SRES SLAC Session Guide

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Session Guide 1
Topic: Priority Needs based from PPST – RPMS and Results of Quarterly Assessment
Date & Time Planned: April 4, 2022
Date and Time (Actual): May 26, 2022
Professional Development Learning Modality (PDLM): Facilitated Group Learning

Procedure and Task description

approximate block of Task Time Responsible Team
time Player/s
 Review the IDP and 1:00-2:00 PM School Head
result of quarterly test
for the the last school
 Identify the 3 priority 2:00-3:00 PM School Head
needs focused in IDP

 Discuss on how to 3:00-4:00 PM School Head

address teachers’
 Accomplish applicable 4:00-5:00 PM Documenter
M&E Tools All
Before learning session
Before the meeting The facilitator reminds group members or mentees to bring the following
 Individual Development Plan
 Result of Quarterly Assessment

The facilitator reminds group members to reflect on their on their weaknesses and
how they handle them to make teaching and learning successful

Learning session proper-(Slide Deck)

Sharing of The facilitator distributes pink and yellow metacards. Instruct the participants to
experiences get a partner and share it wing him/her your weaknesses, write them on pink
(40 minutes) metacards. Then ask suggestions to your partner on how to improve your
weaknesses write it on the yellow metacard and vice versa. (one idea one
metacard). Then post them on the board.

Presentation of new 1. Identify priority needs

topics 1.1 priming Activity – Group the participants into 3 and let them foem
(60 minutes) jumbled letters ( assessment, priority needs, development plan)
1.2 Presentation of the result of quarterly assessment – Ask questions:
Which learning area how high score?
Which learning area got low score?
What do you think are the reason behind?
1.3 Analysis – Go back to the posted metacards and group them
according to their similarities or realationship
1.4 Abstraction – Rank the teachers’ weaknesses and get the top three
1.5 Application – Create a poem / jingle/song/rap about their needs

Accelerate Learners Achievement with Excellence and Humility

Address: P. Herrera St., Batangas City

Telephone No. (043) 702-2094
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

2. How to address teachers’ weaknesses

2.1 Activity – Present a video showing a classroom scenario
2.2 Analysis – Ask questions about the video
 What can you say about the teacher? What do you think is her
level of proficiency?
 How did she deliver her lesson?
 What did she do to assess the pupils learning?
 Can you consider her as an effective teacher? Why?
2.3 Abstractions – Discuss the needs of the teacher in the delivery of the
 What do you think are her needs to improve her teaching
2.4 Application – Relate situation to your own classroom scenario (role
What to do next The LAC Team/s identify the key topics on the top priority need s of teacher
(20 minutes) together with the learning facilitators.

Next steps The group confirms the dates for next learning session-June 2022
After learning session
Implementation After the facilitated group learning, The LAC Team/s list down the topics related to
the top priority need to be discussed in the next SLAC
Accomplish  Annex C-LAC Session Evaluation Tool
applicable M&E  Annex D-LAC Documentation Tool
Tools  Annex E-LAC Reflection Journal
 And others:

Prepared by: Noted by:

Facilitator School Head/PSDS

Date Date:

Accelerate Learners Achievement with Excellence and Humility

Address: P. Herrera St., Batangas City

Telephone No. (043) 702-2094

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