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Valid from 10/07/2022 - 10/07/2025

Upon purchase of one of our products you are AUTOMATICALLY agreeing to these terms of purchase. Please read carefully, if
these rules are broken you will be banned, products revoked, reported to all selling organisations and relevant companies.

Sending any of our files to people without authentication will result in a product
revoke, ban and a blacklist. Reselling/breaking the products down and selling them

separately will result in a level revoke, ban and blacklist. Claiming any products of your
own will result in a level 1 punishment.

Robux Refunds may be accepted if approved by somebody above the rank of Developer. You may only open a ticket for a
refund in our discord server. Only under rare circumstances may this be accepted. Refunds may take longer than expected due
to roblox’s amount of day’s you have to wait after joining the group.

1. Reselling
Reselling without a resale licence is strictly prohibited. To access a licence make an enquiry or DM A_J#5654.

2. Transferring files/products
Transferring product files is strictly prohibited and we do not permit it under any circumstances.

3. Refunds
We do not offer refunds unless there is a problem with the product for example it’s not working. In this case of scenario please make an enquiry at
our store or DM A_J#0667.

4. Claiming Products to be yours

Claiming products to be yours under any circumstance is strictly prohibited. Our developers have bothered to make those products for you to buy
and to use. Taking credit is just simply not acceptable and we will come down hard on you if you do so.

5. Toolbox
Under no circumstances should you upload a product to the toolbox or roblox. Doing this is prohibited.

By purchasing and/or using a product you are automatically agreeing to all terms of purchase rules and if
you do breach them you will be reported to all Anti-scam organisations.


All rights reserved.


Protected Under Copyright 2021

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