Assignment 1 1

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Professional Practices


1. Search for any business/company. Read and summarize its code of conduct/ethics according
to the SE code of conduct. Source
2. Execute the summary of research paper on Ethical issues in the field of devops. Source

Table of Contents

Task 1………………………………………………..……………………………………………….……….………….…….…….… 2
Code of Conduct of a Company………………………………………………….……………...…….……….…….. 2
Comparison…………………………………………………………….……………………………….…….….……….……. 3
Task 2………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………….….……….…. 4
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..……………… 4
Problem…………………………………………………………………………………………………….….………………….. 4
Significance of the problem……………………………………………………………………………….….….…….… 4
Target audience of solution………………………………………………………………………….……….….…….… 4
Solution of the Problem…………………………………………...………………………….…….…………….…...…. 5
Highlights of the paper…………………………………………………………………..………………………….……… 5
Conclusion…………………….……………………….…………………………………………..……………………….….… 5
Grading…………………………………………………….…………….…………………...…………………..…………....… 5
Project Contribution…………………………………………….………….…………….…………………...………....… 5

Professional Practices

Task 1

Search for any business/company. Read and summarize its code of conduct/ethics according
to the SE code of conduct

Company Name: Punjab Transport Company

Following points summarize the key aspects of Punjab Transport Company's code of ethics,
emphasizing integrity, compliance, respect, and accountability.
1. Formal dress code during office hours; allowance for traditional attire on specified
2. Adherence to company policies, procedures, and regulations.
3. Prohibition against participation in activities against Pakistani laws.
4. Avoidance of acceptance of gifts or favors that may influence official obligations.
5. Restriction on financial transactions with individuals involved in official dealings.
6. Confidentiality of official documents and information.
7. Requirement for permission before making public statements.
8. Disciplinary action against disobedience or misinformation.
9. Building trust and credibility through honorable conduct.
10. Respect for individuals and prohibition of harassment based on various factors.
11. Compliance with harassment laws and reporting procedures.
12. Encouragement of open and honest communication, including whistleblowing.
13. Demonstration of ethical behavior by management.
14. Compliance with laws and regulations.
15. Prohibition against selective disclosure of material nonpublic information.
16. Commitment to health and safety in the workplace.
17. Avoidance of conflicts of interest and disclosure of potential conflicts.
18. Accuracy and transparency in public disclosures.
19. Proper corporate record-keeping and adherence to accounting principles.

Professional Practices

20. Prioritization of substance over form and ethical decision-making.

21. Protection of confidential company information.
22. Responsible use of company resources.
23. Monitoring of company resources for appropriate use.

SE Code of Ethics Punjab Transport Suggestions
Public Yes N/A
Client and Employer Yes N/A
Product Partially Yes • Keep Users Safe: We need to ensure
that our product doesn't hurt anyone.
We must test it thoroughly to find any
• Be Honest About What It Can Do:
We should tell people if our product
can't do something or if it might be
• Make it Simple for Everyone: Design
our product so that anyone can use it,
regardless of their skills or abilities
Profession Partially Yes • Learn to Choose Wisely: Teach
everyone how to make good decisions
when they face difficult problems.
• Stay in Touch: Join groups that focus
on doing the right things in our field.
Colleague No • Respect: Recognize and value your
coworker’s skills and hard work.
• Supportive Atmosphere: Help out
colleagues dealing with tough moral
• Ethical Help: Team up to promote
and uphold good ethical behaviors and

Professional Practices

Self No • Be Truthful: Tell the truth and do

what you know is right.
• Think About Your Actions: Keep
thinking about whether what you're
doing is fair and honest.
• Stay True to Your Beliefs: Stick to
what you believe is right, even when
it's hard.


Execute the summary of research paper on Ethical issues in the field of devops.

Introduction: DevOps, a combination of development and operations practices, has

transformed software engineering by emphasizing collaboration, automation, and continuous
distribution. However, amid the rapid evolution of DevOps methodologies, ethical
considerations have arose as a critical aspect of software development. This paper provides an
in-depth investigation of the historical origins, ethical dimensions, and proposed solutions to
address ethical issues in DevOps within the context of Software Engineering.

Problem: Adoption of DevOps pose following challenges:

 Privacy risks: Integration of DevOps team compromises the user privacy due to
management of extensive amount of user data.
 Speed vs Ethics: Emphasis of rapid software delivery may lead to neglection of the
coding ethics.

 Awareness: New developers, without proper awareness, often comply to violations of

coding practices.

Significance of the problem: Addressing ethical considerations in DevOps is crucial as

ethical lapses can result in privacy breaches, data misuse, and societal harm, impacting public
welfare and trust.

Target Audience for the solution: Proposed solutions for ethical challenges in DevOps
target stakeholders such as software developers, DevOps Engineers, managers and educators.

Professional Practices

Policymakers and regulatory groups also hold a crucial role in establishing and enforcing ethical
rules within software development environment.

Solution of the problem: To address ethical challenges in DevOps, a manifold approach is

 Rasising Awareness: Raising awareness about ethical coding, it’s advantages and
drawbacks of negligence should be prioritized.
 Integration in Education: In depth education of coding ethics shall be integrated in the
curriculum of software engineering.
 Onboarding Training: New staff members shall be trained about the coding ethics and
company norms in this context while onboaring sessions.
 Fostering Ccollaboration: Close connection between development and operations team
can help staying on same page for both.
 Culture of Accountability: Foster a culture of accepting responsibilty of one’s actions.

Highlights of the paper: The paper provides a comprehensive overview of ethical concerns
in DevOps, starting from its historical origins to its current relevance in modern software
engineering practices. It outlines the core ethical principles guiding software development, as
well as findings on programmers' attitudes towards ethical coding. By highlighting the
importance of ethical issues in DevOps, the paper highlights the need for concerted efforts to
integrate ethics education, and uphold professional standards in software engineering.

Conclusion: Ethical considerations are integral to DevOps and software engineering.

Addressing ethical challenges is crucial for ensuring software integrity. Future research should
focus on evaluating solutions, refining guidelines, and promoting awareness. By fostering an
ethical culture, the software engineering community can uphold standards and mitigate risks.

Grading: This paper provides a detailed background and analysis of the problem, highlights its
significance, and proposes a comprehensive solution. Additionally, it maintains a consistent
structure and clarity of content throughout, effectively addressing such a complex issue,
therefore it earns a solid A.

Project Contribution:
Shahzaib Evaluation of code of ethics of Punjab Transports
Saim Iqbal Analysis of research paper, problem and it’s solutions
Zain Farooq Evaluation of paper, highlights, significance and grading

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