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Learning Area: Science Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 1 Duration: 100 minutes
 Create a product produce from separating a mixture
Learning Competency: through picking; sieving/sifting; winnowing; filtering; S6MT – Ig-j-3
magnets; funnel; evaporation; and sedimentation
 A product out from a certain mixture that can be used at home and the community.
 The use of “scientific minds” in creating or sourcing out ideas in making products out
Key Concepts/Understandings
from the different ways of separating mixtures learned.
to be developed
 Medicinal plants from their community when mixed can be used as oil or the traditional
1. Objectives
Knowledge Explain the steps in creating their product.
Skills Demonstrate the steps on how to make their product.
Attitudes Display creativity and resourcefulness in making the product.
Values Practice cleanliness after doing the activity
2. Content/Topic: Creating a product produce from separating a mixture
CG bond paper/colored paper beaker
3. Learning
Medicinal plants found in the community scissor coconut oil extract
Empty and clean bottle of syrups strainer Mortar and pestle
t Needed
calibrated dropper efficascent oil/alcohol
4. Procedures
Introductory Activity What are the different ways of separating mixtures? Describe each.
10 minutes Motivation: Show a medicine in syrup form and ask: What do you
4.1 Preparations think is this product made of?
How is it produced?
Can you make your own product using the different ways of
separating mixtures?

4.2 Presentation

I. Present the materials to the class. Let each pupils know the name
of each material to be used. (While presenting the lesson the
teacher posts on the board the steps to follow in doing the activity.)
1. Pound the “gabon” leaves until its extract come out.
2. Strain the pounded leaves separating its residue from the extract.
3. Mix 3 ml of efficascent oil, 5ml of alcohol, 6 ml of coconut oil
extract and 8 ml of “gabon” leaves extract.
4. Transfer the mixture to a clean and empty bottle of syrups.
5. Using a bondpaper/colored paper label your product.

Activity II. Let the pupils create their own product using the materials that
45 minutes they have brought. (Group Activity)
Create a product produced from separating mixture
Medicinal plants found in the community
Empty and clean bottle of syrups
calibrated dropper
mortar and pestle
After the pupils had created their own product, ask them to apply it
on their legs.
(Note: Remind the pupils on not to use it internally)
1. What did you feel while doing the activity?
2. How did you come up with your output?
3. What are the materials used in creating the product?
4. What steps did you follow in order to make your product?
5. Why did choose such medicinal plant instead of the other? Did
10 minutes
you seek advices from the elders?
6. How did you find the activity?
Why are liniment oils that are made locally important?
Abstraction  Liniment oils are easily made.
10 minutes  Because of its cheap cost.
4.3 Practice Exchange output/product with the other group. Try applying their
10 mins. product on your legs and infer the difference.
 Create a product produced from separating mixture
 The group will be evaluated using the following criteria:
5. Assessment Resourcefulness – 15%
10 mins. Creativity - 20%
Relevance - 40%
Process – 25%

6. Assignment Think of a name of your created product. List down strategies that
3 mins. would help you sell it to the community.
7. Wrap-up/Concluding Activity End the activity with a line:
2 mins. “Laughter is the best medicine.”

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