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JM Best Ever Character

Its me

James Marshall

Doing A Document on various Gamebooks

Not many of them are Fighting Fantasy 1’s

In fact none of them are Fighting Fantasy 1’s

Now changed to have several Fighting Fantasy 1’s

All of them have no cheating, no guides, no hints and no notes

There is no rule-breaking but when needed I’ll tolerate rule bending

Some are fan made

But none of The fan made 1’s were made by me or people I know

But although I’m not using Fan Made Gamebooks that were made by me or people I know I’m using
RPG Variations I made of regular

There are several RPG 1’s


Between all of them this is going to be fun

The Books Name

It’s a Fabled Lands Saga


This 1 uses my Best Ever Character

My character


Kim Monksilver


When I do A Female it always is




With me it nearly always is



It/she/all characters have to be of The Human Race


Or rather at least in Books 1 to 6, The Book 7 Demo and The Fabled Lands Version of Keep Of The
Liche Lord your race has to be Human


Ex Mage

Then The Monkey Gods Shrine Made me A Priest

Now A Ex Priest

Then The Monkey Gods Shrine Made me A Rogue


I am now A Rogue















Stamina and including modifiers


With no modifiers


With all modifiers


Actual maximum

Its includes 46 gained and 32 lost or +14 in total from playing The Sacred Games of The Divine Beings
called The Three Fortunes

It also includes 1D6 or 5 for being unhurt in The Land of The Gods of The Sleeping Isle

It also includes 1D6 or 5 for training from The Tengu King

It also includes 5 for asking A Boon of Strength of A Holy Avatar whilst A Follower of The Lord and
Lady of The Lord and later getting it. Which was earned by fighting A Champion Wrestler in unarmed
single combat and then defeating him by way of lifting him off of his feet then throwing him to the
deck 3 times

It also includes 4 for 4 times praying at The Clearwater Shrine and rolling A 3

It also 3 Stamina for saving Sul Veneris

It also includes 2 Stamina for beating A Brimstone Golem in A Test that The Goddess Lhyss set for me
in The Fabled Lands version of Keep of The Liche Lord


All in all with The 26 1D6 rolls for gaining 26 Ranks coming up 132 out of a possible 156 that gives me
+16 +132 +14 +5 +5 +5 +4 +3 +2 or 186

With no modifiers


With all modifiers


Absolute maximum it could have been

With no modifiers


With all modifiers


Fighting stuff, but only at my best

In regular combat

A 2D6+26 Attack Roll

A Defence of 54


196 Stamina

In Spirit Fights
A 2D6+10 Attack Roll

A Defence of 21


186 Stamina


Nahual. Which I count as A Stat and A Title


It was 6 at 1 point







With no modifiers


With all modifiers


Regular quests

Killing 3 Groups of Elite Pirates that were send to capture or kill me and my crew after allies of theirs
drugged our drinks, then alerted the pirates

Defeating The Crews of 2 separate Pirate Raiding Ships

2, none-permanent, ranks for/from my Ring Of Ultimate Power

For successfully finding and breaking into The Tower Of Despair, once inside defeating its undying
Ethereal Wolf Guardian, then stealing 500 shards, 1 +3 Defence Regal Helm and 1 +2 Golden Sword
from its bell-top Treasure Chamber and then escaping without being attacked by The Gigantic
Vampire Bats that roost their

Single-handely defeating and killing A Group of 5 experienced Golnir Highwaymen that I looted of 37
shards and gear that I sold for 430 shards, which means that, all in all, my character earned a total of
+467 shards

Killing A Rampaging Dragon on behalf of Baroness Vanna, who is Golnir's Ruler and bringing her The
Dragons Head as proof, for which my character was rewarded with A Knighthood and personnel
chambers in Castle Ravayne
Being sneaked up upon by A Uttakin Slave Ship, making the 1st strike, defeating them, freeing their
wealthy prisoners and leaving the surviving Slavers at the mercy of their former captives

Quests that are guaranteed to get you A Rank increase

Prior to joining Ebrons Faith

In Sokara going to Yellowport, meeting The Governor, who is also The New Rulers Younger Brother,
getting and accepting a mission from him/Yellowports Governor to kill The Old Kings Son, then
heading to The Coldback Mountains, meeting Royalists, bluffing my way to and killing the kings son,
then escaping from The Coldback Mountains with proof of what I had done, returning to Yellowports
Governor, showing him the proof of my deed and collecting my reward of cash and a title

In Sokara going to Marlock City, meeting with Sokara's New Ruler, agreeing to save The Citadel Of
Velis Corin by somehow stopping The Besieging Army Of The Northern Alliance, heading up their,
meeting with The Citadel Of Velis Corins commanding officer, agreeing to stop The Besieging Army
Of The Northern Alliance by killing General Beladi/its leader, then heading north, sneaking into The
Northern Alliances Camp, then sneaking into the tent of and killing General Beladi/its leader, this
causes panic, I escaped and The Northern Alliance collapsed and dispersed and, as a result, both The
Citadel Of Velis Corin and Northern Sokara are safe

Knowingly that I’d eventually join Ebrons Faith and get A Mission from Aku's Compiler Of
Confectionery Surprises to get him A Pink Rice Grain from The Black Pagoda in Akutsurai's Oni
Province, going their by magic, I gained A Rank by killing The Infamous Big Boy The Giant and taking
2,500 Shards, 1 +3 Defence suit of Chain-mail armour, 1 Pirate Captains Head, 1 Canister of Rat
Poison and 1/The Pink Rice Grain from his treasure hoard, then storing The Pink Rice Grain in my
Paladins Quarters in Castle Ravayne in Golnir

For journeying to Smogmaw in The Southern Sea's, their buying A Spectral Veil, then heading to
Copper Island, heading into a closed off part of the mines, their encountering numerous Spectres, I
used The Spectra Veil to impersonate A Spectre and from Real Specters I learned secrets that include
the vapors of the moon, the quality of the afterlife as well as the true nature of eternity, no mortal
has ever heard the secrets I heard and I will never be the same again


Journeying all over The Southern Continent, including A Ruined Temple where A Spirit Rested, A
Hidden Sacred Grove and The Plateau of Dragons. Gaining The Knowledge of how to challenge and,
hopefully, defeat The God King Namagal, eventually challenging him, fighting him in both regular and
spirit combat, sparing him and gaining A God King as a close and personal friend


But as in order to take the 1st steps towards getting both +1 Nahual AND 1 of The 3 parts of
Equilbrium in The Ruined City of Tarrabeth I couldn’t be a god at all and that meant that I couldn’t be
A Initiate of A God to get the best result I didn’t join Ebrons Faith till after that, but luckily I did that
very early on then did what I wanted worship like


As well as which at various points for the benefits they bring I was A Follower of Nagil, The Three
Fortunes, Alvir and Valmir, Tambu and Huan-da at various points, which netted me The Titles Favor
of The Three Fortunes, Favored of Tambu and Chosen of Nagil and I had Nahual 6 that dropped to
Nahual 5, before deciding to become A Initiate of Ebron

After joining Ebrons Faith

Months if not years after killing The Infamous Big Boy The Giant and looting his hoard I joined The
Faith of Ebron, got The Mission from Aku's Compiler Of Confectionery Surprises to get him A Pink
Rice Grain, then just went and got The Pink Rice Grain from my Paladins Quarters in Castle Ravayne
in Golnir then returned to Aku via magic, went to The Royal Palace and gave The Pink Rice Grain to
The Minister known as The Compiler Of Confectionery

For gaining enough influence with The Faceless Kings Ministers to get a meeting with The Faceless
King, then getting a mission from him to get him A Tatsu Pearl, going, via The Magical Vade Macum,
to The Far Eastern Land of Akatsurai, their stealing 1 from Akatsurai's Chancellor, along with a very
large sum of cash and 2 other very valuable items, then returning to Aku, again via The Magical Vade
Macum, with it and giving it to The Faceless King

In Sokara, going to Marlock City, entering A Gambling Den and making a total profit of 134, after that
and before leaving I spotted and followed 2 thugs, stopping them mugging a scholar and getting his
Vial Of Yellow Dust as a reward, then sprinkling it in Blessed Springs, this freed Oliphard The
Wizardry who rewarded me with A Spell that granted me A Permanent +1 Combat. Straight after
that he found out that I was A Mage and he gave me a task, for him, that I accepted. After that my
character went straight to The Lake Of The Sea Dragon, met and paid Vallis - The Sea Dragon,
hitched a ride on his tail, got to his lair, stole 500 shards or 325 shards profit, A +3 Combat
Enchanted Sword, A +2 Magic Ebony Wand and Oliphards Chest Of Wizardry, I took it to Oliphard
and, as a reward, Oliphard trained me to 17th level Wizard

Sailing north east along Sokara's Coast till I get to the south eastern coastal parts on The Northern
Lands, then sailing north by north east until I have gotten past A Illusionary Ship, gotten near to The
Isle Of Mystery and docked their. Then headed inland, found The City Of Mystery, socialized for a bit,
then fought in The City Of Mysteries Magic Arena, their I defeated A Druids Wood Magic with Fire, A
Fire Mages Wave Of Fire with A Wave Of Water and became A Champion of The City Of Mysteries
Magic Arena

Heading to central Golnir, their meeting and accepting A Riddle-Based Challenge from The Demi-God
Piper called Dom Daniel, solving it, heading to the meeting place, getting their on time, meeting Mr
D, receiving his congratulations on solving his riddle, been given A Choice of A Chest that holds
magical gear or listening to stuff, that for all I know could be worthless, from A Magic Sea-Shell, I
choose The Sea-Shell and, from it, my character learnt many secrets of ancient wisdom

For learning from A seemingly alive but in truth dead for many centuries famous singer and writer of
songs natural looking Ghost A Ballad from The High King to his lover, then journeying to The
Rimewater mine, entering it, finding a blocked-off section, having a monster-man break it then killing
him, following the tunnel to the end and finding The Imprisoned High King and his Ex Life Long Love
and now insane, evil eternal and undying jailor, I then, using The Ballad, freed him to live again and
also freed his jailor to go to The Afterlife and, at long last, he can save his people from being Uttakin
Slaves in all but name

For going to Dweomer, their, after boasting to A Colleges Head for several hours about my powers
and abilities I was, by powerful magic, forced to do a mission to kill The Liche Lord Mortiss, I
achieved my forced mission with a little difficulty and, during it, I accomplished the following. Killed a
band of pirates sent to kill my character after I foolishly told a packed tavern of my, supposedly, top-
secret mission, bested A magically Temple Guardian Statue Of Lyhss and got 3 of Lyhss's Gifts and as
well as A Divine Blessing Of Luck from Lyhss herself, later passed A Divine Challenge that had been
designed by Lyhss herself, I also underwent a mini quest were I succeeded at destroying Mortiss
Vampire Lord Wife and her 3 Ex Farmer and 1 Ex Soldier Thralls. During A Pirate occupation of a
village I bet 8,268 shards on A Pirate Wrestling Match and won back my wager and another 16,536
shards, then being recognized as a spy and having to defeat and kill 4 pirates, then heading to the
cove, sneaking on A Pirate ship, killing their captain, freeing the villagers and leading them in a
slaughter of the pirates, which saved the villages population from death or slavery, I also single
handily saved A Noble Centaur by destroying The Wolves that were pursuing him with the intention
of killing him then eating him and was given the very rare, almost unheard of, honour of being A
Human allowed to ride A Centaur, but he/The Centaur soon managed to wiggle out of it and left long
before I would stop him The Centaur

Returning to my new liege lord, The High King Of Uttaku, their taking the mission to get back his/The
High Kings Royal Sceptre, finding out were their may be info on it, then going to Icicle Woods were I
bribed Forest Sprites to help me, they did, they told me what I needed to know, I then went to A
Magic Tree and ate its magical fruit, I then safely knew how to enter The Cave Of Bells, I went to The
City Of Ruins on The Northern Plains, their I safely got The High Kings Sceptre and I/my character
also took/looted a further 2,000 Shards, A +3 Enchanted Sword and A +3 Gold Holy Symbol


I went to Akatsurai, their I became A Initiate Of The Sage Of Peace, who is not a jealous god and does
not mind my character also being A Initiate Of Ebron, I then went to The Noboru Monastery, their I
completed The Trials Of The Sage Of Peace, which were all in my head and cos I also defeated my
evil clone, who due to my power couldn't harm me at all but as I would only harm him on A Double 6
and even then only for 1 damage that battle likely lasted several days. All in all my character gained
+1 Rank and +4 out of a possible +6 Stamina, my Sancitity would have rose to 12, but it already was
and I gained the title of Enlightened One


The Monkey God Shiame gave a unique and disturbing blessing, which resulted in my character
career changing from Mage to Rogue and had my Thievery not already been maxed out would have
netted me +1 Thievery. Then I was returned to Book 3's Dweomer by A Teleport Spell cast by Shiame
that send me their. From their teleported to Book 1's Yellowport, then completed The Rogue only
tasks in Book's 1 and 4, then returned to The Southern Jungle's of Book 7


Here are The 2 Rogue Quests

The 1st Rogue only task was to go to The Temple of Sig in Marlock City. Their I was asked to and
accept the task to steal The Golden Chain-Mail of Trynai from The Temple of Trynai in Caran Baru.
Then going to Caran Baru, sneaking into The Temple of Trynai, stealing The Golden Chain Mail of
Trynai and then returning with it to The Temple of Sig in Marlock City, get my reward and receive
training as A Thief

The 2nd Rogue only task was to go to The Thieves Kitchen in Yariuma, their go to The Brotherhood,
be invited in, enter, apply for membership, accept the task of breaking into The Dynamo's Tower,
try, succeed, leave without stealing anything, return to the brotherhood, be made a member, get
The Title Nightstalker and training as A Rogue


Returning to The Monkey God Shiame's Holy Place and, this time, as I am A Rogue I am forced to
become A Priest and I regain The 1 Sancitity


Here are the 2 Priest Quests

My 1st Priest only task was when I went to Marlock in Sokara, their I went to The Temple of Alvir and
Valmir, accepted A Task to save their gods semi-divine son, went to Devils Peak, climbed it, saved Sul
Veneris, was given divine strength and returned to The Temple of Alvir and Valmir, where I was
trained even more in The Priestly arts


My 2nd Priest only task was when I went to Yarimura on The Northern Plains, their I went to The
Temple of Nisoderu. I met The High Priest, I agreed to recover The Golden Mirror of The Sun
Goddess, I wandered The Northern Plains until I found it, eventually I did, I returned it to The Temple
of Nisoderu, where I was trained even more in The Priestly arts

Circles of Bokh Mastered


The 1st Circle was got after I decided, out of sheer-tightness, not to pay 2 Shards to hire A Sedan
Chair to take me up Aku's Harbor Steps, Mercenaries thought I was a penniless Vagabond, knocked
me out cold and sold me as a slave, I learned A/my 1st Circle Of Bokh from A Uttakin Enslaved
Heretic and Ex Noble of and, several months later, I earned my freedom by saving the life and soul of
The Uttakin Artificer to whom The Master Of Minions gave me

The 2nd was got after challenging all comers to wrestling matches in Aku's Market Place, facing A
Noble, realizing how weak he/the noble was, letting him/the noble win, he/the noble was full aware
that I had let him win in a way that made him look good and I was rewarded in part by the noble
wavering the 100 shards bet and, also in part, by The Noble arranging for me being trained in/at


The 3rd was got after going to Aku's Hall Of Absolution, undergoing the sacred bathing and scraping,
following the method, that only works in Aku's Hall Of Ablution to get A Uttakin Noble to Aid me and
got training in Bokh due to requesting it as the aid that he/The Uttakin Noble had to, by tradition,
give to my character

Influence at The Court Of Hidden Faces

12 points
How I got them

For spending 5 weeks in Aku's Library, whilst their trying and succeeding at writing, on behalf of The
Master Of Fables, the winning story at this year's Story Writing Contest and the bit that clinched my
story winning the contest was the quest that my character choose to undertake whilst taking a break
from writing the story

For taking the part of The Main Villain in a historical play that The Current Faceless King Of Uttaku is
very fond of and doing such a good job that I made The Current Faceless King laugh and clap, which
is something that no-one in The Faceless Court Of Aku has seen or even heard about for several

For agreeing to get A very rare Silver Nightingale for Aku's Master Of Nightingales, then journeying
to The Icicle Woods, whilst their I set a trap for and caught A very rare Silver Nightingale, returning
with it to Aku and, once I had returned, giving it to The Master Of Nightingales

For journeying to The Village Of Spatterdash's Graveyard, entering a 500 odd year old grave, once
inside had I not been a follower of Ebron I would have been attacked by and forced to defeat The
Undead Ghost that inhabited and guarded the grave, but I was and still am a follower of Ebron and
so was not attacked. After that I recovered The Sacred Sword known as The Holy Avenger, I then
returned with it to Aku and giving The Holy Avenger to The High Convener Of Chariots

For discovering that A Insane Wizard owned and could open A Pool that lets the user, not just him,
travel through time, finding him, giving him/The Insane Wizard A Amulet Of Ebron, using his Magic
Pool to travel 3,000 years into the past, once their retrieving A Abzu Plant for The Blender Of Spices
and, despite the difficulties and risks, returning to Aku with it


Using The Vade Macum to journey from Aku to Chambara in Akatsurai, going to The Black Pagoda in
Akatsurai's Oni Province, once their getting A Pink Spice Grain by defeating Big Boy The Giant, after
that taking 2,500 shards, The Pink Rice Grain and 1 each of useful and magical and useful yet none-
magical items as extra loot. Then returning to Imperial Chambara, once their using The Vade Macum
to return to Aku and, upon my return, heading straight to Aku's Court of Hidden Faces and, once
inside, giving The Pink Spice Grain to Aku's Compiler Of Confectionery Surprises



1/A/The White Sword

It is and will remain A Divine gift from The Nagil, who is The God of Death in The Fabled Lands, to
me, who was 1 of his most favored followers, I no longer follow him but it is still mine but as it is A
Weapon of Death I can’t entered The Silver Tower in Anon-Kuno with it on me unless I either lose it
forever or leave straight away. As well as which It has been given 1 super-powerful divine boost and
as a result of which it gives me +14 Combat

1 Rainbow Tunic

It has been given 1 super-powerful divine boost. As a result of which it gives me +11 Defence and +3
Thievery and I don’t suffer a heat penalty

1 Abu Staff
Gives +6 to both Combat and Scouting and if I cease to have it then it shatters and is useless but I can
get another by journeying to The Sacred Spire on The Southern Continent

1 Celestium Wand

Gives +5 Magic

1 Blackwood Lyre

Just like The Jade Crown it gives +5 Charisma and unlike The Jade Crown that is unique only in theory
this really is unique

1 Varja Baton

Gives +5 Sancitity

The Vade Macum

Lets me teleport myself between the most important city or town in the 1st 11 Books

1 Ring of Ultimate Power

Gives +10 Stamina, +3 Defence, +2 Ranks and +1 to every stat other then Nahual


1/A/The Serpents Fang Dagger

Can be used in Spirit Combat, as the rules don’t say that you can’t boost its bonus in regular
fights/Combat it gives a boosted +11 Combat in regular Combat and also gives the much weaker, but
still high, bonus of +5 Combat in Spirit Combat. As well as which I keep it for Spirit Combat and not
Regular Combat mainly due to the fact that The Unique and Legendary White Sword that I also have
is far better in Regular Combat but although it can be used in Spirit Combat it gives no bonuses in
Spirit Combat

1 suit of Crocodile Hide Armour

It gives me +4 Defence and can be used in Spirit Combat




The Flask of Oblivion

It can hold 6 items but it only count as 1 and holds the following 5 Items, but if I lose it I lose
everything it holds/contains the following. As well as which I’ll always leave room for at least 1 item
in it so I can put a item in and the whatever item I need out of it

In it

1 Sea Green Lens

Rules, effects, benefits and penalties given when or if needed. But so far its only known use is to
open A Sacred Door into A Sacred Chamber
1 Lantern

Gives light, no other uses in Books 1 to 7 and The Fabled Lands Version of Keep of The Liche, but may
have some in Book 8 to 12, if they get released that is

1 Merchants Cloak

Like all its kind it is unique and wearing it proofs that I have the right to travel throughout, passage
throughout, the right to trade in and the right to not be hunted and killed within The Feathered

1 Blessing Stone

It works the same as A Blessing Stone in that it lets me re-roll 1 Failed Scouting Test just like A
Scouting Blessing then it is useless. But unlike with A Scouting Blessing I keep The Stone and may
have or find a use for it


1 Pair of Champions Gauntlets

Wearing them gives me +1 Defence and does not incur a heat penalty if fighting in a hot
environment. As well as which they give me +3 Combat when/if fighting in unarmed combat. As well
as which they can be sold for 600 Shards

Stuff I have that isn’t listed and this is mainly cos its not listed in the way that items that do take up
space are listed

1 Masked Ladies Mask

Rules, effects, bonuses, benefits and penalties given when needed. But normally it simply proves
who and what my character is. Namely A Masked Lady of Aku who commands 534 soldiers and 13
ships whose career track has been Mage-Rogue-Priest-Rogue and who has super-human levels of
Skill in all 7 Human Abilities

Special stuff

Hair of Gold Thread

Nets me 20 Shards every time I travel to a new book

A Shadar Word of Power

See 15 in Book 5

Nahual 6 then later Nahual 5

See Book 7

Resolve 12/13

See The Fabled Lands version of Keep of The Liche Lord

The power of The Ring of Ultimate Power

Gives +10 Stamina, +3 Defence, +2 Ranks and +1 to every stat other then Nahual

A initial investment of 29,200 shards that is now worth 5,636,319,500 Shards


A total of 127,130,530 banked


On me






















The Lyoko

It’s a Brigatine

It has A Average Crew

It can carry 2 Cargo Units

It has no cargo

Its in The Hands of The Reavers of The Unnumbered Isles


The Xanna

It’s a Barque

It has A Average Crew

It can carry 1 Cargo Unit

It has no cargo


Its docked at Ringhorn


The Schaffer

It’s A Galleon

It has A Excellent Crew

It can carry 3 Cargo Units

It has no cargo


Its at Aku


The Sea Centaur

It’s A Galleon

It has A Poor Crew

It can carry 3 Cargo Units

It has no cargo


Its at Yariuma


The Mermaids Desire

It’s A Galleon

It has A Excellent Crew

It can carry 3 Cargo Units

It has no cargo

Its at Krunir


The Wrath of The Gods

It’s A Brigatine

It has A Excellent Crew

It can carry 3 Cargo Units

It has no cargo


Its at Krunir


The Yuri

It’s A Barque

It has A Average Crew

It can carry 1 Cargo Unit

It has no cargo


Its at Dweomer

8th to 13th


They are The Hydra, The Basilisk, The Manticore, The Gorgon, The Corsair and The Cold Crue

They are all have A Excellent Crew

They can all carry 0 units of Cargo Space

They all have no cargo


They are all docked at Ringhorn

Places to store things


My quarters in Castle Ravayne

Its at 661 in Book 2

I have 46,704 Shards, 9,622 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 3 suits of +3 Defence Chainmail, 2 jugs of Faery
Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2 Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +3 Defence Regal Helm, 1 +2
Combat Golden Sword, 1 +4 Defence Suit of Splint Armour, 1 Rabbits Foot Charm, 1 +0 Combat
Knive, 1 Candle, 1 +1 Defence Leather Jerkin, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1
length of rope, 1 +2 Thievery Pair of Magical Lockpicks, 1 Wolves Pelt, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1
Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 Scroll of Ebron, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of
String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My quarters at 1 of Dweomers Magic Colleges

Its at 607 in Book 3


I have 63,144 Shards, 9,045 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 6 Wolves Pelts, 1 Pirate Captains Head, 1 Four-Leaf
Clover, 1 Amulet of Ebron, 1 chunk of Selenium Ore, 1 +0 Combat Sword, 1 +0 Combat Knive, 1
Candle, 1 +1 Defence Leather Jerkin, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 length of
rope, 1 Canister of Rat Poison, 1 +2 Thievery Pair of Magical Lockpicks, 1 Wolves Pelt, 1 Spectral Veil,
1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 Scroll of Ebron, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1
Tent, 1 Ball of String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My quarters in Uttaku’s Hall of Heroes

Its at 560 in Book 5


I have 51,868 Shards, 13,038 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +2 Magic Colbat Wand, 1 Rabbits Foot Charm, 1 +0 Combat Knive,
1 Candle, 1 +1 Defence Leather Jerkin, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 Spotted
Scarf, 1 +3 Combat Battle Axe, 1 +2 Thievery Pair of Magical Lockpicks, 1 Wolves Pelt, 1 Spectral Veil,
1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 Scroll of Ebron, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1
Tent, 1 Ball of String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My Masked Ladies Quarters in Aku’s Spider Palace

Its at 624 in Book 5


I have 50,984 Shards, 11,798 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +1 Defence Leather Jerkin, 1 +0 Combat Sword, 1 +4 Combat
Sword, 1 Rope, 1 +0 Combat Knive, 1 +1 Combat Golden Katana, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate
Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 Pirate Captains Head, 1 +3 Scouting Sextant, 1 +3 Thievery Pair of Gloves of Sig, 1
Candle, 1 +2 Thievery Pair of Magical Lockpicks, 1 Wolves Pelt, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of
Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 Scroll of Ebron, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String
and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here

My castle in Uttaku with a 534 Strong Army made up of 424 professional soldiers, 110 combat
trained Servants, my combat trained personal makers of arms and armour, my combat trained
personal Wizard, my combat trained personal Priest and The combat trained Steward who is in
charge when I’m not their


With my Army 20,228 assorted Outlaw Armies each of which consisted of between 300 and 900
Mercenaries turned Outlaws that attacked my A castle/The Castle/my characters castle and netted
200x20,228 Shards or a total of 4,045,600 Shards in Loot


I have the following stored here


230,427 Shards, 103,981 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 +4 Defence Suits of Splint Armour, 2 jugs of Faery
Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2 Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clovers, 1 +0 Combat Sword, 1 +3 Magic
Colbat Wand, 1 potion of Nature -holds 1 dose that has to be drank before making A Scouting Roll
and if drank lets me add +1 to the number rolled, 1 +0 Combat Knive, 1 Candle, 1 length of rope, 1 +1
Defence Leather Jerkin, 1 Amulet of Ebron, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 +6
Defence suit of Heavy Plate Armour, 1 Dragon Head, 1 +2 Thievery Pair of Magical Lockpicks, 1
Wolves Pelt, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 Scroll of Ebron, 1
+3 Thievery Pair of Gloves of Sig, 1 +1 Combat Naginata, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of
String, 1 +0 Combat Scimitar, 1 +1 Combat Trident, 1 +1 Charisma Mandolin, 1 Gem worth 100
Shards and 1 Banner of The Shadar stored here

A assortment of stolen looted and questionably legal goods. A lot of which was stolen from/during 5
raids of The Military Grade Primary Weapons and Armour store of the small City Sized southern
Fortress of Kchen Chennar

11,370 Shards, 29 +1 Combat Moon-Spades, 7 +0 Combat Spears, 4 +0 Combat Axes, 3 +0 Combat

Swords, 3 Ink Sacs, 1 +1 Combat Long Gold Dagger, 1 +3 Combat Spear, 1 +3 Defence Suit of Quilted
Armour and 1 +1 Defence Animal Helm, 1 +2 Combat Battle Axe, 1 chunk of Selenium Ore, 1 Amulet
of Ebron, 1 Scroll of Ebron, 1 +1 Scouting Compass, 1 +2 Charisma Silver Flute, 1 +1 Combat Black
Axe, 1 Tatsu Pearl, 1 +2 Combat Pole-Axe and 1 pair of Silver Chopsticks stored here

Unique or at least semi unique and are listed uniquely

Multiples of

6 Grim Spines

Rules given when needed

2 Grim Candles

Rules given when needed

2 Oonboonta Bracelets

They are in theory only given to Inkatek’s Head Gardener and/or those he/she greatly favors, they
give the wearer +2 Magic and +2 Scouting and have both have the combined resale value in Shards
of items with those bonuses, which means that they both have A resale value in Shards of 1,600
Shards +720 Shards or 2,320 Shards, as well as which I’ve previously sold 2 other Oonboonta
Bracelets for 2,320 Shards x2 or 4,640 Shards

1 off’s

1 Crystal Dagger

Gives +2 Combat and has the added bonus of being useable in Spirit Combat

The Unique and Legendary Sword Equilibrium

It can be used in Spirit Combat, it has been given 1 super-powerful divine boost and 1 far weaker
divine boost and I’ve ruled that you can increase its boosts in Regular but not Spirit Fights. As a result
of which it gives me +13 Combat in regular Combat but only +4 Combat in Spirit Combat

1 Dented Helmet

Gives +2 Defence and has the added bonus of being useable in Spirit Combat

The Seal of The Black Pagoda

Rules given when needed

1 Centaur Flute that was given to be by The Demigod known as Horse That Sings

Gives me +3 Charisma

1 Semi-unique Sacrosanct Sword

Gives a bonus of half rounded down The Users Sancitity, which in my hands means +6 Combat in
regular combat, can be used in Spirit Combat, but in Spirit Combat it only gives +3 Combat. As well as
which if the user is A Priest, which I’m not, then he/she can have 2 Sancitity Blessings rather then the
normal 1

The unique Sword of Loss

If used by A Troubadour it gives +5 Combat and unlike most swords also gives +2 Defense. If used by
A None-Troubadour, which means me, it gives +3 Combat and if sold also counts as A +3 Combat

The Jade Defender

It’s a Semi-Legendary Blade of Great Power that there are very few of left in the world. Not only
does it give +3 Combat but it also has the almost unheard of ability to also increase your Defense by

Nopalti’s Baton

Gives the user +4 Magic, if he or she is A Mage, which I’m not, but always gives +4 Combat and can
be sold for 800 Shards, which I never will

1 Mace

It has been given 1 super-powerful divine boost and 1 far weaker divine boost, as a result of which it
gives +12 Combat

1/A/The Sword of Spider Slaying

Gives +4 Combat VS most foes, +9 Combat VS all types of Spiders and has a resale value of 1,800

1 Mechanical Sparrow

No rules or effects unless given in Books 8+ and likely in Book 10 but is both mechanical and Clock-

1/A/The Rune Circlet

Its only use is to turn it into A Wonderous Item whose side-Effects are worth the losses and/or
penalties. No rules or effects

1 Regular Dagger

Its only worth +1 Combat, but it is unique in that before it became mind in was given to 1 of my crew
by his dying father

1 Cloak of Feathers

It was given to me by A Merchant from The Southern Continent called Moon of Evening and wearing
it and/or showing it to friends of hers and/or those that know and/or trust her is a quick way to also
be trusted by them


My home on Verayens Isle, where I’m considered A Hero and A Saviour

Its at 335 in Book 3


I have 44,597 Shards, 4,656 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +0 Combat Sword, 1 +1 Defence Leather Jerkin, 1 +4 Defence Suit
of Splint Armour, 1 +0 Combat Knive, 1 Candle, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1
+4 Spear, 1 length of rope, 1 +2 Thievery Pair of Magical Lockpicks, 1 Chunk of Selenium Ore, 1
Wolves Pelt, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +0 Combat Staff,
1 Scroll of Ebron, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored


My 1-story Villa in Chambara

Its at 284 in Book 6


I have 31,768 Shards, 7,455 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +2 Combat Pole-Axe, 1 pair of Silver-Chops, 1 +1 Combat Sword, 1
+1 Defence Leather Jerkin, 1 +4 Defence Suit of Splint Armour, 1 +0 Combat Knive, 1 Candle, 1 +0
Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 +2 Combat Uttakin Long-Axe, 1 suit of +3 Defence
Chainmail, 1 length of rope, 1 +2 Thievery Pair of Magical Lockpicks, 1 Wolves Pelt, 1 Spectral Veil, 1
+0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +3 Charisma Moonstone Bracelet, 1 Scroll of
Ebron, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here

My Home in Dunpala

Its at 405 in Book 7


I have 24,134 Shards, 8,788 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Heads, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +1 Defence Suit of Leather Armour, 1 +0 Combat Mace, 1 +0
Combat Axe, 1 Candle, 1 Lantern, 1 Xibalban Lantern, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked
Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +3 Sancitity Gold Holy Symbol, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1
Iron Fan, 1 large bundle of Wisp Spider Webbing, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String
and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My quarters at Broken Hearts Crocodile Farm near Begotombo

Its at 486 in Book 7


I have 26,962 Shards, 9,422 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Heads, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +1 Defence Suit of Leather Armour, 1 +0 Combat Mace, 1 +0
Combat Axe, 1 Candle, 1 Lantern, 1 Crocodile Skin, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked
Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +0 Combat Flint Dagger, 1 Water Bottle, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate
Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 Broken Clay Bowl, 1 potion of Nature -once drank I add +1 to my next Scouting
Type Difficulty Roll, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String, 1 +0 Combat Scimitar and 1
Man-Beasts Helmet stored here


My home in Begotombo

Its at 129 in Book 7


I have 19,561 Shards, 7,952 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +1 Defence Suit of Leather Armour, 1 +0 Combat Mace, 1 +0
Combat Axe, 1 Candle, 1 Lantern, 1 Crocodile Skin, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked
Cards, 1 +3 Scouting Codex of Ways, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 Bottle of
Wine, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My chambers in The Verdant Spire

At 263 in Book 7


I have 22,172 Shards, 9,966 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 2 jugs of Faery Meads, 2 Pirate Captains Head, 2
Boars Tusks, 2 Four Leaf Clover, 1 +1 Defence Suit of Leather Armour, 1 +0 Combat Mace, 1 +0
Combat Axe, 1 Candle, 1 Lantern, 1 Crocodile Skin, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0 Club, 1 Deck of Marked
Cards, 1 +3 Scouting Codex of Ways, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 +2 Magic
Ebony Wand, 1 +2 Scouting Gold Compass, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball
of String, 1 Cloak of Feathers and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


The sewers Beneath Yellowport

Its at 327 in Book 1


I have 31,526 Shards, 7,924 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 1 Wolves Pelt, 1 +0 Combat Axe, 1 +1 Charisma
Mandolin, 1 Potion of Healing -restores 5 Stamina, 1 Scroll of Ebron, 1 dose of Scorpion Venom, 1 +0
Combat Sword, 1 +3 Defence Suit of Chainmail, 1 Manbeasts Helmet, 1 Lantern, 1 +0 Combat Staff, 1
Smoulder Fish, 1 +3 Thievery Pair of Gloves of Sig, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String
and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My house in Yarimura

Its at 160 in Book 4


I have 12,333 Shards, 10,825 Mithrals, 4 Lanterns, 3 Lengths of rope, 1 Jug of Faery Mead, 1 Four
Leaf Clover, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Manbeasts Helmet, 1 +0 Combat Staff, 1 Smoulder, 1 +3 Thievery Pair of
Gloves of Sig, 1 +2 Combat Battle Axe, 1 +2 Sancitity Silver Holy Symbol, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1
Tent, 1 Ball of String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My senior Court officials quarters in Chambara’s Royal Palace

Its at 576 in Book 6


I have 16,904 Shards, 1 Jug of Faery Mead, 1 Four Leaf Clover, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Manbeasts Helmet, 1
Lantern, 1 +0 Combat Staff, 1 Smoulder Fish, 1 +3 Thievery Pair of Gloves of Sig, 1 Spectral Veil, 1 +0
Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan,
1 Dragon Mask, 1 +0 Combat Pick-Axe, 1 Chunk of Selenium Ore, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1
Ball of String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My house in Narai

Its at 155 in Book 6


I have 27,776 Shards, 9,448 Mithrals, 1 +5 Defence Suit of Plate Armour, 1 +3 Combat Enchanted
Sword, 1 +3 Sancitity Gold Holy Symbol, 1 Courtiers Mask, 1 Chunk of Selenium Ore, 1 Bullfrog, 1
Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String, 1 +0 Combat Scimitar, 1 +0 Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked
Cards and 1 Bottle of Wine stored here

My house in Marlock City

Its at 434 in Book 1


I have 32,594 Shards, 8,695 Mithrals, 1 Scrimshaw Whistle, 1 Bottle of Elixer of Lhyss -see 35 in Keep
of The Liche Lord, 1 Puffball -explodes when thrown, 1 Potion of Restoration -restores Stamina to
full, 1 +1 Magic Amber Wand, 1 suit of +4 Defence Splint Armour, The Ring of Fays -useless outside
of Keep of The Liche Lord, 1 dose of healing herbs -can be used once to restore 1D6 Stamina, The
Amulet of The Ages -no rules and no abilities but it definitely worth at least 10,400 Shards, 1 Rabbits
Foot Charm, 1 Four-Leaf Clover, 1 Silver Horseshoe, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String
and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My house in Shamsar

Its at 1,150 in Book 7


I have 29,515 Shards, 7,185 Mithrals, 2 Pirate Captains Heads, 2 Rabbits Foot Charms, 2 Jugs of Faery
Mead, 2 Four-Leaf Clovers, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 +2 Sancitity Holy Symbol, 1 +2 Combat Fine Sabre, 1
Mariners Rutter, 1 Smoulder Fish, 1 Silver Nugget, 1 chunk of Selenium Ore, 1 +2 Combat Battle Axe,
1 Bag of Pearls, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String, 1 +0 Combat Scimitar, 1 +0 Combat
Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards and 1 Bottle of Wine stored here


My house in Caran Baru

Its at 177 in Book 1


I have 25,780 Shards, 8,261 Mithrals, 1 +3 Charisma Silver Flute, 1 Smoulder Fish, 1 Lantern, 1 +0
Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 Four-Leaf Clover, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Jug of
Faery Mead, 1 Candle, 1 Banner of The Shadar, 1 Pirate Captains Head, 1 +3 Charisma Centaur Flute,
1 +3 Sancitity Gold Holy Symbol, 1 +3 Scouting Sextant, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of
String and 1 +0 Combat Scimitar stored here


My house in Ringhorn

Its at 278 in Book 2


I have 33,353 Shards, 17,756 Mithrals, 6 Ink Sacs, 6 Grim Spines, 1 +5 Charisma Jade Crown, 1 +4
Scouting Stone Arrowhead, 1 Potion of healing -1 use that heals 5 Stamina, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask,
1 Tent, 1 Ball of String, 1 +0 Combat Scimitar, 1 set of Climbing Gear, 1 +1 Scouting Compass, 1 +2
Combat Cutlass, 1 Smoulder Fish, 1 Lantern, 1 +0 Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of
Wine, 1 Four-Leaf Clover, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Jug of Faery Mead, 1 very high quality Cloak of Feathers
and 1 +3 Magic Colbat stored here


My Hatamoto Grade Quarters at The Moonrise Clan Manor in Mukowaga

Its at 464 in Book 6


I have 23,328 Shards, 7 +0 Combat Axes, 4 Smoulder Fish, 1 +6 Combat Sword, 1 Defence suit of +4
Splint Armour, 1 Jug of Faery Mead, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Four-Leaf-Clover, 1 +0 Combat Club, 1 Deck of
Marked Cards, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 Dragon Mask, 1 Bottle of Wine,
1 +0 Combat Mace, 1 Silver Nugget, 1 Wolves Pelt, 1 Manbeasts Helmet, 1 Lantern and 1 +1
Charisma Mandolin stored here


My house in Metriciens

Its at 48 in Book 2


I have 28,767 Shards, 16,417 Mithrals, 5 +0 Combat Hunting Spears, 2 +4 Defence suits of +4 Splint
Armour, 2 Jugs of Faery Mead, 2 Boars Tusks, 2 Four-Leaf Clovers, 2 Rabbit’s Foot Charms, 2 Coded
Missives, 1 +6 Combat Sword, 1 Jug of Faery Mead, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Four-Leaf-Clover, 1 +0 Combat
Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 Dragon Mask, 1
Bottle of Wine, 1 +2 Combat Diamond Lance, 1 +0 Combat Ivory-Handled Katana, 1 Courtiers Mask
and 1 Scroll of Ebron stored here


My house in Wheatfields

Its at 211 in Book 2


I have 12,256 Shards, 8 Deamon Stones, 8 Deeds of Safe Passage or 1 each from Captains serving
under and loyal to Baron Moonshine, 7 Wolves Pelts, 1 +6 Combat Sword, 1 +4 Defence suit of +4
Splint Armour, 1 Jug of Faery Mead, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Four-Leaf-Clover, 1 Rabbit Foots Charm, 1 Silver
Horseshoe, 1 +0 Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +1 Combat Tarnished
Sword, 1 Scarab Amulet, 1 +5 Defence suit of Plate Armour, 1 +1 Combat Jagged Sword, 1 large
Mechanical Sparrow made of Brass, 1 +0 Combat Shortsword, 1 Agate Swan, 1 Iron Fan, 1 Dragon
Mask and The Key of The Stars stored here


My clifftop home among the mountain of the southern continent

Its at 624 in Book 7

I have 35,344 Shards, 24,892 Mithrals, 6 +1 Combat Axes, 6 +2 Defence Suits of Ring-Mail, 6 1-use
Candles, 3 Pirate Captains Heads, 2 +0 Combat Rusty Daggers, 1 +6 Combat Sword, 1 +4 Defence suit
of +4 Splint Armour, 1 Jug of Faery Mead, 1 Boars Tusk, 1 Four-Leaf-Clover, 1 Rabbit Foots Charm, 1
Silver Horseshoe, 1 +0 Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +0 Combat Pickaxe,
1 +7 Defence Suit of Vulcanium Mail, 1 +4 Combat Axe, 1 +4 Magic Selenium Ore, 1 Crocodile Skin, 1
Bullfrog, 1 +0 Combat Staff, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String, 1 +0 Combat Scimitar, 1 +1
Scouting Compass, 1 +2 Defence suit of Quilted Armour, 1 +0 Combat Rusty Sword, The +3 Combat
Unique Sword that used to belong to Baron Moonshine, 1 Troll Made +0 Combat Meat Cleaver, 1
Troll Made Net and 1 +0 Combat Assassins Dagger stored here


My quarters at the Palace of the would-be ruler of Akutsurai in The Eastern Town of Chompo

But I can only store a maximum of 6 Items and 5,000 Shards here

Its at 512 in Book 6


I have 5,000 Shards, 1 +2 Combat Pole-Axe, 1 Pair of Silver Chop-Sticks, 1 Tatsu Pearl, 1 +4 Defence
Suit of Splint Armour, 1 Pirate Captains Head and 1 +1 Thievery pair of Lockpicks stored here


My shack in The Southern Town of Smogmaw

It is at 74 in Book 3


I have 9,440 Shards, 3 Jugs of Faery Mead, 1 Bullfrog, 1 Water Flask, 1 Tent, 1 Ball of String, 1 +0
Combat Scimitar, 1 +0 Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +2 Combat Pole-
Axe, 1 Pair of Silver Chop-Sticks, 1 Tatsu Pearl, 1 +4 Defence Suit of Splint Armour, 1 Pirate Captains
Head, 1 +1 Thievery pair of Lockpicks and 1 Bottle of Wine stored here


My quarters in The Mansion of A Noble of Inkatek that I befriended

Its at 599 in Book 7


I have 164,080 Mithrals, 131,327 Shards, 101 Fishing Hooks, 79 Lanterns, 79 Rabbit’s Foot Charms,
22 Silver Horseshoes, 22 Inkpots, 1 +5 Defence Suit of Plate Mail, 1 +1 Combat Jagged Sword, 1 +0
Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +2 Combat Pole-Axe, 1 Pair of Silver Chop-
Sticks, 1 Tatsu Pearl, 1 +4 Defence Suit of Splint Armour, 1 +0 Combat Mace, 1 +2 Combat Diamond
Lance, 1 +3 Defence suit of Chainmail Armour, 1 +5 Sancitity Vajra Baton, 1 +5 Charisma Jade Crown,
1 +4 Scouting Stone Arrowhead, 1 Tent, 1 set of Climbing Gear, 1 +1 Scouting Compass, 1 Gan’har
idol, 1 +1 Sancitity Patron Amulet, 1 +0 Combat Spear. 1 +1 Defence Wooden Animal Helm, 1 +1
Thievery Monkey Paw Ring, 1 Rope, 1 Mechanical Spider and 1 +1 Magic Ebony Wand stored here


My house in Yellowport
Its at 300 in Book 1


I have 48,147 Shards, 27,869 Mithrals, 11 jugs of Faery Mead, 11 Pirate Captains Heads, 1 +6 Combat
Mace, 1 +6 Defence Suit of Heavy Armour, 1 +5 Magic Celestium Wand, 1 +4 Combat Warhammer, 1
+4 Defence Suit of Splint Armour, 1 +0 Combat Club, 1 Deck of Marked Cards, 1 Bottle of Wine, 1 +2
Combat Pole-Axe, 1 Pair of Silver Chop-Sticks, 1 Tatsu Pearl, 1 Rabbit Foots Charm, 1 Lantern, 1
Length of Rope , 1 +3 Charisma Centaur Flute, 1 +3 Thievery Pair of Gloves of Sig, 1 +3 Sancitity Gold
Holy Symbol, 1 +3 Scouting Sextant, 1 Spotted Scarf, 1 Stripped Scarf and 1 Fur Cloak stored here

Number of times I was in indentured servitude

2 lots of 7

Other stuff


All of the Codewords, Ticks, Titles and Blessings listed in this these sections of this document whilst
all things in these categories were all got and/or earned and/or acquired and/or given completely
fairly and without cheating even once I am personally 100% certain that they are not all listed in the
exact order I got them in


Book 1
















Book 2










Book 3
















Set in The Fabled Lands Version of Keep of The Liche Lord


Book 4











Book 5

























Book 6











Book 7






































Book 1

10 x4



















Book 2











Book 3





Book 4







Book 5

















Book 6







Book 7




























Codewords and ticks that relate to Lauria and Talanexor the Fire Weaver


In Book 1

In Book 3



In Book 6



In Book 1


In Book 3



Savior of Verayens Isle

Nahual 5 that was once Nahual 6

Blessed of Tambu

Favored of The Three Fortunes

Chosen of Nagil

Paladin of Ravayne

Blue Skin

Junior Court Official

Masked Lady

Protector of Sokara

Illuminator of Molhern

Hero of Sokara

Senior Court Official

Enlightened One

Hero of The King of Uttaku

Arena Champion

Savior of Staying


Keeper of The Spire




Ex Huan-da

Ex The Three Fortunes

Ex Nagil

Ex Alvir and Valmir

Ex Tambu


Now Ebron


As he’s not a jealous god The Sage of Peace too



1 of Charisma

1 of Safety from Storms

1 of Immunity to Injury

1 of Magic

1 of Defence Through Faith

1 of Sancitity

1 of Combat

1 of Luck

1 of Immunity to Disease and Poison

1 of Thievery

1 of Obfuscation

1 of Scouting


1 of Clarity


1 permanent 1 of Safety From Storms

Resurrection arrangements



1-off and/or unique


1 direct from a god at 355 in Book 6


All of my defeated and/or killed foes per books, with stats given if they are known


Book 1

9,774 Combat 4, Defence 6 and Stamina 7 Drunkern Sokaran Soldiers

6,324 Sokaran Naval Ships Crew

2,358 Combat 3, Defence 5 and Stamina 7 Wolves

138 Combat 4, Defence 5 and Stamina 7 Gryphon’s

5 Combat 5, Defence 10 and Stamina 10, 2 Combat 4, Defence 6 and Stamina 10 and 1 Combat 3,
Defence 5 and Stamina 10 underwater creatures known as Repulsive One

5 groups of 3 groups of very drunk, very offensive and very rude Army Officers

1 Mermen who was both Drunk and Elderly that I had killed

1 hoard of 110 Mermen that I bested by foiling their plan to make me replace their murdered friend

1 Undead Sea Captain that I bested via his so-called curse actually benefiting

1 group of 1 Combat 3, Defence 4 and Stamina 6 and 1 Combat 2, Defence 3 and Stamina 7 Slave
Trading Bandits and the boss, the slave trader and master of Venefax Market Fourze

Old Megan, Bradok the miller and Lame Pootmar. They are all tricksters all with Combat 2, Defence 3
and 2 or 3 Stamina

1 Combat 3, Defence 6 and Stamina 8 Scorpion Man

1 army of 161 Scorpion men that I bested by sneaking past them

1 Combat 3, Defence 6 and Stamina 8 Storm Deamon

1 group of 2 Muggers trying to steal back the money they lost fairly

The Sea Dragon Varlis 18 times

The Sorcerer who cursed The Azure Prince Akradai by removing the curse

Rightful King Corrin of Sokara

1 assortment of 4 Ratmen Officers, 1 Stats Unknown and 1 Combat 3, Defence 6 and Stamina 6
Ratmen Scouts and The Stats unknown Rat King Skabb

1 group of 3 Rookie Yellowport Militiamen

1 Undead Pirate

The crews of 1 group of 2 Pirate Ships

1 ever living sentient tomb guard

1 Hoard of Storm Deamons

1 pair of 2 Guardian Minotaur Statues

The Combat 5, Defence 8 and Stamina 10 Red Dragon Knight 3 times

1 Combat 4, Defence 6 and Stamina 7 Gorlock

1 Combat 3, Defence 6 and Stamina 13 Thug who is also a back-stabber-for-hire

1 Combat 4, Defence 6 and Stamina 12 1-eyed man with A Eyepatch who is a killer that escaped
justice by framing another, innocent, man

1 group of 10 lesser Ker’ilk and their Combat 4, Defence 9 and Stamina 8 Leader

Book 2

72,667 Combat 6, Defence 11 and Stamina 8 Wereboars

28,033 assorted conmen that use their ability to make people think they can make cats listen to holy
talks to get cash

3,932 groups of 5 Highwaymen whose stats are Combat 4, Defence 6 or 7 and Stamina 3 to 5

445 opportunistic thieves

398 Combat 5, Defence 9 and Stamina 18 Wights

94 groups of 3 Highwaymen all with Combat 4 or 5, Defence 5 or 7 and Stamina 4 or 7

94 Combat 5, Defence 6 and Stamina 5 Assassins

72 men who are part-time conmen but normally Street Performers

68 Combat 5, Defence 6 and Stamina 7 Warthogs

25 Combat 7, Defence 8 and Stamina 9 Jewelled Serpents

25 Combat 10, Defence 11 and Stamina 40 Enraged Bulls

24 Combat 8, Defence 12 and Stamina 12 Three-Headed Trolls

20 Combat 7, Defence 9 and Stamina 7 Elf Ladies

18 Combat 5, Defence 9 and Stamina 18 Barrow Wights

13 Combat 5, Defence 8 and Stamina 10 Ogres

13 treasure eating ghosts that where driven away by my holy nature

11 assortments of 1 Guard, 1 Hand-maiden, 1 Servant and 1 Sentient Trap of Nagil’s Throne-Room

7 Combat 6, Defence 11 and Stamina 9 Hydra’s

1 large super-natural serpent that I bested by surviving and passing its test

The Combat 7, Defence 13 and Stamina 11 Sir Fontesque

1 Combat 7, Defence 9 and Stamina 14 Vampire

1 Combat 5, Defence 7 and Stamina 10 Faery Wolf

The hoard of 60 slightly below average sized Vampire Bats that guard The Tower of The Forsaken

1 Combat 9, Defence 11 and Stamina 25 Dragon

1 Combat 4, Defence 7 and Stamina 5 Giant Spider

1 Combat 7, Defence 12 and Stamina 7 Silent Knight

1 Evil Dwarf Sorcerer

1 Combat 6, Defence 12 and Stamina 7 Samurai

1 Combat 4, Defence 6 and Stamina 4 Evil Knight

1 Combat 5, Defence 9 and Stamina 6 Knight that I angered by saving the maiden that he’d sworn to

Book 3

25,763 Pirate Ship Crews

2,993 Uttakin Slaving Ship Crews

1,156 very large groups of Hydras

783 thieving Ships Cooks

536 flocks of semi-sentient birds that carry a curse that almost turned me into 1 of them

518 groups of 4 stats unknown and 1 Combat 4, Defence 5 and Stamina 5 Smugglers

347 groups of 3 Scholars that all have A Combat of 3 or 4, A Defence of 4 or 5 and A Stamina Value of
3 or 4

97 groups of Hags and their leader that live on Ships that defy the laws of nature by not sinking and
that I beat both the leader and the group separately

93 groups of 6 press gangers

79 ghosts in The Ships Rigging

44 Ghosts Ships Skeleton

25 or more Merchant Ships Crews that I bested whilst A Pirate

25 Combat 5, Defence 6 and Stamina 5 Resentful Sailors that tried to murder me in my sleep

13 groups of Pirates send to kill me and my followers

2 Gorgons killed in their sleep

1 nasty college master that I bested by befriending

1 super human wrestling Champion in a 3-part wrestling match

1 massive group of specters

Pirate King Amcha

1 Combat 15, Defence 18 and Stamina 18 Vampire

1 Master of Unarmed Combat in unarmed single combat and then defeating him by way of lifting
him off of his feet then throwing him to the deck 3 times

The Wizard Lord Talenexor The Fireweaver in A Magical Duel

The Master Thief Lauria

Book 4

2,885 Combat 5, Defence 6 and Stamina 10 Muggers

147 groups of ruffians from Yarimura

2 groups of evil-nomads

1 assorted 1,355 assorted guards, servants, courtiers, agents, aides and advisors of The God of Death

The Combat 8, Defence 20 and Stamina 35 Sir Leo 69 times

The Deamonic Shaman of The Ruby Citadel and 4 of his underlings

General Beladi of The Northern Alliance

The Guardian Spirit of The Cave of Bells

The Ghost Ship that Guards The Isles of Mystery 57 times

1 Combat 8, Defence 5 and Stamina 10 Manbeast

1 Combat 8, Defence 6 and Stamina 10 She-Devil who makes Manbeasts

1 Stone Guard 35 times

The undying Spectre of The High Kings Lover

The Combat 8 and Defence 8 Avar Hordeth twice, the 1st time at 12 Stamina and the 2nd time at 3

The Combat 8, Defence 8 and Stamina 20 Kaschuf The Deathless twice, but he only died the 2nd

The Centaur Demi God whose music makes people dance either till they die or he releases them
from his Spell

The Guards of Yarimura bested by way of breaking into The Palace of The Ruler of Yarimura

The Ruler of Yarimura bested by way of breaking into his Palace

The Guardian of The Holy Places of The Shadar was called The Sentinel of The Empire

Book 5

20,228 assorted Outlaw Armies each of consisted of between 300 and 900 Mercenaries turned
Outlaws that attacked my A castle/The Castle/my characters castle and defeating them netted me a
total of 200x20,228 Shards or a total of 4,045,600 Shards in Loot

1,747 Pirate Ships Crews

1,200 Combat 8, Defence 7 and Stamina 7 very small groups of very large Black Wolves that you
can’t even try to escape from

845 assorted foes that I beat in Wrestling Match’s

41 groups of 15 Mercenaries

29 Combat 6, Defence 10 and Stamina 13 Brigands

20 Combat 9, Defence 12 and Stamina 10 Trolls

20 Combat 10, Defence 10 and Stamina 19 Giant Chameleons

11 weak tough talking Bandit Swordsmen

3 lots of 41 Gladiators, so 123 in total, during my 3rd time as A Uttakin Slave

2 Netherworld Deamons during 2 of the 3 times that I was A Uttakin Slave

2 Judges and 1 Minister that that for various reasons I played A Game of Bokh against and won

1 Clan of 7 Vampires repelled by Holy Magic and then slain in their sleep

1 evil ruthless and insane Wizard that tried to magically remove my heart but my counter-spell
removed his

1 very high Uttakin Noble that I lost to in A Wrestling Match, but I count as besting cos he only won
due to me letting him win

The ghost of Kizil Irmak that as I am a Initiate of Ebron I bested and looted the tomb of without a

1 invisible Goblin Assailant

1 Ice Ghoul

1 group of Ice Sprites

1 group of Thieving Sprites

The Combat 12, Defence 15 and Stamina 13 Wight that in life was King Elbonar Shadar of The
Kingdom of Uttaku

1 Combat 7, Defence 9 and Stamina 11 very large yet very weak and fairly elderly man-sized toad

1 hoard of Spriggans

Book 6
1,761 Combat 12, Defence 22 and Stamina 29 Pirate Captains called Wacko

1,761 Pirate Ships Crews that used to be commanded by Pirate Captains called Wacko

950 Combat 8, Defence 16 and Stamina 18 Warrior-Maidens

769 separate yet statically identical The unique Combat 12, Defence 22 and Stamina 44 Spirit-like
King Tigers

204 pairs of 1 Combat 7, Defence 13 and Stamina 14 and 1 Combat 8, Defence 14 and Stamina 17

103 Combat 13, Defence 20 and Stamina 21 Skeleton Specters that when killed emit gas that kills
you if you don’t have A Blessing of Immunity to Disease and Poison

47 groups of 7 Vampires that I battled my way past without a true fight cos due to them only be able
to jump, leap and hop, not just, run or even hope

23 groups of 3 Shrine Wardens and in all 23 groups all 3 have Combat 9 and Defence 15, as well as
which 1 has Stamina 20, 1 has Stamina 21 and 1 has Stamina 22

2 groups of stats unknown and 1 Combat 12, Defence 22 and Stamina 35 foes in The Trials of The
Sage of Peace

The Combat 15, Defence 22 and Stamina 51 Big Boy The Giant whose attacks inflict permanent
damage on the person he wounds

The Combat 10, Defence 20 and Stamina 38 unique super-ghoul Dawastu Morituri who’d been
weakened by Sunlight

The alliance of 22 Lesser Deamonic Wizards that permanently weakened A River God and stole his
Royal Scepter

The Greater Deamonic Wizard known as Shugen

1 Monster that was terrorizing The Shoguns Sleep

1 hoard of around 320 Barbarians

The Combat 11, Defence 17 and Stamina 17 Talenexor The Fireweaver in A Battle where my Defence
is only equal to my Magic Stat +my Rank

1 Combat 9, Defence 19 and Stamina 27 Oriental Dragon that I weakened

1 Combat 10, Defence 20 and Stamina 33 Spider Creature that has a venomous bite that if it does
even 1 damage to me then once the fight is over even if I win unless I have A Blessing of Immunity to
Disease/Poison I die and if I try to run to run from it then it traps me in 1 of its super-strength and I
die without a fight

1 Stats unknown Total Recluse that I robbed the home of a total of 1,592 times and got a total of
29,010 Shards from

Book 7

Regular Fights
1,465 of Baron Moonshines Pirate Ships fought against alongside 1 trespassing independent Pirate

1,223 Combat 7, Defence 12 and Stamina 22 group of 6 Soldiers

1,223 Combat 2, Defence 5 and Stamina 7 Administrators

671 groups of 8 Cannibal Hunters that have group, not individual, stats of Combat 11, Defence 14
and Stamina 26

566 swarms of blood-sucking leeches

338 Combat 9, Defence 13 and Stamina 17 Elite Tribal Scouts

148 Combat 8, Defence 10 and Stamina 14 Young Cannibals

121 hordes of Dedna Flies

121 River Monsters

121 River Crocs

121 Undead Gaunts

121 trespassing independent Pirate Ships fought against alongside 1 of Baron Moonshines Pirate

105 massive schools of monstrous jellyfish

95 Combat 13, Defence 18 and Stamina 28 pairs of 2 Nya Trackers that at Round 2’s Start use a
unique attack

78 groups of 6 Elite Nyar Warriors and 2 Constables of Shela-Tek

67 Combat 11, Defence 16 and Stamina 20 Nya Warriors that at the start of Round 3 use a unique

64 Giant Leech’s

55 assorted people, as well as another 5 crippled, 3 maimed and 3 killed in a part of my life I can’t

25 Combat 8, Defence 13 and Stamina 58 groups of 7 Marsh Ghouls

19 Hoards of gigantic Jellyfish

14 Combat 11, Defence 16 and Stamina 20 Nya Warriors that at Round 3’s Start use a unique attack

The Grim 14 times at Combat 16, Defence 24 and Stamina 40 in regular Combat, all to get 14 Grim

12 Nyar Trackers that I killed despite the disadvantage of being upside down, in the air and in a snare
type trap

9 Combat 14, Defence 20 and Stamina 15 Astral Deamons that are weak for their race but still very
powerful in the real-world
8 Hoards of Javelin Snakes that I can’t defeat or escape from as such, just have to dodge their 1
Combat 16 Attack

8 groups of 14 semi-sentient trees

8 semi living Ghosts of/from/in Ruined Tarshesh

5 Sentient Southern Birds allied to Pirates

5 Leaders of Pirate Cutters

3 large Fire-Breathing Reptiles within swimming distance of land

3 Semi-Sentient Living Rages

1 assorted group of 3 Dunpala Constables that I bested by helping a wanted murderer escape

1 assortment of 48 or so guards and/or workers and/or other employees at Broken Hands Crocodile

1 Spirit Snake that I bested by passing its test

Kerep Tlotors Combat 12, Defence 17 and Stamina 26 Real-World Form

1 large super-natural serpent that I bested by surviving and passing its test

1 lot of Wisp Spiders at Combat 14, Defence 21 and Stamina 24 in regular Combat

1 large group of Jewel Spiders

1 hoard of 591 Spirit World Warriors

1 Deamonic Mud Deamon known as A Chul-Chaq without a conventional fight three times

1 Deamonic Undead Foe known as A Partolsola without a conventional fight

1 group of 4 of Broken Hands Guards

1 super-natural serpent

1 group of 44 Regular Serpent King Soldiers and 11 of his Elite Nyar Warriors

1 Combat 13, Defence 16 and Stamina 20 group of Lightning Birds that did a automatic 3 damage on
A 3 to 6, ignored my metal armour and could only be killed by A Flint Dagger, which I happened to
have 1 of on me

1 hoard of Ghostly Soldiers

1 super-natural dolphin like shape-shifter

1 Combat 14, Defence 19 and Stamina 23 Spectral Warrior

1 long-dead but refused to believe it high priestess

Nobou. He’s A Combat 14, Defence 14 and Stamina 16 Mantis Musician

The Guardian of The Silver Tower, her swarm of Insects and her 4 semi-sentient tests to determine
1’s worth

The Combat 18, Defence 26 and Stamina 50 God/King Namagal

The Famed, Feared and bloodthirsty Baron Moonshine in physical combat 1,090 times. His stats are
Combat 14, Defence 22 and Stamina 3 times and he has 4 magical abilities the 1st time and 3 magical
abilities the other 1,090 times that he can use against me

1 Combat 5, Defence 8 and Stamina 14 one-armed northern Sailor whose missing arm was, very
luckily, his fighting arm

1 Cannibal Priest

1 Super-Natural part-living Spirit that if you fail his challenge can, will and does steal part of his
victims/your soul, but you avoid this by passing

The Guardian of Pancyk Falls 7 times

In Spirit Combat


The hardest and last of these was The hardest foe in The Series

212 Fights VS The Grim at Nahual 14, Defence 6 and Stamina 40

8 lots of Wisp Spiders at Nahual 11, Defence 6 and Stamina 24

Kerep Tlotors Nahual 7, Defence 7 and Stamina 20 Spirit World Form

The Nahual 18, Defence 11 and Stamina 50 God/King Namagal

The Nahual 16, Defence 9 and Stamina 20 Ghost of Kaschuf The Deathless

The Nahual 6, Defence 7 and Stamina 15 Ghost of Ratmen King Skabb

1 Deamonic Copy of myself that has/had the exact same Spirit Combat stats as me. Which means
that she was A Deamonic Imposter and that stat wise she/it had A Nahual of 10, A 2D6+10 attack
roll, A Defence of 21 and A Stamina of 186

In Fabled Lands Version of Keep of The Liche Lord

3 Undead Archers. All with A Combat of 6 or 7, A Defence of 6 or 7 and 5 or 6 Stamina

3 Pirate Archers. All with Combat 6 or 7, Defence 7 or 8 and Stamina 6 to 8

1 Combat 7, Defence 11 and Stamina 11 Temple Guardian of Lhyss

Vampire Lady Lotmora and her 4 Vampire Thralls without a fight

1 Combat 7, Defence 11 and Stamina 15 Rock Golem

1 Combat 6, Defence 10 and Stamina 9 Deamon Worshipping Shaman whose staff drains me for 1
damage per round

1 group of 4 Pirates all with Combat 5 to 7, Defence 6 to 8 and Stamina 6 to 8

The Combat 6, Defence 10 and Stamina 9 Captain Jarmesh

1 Pirate Slaving Ship Guard

The crew of 1 large pirate ship

1 Combat 8, Defence 7 and Stamina 8 pack of 4 elderly and weak wolves in which I have a ally that
on A 1 does 2 damage to me, on A 2 to 4 does 2 damage to the foe and on A 5 or 6 misses

1 Combat 6, Defence 7 and Stamina 8 large group of small, weak and elderly crows

1 Elderly, weak and semi-crippled Zombie I killed without a fight

1 pair of 2 Knights of Alptraum, that both have Combat 9, Defence 11 and Stamina 9

Mortiss’s Jester

The Combat 10, Defence 13 and Stamina 20 Liche Lord Mortiss

Total number of foes and/or groups of foes defeated



1 last bit


This 1 last bit per document covering a selection of my favorite foes per book

Also 2

My favourite 4 foes for each of the 8 official books and 1 unofficial Fabled Land Books, sorry Book,
but sadly not all of them have or could ever have had their stats listed due to the fact that at least 1
each in Books 1, 2 and 3 aren’t killed in a conventional way

Book 1

Rightful King Nergan of Sokara

Ratmen King Skabb

Scorpion Man Shaman Imposter Kaimren the Portly


1 group of 3 Tricksters with Combats of 2, Defence’s of 3 and Stamina’s of 2 or 3

Book 2

A/The Wizards on A Ship of Wizards

The Combat 9, Defence 11 and Stamina 20 Dragon

1 group of 5 Highwaymen that all have Combats of 4, Defence’s of 6 or 7 and Stamina’s of 3 to 5


1 Combat 5, Defence 7 and Stamina 20 Faery Wolf

Book 3

The Pirate King Amchas One Eye

1 hoard of spectres that I bested by impersonating a member of their race from elsewhere them
and learning from them

1 hoard of Hydras me and my crew drove off


1 Combat 15, Defence 18 and Stamina 18 Vampire

Book 4

General Beladi, leader of The Northern Alliance

1 insane and evil eastern isles Knight

My Fire Magic Using Foe in The Isle of Mysteries Magic Arena


The Deamonic Shaman that used to occupy The Ruby Citadel

Book 5

A assortment of at least 40 fellow Slave Gladiators in 2 competitions to win my freedom

The insane wizard Hemmuwas Tamalkaya who tried to steal my Heart

The murdering Innkeeper Byleweyn Buskle who has, now had, a thieving Ex Street Thief and Expert
Swamp Scout type accomplice called Misgee


The Spectre of Kizil Irmak that I bested without fighting simply by being A Follower of Ebron

Book 6

The Sunlight Weakened but not killed Combat 10, Defence 20 and Stamina 38 unique Part-Ghoul and

1 Combat 13, Defence 20 and Stamina 21 Skeleton Spectre that even if you kill it the gas its
destroyed body emits kills you unless you have A Immunity To Poison and Disease

The Combat 15, Defence 22 and Stamina 51 Giant called Big Boy that inflicts permanent stamina loss
on you, if he harms you that is


1 greater Ancient Dragon with the help of a army of Paladins

Book 7. All of which where in Spirit Combat for unbiased reasons

Kerep Tlotor. He is A Nahual 7, Defence 8 and Stamina 20 Spirit Monster World

King Skabb. He is The Nahual 6, Defence 7 and A Stamina 15 Spirit World Ghost of Ex Rat Man King

Namagal in Spirit Combat. He is A Nahual 18, Defence 11 and Stamina 50 Demigod

1 Deamonic Copy of myself that has/had the exact same Spirit Combat stats as me. Which means
that she was A Nahual 10, A 2D6+10 Attack Roll, A Defence of 21, and A Initial Stamina of 183
Deamonic Copy of myself

The Fabled Lands Version of Keep of The Liche Lord

The Combat 10, Defence 12 and Stamina 18 Vampire Lady Lotmora as she is at once the sun has set
and if she wounds you roll another 1D6 and on A 1 or 2 reduces your Combat Stat by -1 for the rest
of the fight

1 Pirate Slaving Ship Guard

1/A/The Combat 6, Defence 10 and Stamina 9 Pirate Captain Jarmesh


1/A/The Combat 11, Defence 14 and Stamina 20 Liche Lord Type Undead being/creature/monster
known and feared as Lord Mortis

The unofficial Book 9 -Island of A Thousand Spires. Which I’ll sadly never do with this character

1 Combat 23, Defence 25 and Stamina 40 Lesser Deamon that gets 2 attacks, if she does more then
half my Stamina in damage then she kills me even if I kill her and if she does even 1 damage then she
reduces my Charisma by -4, then I roll 2D6, a 2 to 6 her venom costs me -6 to both Combat and
Thievery and A 7+ her venom costs me -4 to both Combat and Thievery

1 Combat 18, Defence 18 and Stamina 26 group of 3 Veteran Brigands and the Ex Street Pedlar, Ex
Merchant and now Brigand that leads them that are all are armed to the teeth and if fought by A
Character whose not A Rogue The Character must pass A Difficulty 18 Thievery Roll every round or
take 1D6 damage that ignores Armour

Ex Special Forces Captain, Semi retired Regular Army General, Ex Very Minor Baron and now Very
Senior Baron Murtabaht Singh of Chrysorais who believed his life-long ambition would greatly
benefit his homeland of Chrysorais, but would more likely cause its destruction


1 Trainee Crimson Knight type Knight, name forgot, who you can but don’t have to fight for training
and has Combat 10, Defence 20 and Stamina 25 the 1st time you fight him, Combat 11, Defence 21
and Stamina 26 the 2nd time you fight him and Combat 12, Defence 22 and Stamina 27 the 3rd time
you fight him


My Forces that where determined using Tables that I made and which were made for this sole
purpose more then 22 years ago

A 538 Strong Army made up of 424 professional soldiers, 110 combat trained Servants, my combat
trained personal makers of arms and armour, my combat trained personal Wizard, my combat
trained personal Priest and The combat trained Steward who is in charge when I’m not their


A Assortment of 13 Merchant Ships that has been converted so that they can carry carrying loads of
cargo and are also very powerful Fighting Ships that can beat almost any Pirate Ship and all of them
have 70 Crew, 30 Marines, 30 Gunners operating 15 Spear Launchers, 13 Officers, 1 Pilot, 1
Navigator, 1 Cook, 1 Priest, 1 Doctor and the 2nd in command who is in command when I’m not

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