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1 In MS visio, under activity dig, activities are depicted as

. action state
Diamond shape

2 which requirements are mapped to which requirement

. business requirement to function requirement
business requirement to nonfunction requirement
Functional requirement to nonfunctional requirement
stakeholder req to transition req

3 Activity dig is used to

depict the system flow
. depict the process flow
depict the objects flow
depict the user flow

4 in which scenario should one use fork and join

OR Condition
Decision making
And Condition
. None

5 Activity dig can be used to explore/discover parallel activities


6 Activity dig could depict parallel activities and it imposes which one should be executed first

7 Abrupt discontinuation of a flow in an activity dig is represented by

Filled Circle
Empty circle
. Filled circle inside a circle
Filled Rectangle

8 Activity dig is a special kind of

use case dig
. state chart dig
interaction dig
component dig

9 Activity dig is belong to same type of dig as

Use case dig
State machine dig
Both use case and state machine
Class Dig

10 Branch condition are represented by fork and join


11 Activity dig can be used to show how a specific business activity works

12 Branching condition in Activity dig is also known as

Branch Condition
Decision condition
. Guard condition
all the above

13 Activity dig are generally used for what purpose

Model the data
collect the data
. to model the processing of data

14 Activity dig may contain the following elements

activity, trigger, start and end point
guard (Condition), decision (diamond), synchronization bar
. both a &b

15 which system modelling perspective reveals the system or data architecture

. structural prospective
behaviour prospective
external prospective

16 _____ dig are used to depict the operational based behaviour

activity dig
use case dig
sequence dig
data flow dig

17 Activity dig are used to model the processing of data


18 swinlaners are used to deipict parallel activities in the aactivity dig

19 Activity dig do not tell you who does what and are difficult to trace back to object models

20 An activity is a method of class for the perspective of specification


21 In an activity dig, parallel flow is represented by fork and join


22 ____ exhibits the approval of an event

send signal symbol
Receive Signal Symbol
Decision Symbol
Note Symbol

23 in the below quality of service (non functional not an exhaustive list) requirement examples which one is correct
Security and usability
. All

24 Stop state in an activity dig is represented by

Filled Circle
Empty Circle
. Filled circle inside circle
Filled rectangle

25 From specification perspective an activity in a method of class


26 in activity dig start node and end node are also called as
Stop node
Pre condition and post condition
Both A&B
. None

27 in which of the following diagram we can discove/explore parallel activities

sequence diagram
state chart diagram
. swimlane diagram
use case diagram

28 what is th syntax for a guard condition in an activity diagram

. [condition]

29 _____ is used to represent concurrent flows in activity diagram

slide bar
. synchronization bar
swim lane

30 Abrupt discountinuation of a flow in an activity diagram is represented by

filled circle
empty circle
. filled circle inside a circle
filled rectangle

31 what is the purpose of an activity diagram in UML?

to model a systems data flow and data storage
. to describe a sequence of activities and decision in a system
to model the static structure of system
to describe the interactions between objects in a system

32 modelling the behaviour of an operation is used for which diagrams

Sequence Diagrams
State Chart diagrams
. activity diagrams
use case diagrams

33 _____ is a path from one activity state to the next activity state
action state
activity state
. transition

34 What is a fork in an activity diagram?

. A symbol that represents a split in the flow of activities
A symbol that represents a merge in the flow of activites
A symbol that represents a decision point in the flow of activities

35 _____ exhibits he approval of an event

send signal symbol
. receive signal symbol
Decision symbol
note symbol

36 in an activity diagram how is nested loop represented?

. a diamond shape with two or more arrows pointing back to the same rectangle
a rectangle with a "while" or "for" loop statement inside it
a circle with a "while" or "for" loop statement inside it
a trapezoid with two or more arrows pointing back to same trapezoid

37 objects placed in an activity diagram are connected to the activity or transition using ____ relationship
. association

38 What is the maximum number of lanes that can be used in a swimlane diagram?
2 lanes
. depends on the project
3 lanes
4 lanes

39 Interaction diargam is a combined term for

. sequence diagram + collaboration diagram
activity diagram + state chart diagram
Deployment diagram + colloboration diagram
none of the mentioned

40 What is the final node in an activity diagram?

. a node that represents the ending point of a flow
a node that represents a condition in a flow
a node that represents the starting point of a flow
none of the above

41 UML activity diagram are useful in representing which analysis model elements?
. behavioural elements
class based elements
flow based elements
scenario based

42 Which model shows the flow of object interactions?

. sequence model
subsystem model
dynamic model
both sequence and dynamic model
43 what is the purpose of a swimlane in an activity diagram?
to represent the flow of control in a computer program
to describe the interaction between objects in a system
. to group activites based on responsibilty
to show the relationship between entities in a database

44 Which symbol is used to dipict parallel activities in an activity diagram

. synchonization bar
fork and join
directed flow

45 what is the purpose of a branch and merge in an activity diagram?

to group activities based on responsibilites
to describe the interactions between object in a system
. to represent the conditional flow of control in a process
to show the relationship between entities in a database

46 ____ diagram illustrates use case realizations

. sequence diagram
class diagram
use case diagram
activity diagram

47 which system modelling perspective reveals the system or data architecture?

. data flow diagram
sequence diagram
usecase diagram
activity diagram

48 which is the main element of an activity diagram?

control flow
. activites
none of the above

49 in an activity diagram what symbol represent a decision pomit?

decision condition
. diamond

50 how is the guard condition represented in an activity diagram?

. as a diamond shape
as a rounded rectangle
as a circle
as a triangle

51 what is the purpose of using a decision node in an activity diagram?

to control the flow of the activity diagram
to model the behaviour of an activity
to visualize the data flow
. to describe the order of activities

52 fork and join are used to represent

. concurrent sub activities
serial sub activities
decision condition
branch condition

53 what is a decision point in an activity diagram

. it is a split in the flow of activities
it’s a merge in the flow of activity
all of the above

54 how are branch and merge represented in an activity diagram

. diamond shape node
horizontal swim lanes

55 what type of diagram is used to model the flow of activities in a software process
entity relationship diagram
. activity diagram

56 which of the following best describes the purpose of an activity diagram in software modeling?
. to describe the flow of data between components of system
to illusturate the interactions between objects in an object oriented design

57 what is the purpose of using a fork in an activity diagram?

. to split an activity into multiple parallel paths
to merge an activity into multiple parallel paths
to create a loop in an activity
to mark the end of an activity

58 what type of diagram is activity diagram?

structural diagram
. behavioural UML diagram
both of these

59 activity diagram is used to

. depict the system flow
depict the process flow
depict the object flow
depict the user flow

60 which analysis is concerened with identification of project demand potential and selection of optimal technology
. techno-economic
social cost-benefit

61 what type of notation is used at the end of an activity diagram

filled circle
empty circle
. filled circle inside a circle
filled rectangle

62 what is the difference between an activity diagram and a flowchart

activity diagrams represents the state of an object, while flowchart represents the flow of control
flowcharts are used for business processes, while activity diagram are used for software processes
activity diagrams are rounded rectangles to represent activities, while flowcharts use circles
. acitvity diagrams are a type of UML diagram, while flowchart are not

63 Activity diagram is used to

. to graphically model the workflow in an easier and understandable way
to model comprehensive information of a function or an algorithm employed with in the system
to envision the dynamic aspect of a system
all of the above

64 Which of the following diagram is time oriented?

. sequence
none of the mentioned

65 which of the following indicates that a signal is being sent to receiving activity?
. send signal symbol
fork symbol
decision symbol
note symbol

66 which type of elements can be represented in an activity diagram?

. interactions between objects in a system
flow of control in a system
data structure in a system
state and teansisitons of objects

67 before drawing an activity diagram, what all parameters must be identified

. all of the above

68 in an activity diagram, what symbol represents a decision point?

decision condition
. diamond

69 which of the following components is used to clerify which actor performs which activity in an activity diagram
. swim lanes

70 which symbol is used to dipict parallel activities in an activity diagram

. synchronization bar
fork and join
directed flow

71 Stop node in MS visio of an activity diagram is reperesented by

filled circle
empty circle
. filled circle inside a circle
filled rectangle

72 which of the following is a message and a dynamic diagram in UML?

objective diagram
. use case diagram
activity diagram
deployment diagram

73 what type pf control flow is represented by a nested loop in an activity diagram?

iterative flow
conditional flow
. parallel flow
sequential flow

74 how are exceptions represented in an activity diagram?

rectangle shaped
horizontal swim lanes

75 every fork should have

. single join
multiple join
no join

76 what type of expressions can be used in a guard condition

. character
all of the above

77 what is the purpose of a nested loop in an activity diagram?

. to repeat the same activity until a certain condition is met
to represent a parallel activity within the loop
to represent a sequential activity within the loop
to repeat the same activity a specific number of times
78 activity diagram represents _____
the activity flow of a system
the sequence from one activity to another
the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the system
. all of the above

79 what is the purpose of branch in an activity diagram?

to show parallel processing or multiple path in a workflow
to illusturate a sequence of actions
. to show the flow of control in single path
to represent decisions and their outcomes

80 in a swinlane diagram, which type of swimlane is used to represent a shared resource among multiple participants?
. to indicate the performer of each activity
to visiually organnize activities into separate categories
to show the order of activities in a process
to model the data flow in a system

81 what is the main advantage of using swimlanes in an activity diagram?

to simplify the diagram
. to highlight the performer of each activity
to model the data flow in a system
to show the sequence of activities

82 in the below quality of service (non functional not an exhaustive list) requirement examples, which one is example
. the system must be able to handel 1000 concurrent user request
the system must provide a user friendly interface for the end users
the system must be developed using java programming language
the system must be able to generate a report in less than 5 seconds

83 activity diagram have some different purpose as compared to which of the following diagram?
state machine diagram
interaction diagram
class diagram
. use case diagram

84 activity diagram belongs to same type of diagram as

use case diagram
. state machine diagram
both use case and state machine diagram
class diagram

85 which of the following are not included in an activity diagram

. events
business process/ database structure/ state transitions/ object interactions
amples which one is correct
____ relationship
ction of optimal technology
w of control
are processes

vity in an activity diagram

among multiple participants?

amples, which one is example of a non functional requirement

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