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Mathematics Revision Worksheet, Semester# 3, 2023- 2024

Grade: 2 Name: Answer key_ Date: ___________

Unit#21 Measuring length

Do as directed:
Q1. Write the estimate length of given lines. Also use a ruler and write the exact

estimate : 5 cm estimate : 3 cm

length: x cm length: cm

estimate : 15 cm length: x cm


Q2. Draw a line from each spot to exactly the length given.

a) 13 cm

b) 8 cm

c) 5 cm


Q3. Identify and circle the unit used to measure the following items.

Centimetres / metres Centimetres / metres

Centimetres / metres Centimetres / metres Centimetres / metres

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Q4. Match the following.

a) 1 metre 50 cm

b) ½ metre 1 m 25 cm

c) 1 ¼ metre 100 cm

d) 5 metres 4 m 50 cm

e) 4½ metres 500 cm

Q5. Find the perimeter of following rectangles.

3 cm 4 cm

3 cm 3 cm 2 cm 2 cm

3 cm 4 cm

Perimeter = 12 cm Perimeter = 12 cm

5 cm 6 cm

3 cm 4 cm

Perimeter = 16 cm Perimeter = 20 cm

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Q6. Fill in the blanks.

a) 1½ metre = _150 cm .

100 cm 150 cm

b) 1 metre is written as _1 m _.

1m 1 mr

c) The unit used to measure a bus is _ metres.

centimetres metres

d) The unit used to measure a paperclip is _ centimetres.

centimetres metres

e) The estimate measurement of a pencil is 7 cm _.

7 cm 27 cm

f) The unit used to measure a door is _ metres.

centimetres metres


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Unit# 22 Measures problems

Do as directed:

Q1. Colour the correct amount of water given under each jug.

¼ litre 1 litre ½ litre 1½ litre

Q2. Draw a line from each container to the correct capacity in each jug.

Less than 1 litre

About 1 litre

More than 1 litre


Q3. Draw the correct number of bowls needed to fill each containers.
a) If each pot fills 3 glasses of water, then

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Q4. Circle the containers and complete the given sentences.


2 glasses fill 1 bottle, 6 glasses fill 3 bottles.

4 cups 4 cups 4 cups


1 teapot fills 4 cups, 3 teapots fill 12 cups.


Q5. Estimate the weight of each object,’ ¼ kg, ½ kg , 1 kg or more than 1kg’.

more than 1kg ¼ kg 1 kg

more than 1kg

¼ kg ½ kg
Q6. Write how much does the following objects weigh.

4 apples weighs about 1 kg 1 gift box weighs about 2 kg

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Q7. Fill in the blanks.

a) 1½ kilogram is written as 1½ kg.

1½ kg 1½ km

b) We use kilogram to measure the weight of objects.

Litre kilogram

c) The _ litre is the standard unit for measuring capacity.

kilogram litre

d) Choose the correct amount of water given in the jug.

¼ litre ¾ litre

U# 23 Handling data

Q1. Write numbers to match the given tally marks.

a) = 11

b) = 24

c) = 17

d) = 35

e) = 28


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Q2. Draw tally marks for the given numbers.

a) 22

b) 27

c) 30

d) 35

e) 18


Q3. The given tally chart shows the types of pets in a pet shop. Write the total for each
pets and answer the following questions.

Type of pets Tallies Total

Dog 12
cat 15

rabbit 15

snake 4

panda 8

Answer the following:

a) How many dogs are there? _12
b) Which pets are same in number? Cat and rabbit_
c) How many pets are there altogether? _54 pets_
d) How many pandas and snakes are there altogether? _12_
e) Which pet is least in number? snake_

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Q4. The given pictogram shows the fruits sold in a day.

Type of fruits Number of fruits





Key = 1 fruit

Use pictogram to answer the following questions.

a) Which type of fruit sold the most? _Mango_

b) How many oranges were sold? _6_

c) How many apples were sold than bananas? _8 – 4 = 4 apples

d) Which fruit sold the least in number? _Banana_


Q5. This bar graph shows the flavours of ice cream sold from a store in a day.

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Answer the following.
a) Which was the least popular flavour? chocolate_
b) How many vanilla flavour were sold? __12_
c) Which flavor was sold by 16 times? _ Mango _
d) Which two ice creams were sold in the same number? _vanilla and milk
Q6. Draw a bar graph using the information given in the table.

Hobbies Number of students

Sleeping 8
Gardening 14
Swimming 10
Reading 6

Refer: 2B (Unit# 21, 22, 23): CB pgs.88, 102, 107 and Revision worksheet.

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