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Multiple Choice

1. Irrigation type in which water is distributed across the land by gravity is______.
A. Drip Irrigation C. Surface Irrigation
B. Sprinkler System D. Localized Irrigation
2. The tillage operation performed after the seed plantation or the emergence of seedling is_
A. Sowing C. Land Grading E. All
B. Land leveling D. Cultivation
3. In which method of planting the row-to-row and plant-to-plant distance is uniform?
A. Dibbling C. Drilling E. None
B. Broadcasting D. Check row planting
4. The process planting in which seeds are placed in holes made in the seedbed and closing the
seed with soil is _________.
A. Broadcasting C. Dibbling E. Hill dropping
B. Cultivation D. Drilling
5. The process of cutting off of local elevations and filling up of local depressions by using the
machineries for a number of passes for earth cutting and then moving the earth along
different orientations __________.
A. Land leveling B. Land Smoothing C. Land Grading D. Cultivation
6. A planting system that emphasizes green gardening practices that are low-carbon and self-
sustaining is ________________.
A. Permaculture C. Ridge planting Systems
B. Raised Beds planting Systems D. Transplanting
7. The primary method of controlling the seeding rate with the double-run feed is
A. By changing the implements C. By increasing the speed of the tractor
B. By changing the speed ratio between the ground wheels and the feed shaft D. None
8. Which of the following is/are the advantage of raised beds planting system?
A. Permanent construction of raised beds box C. Less equipment requirement
B. Requires more frequent irrigation D. All of the above
9. Which one of the following is not the result of perfect planting?
A. Correct amount of seed per unit area C. Correct spacing between row to row and plant to
B. Correct depth of sowing D. Large area coverage of crops
10. What are the advantages of drip irrigation system?
A. Very high efficiency of water use and better yield.
B. Efficient application of fertilizers and plant protection.
C. Minimal weed problem and no soil erosion. D. All of the above

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