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The Social Butterfly

In a forest where tall green trees are thriving and the blue clean river glistens, the flower sings a
rather joyful melody as a new life was born. Once a slow and slimy green caterpillar to a
beautiful creature who fly its way to the high sky. A butterfly has finally see the wonders of the
This butterfly, even new to this world, flew its way around. The butterfly went to the highest peak
where the king of the jungle resides. It went to the streaming waters where the fishes swim in
delight. The butterfly was very social, it went here and there, upper and lower and only rest
when it is night time.
One morning when it wakes up, a thought came into its mind. “I want to swim, I want to run fast,
I want to fly in the sky knowing that other creature who has wings feared me.”
It flaps its wings faster and scream in glee. “How exciting would that be?”
With this thought, the social butterfly went to the monkey, for there was whispers that this
monkey is the wisest of them all. “Mr. Monkey, Mr. Monkey, Can I ask you a question?”
The monkey smiled and sit up straight. “Oh why yes, little social butterfly. What can I help you
with? Do not worry because all the answers can be provided by me!” The monkey boastfully
Being so young, the social butterfly flutter its wings in excitement. “Mr. Monkey, Mr. Monkey, do
I have the chance to be known by many? To be feared, to be idolize, to become mighty as one
The monkey snort as if it has heard something funny. The monkey cleared its throat and
answer. “Yes you will social butterfly. Went into the den of the lion and you’ll find your answer
there. ”
With that, the social butterfly flew its way up the peak of the mountain. There it found the lion
and two of its children. The butterfly curtsied to the lion and speak its mind.
“King Lion, Mr. Monkey told me that if I go here I will find the answer on how to be feared, to be
idolize, and to become mighty as one might?”
Speechless, the lions, when the butterfly finished speaking. Then, a mocking laughter got out of
their mouth.
“A butterfly? To be mighty, feared, and being idolize?” One of the child lion said.
“To become mighty as one might? Little social butterfly, are you in your right mind?”
The butterfly look at them, bewildered and shy. It open its mouth to speak its mind but it heard
the King Lion growls stopping the laugh of its two children.
“My dear social butterfly, you cannot be what you wanted. You are beautiful as you are, you are

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