent downlink to the ground station.
Figure 5. Example delay-Doppler map showing the pixels computed in The specification of the DDM processor currently
parallel with real-time processing technique implemented has 52 Doppler by 128 delay pixels, although the
resolution can be configured for the application. The default
The basis of the processing technique is that the incoming expected operational usage covers a 13 kHz span, with 250 Hz
signal is multiplied by the replica spreading code to select a pixel spacing and 16μs delay span with 0.25μs spacing.
particular signal delay. Then it is down-converted by
multiplying by the carrier frequency at the specular reflection
point (Figure 6. ). The remaining signal has residual carrier
spread of approximately 14kHz of distortion introduced by the
reflection area. The spread of signal power across Doppler

Figure 7. Implementation of real-time DDM processing

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Furthermore, two ESA-funded studies have investigated the
possibility of flying the SGR-ReSI as a payload on future
demonstration and operational satellites. SSTL’s reputation in
spaceborne GPS also introduces some commercial avenues that
may turn into opportunities, for example, SSTL has supplied
GPS receivers for three different LEO satellite constellations
and possibilities for SGR-ReSI may arise on future


Under the continued sponsorship of the UK CEOI, SSTL
and her partners are continuing to work on the development of
the hardware and software for the SGR-ReSI. The basic
functionality of the instrument including DDM generation,
data-logging, L1 & L2C tracking have been successfully
implemented, with on-going development work to fine tune the
performance and prepare the first flight instrument for flight on
Aside from the remote sensing capability, the GNSS core of
the SGR-ReSI will eventually be employed to supersede
SSTL’s current single frequency GPS receiver product line.
Figure 8. Delay Doppler Map (100ms integration) produced in real time Enhanced capabilities will be possible, such as faster
within SGR-ReSI. Plot shows direct and multipath signals generated with acquisition, and the tracking of Galileo signals. The core of the
Spirent simulator receiver is contained within one low power FPGA, permitting
the configuration of a small receiver, retaining the lower cost
Figure 8. shows an example Delay Doppler Map generated associated with COTS-based parts, while significantly
by the SGR-ReSI. The signal was generated using a Spirent advancing the capabilities of the technology on offer.
simulator with a controllable delay multipath reflection, both
shown on the image - unlike DDMs derived from orbital data,
there is no Doppler spread in this DDM.
Due to the flexibility of the instrument, other data
collection and reflectometry processing schemes can be
supported, one of which is discussed in [16], even once the
instrument is in orbit. This opens up the possibility for further
experimentation and refinement of the processing algorithms
used on the spacecraft based on the data acquired from orbit.
There is the potential to optimise algorithms for collecting ice
reflections, or, further down the line, for soil moisture
A final point to note is that as the SGR-ReSI combines raw
data logger and co-processor, an additional advantage is that Figure 9. A replacement for the SGR-10 Space GPS Receiver will make use
data collected from orbit can be ‘played-back’ from mass of SGR-ReSI core
memory using a receiver on the ground to test and validate
processing algorithms using representative data before
uploading to an in-orbit SGR-ReSI. VIII. CONCLUSION
The approach adopted for the SGR-ReSI leads to a highly
VI. FLIGHT OPPORTUNITIES flexible GNSS receiver core that can be configured for remote
sensing oceans and atmosphere as required, and gives
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd is in a unique position to flexibility for experimentation with novel signal processing
offer frequent opportunities for flight experimentation at a low techniques that may prove to be necessary with some weak or
cost and on a rapid schedule. The first GNSS Reflectometry fading signals. The dual frequency capability also enables the
experiment made use of UK-DMC satellite, and SSTL has a receiver to be configured as a source of ionospheric-free GNSS
number of future DMC and other satellites expected in the next measurements for precise orbit determination, vital for
few years. A UK satellite programme called TechDemoSat altimetry and other remote sensing satellites. The receiver uses
[17] has recently kicked off that will demonstrate various new COTS parts associated with terrestrial GNSS receivers, and
spaceborne technologies and the SGR-ReSI is a candidate will therefore yield a small, low power product at an affordable
technology to be incorporated in the mission. The cost. A flight opportunity on the TechDemoSat has been
TechDemoSat design and manufacture phase has commenced identified, but the design has flexibility permitting readily
targeting a launch in 2012.

Authorized licensed use limited to: National Cheng Kung Univ.. Downloaded on November 20,2020 at 13:04:13 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
deployment on multiple satellites as opportunities arise, to give [7] Clarizia, M. P., Gommenginger , C., Gleason, S., Srokosz, M., Galdi, C.,
unprecedented measurement density around the globe. and Di Bisceglie, M.: “Analysisof GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps From
The UK-DMC Satellite Over The Ocean”, Geophysical Research
Letters, doi:10.1029/2008GL036292, 2009.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [8] Clarizia, M. P., Di Bisceglie, M., Galdi, C., Gommenginger , C. P., and
Srokosz, M. A.: “Simulations of GNSS-R Returns for Delay-Doppler
The authors acknowledge the excellent ongoing integral Analysis_ of the Ocean Surface”. 2009 IEEE International Geoscience
work performed by staff at SSTL, including Paul Blunt, Stuart and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) "Earth Observation -
Duncan, Gary Martin. Also our partners at Surrey Space Origins to Applications", 12-17 July 2009, Cape Town, South Africa,
Centre: Steven Gao, Bidhan Bandari, Moazam Mahmood, 2009.
Chris Ashton and Alex Dyer; at NOC: Christine [9] Cardellach and A. Rius, A new technique to sense non-gaussian features
Gommenginger, Maria Paolo Clarizia; at Bath: Cathryn of the sea surface from L-band bi-static GNSS reflections”, Remote
Sensing of Environment, vol. 112 Issue 6, pp. 2927-2937, 2008
Mitchell, Julian Rose; and at Polar imaging Ltd: Kim
[10] Jales P, et al, “First spaceborne demonstration of Galileo signals for
Partington. The project was sponsored by the UK NERC and GNSS reflectometry”, ION GNSS 2008, Savannah GA Sept 2008.
TSB via the Centre of Earth Observation Instrumentation. [11] “Synergetic Aspects and Auxiliary Data Concepts for Sea Surface
Salinity Measurements from Space”, ESA Study, AO/1-4505/03/NL/CB,
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