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Close the doors


The person ran as fast as he could mysterious animatronics chasing him. He tried to run but he was
trapped then a mysterious figure was behind him. ‘’Ahhhhhhhh’’. All that there was left was a
glimpse of blood dark red colure and a body next to it. After that no one has heard anything about

Freddy fazbare pizza. Until one day everything changed.

Chapter 1

Mike was a normal man who had creasy hair a t-shirt a tie shiny shoes and a tiny beard. And that’s
where are story starts Mike was checking on his son harry who was 6.’’hi dad’’. Mike was quiet then
slowly muttered ‘’hi’’ Mike had been through alot he got divorced with his wife two years ago be-
cause his wife thought he was acting ‘’lazy’’. He’s always been trying to find a job to get some
money, but he always doesn’t want to sign up because they need someone who has skills and mike
isn’t much of a skilled person. ‘’Have you still found a job yet’’ harry asked. must-but you don’t have
to worry I’ll find a job’’. Mike went down the sturdy stairs and opened his computer then typed jobs
without no skills. There was only one. ‘’Welcome to Freddy Fazbare where fantasy and fun comes to
life’’ Mike read. ‘’A job with no skill looking for a new Security guard ‘’. Then it said call 91122-888-99
Mike called the number, but no one picked up. ‘’Harry Breakfast’’. Harry ran downstairs and peeked
to see what’s on the computer ‘’Dad you finally found a job’. Harry was happy for his dad. ‘’I just
haven’t signed up’’. Mike called again then someone picked up. ‘’welcome to Freddy’s Fazbare
pizza’’. The person had a grey voice the voice sounded dead and dull. ‘’I’m here for a job’’. Mike said
it slowly just encase the person can’t hear him. ‘’Yeah, the job you can sign up if you like’’. Mike
then said his number so they could contact him. ‘’Hope you decide if you want the job or not’’. Then
mike ended the call. He checked the time 8:00 ‘’Harry quickly dresses up’’. Harry quickly went up-
stairs and changed. Then mike put Harry in his car seat. He drove and dropped him off. When he
drove back home, he thinks if he should get the Job or not, he wanted to, but he didn’t know what
the job was about. He then called them back ‘’I’m here for that job you offered’’. ‘’Yeah, the job you
can sign up on are website’’. The man slowly replied. Mike opened his computer then typed Freddy
Fazbare pizza. Went on the website and signed up for the job the next day he surprisingly he got the
job but there was something a bit odd. ‘’We want you to come at 12am’’. It was a bit strange be-
cause why would it be late, and his son would be asleep by then. He then checked what his son was
doing. ‘’Come on gotta beat this level’’. ‘’8:30’’ mike muttered. ‘’Dinner’’. Harry ran downstairs and
ate his dinner. ‘’you have a babysitter tonight all right.’’ ‘’Ok dad’’. Mike drove to restaurant with his
old wagon car. There was a yellowish reddish sign saying Freddy Fazbare Pizzera. Mike muttered
‘’ok’’.There was a lock in the front doors cobwebs lying on the floor. Mike opened the doors cough-
ing from the dust there were tables and seats where children used to sit down to eat there food

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