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Allama Iqbal's ideologies remain vibrantly alive in Pakistan, shaping our collective mindset and

influencing various aspects of our society. His emphasis on self-realization, the pursuit of knowledge, and
the importance of individual empowerment continues to resonate with people across the country. The
idea of striving for personal betterment, drawing inspiration from our cultural and Islamic roots, is deeply
ingrained in our societal fabric.

Iqbal's vision for education as a tool for enlightenment and progress is evident in ongoing educational
reforms and initiatives. Efforts to foster critical thinking, creativity, and a sense of cultural identity can be
seen as a reflection of his ideas about the transformative power of knowledge.

Moreover, Iqbal's call for social justice and equality remains pertinent. Various policies and movements
within the country are working towards creating a fair and just society, aligning with his vision for a
harmonious and inclusive community.

On the global stage, the principles of nationalism and global engagement espoused by Iqbal continue to
guide Pakistan's diplomatic endeavors. The nation's assertiveness and participation in international
affairs showcase a commitment to Iqbal's vision of a confident and influential Pakistan on the world

Economically, the pursuit of self-sufficiency and prosperity reflects Iqbal's aspirations for a financially
strong and independent nation. Policies geared towards economic development and sustainability can
be viewed as a contemporary manifestation of his economic ideals.

Culturally, the preservation and promotion of our heritage are in line with Iqbal's emphasis on
maintaining a strong connection with our history and traditions. The efforts to cherish and propagate our
cultural identity serve as a testament to the enduring impact of Iqbal's ideologies.

In essence, Allama Iqbal's thoughts and principles continue to shape our national narrative, contributing
to the ongoing development and progress of Pakistan. Far from being outdated, his ideologies remain a
dynamic force that resonates with the challenges and aspirations of our time.

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