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佳音翰林 國中英語 八年級下學期 iEnglish Unit7 對話篇整句式翻譯 八年____班 ____號 姓名:_____________________

(在約翰的家中) (At John’s house)

約翰:奶奶,我們學校的樂隊贏了全國音樂比賽! John: Grandma, our school band won the national music contest!
伊凡斯太太:太好了!你們會慶祝嗎? Mrs. Evans: That’s wonderful! Are you going to celebrate?
約翰:會。我們明天會去一家牛排館吃東西。 John: Yes. We’re going to eat at a steak house tomorrow.
伊凡斯太太:你不會厭倦吃牛排嗎? Mrs. Evans: Aren’t you tired of eating steak?

約翰:我會,但我們大部分的成員不會。我們有些人投 John: I am, but most of our members aren’t. Some of us voted for fast food, and only one
票吃速食,只有一個人投票吃日式料理。 of us voted for Japanese food.

伊凡斯太太:這樣啊。艾美會跟你一起去嗎? Mrs. Evans: I see. Will Amy go with you?

約翰:當然。我們兩個都是樂隊成員。 John: Sure. Both of us are members of the band.
(學生們正在牛排館看菜單。) (The students are reading the menu at the steak house.)
女侍:我能幫你們點餐了嗎? Waitress: May I take your order?
約翰:好。我想要火腿三明治搭配薯條。 John: Yes. I’d like the ham sandwich with French fries.
艾美:我們不是應該等到陳老師來嗎? Amy: I’d like the steak with beans, please.
約翰:她跟我們說不用等她。 Waitress: How would you like your steak?
艾美:喔,對。好吧⋯我想要牛排配豆子,謝謝。 Amy: Medium, please.
女侍:你的牛排要幾分熟? Waitress: Anything else?
艾美:五分熟,謝謝。 John: Can I also have the spaghetti and some ice cream?
女侍:還要其他東西嗎? Amy: That’s a lot of food. Can you finish it all?
John: Sure. I’m so hungry. I spent the whole morning moving the drums back to our
艾美:那很多食物耶。你能全部吃完嗎? Amy: No wonder!
約翰:當然。我好餓。我花了整個早上在健身。 John:
艾美:難怪! Amy:

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