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Compasses: Magnetic and Gyro and Steering Control Systems – 54 Administracia

1 The point at which the helm must be applied to achieve a required course alteration is
called the ......
- wheel-over position

2 With reference to magnetism, soft iron means that it....


3 The gyro course is 332° and the gyro error is 2° minus. What is the true course?

4 Magnetic variation changes its value with...

-Magnetic north

5 The ship's magnetic compass should be adjusted following certain circumstances. From
those listed, which is NOT one of those circumstances?

6 How often the manual steering should be tested?

- 12 hours before departure of the ship or steering hear need only be made once in week

7 Magnetic variation for a particular place on the Earth slowly and constantly changes
- Complex fluid motion in the outer core of the Earth causes the magnetic field to change slowly with time.
This change is known as secular variation.

8 Gyroscopic inertia means that the spin axis of a free gyroscope...

Стремится сохранить первоначально заданное ей направление относительно мирового пространства

9 The angle between the magnetic north and the true north is ......
-magnetic variation or declination

10 In what direction does the axis of the gyro compass motor normally point?
-True North

11 From those listed, which of the statements about magnetic variation is NOT true?

12 Precession in relation to a free gyroscope is...

- the phenomenon in which the axis of a spinning object “wobbles” when a torque is applied to it

13 The magnetic equator is...

- the angle made by a compass needle with the horizontal at any point on the Earth’s surface

14 Magnetic compass - Var = 7W ; Dev = 12E ; What is the compass error?


15 What is the main purpose of frequent record of the ship's compasses courses and errors in a
log or compass deviation book?
- For checking technical condition of compass

16 From those listed, which is NOT a way of destroying magnetism?

17 A free gyroscope is said to have "three digress of freedom". From those listed, which is
NOT one of these?
3 степени свободы – он может совершать 3 независимых повороа вокруг осей пересекающихся в центре
подвеса который остается по отношению к основанию неподвижным. Thrue.
18 Where do you find a note of the annual rate of change in the magnetic variation at a
- Magnetic Variation Charts or declination maps.

19 Magnetic Compass - If var =6E ; dev =3W, What is the compass error?

20 The gyro course is 165° and the gyro error is 3° pl us. What is the true course?
- 168

21 Magnetic compass error is...

- variation and deviation

22 The two unique properties of a free gyroscope are...

- Rigidity and deviation (Жесткость и cклонение)

23 The ship's magnetic compass should be especially checked for error following certain
circumstances. From those listed, which is NOT one of those circumstances?

24 To convert a magnetic compass course to a magnetic course, it is necessary to apply.....

- deviation

25 Latitude , course and speed error of a gyro compass...

- A gyro-compass is subject to a latitude-speed, an error increasing with latitude and speed of the ship. Also
known as “latitude-speed-error”.

26 Curves on charts showing values of equal variation are called...

- Isogonic lines

27 From those listed, which are "soft iron" correctors?

- magnet, opposite to the effects og the magnetic material in the ship

28 Leading lights are in line.True bearing is 126°. I f the gyro error is 2° plus, what would the
gyro bearing of the leading lights be?
- 128

29 To convert a magnetic compass course to a true course, it is necessary to apply ....


30 How many points (rhumbs) of the compass are there?

- 32

31 If ship's head by compass was 045 ( C ), What is the true course if the variation is 5W and
the deviation is 9.5 W?
- 030.5 (T)

32 With reference to magnetism, hard iron means that it can....

'Железо, которое раз намагнитившись, становится само как бы постоянным магнитом и потом долгое
время сохраняет свойства магнита, даже если магнитная сила и прекратила своё воздействие,
называется твердым.

33 From those listed, which of the statements about magnetic variation is true?
'Angle between magnetic north and true north

34 From those listed, which of the statements about the dip of a magnet is true?
'Magnetic dip or magnetic inclination is the angle made by a compass needle with the horizontal at any point
on the Earth's surface.
35 A gyro compass on a high-speed craft often takes time to settle correctly when altering
course. What causes this problem in general?

36 Damping effect in a gyro compass produces...

-precessing force

37 If the true bearing of the leading lights is known, and the compass bearing of them , when
in line, is taken, then the difference between the two bearings so obtained is the ......
- compass error

38 The axis of a free gyroscope is pointed at a star. From those listed, which is NOT correct?

39 The "magnetic variation" is the angle between...

'magnetic north and the true north

40 Magnetic compass deviation mainly changes with....

- latitude

41 How many degrees are there in each point of the compass?

- 11.25

42 How often should the magnetic compass error be checked ?

- Once a watch and after major course alternation

43 If Var= 8W and Dev =4W, What is the compass error?

- 12w

44 All gyro compasses, when on the equator, should have...

-at the equator, the projection accuracy is tangent of 0 degrees, or zero error.

45 When a force is applied to a free gyroscope, its axis moves...



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