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佳音翰林 國中英語 八年級下學期 iEnglish Unit8 八年____班 ____號 姓名:__________________

對話克漏字篇(共 25 格,每格 4 分)
(在家裡) (At home)

Vicky: Ethan! (1) When I (2) passed your bedroom door, I (3) heard you talking to
了? yourself. What's up?

伊森:呃…我在練習社團的話劇。 Ethan: Well... I was (4) practicing for the (5) club play.

維琪:話劇!是關於什麼的? Vicky: A play! What's it about?

Ethan: It's a story about (6) friendship . A (7) giant (8) dragon saves a (9) lovely (10)
主。 princess .

維琪:聽起來很有趣。你在劇中扮演什麼角色? Vicky: It sounds interesting. What's your (11) pa in the play?

伊森:這個週末妳何不和媽媽一起來,自己親眼看看? Ethan: Why don't you come with Mom this weekend and see it for (12) yourself ?

維琪:當然好!我等不及了! Vicky: Sure! I can't wait!

(話劇結束之後) (After the play)
Vicky: Wasn't Ethan (13) amazing ? (14) After he placed the princess on his back, he
飛上天際。他看起來就像真的龍一樣。 flew high into the sky. He looked like a (15) real dragon.

Mom: Yeah! The (16) evil (17) prince was amazing, too. When he (18) attacked the
無情! dragon, he looked so (19) mean !

Vicky: I think so too. (20) When he (21) b owed on the (22) stage , everyone
大聲鼓掌。媽媽,妳覺得話劇最後一部分如何? (23) clapped for him loudly. Mom, how did you like the last part?

媽媽:它觸動我心。當龍在公主面前斷氣時,我哭了。 Mom: It touched my (24) h . I cried when the dragon died in front of the princess.

Vicky: Me, too. Look! Ethan's coming this way. Let's talk to him (25) before his fans come.

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