Advantage and Disadvantages of Internet

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Advantage and D|sadvantages of Internet

uurlng hls evoluLlon [ourney from neanderLhals Lo Pomo erecLus and Lhen Lo Pomo saplens man has come
long way 8ecause of hls conLlnuous quesL for more and more amenlLles and faclllLles Lhe nlneLles have
seen a ma[or Lurn around wlLh Lhe lnvenLlon of compuLers 10 years ago Lhe Lerm lnLerneL was pracLlcally
anonymous Lo mosL of Lhe people And Loday lnLerneL has become Lhe mosL ever powerful Lool for man
LhroughouL Lhe world 1he lnLerneL ls a collecLlon of varlous servlces and resources

AlLhough many people sLlll Lhlnk emall and World Wlde Web as Lhe prlnclple consLlLuenLs of lnLerneL
Lhere ls loL more ln sLore Lhan emall chaL rooms celebrlLy web slLes and search englnes lL also became
Lhe besL buslness Lool of modern scenarlo 1oday lnLerneL has broughL a globe ln a slngle room 8lghL from
news across Lhe corner of Lhe world wealLh of knowledge Lo shopplng purchaslng Lhe LlckeLs of your
favourlLe movleeveryLhlng ls aL your flnger Llps lnLerneL has greaL poLenLlal and loL Lo offer however llke
every slngle lnnovaLlon ln sclence and Lechnology lnLerneL has lLs own advanLages and dlsadvanLages

1he foremosL LargeL of lnLerneL has always been Lhe communlcaLlon And lnLerneL has excelled beyond Lhe
expecLaLlons SLlll lnnovaLlons are golng on Lo make lL fasLer more rellable 8y Lhe advenL of compuLer's
lnLerneL our earLh has reduced and has aLLalned Lhe form of a global vlllage now we can communlcaLe ln a
fracLlon of second wlLh a person who ls slLLlng ln Lhe oLher parL of Lhe world 1oday for beLLer
communlcaLlon we can avall Lhe faclllLles of emall we can chaL for hours wlLh our loved ones 1here are
plenLy messenger servlces ln offerlng WlLh help of such servlces lL has become very easy Lo esLabllsh a
klnd of global frlendshlp where you can share your LhoughLs can explore oLher culLures of dlfferenL

lnformaLlon ls probably Lhe blggesL advanLage lnLerneL ls offerlng 1he lnLerneL ls a vlrLual Lreasure Lrove of
lnformaLlon Any klnd of lnformaLlon on any Loplc under Lhe sun ls avallable on Lhe lnLerneL 1he search
englnes llke Coogle yahoo ls aL your servlce on Lhe lnLerneL ?ou can almosL flnd any Lype of daLa on
almosL any klnd of sub[ecL LhaL you are looklng for 1here ls a huge amounL of lnformaLlon avallable on Lhe
lnLerneL for [usL abouL every sub[ecL known Lo man ranglng from governmenL law and servlces Lrade falrs
and conferences markeL lnformaLlon new ldeas and Lechnlcal supporL Lhe llsL ls end less SLudenLs and
chlldren are among Lhe Lop users who surf Lhe lnLerneL for research 1oday lL ls almosL requlred LhaL
sLudenLs should use Lhe lnLerneL for research for Lhe purpose of gaLherlng resources 1eachers have sLarLed
glvlng asslgnmenLs LhaL requlre research on Lhe lnLerneL AlmosL every comlng day researches on medlcal
lssues become much easler Lo locaLe numerous web slLes avallable on Lhe neL are offerlng loads of
lnformaLlon for people Lo research dlseases and Lalk Lo docLors onllne aL slLes such as Amerlca's uocLor
uurlng 1998 over 20 mllllon people reporLed golng onllne Lo reLrleve healLh lnformaLlon

LnLerLalnmenL ls anoLher popular ralson dLre why many people prefer Lo surf Lhe lnLerneL ln facL medla
of lnLerneL has become qulLe successful ln Lrapplng mulLlfaceLed enLerLalnmenL facLor uownloadlng games
vlslLlng chaL rooms or [usL surflng Lhe Web are some of Lhe uses people have dlscovered 1here are
numerous games LhaL may be downloaded from Lhe lnLerneL for free 1he lndusLry of onllne gamlng has
LasLed dramaLlc and phenomenal aLLenLlon by game lovers ChaL rooms are popular because users can
meeL new and lnLeresLlng people ln facL Lhe lnLerneL has been successfully used by people Lo flnd llfe long
parLners When people surf Lhe Web Lhere are numerous Lhlngs LhaL can be found Muslc hobbles news
and more can be found and shared on Lhe lnLerneL

Many servlces are now provlded on Lhe lnLerneL such as onllne banklng [ob seeklng purchaslng LlckeLs for
your favourlLe movles guldance servlces on array of Loplcs engulflng Lhe every aspecL of llfe and hoLel
reservaLlons CfLen Lhese servlces are noL avallable offllne and can cosL you more

Lcommerce ls Lhe concepL used for any Lype of commerclal maneuverlng or buslness deals LhaL lnvolves
Lhe Lransfer of lnformaLlon across Lhe globe vla lnLerneL lL has become a phenomenon assoclaLed wlLh any
klnd of shopplng almosL anyLhlng ?ou name lL and Lcommerce wlLh lLs glanL LenLacles engulflng every
slngle producL and servlce wlll make you avallable aL your door sLeps lL has goL a real amazlng and wlde
range of producLs from household needs Lechnology Lo enLerLalnmenL

1hefL of ersonal lnformaLlon
lf you use Lhe lnLerneL you may be faclng grave danger as your personal lnformaLlon such as name address
credlL card number eLc can be accessed by oLher culprlLs Lo make your problems worse

Spammlng refers Lo sendlng unwanLed emalls ln bulk whlch provlde no purpose and needlessly obsLrucL
Lhe enLlre sysLem Such lllegal acLlvlLles can be very frusLraLlng for you and so lnsLead of [usL lgnorlng lL
you should make an efforL Lo Lry and sLop Lhese acLlvlLles so LhaL uslng Lhe lnLerneL can become LhaL much

vlrus LhreaL
vlrus ls noLhlng buL a program whlch dlsrupLs Lhe normal funcLlonlng of your compuLer sysLems CompuLers
aLLached Lo lnLerneL are more prone Lo vlrus aLLacks and Lhey can end up lnLo crashlng your whole hard
dlsk causlng you conslderable headache

1hls ls perhaps Lhe blggesL LhreaL relaLed Lo your chlldren's healLhy menLal llfe A very serlous lssue
concernlng Lhe lnLerneL 1here are Lhousands of pornographlc slLes on Lhe lnLerneL LhaL can be easlly found
and can be a deLrlmenLal facLor Lo leLLlng chlldren use Lhe lnLerneL

1hough lnLerneL can also creaLe havoc desLrucLlon and lLs mlsuse can be very faLal Lhe advanLages of lL
ouLwelgh lLs dlsadvanLages
Facebook has been a widely known name among people who are so into it. People who have
their account on Facebook are using more oI their time to get in touch with other individuals
despite the distance and lack oI time. Facebook has been a great community Ior many people, it
has its advantages and disadvantages. Series oI improvements are now being made in the system
just to make up with the Facebook problems. Facebook advantages and disadvantages are listed
Lets user search Ior new and old Iriends
Available to chosen universities having a high level oI security
Makes it less diIIicult when communicating with strangers or ,individuals you do not know
Makes it ,simpler to join groups having corresponding likes and dislikes
Lets users to check students who are in the same class, living within the same location, or
coming Irom the same academy
More and more people
Long distance relationship weakening
Unsupported by physical adjacency
Contributes wide-range procrastination
Rampant addiction
Possible stalking
Acquaintances be labeled as Iriends
Certainly, the disadvantages are not a threat to you just by simply looking at it. A user must
,realize what he is trying to give out otherwise things might get messy and people will mistake
them as someone else.
It is apparent that a tradeoII is happening between the advantages and disadvantages oI
In spite oI the Facebook advantages and disadvantages, it still is getting demand and popularity
among the young people. There are about 10,000 students who are joining Facebook everyday.
This is irrespective oI the age, race and country. Some are now trying to criticize the status oI
proIessionalism oI this website whether its just another craze like other online networking
services are.

Indeed, the various social networking sites have become very popular in recent years, Facebook
in mind.
What is the principle oI Facebook?
Facebook is a social network, that is to say that you create your Iree account and in exchange
you get a page with your name, where you can share tips, photos, or emptied ; bone with your
The goal is to create the community which will help you later sell your product or promote a
product or service Irom one oI your colleagues (and collect a commission crossing).

What are the benefits of Facebook?
- Facebook helps maintain a good relationship with your subscribers.
- Facebook allows you to get in touch with your colleagues to establish partnerships or work
together on a project.
- By participating in the liIe oI diIIerent groups, you can become an expert in the eyes oI people
in your market, thereby improving your credibility.
- You can upload photos or videos on your page. The goal is that your Iriends Ieel closer to you
and they can put a Iace on your behalI.

What are the disadvantages of Facebook?

-Anything you add to your proIile can be visible to your Iriends iI your proIile is private or
everyone iI you decide to make your proIile public. You must be careIul in everything you say,
because aIter you said, some situations may skid. It should not have your name associated with
the word "scam" or "scammer".
- II you do not manage your time, you may spend long hours reading the proIiles oI your Iriends
or to update yours. ThereIore you should limit the daily time spent on Facebook, because we
must not Iorget that it's not just this site to make promoting your business.
-Be careIul not to divulge too much personal inIormation iI you do not want to be harassed by
some people (a disappointed customer, Ior example).

II you want to have an edge over your competitors, you know what you have to do.

$natch Thief
Is it your habit to leave your handbag, mobile phone, laptop and other important items on the
table while dining at restaurants?
Many visitors like you especially, habitually leave their handbags on the table or chairs to go to
the buIIet table to get Iood, only to come back and Iind wallets or even their handbags gone.
There are also people who love to wear a lot oI jewellery. UnIortunately, that is one invitation
that snatch thieves cannot resist.
Losing money or jewellery can be worrisome and traumatic. So, iI you want to holiday with
peace oI mind, to help you avoid this, here 6 tips Irom me!
Tips 1: When dining at a hotel, restaurants or any eatery, do not leave your handbag or laptop on
the table or hanging on the side oI a chair.
II you are going to the buIIet table, make sure someone is looking aIter your things; otherwise
take them with you.
o not assume that all other customers are honorable.
Tips 2: o not attract attention by wearing expensive jewellery. You never know iI there is a
thieI among your Iellow travellers. Travel 'light' and preIerably, leave jewellery in a saIety
deposit box in the bank or at home.
AIter all, you are on holiday-it is time to relax and wear casual clothes.
Tips 3: o not leave your prized possessions in the hotel room while you go out.
There have been many occasions when jewellery,mobile phones, camera etc have gone missing.
Either leave them in the hotel saIe or take them with you.
Tips 4: Always carry out your passport and identity card with you.
Tips 5: Never go oII the beaten track alone. II you are venturing out somewhere unknown, go in
a group. There is saIety in numbers.
Tips 6: Never keep all your cash in one place. That way, iI you lose your wallet or handbag, you
will still have money.

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