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North west top (EN)

Sizes: XS (S) M (L) XL Gauge: 20 sts x 28 rows/ 10 cm on needle 4 mm

Circumference: 76 (84) 92 (100) 108 cm Recommended yarn: Sandnes Line, Rauma Pelini
Length: 41 (44) 47 (50) 53 cm or Petunia
Needle size: Circular needle 3 and 4 mm Amount of yarn: 150 (200) 200 (250) 250 g
North west top is a cool top with simple details. It is worked bottom up; the front piece is worked
higher and folded edges on front and back piece give the top a neat finish. The straps are worked as
I-cord straps at the end, whereby the length can be easily adjusted.

Needle sizes:
Circular needle 4 mm (60 or 80 cm) for the complete top (excl. folded edges).
Circular needle 3 mm (40, 60 or 80 cm) for folded edges (worked flat).

Size guide:
A summer top with straps will always seam looser and wider as the given measurements.
Choose a size that is 0- 5 cm slimmer (negative ease) than your bust measurement.
The stated measurement on the front page is for the finished garment.

The pictured model is worked in Rauma Petunia 220.

− All body shapes are different; take own measurements and try on the top while knitting.
− Check your gauge before you start knitting.
− You will not pick up new stitches for the neckline and armhole opening. It is therefore
important to work neat and sturdy selvedge stitches. End each row by k2tog and start each
row by slip 1 stitch with yarn in front of work.
− If you are not familiar with the methods of «correct selvedge stitches» and «knitting on and
casting off a folded edge», watch the instruction videos at Witre Design on Instagram.
Cast on 152 (168) 184 (200) 216 sts on a 4 mm needle and close to round. Place 1 stm at round’s
beginning and 1 stm after 76 (84) 92 (100) 108 sts. Both stm mark the armhole openings, where you
divide the body into front and back piece later on. Work in stockinette stitch in rounds, until the top
measures 26 (28) 30 (32) 34 cm.

Front and back piece are now finished separately. If preferred, you can place the stitches, which are
not knitted right now, on an extra needle or waste yarn.

Front piece:
Work 2 cm flat in stockinette stitch across all front piece sts. Continue working in stockinette stitch,
while at the same time, k2tog the last 2 sts every row. The 1st st is always slipped with yarn in front
of work for neat selvedge sts. Repeat the decreases, until you have worked in total 16 (18) 20 (22)
24 times decreases on both sides and you have 44 (48) 52 (56) 60 sts left on the needle.

Change to a 3 mm needle. Work a further 2 cm in stockinette stitch across remaining sts. Purl 1 row,
which is the top edge of the folded edge and work a further 2 cm in stockinette stitch. Cast off all
sts and knit folded edge to top’s ws. You might as well cast off all sts and sew the edge to top’s ws.

Back piece:
Work held back piece sts on a 3 mm needle and decrease 10 sts evenly spread the 1st row. Work 2
cm flat in stockinette stitch. Purl 1 row, work a further 2 cm in stockinette stitch. Cast off all sts and
1 knit folded edge to top’s ws. You might as well cast off all sts and sew the edge to top’s ws.

I-cord straps:
With a 4 mm needle, pick up 2 sts at front piece’s corner. Work an I-cord strap to desired length,
approx. 25 cm. Cast off sts and sew straps neatly to ws, approx. 10- 15 cm from armhole opening

Repeat on front piece’s other side and sew 2nd strap to back piece’s other side.

With Kitchener stitch, sew the transition together from folded edge to part in stockinette stitch
under the armhole openings.
Weave in all ends. Iron the top before use, especially the folded edges and lower edges, so that they
won’t curl up.

Ida Wirak Trettevik // @witredesign
You are very welcome to share your results on Instagram, using the hashtags
#northwesttop and #witredesign

The pattern is for private use only. It is not allowed to copy or share this pattern.
Foto: Helena Krekling

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