8下U9 閱讀克漏字翻譯學習單 - 學用 (108f969424)

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佳音翰林 國中英語 八年級下學期 iEnglish Unit9 八年____班 ____號 姓名:__________________

◆閱讀克漏字篇(共 20 格,每格 5 分)
研讀英文的閱讀訣竅 Reading Tips for Studying English

在你閱讀之前: Before you read

1. Read and think about the (1) title . (2) If there are any pictures, look (3) carefully
1. 先讀標題並想一想。如果有任何圖片的話,仔細看看它們。
at them.

2. 問自己問題。例如: 2. Ask (4) yourself questions. For (5) example :

a. 這個標題告訴我關於這文章的哪些資訊? a. What does the title tell me about the (6) article ?

b. 我能從閱讀這篇文章學到什麼? b. What will I learn from (7) reading the article?

在你閱讀時: When you read

1. 尋找你問題的答案。 1. (8) Look for the (9) answers to your questions.

2. (10) If you see a new word or a (11) difficult (12) sentence , try to (13) guess
2. 如果看到一個生字或困難的句子,試著猜測其意。雖然這
its (14) meaning . (15) Although this (16) practice (17) takes time, it may help
you (18) understand better.

在你閱讀後: After you read

1. 說說文章的主旨。 1. Talk about the (19) main idea of the article.

2. 如果你還有問題的話,問問同學或老師。 2. Ask your classmates or teacher if you still have questions.

3. 再讀一遍文章。這麼做的話,你會學得更好。 3. (20) the article again. By doing this, you will learn better.

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