Spawn SK

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command /swords:

open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "Swords" to player
format gui slot 21 of player with stone sword named "§3Equip starter
sword" with lore "§9Click here to equip starter sword" to run:
give player unbreakable stone sword named "§3Starter sword"
broadcast "§aequipped starter sword"

format gui slot 22 of player with golden sword named "§2Buy Golden
dasher" with lore "§6cost" and "x5 gold ingots" to run:
player has 5 gold ingots
remove 5 gold ingots from player
give player unbreakable golden sword named "§6Golden Dasher"
broadcast "§aequipped Golden Dasher"

format gui slot 23 of player with netherite sword named "§2Buy Infinity
Slayer" with lore "§6cost" and "x5 netherite ingots" and "x3 diamonds" to run:
player has 5 netherite ingots
remove 5 netherite ingots from player
player has 3 diamonds
remove 3 diamonds from player
give player unbreakable netherite sword named "§lInfinity Slayer"

format gui slot 40 of player with Barrier named "§cClose" to run:

close player's inventory

on rightclick holding netherite sword:

if name of player's held item is "§lInfinity Slayer":
shoot fireball

on rightclick holding golden sword:

if name of player's held item is "§6Golden Dasher":
send "§6used Dash ability"
teleport player to block 8 in front of the player

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