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Planes of Existence: Theros

Theros is ruled by an awe-inspiring pantheon of gods. Mortals tremble

before them, feel the sting of their petty whims, and live in terror of
their wrath. It is a plane where barbaric, cave-dwelling minotaurs
descend on wayward travelers. Giants stalk the land, drawing strength
from the terrain on which they tread. Massive krakens prowl the depths
of the sea and sirens lure sailors to their demise. Amid such colossal
perils, mortals must find a way to endure. Yet on Theros, the hero’s
mantle is raised highest.

Not only have the mortals endured, they have managed to thrive, for
Theros is also a plane where civilization is protected behind the walls of
great poleis, each city-state a bulwark against the raging monsters that
roam the more savage places of Theros. Meletis, the polis of learning,
progress, magic, and devotion to the gods, is a testament to the
achievements of civilized humanity. It is hemmed in by vast golden
wheat fields and the Siren Sea, and defended by their Reverent Army.
In the polis of Akros, martial prowess is held in the highest esteem.
Akroan warriors have reached near-mythic status throughout Theros.
The imposing cliff-top fortress of Akros lies at the center of a network of
outposts that serve to protect the rest Theros, a fact that comforts
many Therans. Setessa, the isolated polis surrounded by concentric
rings of forest, is fiercely independent. Strong bonds connect its
inhabitants, and all in Setessa share a veneration of nature.

The Pantheon
A pantheon of gods rules over Theros. Each god has different
attributes, desires, temples, and worshippers. Like the other planes of
the Multiverse, Theros’s magic is derived from the five colors of mana,
and each god draws power from specific mana sources. Each maintains
influence over the mana that reflects their respective domain.

The Land of Nyx

When Mortals sleep and dream on Theros they are said to “visit Nyx,”
the proverbial land of night and home of the gods. Dreams are seen as
gifts from the gods. When they appear to mortals, the gods are actually
infused with Nyx, so that the night sky is intertwined with their physical
form. Gifts given from the gods to mortal heroes reflect their Nyx origin
as well.

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