1 - 1. Student Guidelines For Summer Term 2024

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Guidelines for Students for Summer term (June-July 2024)

This is for the information of all students that the Summer Term for this Academic Year is going to start
from June 5, 2024. The Summer Term in this Academic Year shall be running in four modes and a
detailed description of these modes is given below. Table 1 provide brief information related to Learning

Table 1 Learning Mode and related information.

Learning Mode
Learning Mode Mode D#- Courses
Mode C#-Courses
and related Mode A^- Learning through Mode B* - Class with ETP/ETV
offered for students
information Continuous Assessment room Teaching (Project/dissertation
with G-Grade only
etc. type courses)
Total 3 mandatory 1 mandatory
Assignments N.A N.A
assignments assignment
Attendance of
Mandatory Mandatory N.A
students As per the course
Applicable as per nature
Timetable Applicable (1 hr. per week) N.A

^Mode A: Learning through Continuous Assessment Mode

1. There shall be one-hour interaction slot per week for this learning mode. Students can discuss the
course content and ask doubts from the teacher. Attendance in the class will be mandatory. In this
learning mode, Instruction Plan (IP) shall be displayed to the students, and they would be required to
continue their studies strictly following the same with the help of Reading material and referring to the
Textbook/Reference Book for the course, as per the IP.
2. The students shall be provided three assignments spanning over the whole course syllabus, at regular
time intervals. Submission of all three assignments shall be mandatory for the students.
3. The assignments have been developed to be outcome-based with an objective that the students study
the concepts of the course exhaustively and gain clarity on the subject matter.
4. The weightage of all the three assignments shall be equal and shall contribute towards overall
Continuous Assessment (CA) of that course.
5. It shall be mandatory for the students studying under Mode A to submit all three assignments through
UMS. No exemption can be sought for the same.
6. The students shall appear for the End term Examination as per the normal procedure.

*Mode B: Learning through regular classes

1. The classes should be compulsorily held as per the timetable. In this learning mode, classes are
scheduled for the courses registered by the students and will be taken by the allocated faculty members.
2. The material of the relevant lecture will be uploaded on the UMS and intimation regarding the same
will be given by your faculty members.
3. There will be only one Assignment for the courses running under this learning mode and the same will
be allocated through UMS and students must submit it as per the instructions of the concerned faculty.
4. The assignment allocated to the students will cover all the topics that have been discussed till the date
of allocation of the assignment and it is compulsory to submit the assignment.

#Mode C: courses with G grade registration

Mode C courses are those in which students have registered with G-Grade only, hence timetable and CA
are not applicable. Attendance for the courses registered with G grade is not compulsory. The student
shall be required to appear for ETE/ETP whose weightage is 100%.

#Mode D: courses having ETP/ETV only

Project/Dissertations/Capstone etc. based courses are categorized in Mode D. Timetable and attendance
will be applicable as per the course nature.

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