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Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

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Towards a just transition: Identifying EU regions at a socioeconomic risk of

the low-carbon transition
Zoi Vrontisi , Ioannis Charalampidis , Konstantinos Fragkiadakis , Alkistis Florou
E3-Modelling S.A. Athens, Greece


Keywords: Europe has committed to turning climate neutral by 2050 while wider stakeholders acknowledge the need for a
Just transition just low carbon transition that will alleviate any negative socio-economic impacts and leave no one behind. A key
Fossil fuel phase-out first step to this direction is to identify the regions at risk. We develop a dedicated socio-economic risk indicator
Socioeconomic risk
which makes it possible to identify the EU regions likely to be affected the most from the transition. The indicator
Low carbon transition
rests on the latest definition of the IPCC, which treats risk as the combination of Hazard, Exposure and Vulner­
ability. In our risk index, Hazard is described as the drop in production of fossil fuel-related sectors due to the
transition risk, Exposure is the respective employment share, while Vulnerability is a composite index of so­
cioeconomic sub-indicators that further describe Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity of the regions. We find a wide
divergence across the risk profiles of EU regions. 6 % of all EU regions are found to be at high risk, while 74 % of
the regions face no risk. The 15 high-risk regions are also found to experience socioeconomic challenges prior to
the low-carbon transition process, thus indicating the need for dedicated supporting policy mechanisms.

Introduction decade, there is a substantial variation in the progress both, at the na­
tional and regional level [5]. This implies that for certain EU regions
The ever-worsening climate crisis unfolding worldwide is forcing whose economies are highly energy and carbon intensive, there is a long
societies to transition away from fossil fuels and devise pathways to a way ahead to reach climate neutrality and to reduce the reliance on
climate-neutral future. To be successful, the low-carbon transition will fossil fuels. Additionally, the impacts of green transition will differ
need to materialise at unprecedented speed and scale across all eco­ greatly across the EU countries but also within the country [6],
nomic sectors and regions [1,2]. Evidently, the transition to climate depending on a number of drivers, notably on the sectoral diversifica­
neutrality will force societies to transform. Notwithstanding the tion and the type of prevailing economic sectors. The economic and
numerous societal benefits, structural change will be marked by short- to social effects will differ, depending on their general economic energy
medium-term rising energy costs, reconfiguration of labour markets and and carbon intensity as well as their pattern of sectoral specialization.
disruption of the socioeconomic fabric of communities that have According to the impact assessment [7] of the EU Communication
developed around coal, oil, and gas extraction and processing. “Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition” [8], the output in sectors
The year 2019 marked a fundamental strategic reorientation of EU like fossil fuel production as well as energy-intensive manufacturing
policy, notably with the introduction of the European Green Deal (EGD) sectors is likely to shrink. These developments will also have conse­
which is set to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 quences on the labour market, as jobs in the most affected industries are
and to transform the European economy to become more ecologically likely to decline. Though new, “green” industries and jobs will be
and environmentally sustainable. This ambition was not only expressed created simultaneously, there is no guarantee that this will occur in
in the European Climate Law [3], enshrining a strong commitment to exactly the regions that faced and output and employment loss due to
ecological transformation, but also by including far-reaching measures the green transition. Thus, the economic effects of the green transition
in the EGD [4] in various areas: a) investments in environmentally on the EU regions might be asymmetric with some regions benefitting in
friendly technologies, b) support for innovation, c) environmentally terms of higher economic growth, while other suffering from a drop in
friendly public and private transport, d) decarbonisation of the energy output paired with negative social consequences.
sector and f) energy-efficient buildings. Investments in For this reason, a just transition to a low carbon economy, one that
eco-transformation are coordinated and facilitated through the Euro­ alleviates the negative socio-economic impacts of decarbonisation by
pean Green Deal Investment Plan. leaving no one behind, is of utmost importance [9].The elements of a
Although the GHG emissions in the EU were decreasing in the last just transition and the challenges met by fossil-fuel dependent

Available online 1 March 2024

2666-2787/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

economies have been recently discussed under the Working Group III of capacity the authors study how national energy assistance programs
the IPCC in the Sixth Assessment report [10]. Across Europe, perform in terms of shielding most vulnerable households against elec­
carbon-intensive regions are undergoing major restructuring as a result tricity price spikes.
of the energy transition, facing acute, complex, and largely site-specific Raimi [27] examines territories that are heavily dependent on fossil
challenges [11]. The aim of this work is to identify which energy as an economic driver and looks at 12 measures each of which
carbon-intensive communities in Europe might be at risk of socioeco­ informs about vulnerability. Measures include population, energy ac­
nomic disruptions considering also to what extent they can respond to tivity, energy activity per capita needed for revealing the concentration
the potential adverse consequences of the energy transition. In the of the energy activity for a given community, environmental risk factors,
article below we conduct a brief and targeted literature review and and education rates. Snyder [24] proposes an index of energy transition
present the research background of our analysis. We then describe in vulnerability that combines fossil fuel employment data with socioeco­
detail the methodology developed to build the Socioeconomic Risk nomic measures. For Snyder employment in a hydrocarbon-related
Index, and the proceed with the presentation of results that identify the occupation, poverty, (lack of) education and geographic isolation are
regions at risk. We then showcase existing challenges that the regions at factors that exacerbate vulnerability to decarbonisation. In a study
risk already face and finalize the analysis with our concluding remarks. published in 2018 [28], the Joint Research Centre uses GDP, unem­
ployment rate and share of jobs at risk within the economically active
Literature review population as indicators to determine the magnitude of the economic
and social impacts emerging from the retirement of coal-fired electricity
We adopt the risk framework developed in climate risk science to generation facilities in regions across the EU. Most recently, McDowall
assess socioeconomic risks that emerge from the transition. The analysis et al. [29] developed a vulnerability indicator to assess declining
builds on the literature of regional and climate vulnerability assessment employment in four carbon-intensive sectors, considering one single
(e.g., [12–15]), but goes beyond the widely applied AR4 [16] vulnera­ component for defining each sub-component of vulnerability, namely
bility concept to consider the latest relevant IPCC methodology as pre­ job losses as an exposure indicator, unemployment as an indicator for
sented in the SREX [17] Special Report on Managing the Risks of sensitivity and innovation potential as an indicator for the adaptive
Extreme events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, capacity of the region. Another assessment that focuses on identifying
then in AR5 [18]) and most recently in AR6 [19]. By following the new vulnerable EU regions to low carbon transition has been recently pub­
IPCC paradigm [20], we do not only assess the vulnerability of the re­ lished by OECD [30], however the focus of this report is the
gions, but also consider exposure and hazard as suggested by Ishtiaque high-emitting manufacturing sectors, not considering fossil fuel extrac­
et al. [21]. These concepts, while developed for the assessment of tion or power supply, while the methodological approach considers
physical climate risk, are here adapted to the transition risk evaluation. employment shares and per capita emissions to identify the vulnerable
Vulnerability is a concept whose definition varies across disciplines. EU regions.
Climate science perceives it as the likelihood and magnitude of adverse Ibarraran et al. [31] identify that the vulnerability of an incumbent
effects caused by extreme climate or other weather-related events [22], community depends on its resilience capacity, namely its capacity to
which can be defined as climate hazards. The definition of vulnerability, deal with, respond and adapt to exogenous shocks and disruptions. In
and the emerging use of risk terminology, has been evolving throughout our work, resilience and adaptive capacity are used interchangeably.
the years, as documented in the IPCC reports. In the Working Group II Stanickova & Melecky [32] define resilience as the “ability to deal with
Summary Results of Assessment Report 5 and 6 of the IPCC, vulnera­ external factors and reduce vulnerability, and one of its main tasks is to
bility is defined as “the propensity or predisposition to be adversely minimize losses and as a result to ensure the economic recovery in the
affected,” which “encompasses a variety of concepts and elements shortest term”. A definition that resonates with our analysis comes from
including sensitivity or susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity to Martin (2012) who sees the resilience of a regional economy as the
cope and adapt”. Exposure is defined as “the nature and degree to which ability to “reconfigure, i.e., adapt, its structure (firms, industries, tech­
a system is exposed to climate change”, sensitivity as “the degree to nologies and institutions) so as to maintain an acceptable growth path in
which a system is adversely affected by climate change” and adaptive output, employment and wealth over time”.
capacity as “the capability of a production system or region to better Finally, as an example of relevant policy application, Annex D of the
adjust to climate change” (IPCC, AR4/WGII, 2007). 2020 European Semester Country Reports [33] outlines the territorial
Τhe socioeconomic vulnerability and risk assessments that relate to eligibility criteria for the Just Transition Fund (JTF). The criteria used in
energy and climate policy shock, can employ the methodology that has the allocation methodology of the JTF are: (i) the GHG emissions of
been developed in physical sciences and most notably in the IPCC industrial facilities when these exceed the EU average; (ii) the level of
framework (e.g., in [23] and [24]). In these cases, the components of employment in coal and lignite mining; (iii) the level of employment in
vulnerability, exposure and hazard are adapted to the social context as industry; (iv) the production of peat; (v) the production of oil shale and
social science puts a spotlight on the social and economic conditions that (vi) the level of economic development [34].
shape one’s ability to cope with shocks and stresses [25] focusing on Our methodological approach, described in detail below, goes
structural factors like poverty and inequality that make communities beyond existing vulnerability assessments of the low carbon transition
vulnerable to damage from external hazards. by i) applying the more recent IPCC concept of risk that incorporates
Carley et al. [23] adapt the Vulnerability Scoping Diagram devel­ hazard, exposure and vulnerability itself, ii) considering sophisticated
oped by Polsky et al. [26] into a social science setting and use it to information for the assessment of each sub-indicator, by employing CGE
explore vulnerability as a function of where and when specific energy model results and by incorporating more than one components that
policies have exposed different communities to adverse effects (expo­ define each sub-component specifically in the cases of adaptive capacity
sure), the susceptibility of these communities (sensitivity) and ability to and sensitivity, both identified as key methodological advancements by
mitigate and cope with these effects (adaptive capacity). This approach McDowall et al. [29], iii) including in the assessment both fossil-fuel
resembles a standard ‘risk-hazard framework’ informing about a com­ production and extraction activities and fossil-fuel based power plants
munity’s “current and future hazards, potential losses and adaptive ca­ which indicated as a key research limitation by McDowall et al. [29].
pacities” [23]. To measure exposure, the authors look at the changes in Finally, our work concludes with exploring potential existing socioeco­
electricity prices caused by specific energy policies, while to assess nomic challenges faced by the identified EU regions at risk.
sensitivity they examine how populations with different characteristics
are affected by these changes. The indicators used include age, race,
poverty, income spent on energy services, and education. For adaptive

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

Fig. 1. Socioeconomic risk index and its sub-indicators; own analysis.

Methodological approach baseline scenario, one expects that fossil fuel-related activities would
already be in decline given the climate and energy policies in place (see
Despite well-developed literature being available on resilience seen for example the importance of fossil fuel related jobs in the JRC-GEM-E3
through the lens of disaster physical risk and its reduction through baseline scenario in 2030 described in [36]). In our analysis we consider
climate change adaptation, research describing the patterns and de­ an even more ambitious mitigation scenario with coordinated global
terminants of socioeconomic risk and resilience of a region is sparse mitigation action towards the achievement of a 1.5 ◦ C target. This sce­
[32]. To this end, our methodology aims to identify the European re­ nario assumes a common global carbon tax to be the key driver of
gions that are at socioeconomic risk, and more specifically at risk of job decarbonisation of the entire economic and energy system that drives
loss because of the low carbon transition. The analysis draws partly on endogenously energy efficiency, the decarbonisation of the energy sys­
the literature presented above, primarily regarding the components of tem, the change of vehicle stock, an increase in the use of bioenergy,
the risk sub-indicators, developing a risk index whose structure takes carbon removal technologies and more. On a global level this effort is
insights from the climate physical risk approach as defined in the latest equivalent to a CO2 carbon budget equal to 640 Gt CO2 for the period
IPCC Assessment Report (AR6). We adopt the latest definition of risk as 2015–2050, while for the EU this translates to a 66 Gt CO2 budget for
included in the IPCC Glossary, where risk is defined as “potential for the same period. To estimate the expected drop in production between
adverse consequences for human systems, recognizing the diversity of 2050 and 2015, we employ the projections of the regional CGE
values and objectives associated with such systems” [35]. We define our GEM-E3-R model [37] as described by the% difference of domestic
socioeconomic risk index as a combination of Hazard, Exposure and production in 2050 relative to 2015 levels for the fossil-fuel related
Vulnerability, as described in detail below and shown in Fig. 1 . We sectors discussed above. We note that we opt for changes as compared to
assess the implications on fossil fuel-related sectors, such as coal mining, a historical year (2015) instead of a reference or baseline scenario, given
production of crude oil and natural gas and refining of oil and petroleum that already in the baseline scenario there is significant loss in produc­
products, as well as the fossil fuel-based power supply. The geographical tion of these sectors as mentioned above (see [2] and [36]). The specific
scope of our analysis covers the Eurostat NUTS2 classification of terri­ scenario assumptions and corresponding projections used for the
torial units for statistics. quantification of our risk index are presented in detail in the European
Commission [38] report. By using the GEM-E3-R model projections we
Components of the socioeconomic risk index ensure a consistent approach that captures all direct and indirect effects
of the low-carbon transition on the performance of the sectors.
Hazard GEM-E3-R is a regional expansion of the large-scale global CGE model,
GEM-E3, which is widely used for the ex-ante assessment of climate and
Taking note of the hazard definition in the climate physical risk as­ energy policies (e.g., [6,2]).
sessments, in the socioeconomic context of this study, we relate hazard
to the potential occurrence of a policy-induced event or trend that may Exposure
cause adverse socioeconomic implications such as a loss of jobs and/or
income. For our analysis, this policy-induced event or trend is the ex­ The definition of exposure under physical climate risks [39] can be
pected decline in fossil fuel activities in EU regions due to a global low directly adopted in a socioeconomic context, namely that exposure is the
carbon transition. For the EU regions, already in a “Current policies” or “presence of people in places and settings that could be adversely

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

affected”. Within the given scope of our analysis, we treat exposure as Table 1
the number of jobs that could be adversely affected by the low carbon wt of sub-indicators for the evaluation of the Socioeconomic Risk index.
transition. To quantify this, we measure the share of employment in the Risk index (R) R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
carbon-intensive sectors. More specific, for the “Exposure” and “Hazard”
Hazard 0.33 0.67 0.83 0.17 0.08 0.17 0.08
components, the sectors in focus for this assessment are the sectors of i) Exposure 0.33 0.17 0.08 0.17 0.08 0.67 0.83
coal extraction, ii) gas extraction, iii) oil extraction, iv) distribution of Vulnerability 0.33 0.17 0.08 0.67 0.83 0.17 0.08
gas, v) refineries, vi) coal-fueled power plants, vii) gas-fueled power Vulnerability (V) V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
plants and viii) oil-fueled power plants which are all individually rep­ Sensitivity 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.10 0.00 0.90 1.00
Adaptive Capacity 0.50 0.25 0.75 0.90 1.00 0.10 0.00
resented. specifically in fossil fuel production and extraction and Sensitivity (S) S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
fossil-based power supply sectors. This is in line with approaches found Unemployment rate 0.33 0.67 0.83 0.17 0.08 0.17 0.08
in literature that consider the share of jobs at risk as key determinant of GDP per capita 0.33 0.17 0.08 0.67 0.83 0.17 0.08
risk or vulnerability (JRC 2018; [23,24]). As a base year of our analysis, Income per capita 0.33 0.17 0.08 0.17 0.08 0.67 0.83
Adaptive Capacity (AC) AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 AC5 AC6 AC7
we take 2015, since (i) coal phase out and the low-carbon trans­
Investments per capita 0.33 0.67 0.83 0.17 0.08 0.17 0.08
formation of the energy system have not yet materialised, which allows Population between 50 0.33 0.17 0.08 0.67 0.83 0.17 0.08
us to consider risk drivers that are already present, (ii) it is a year of good – 65 years old
statistical data coverage and (iii) GEM-E3 model base year is 2014. Regional 0.33 0.17 0.08 0.17 0.08 0.67 0.83

Similarly to above, the definition of vulnerability in the physical risk government debt, net savings), infrastructure (e.g. road and railway
context can be also applied to our socioeconomic framework. In accessibility), health (e.g. life expectancy and infant mortality), basic
particular, we can adopt the IPCC definition where vulnerability is and higher education (e.g. Employer sponsored training and Lifelong
considered as “the propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected learning), labor market efficiency (e.g. Gender balance of employment,
and encompasses a variety of concepts and elements including sensi­ share of population aged 15–24 not in education), technological readi­
tivity or susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity to cope and adapt”. ness (e.g. Firm-level technology absorption, Enterprises with fixed
We follow the same approach in our analysis and consider vulnerability broadband access) and innovation (e.g. Knowledge workers, Exports in
as a function of the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of the regions to be medium-high/high tech manufacturing). On the contrary, we assume
adversely affected by the policy-induced hazard, with the latter having a that adaptive capacity is a negative function of the ageing population
negative functional relationship with vulnerability. [45], considering the share of population between 50 and 65 years old as an
indicator of an ageing population that can relate to skill supply bottle­
Sensitivity necks [46] associated with a limited reskilling and upskilling capacity
and an inflexibility in moving towards new economic activities.
In our analysis, sensitivity describes the degree to which livelihoods
and particularly local jobs are adversely affected, directly or indirectly, Estimation of the socioeconomic risk index
by climate and energy policies in place. To this end in our framework,
sensitivity is defined as a function of unemployment rate, GDP per capita Normalization
and income per capita. The first sub-indicator has a positive functional
relationship with sensitivity, meaning that the higher the unemploy­ To proceed with the calculation of the Socioeconomic Risk index, we
ment rate, the more sensitive the region is to changes in economic ac­ normalize all sub-indicators across the regions by using the Min-Max
tivity that can lead to job losses, also given the existing oversupply of approach (as in [13,23]) described in Eq. (1) below, in order to ensure
labour (also identified as key driver of the macroeconomic stability of comparability and enable the aggregation of different sub-indicators and
the regional resilience index by Briguglio et al. [40]). GDP and income their components.
per capita [41] are considered individually, although highly correlated,
since on a regional level the income and activity levels (GDP) can differ Xr − Xmin
XNr = (1)
substantially due to factor (labour, capital) utilization by or from other Xmax − Xmin
regions, which leads to regional economic activity levels that do not
correspond to the regional income levels. Both latter sub-indicators have Weighting
a negative functional relationship with sensitivity as the richer a region
is, the less affected it is by the economic impacts of climate and energy Aiming at improving the robustness of our risk assessment, we
policies. explore the effects of different weighting factors for each sub-indicator
and their components. Applying alternative weighting limits the
Adaptive capacity impact of correlated sub-indicators [47]. In our analysis, some examples
of correlated sub-indicators have been identified, namely the GDP and
We define adaptive capacity as the ability of systems, institutions, income per capita, as indicated in the section on Sensitivity above, but
humans and other organisms to adjust to potential damage, to take also the regional competitiveness index which consists of more than 70
advantage of opportunities or to respond to consequences. To this end indicators, of which unemployment rate and disposable income per
we consider the adaptive capacity of a region as a positive function of per capita are included. Conducting a sensitivity with alternative weights
capita gross fixed capital formation (investments) and the Regional across indicators and sub-indicators thus adds to the robustness of
Competitiveness Index, both of which describe the ability of the region, in findings. Further it provides insights on the range of uncertainty or lack
terms of available infrastructure, institutional, technological and human thereof in identifying 20 EU regions that are most at risk of job losses
capital capacity, to successfully allow for structural transformations in a during the low carbon transition. By developing a range of weights
competitive manner and attract new types of economic activities and (based on a simple version of a geometric mean, which is among the
investments [42,43]. The latter indicator [44] is a composite index that standards option of using weights in composite indicators [48], for the
encompasses and reconciles in a consistent way a large number of in­ sub-indicators as presented in Table 1, we can assume 2401 unique
dicators for the EU NUTS2 regions ranging from institutional capacity combinations of these weights and assess their effects by assuming
indicators (e.g. corruption, rule of law) to macroeconomic stability (e.g. different values of the weights to allocate a low importance (value close

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

Fig. 2. Histogram of the number of appearances in top 20 positions of the Socioeconomic Risk index for the total of 2401 wt combinations. The first bin shows the
number of regions with zero occurrence in the top 20 positions.
Source: Own estimations

to zero) or a high importance (value close to one) of each component of industry-specific reports and processed and ii) output data drawn from
the sub-indicator or the risk index. The 2401 combinations are formed the GEM-E3-R model. All data refer to the statistical year of 2015 except
by combining the seven (7) unique values of each of the four (4) levels the Regional Competitiveness Index which refers to 2019.
the risk indicator, namely Adaptive capacity (AC), Sensitivity (S), As a starting point to construct the databases used for the calculation
Vulnerability (V) and Risk (R). For example the first of the 2401 com­ of the risk index, we use the databases used for the calibration of the
binations refers to the applying the weights of AC1, S1, V1, R1, while the GEM-E3-R model. The model’s dimensions span to 67 sectors of activity
second refers to the weights described as of AC2, S1, V1, R1 and so on. (including 10 power generation technologies) by NUTS-2 region and
Depending on the socioeconomic context of the analysis, the scope of includes information of employment and production levels (in monetary
implementation and the type of stakeholder that will make use of the terms). When estimating the “Hazard” component via the model’s re­
risk assessment results, different weights can be attributed to each level sults, the detailed sectorial resolution enables a more robust approxi­
and sub-indicator. For the purposes of our analysis and the presentation mation of the importance of those sectors to regional economic activity,
of results, we have assessed all 2401 combinations and report either the allowing for a good representation of the sectoral value chains and the
average of those or the ranges of the 2401 combinations. respective impacts on demand and supply of the selected sectors for
analysis. The database is constructed combining i) raw Eurostat data, ii)
sectorial reports and iii) on modeller assumptions.
Socioeconomic risk index
The sectorial resolution of publicly available regional databases,
differ from country to country, but is usually limited to (maximum) 11
The resulting Socioeconomic Risk Index (SRI) for region r is calcu­
sectors of the NACE rev.2 classification system. This level of aggregation
lated as described in Eqs. (2), (3, 4, 5) where H represents Hazard, E
poses an important constraint for the assessment of region’s character­
stands for Exposure, V for Vulnerability, S for Sensitivity, AC for Adaptive
istics and resilience to energy-related developments and climate change.
Capacity, Ur for Unemployment rate, GDPcap for GDP per capita, Icap for
Hence, there is a need for further disaggregating the raw data.
Income per capita, Invcap for Investment per capita, POP50 for population
Our starting point for the disaggregation of raw databases is the
above 50 years old and RCI for Regional Competitiveness Index, while wh,
employment statistics. We combine data from the Structural Business
we, wv, ws, wa, wu, wg, wi, win, wp, wr stand for the respective weights of
Statistics (SBS) regional database, the JRC report on EU coal regions and
each sub-indicator. Similar to Weis et al. [15] we combine all subindices
Eurostat’s national statistics. As the compilation of SBS and national
with multiplication
accounts are based on different statistical methodologies, the two da­
SRIr = Hrwh ∗ Erwe ∗ Vrwv (2) tabases do not directly complement one another. For this reason, our
( ) methodology consists of decomposing employment data at the national
Vr = Srws ∗ 1 − ACr wa
(3) level using the spatial and sectorial structure of the regional SBS
( ) ( ) database.
Sr = Urrwu ∗ 1 − GDPcapwg
r ∗ 1 − Icapwi
r (4) Our primal goal is to fill the missing entries in the (time-series)
employment table of the regional SBS database (sbs_na_1a_se_r2,
( )
ACr = Invcapwin wp
r ∗ 1 − POP50r ∗ RCIrwr (5) sbs_na_dt_r2, sbs_na_ind_r2). The SBS database identifies in total 85 sec­
tors. To do so, we follow a four-step approach: i) at first, we combine
By applying a core methodology of climate sciences to a socioeco­
data on the number of local firms (at the NUTS-2) with the number of
nomic context, we attempt an interdisciplinary approach that allows a
employees per firm at the national level to populate the missing entries
well-informed estimation of a socioeconomic risk index. Thus, our
of the regional table, and ii) at the second stage we fill the rest of the
method can primarily be applied to energy and climate-related issues
entries combining data on the compensation of employees with data on
but can also expand to other areas of research and policy analysis.
the average compensation of employees at the national level by industry
iii) at the third stage we use data regarding the location of industries.
Data sources The third step (iii) applies for industries such as refineries and power
production . Finally (iv), at the fourth stage and if there are no data at
The composite risk index is based on three-types of data: i) data the regional level for all years, then national statistics are spatially
drawn directly from Eurostat or other data sources and used in their raw disaggregated based on the share of the parent industry. All relevant
form, ii) data drawn from Eurostat and combined with data drawn from data are described in the Supplementary Information, Annex 2.

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

Fig. 3. Frequency of appearances in the top 1–5, and all top 20 positions of the Socioeconomic Risk index in the 2401 wt combinations.
Source: Own estimations

Fig. 4. Histogram of the Socioeconomic Risk index, estimated as the average of 2401 wt combinations.
Source: Own estimations

For coal mining activities and power generation from coal fired (Fig. 2). Taking into consideration all weight combinations as described
plants, we use data from JRC’s report “EU coal regions: opportunities in Table 1 we find that 26 % of the EU NUTS 2 regions are found at least
and challenges ahead” (2018). While for other power generation tech­ once in the top 20 ranking positions of the socioeconomic risk index,
nologies we use data on installed capacity provided by the JRC Open while 6 % (15 regions) of the regions are ranked in top 20 positions in
Power Plants Database and the ENSPRESO database. The number of more than 80 % of the weight combinations (Fig. 4). This indicates –
employees by power generation technology is then calculated by with high certainty – that these regions face the risk of suffering from
multiplying the installed capacity with a labour coefficient (employees adverse socioeconomic impacts, and more specifically of job losses, in
per MW) drawn from Fragkos and Paroussos [49]. Power generation light of the low carbon transition, if a dedicated implementation of just
related employment is assumed to be part of the aggregate sector compensating policies is not pursued. These 15 regions are most
labelled “Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply” (NACE rev.2 frequently found in the top 5 positions (Fig. 3) and register the highest
code D). Finally for the transport sectors, we use data provided by risk index, estimated as an average of all 2401 combinations. In fact,
Eurostat’s regional transport statistics (reg_tran). these 15 top-ranking regions are the only out of the 242 EU NUTS2 re­
Once the table has been fully populated, we calculate the regional gions that register a risk index above 50 while most regions (139) have a
labour share by industry. These shares are then used to disaggregate risk index below 30 (Figs. 4 and 5).
employment by industry at the national level (nama_10_a64_e). The We thus focus on the top 15 regions at risk of socioeconomic impacts,
vulnerability indicator considers mainly data on extraction industries having considered both average risk estimations and frequency of
(coal, crude oil, natural gas) and energy-related industries (electricity occurrence under the different weight combinations. The respective risk
and natural gas transmission and distribution, refineries, power plants). index and its subcomponents for the 15 regions is described in Table 2.
The GEM-E3-R output data are used to incorporate in the analysis the Western Macedonia (GR) is the region with the highest risk index in
evolution of sectorial production in the future (up to 2050). almost all weight combinations, while Silesia (PL) is found most often in
the second position, South-Western Oltenia (RO) in the third position,
Results Yugoiztochen (BG) in the fourth position and Estonia in the fifth highest
position of socioeconomic risk ranking. Two more Polish regions are
There is a strong divergence in the risk profiles across EU regions, included in the top-15 high risk regions, Lodz and Lublin, along with
when it comes to the socioeconomic impacts of the low carbon transition another Greek region, the Peloponnese, and regions in Romania (South

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

Fig. 5. Socioeconomic Risk index and its components by NUTS2 region as an average of a total of 2401 wt combinations.
Source: Own estimations

Table 2
The components of the Socioeconomic Risk index for the top-15 regions as per the average of the 2401 wt combinations.
Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Energy jobs GDPcap Income. Unem. Inv.cap Pop>50 RCI Risk index
(% of total) (€) cap (€) rate (%) (€) (%) (average)

EL53_Western 100 100 88 6.5 % 17,023 9870 31 3411 41 % 0.2 97

PL22_Silesia 96 98 63 6.4 % 11,738 7328 7 2000 37 % 1.3 85
RO41_South-Western 95 63 80 4.1 % 5833 2896 10 903 37 % 0.3 79
BG34_Yugoiztochen 94 48 78 3.1 % 5289 2805 10 1385 39 % 0.4 72
EE00_Estonia / Ida- 92 44 56 2.8 % 15,691 8956 6 3843 37 % 1.4 62
CZ04_Severozápad 92 39 61 2.5 % 11,625 7640 7 3097 36 % 1.2 62
CZ08_Moravia-Silesia 97 36 60 2.4 % 13,112 7905 8 3641 36 % 1.5 61
HR03_Adriatic Croatia 95 23 78 1.5 % 10,341 6254 17 2395 40 % 0.8 59
RO42_West 93 30 65 2.0 % 8382 4902 5 1696 35 % 0.6 59
EL65_Peloponnese 88 17 86 1.1 % 13,664 8684 22 2040 42 % 0.2 55
PL71_Łódz 99 18 66 1.1 % 10,516 6670 8 2173 38 % 1.1 53
RO31_South-Muntenia 88 15 77 1.0 % 6372 3107 10 1222 37 % 0.4 52
PL81_Lublin 93 16 70 1.0 % 7764 5558 9 1605 35 % 0.9 52
SK02_Western Slovakia 94 16 64 1.0 % 13,384 7613 10 2617 35 % 1.2 50
ES42_Castilla-La 94 11 75 0.7 % 17,992 11,890 26 3509 35 % 0.8 50
Average EU 90 5 55 0.3 % 26,047 16,898 10 5373 38 % 1.4 31

Muntenia and West), Czech Republic (Severozapad, Moravia-Silesia), Exposure, Hazard and Vulnerability, thus maintains the highest risk
Croatia (Adriatic Croatia), Slovakia (Western Slovakia) and Spain score in most weight combinations. Silesia comes second position due to
(Castilla La Mancha). All identified regions in high-risk feature coal or the high share of energy jobs in total. South-Western Oltenia and the
lignite production and power supply activities, except from Estonia, Yugoiztochen regions are less exposed in terms of fossil fuel-related jobs
South Muntenia, Castilla-La Mancha and Adriatic Croatia that have but exhibit high Sensitivity as a result of the very low GDP and income
other fossil fuel extraction (shale oil, oil, gas) and refining activities. per capita. They also have limited Adaptive Capacity resulting from low
As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, what differentiates the risk scores amongst investments per capita and low RCI score. Beyond the 4 regions with
the top-15 regions is the sub-indicator of Exposure (share of energy jobs highest risk, the estimated index score is significantly lower. In terms of
in total), while Hazard is equally high in all 15 regions. The regions Vulnerability, the two Greek regions of Western Macedonia and the
mostly exposed to socioeconomic risks of the low carbon transition are Peloponnese record the highest scores as they combine high regional
those with a high share of direct fossil-fuel jobs. This share is around 6.5 unemployment levels and high share of population beyond the age of 50
% in Western Macedonia and Silesia (2015 data), much above the 2.5 % as well as remarkably low RCI scores. When comparing the risk sub-
average of all top-15 high risk regions. indicators of the top-15 high-risk regions to the EU average (Table 2),
Western Macedonia ranks first in all three sub-indicators, namely we find that the 15 regions under consideration perform worse,

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

Fig. 6. Decomposition of the Socioeconomic risk index for the top-15 regions as per the average of the 2401 wt combinations.
Source: Own estimations

Fig. 7. Annual GDP growth rates for the 2010–2020 period at the regional and national level for the 15 high-risk regions.
Source: Eurostat

particularly with regards to GDP, Income, Investments per capita and macroeconomic indicators to investigate any pre- existing challenges
the RCI. This is suggestive of important pre-existing socioeconomic prior to the decarbonization of their economies. The performance in­
challenges these regions face, which are expected to intensify as the dicators that are employed in this section indicate the intensity of
energy transition is happening and thus need to be considered to ensure challenges already in place in selected EU regions before the transition
a just and inclusive path to a low carbon economy. materializes in full-scale. In addition, a selection of these key indicators
Our results are also available online (https://energy-industry-geola have also been considered for the evaluation of the Vulnerability The socioeconomic risk index developed during component of the risk indicator. The timeframe of analysis here is the
our research, and its subcomponents, has been included in the online 2010–2020 period, when a limited coal phase-out has already taken
data maps developed by the JRC Energy and Industry Geography Lab place but not to the extend expected during the low carbon transition
[50] under the layer of “Socioeconomic data” and the sub-layer of towards EU climate neutrality. We find that the identified regions at risk
“Socioeconomic impact of decarbonization”. The above visualization are lagging other EU territories in terms of economic growth and other
tool enables by activating the relevant layers, among else, an overview socioeconomic indicators. These two conditions expose them even more
of fossil fuel infrastructure, the socioeconomic risk estimated in our to the challenges associated with the energy transition. The 2010–2020
analysis but also the just transition policies in place. GDP growth rate is lower than the respective national one for all regions
identified apart from the Peloponnese (Fig. 7). The GDP per capita of the
Existing challenges of identified EU regions at risk regions is significantly lower than the EU average, throughout the
2010–2020 period, indicating an existing lag even before the start of the
Here we present the performance of these 15 regions in key coal phase-out (Fig. 8), but also in most cases it is also found lower than

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

Fig. 8. GDP per capita for the 15 high-risk EU regions and the EU27 average.
Source: Eurostat

Fig. 9. Composition of regional GVA by aggregate sectors in 2019 for the 15 high-risk EU regions and the EU27 average.
Source: Own estimations based on Eurostat

the respective national levels. In terms of employment, the picture varies climate-neutral continent. Getting to net zero will require rapid and
across the 15 high-risk regions, with some registering very high unem­ radical structural change across the economy, from energy systems to
ployment levels and others close or lower than the EU average (Table 2). labour markets. The impacts of this transition will not be the same for all
Western Macedonia registers the second highest unemployment among EU regions. We confirm that there is a strong divergence across regional
all EU regions. This significantly affects the sensitivity of the region to risk profiles in the EU regions. Fossil-dependent economies with low
structural shocks brought by the low-carbon transition. The divergence economic diversification, large contribution of fossil-related jobs and
in the current or past status of the regional labour market can be driven high existing unemployment rates are most at risk.
by wider macroeconomic differences and economic performance (GDP Regions with economies that are highly dependent on fossil fuels,
growth, labor intensity of fossil-related activities etc.) but also by the which are the focus of this study, are expected to carry a dispropor­
level of diversification of the economies. In terms of the latter, the tionate share of the burdens of the energy transition. It is therefore
findings again differ across the identified regions (Fig. 9). The top-raking critical to devise policies that are effective in alleviating this excess
region, Western Macedonia, registers that highest contribution of the burden from affected areas. A first step to this direction is to identify
Energy sector and the lowest contribution of Manufacturing in total GVA which are the regions most at risk. The study develops a socio-economic
in 2019, indicating high dependence on fossil-related activities. risk indicator and identifies the 15 EU regions likely to be affected the
most from the transition. The indicator rests on the latest definition of
Conclusion the IPCC, which treats risk as the combination of Hazard, Exposure and
Vulnerability. By applying a methodology of climate sciences to a so­
The European Union has set itself the challenge to become the first cioeconomic context, we attempt an interdisciplinary approach that can

Z. Vrontisi et al. Energy and Climate Change 5 (2024) 100129

Table 3 Considering that the economic and social effects of the green tran­
Regions at risk under JTF and CINTRAN. sition on the EU regions will be asymmetric, some form of wealth
Member Mn JTF regions Inclusion in top 15 transfers will be required towards the most affected territories.
State allocated/ positions of the Compensating and supporting mechanisms need to be put in place to
% of total Socioeconomic risk minimize serious economic impacts and aggravated social inequalities.
To this end, most of the recognized regions at risk are identified by the
BG 1178 (6.7 Maritsa, Bobov Dol Yugoiztochen (includes European Commission as eligible to receive funding from the Just
%) Maritsa) Transition Fund (Table 3). A notable exception are the regions in Ger­
CZ 1493 (8.5 Moravskolezsky, Severozápad (includes
%) Ustecky, Karlovarsky Ustecky, Karlovarsky)
many, which receive the second highest Just Transition Funds, but
Moravian-Silesian feature low risk rates due to their low sensitivity (good economic per­
Region formance) and high adaptive capacity (high competitiveness and infra­
(Moravskolezsky) structure quality).
DE 2254 (12.9 Elbe-Elster, N/A
We note that our results are highly dependent on data availability
EE %) Oberspreewald-Lausitz,
322 (1.88 Dahme-Spreewald, EE is NUTS2 region and data quality, which has important limitations when it comes to the
%) Spree-Neiße, Cottbus, regional level of analysis, e.g. NUTS 2. Future research would thus
Bautzen, Görlitz, Leipzig, benefit from improved and consistent publicly available datasets at the
the City of Leipzig, NUTS 2 level at a high sectoral resolution. Future research could explore
the implications of geographical isolation and migration patterns to the
Saalekreis, the City of risk profiles of the EU regions. Further, research could expand the
Halle, Mansfeld- analysis to sectors beyond the strictly fossil fuel-related ones, as for
Südharz, Anhalt- example are energy intensive industries, in order to also comprehend
Bitterfeld, Düren, Rhein-
overall competitiveness and other indirect effects of the low carbon
Kreis Neuss, Rhein-Erft-
Kreis transition. Finally, alternative policy designs and decarbonization sce­
Northeastern narios could be assessed, for example by considering an EU-only action
ES 790 (4.5 %) Asturias, León, Palencia, Castilla la Mancha in comparison to the global mitigation effort assessed here, thus
Cádiz, A Coruña, allowing for a more thorough comprehension of potential socioeco­
Córdoba, Almería, and
nomic hazards.
EL 755 (4.3 %) Kozani, Kastoria, Florina Western Macedonia
(Western Macedonia), Peloponnese CRediT authorship contribution statement
Zoi Vrontisi: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Methodology,
Heraklion, Lasithi,
Rethimno, Chania Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing – original draft,
(Crete) and Aegean Writing – review & editing. Ioannis Charalampidis: Data curation,
Islands (Lesvos, Samos, Formal analysis, Software. Konstantinos Fragkiadakis: Methodology,
Chios, Rhodes, Mykonos)
Software. Alkistis Florou: Writing – original draft.
HR 169 (1 %) Sisak-Moslavina, Istria Adriatic Croatia
(includes Istria)
PL 3500 (20 %) Katowice, Bielsko–Biała, Łódz Lublin Declaration of competing interest
Tychy, Rybnik, Gliwice, Śląskie - Silesia
Bytom, Sosnowiec, (includes: Katowice;
Konin, Wałbrzych Bielsko – Biała, Tychy, The authors declare the following financial interests/personal re­
Rybnik, Gliwice, Bytom, lationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
Sosnowiec) Zoi Vrontisi and all co-authors report financial support was provided
RO 1947 (11.1 Hunedoara, Gorj, Dolj, South-Western Oltenia
by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
%) Galați, Prahova and (Gorj, Dolj)
Mureş South-Muntenia (Jiu funding the CINTRAN project [grant agreement No. 884539] and the
Valley) West ADJUST project [grant agreement No. 101069880].
SK 418 (2.4 %) Trencin, Kosice Western Slovakia Data availability
includes Trencin

Data will be made available on request.

be applied not only on energy and climate-related issues but also on
other areas of research and policy analysis.
We find that a key determinant in the risk profile of the regions is Supplementary materials
Exposure, defined as the share of direct energy jobs in total employment.
We find a wide divergence across the risk profiles of EU regions; 74 % of Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
the EU NUTS 2 regions face no risk from the transition, 26 % of the EU the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.egycc.2024.100129.
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