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Mitsuha Miyamizu

Taki first got to know Mitsuha when they started switching bodies in their dreams.
In pursuit of an answer to the strange phenomenon, they agreed to help each other
out by laying down rules to protect one another's contrasting lifestyles in the
meantime. They initially have a complex relationship: Taki is grateful towards
Mitsuha at times, but at other times he is greatly annoyed by her for various
reasons. Likewise, Mitsuha complains about Taki and the actions he takes in her
body as well. This results in bickering, arguments, and both of them leaving
insults like "idiot" at each other's skin. However, despite that, they develop a
deep connection, comes to understand each other on a different level, and Taki
comes to care about her deeply. Taki also learns a lot about Mitsuha; including her
lifestyle, traditions, family, and friends. Since Mitsuha is a female shrine
maiden, Taki begins to sympathize with and admire her for withstanding the
criticism from society and the pressure from her father and broken family. Taki
also feels comfortable with confiding anything in her. Okudera notes that Mitsuha
is someone important to Taki whom he was changed by.

As time passes, Taki starts developing romantic feelings for Mitsuha. When it is
brought up, Taki embarrassingly denies this while blushing, though his feelings for
Mitsuha are very obvious. When he stops switching bodies with Mitsuha, he is
determined to meet her in person since it redeems impossible to contact her.
However, when he learns the truth about her, Taki is absolutely devastated and is
left in a state of hopelessness and confusion. Though his memory of her slowly
starts to fade, Taki never loses his strong desire to save Mitsuha, which is why he
goes great lengths to do so; going to the Miyamizu shrine and drinking her
kuchikamizake in hopes of reversing time to save her. When his plan did become
successful and Taki wakes up in Mitsuha's body, he is so overjoyed that he starts
crying. In hopes of preventing the disaster and Mitsuha and the other residents
surviving, Taki tries to make a plan but cannot seem to succeed. Taki thinks that
Mitsuha would be able to do it, which means that Taki believes in Mitsuha and her
abilities completely.

When Taki finds out that Mitsuha had previously gone to Tokyo to find him, he is
happy and very touched by her actions as she had come to meet him even when he
didn't even know her at the time. He also remembers that Mitsuha had given him her
braided cord (which makes the two of them connected by the red string of fate), and
he realizes that he had kept it as a good-luck charm for three years.

When Taki and Mitsuha meet each other in person at Kataware-doki, they are both
beyond overjoyed and at the same time, nervous. Because, at this time, their
romantic feelings are mutual. They prove to be comfortable with each other as they
were during the body-switching, but also nervous as they occasionally blush. Before
being separated because of their different timelines, Taki confesses to Mitsuha by
writing that he loves her on her hand instead of writing his own name. Taki
apparently did this because of the huge probability of them forgetting about
everything relating to one another. However, he would still be able to convey his
love towards Mitsuha since no one could erase his feelings, and as so, Mitsuha
would know that someone out there, loved her. When they become separated, Taki
commented that no matter where she was in the world, he would definitely go find
her. However, he is devastated when he starts forgetting about Mitsuha, since she
had become so precious and dear to him. Despite this, Taki completely forgets about
everything relating to Mitsuha.

For the following years, he feels like he has forgotten someone important to him
and is always subconsciously searching for someone. He occasionally glances at his
palm where Mitsuha had written her incomplete message, and even though he doesn't
remember anything about it, he knows it has some deep feelings behind it. When
Okudera says that he would be happy someday, Taki glances at his hand; meaning that
the feeling behind the message, is Taki's source of happiness. When Taki and
Mitsuha see each other, they instantly recognize each other despite not uttering a
word, and they also understand that they were always searching for one another.
When they finally reunite, both of them are confident that they know each other
despite having no memories of each other; and the relief of finally founding that
precious someone after so many years, makes them cry out of joy.

Due to their connection with the red string of fate, Taki and Mitsuha are fated
lovers who were destined to eventually meet, despite time, circumstances, or place.
It is therefore heavily implied that they will eventually get together. According
to the Tenki no Ko light novel, Taki and Mitsuha are married by the time of 2024.

Menurut ku si bukang time travel, tapi hanya mimpi yg jadi kenyataan, waktu mitsuha
ketemu taki di tokyo hanya mitsuha yg memimpikan taki(yg pertama) di masa depang
sedangkan taki nga,mitsuha memimpikan taki tapi taki nga merasa pernah ketemu
sampai pada akhirnya mulai ingat setelah beberapa tahun dan mulai bermimpi , mimpi
mereka terhubung tapi hanya berbeda waktu saja.taki dan mitsuha mudah/cepat
melupakan ingatan itu (mimpi yg jadi kenyataan). Dan hanya membutuhkan waktu untuk
mengingatnya. Untuk lebih detailnya setelah sudah nga bertukar lagi merka mengalami
atau sangat mirip dengan dejavu,Prosopagnosia,

Maaf jika kurang paham/detail...hehe

Pada akhirnya mitsuha dan taki mengalami dejavu dan sejenisnya contoh Déjà Vu
adalah kita sudah pernah suatu hal sebelumnya, tetapi Déjà Vécu kita akan
mengetahui peristiwa tersebut jauh lebih detail, seperti mengingat wangi-wangian di
lingkungan tersebut dan suara-suara pada kejadian tersebut
Déjà vu adalah suatu perasaan telah mengetahui dan déjà vécu (perasaan
"pernah hidup melalui" sesuatu)[5] adalah sebuah perasaan mengingat kembali.[6]
di mana pada saat taki mengetahui lebih detail bahwa komet itu akan terbelah. di
sini sangat mirip dengan dejavu dan sejenisnya dan bukang time travel, Menurut
saya. Karena saya sendiri pernah mengalami hal seperti ini. Dan pernah juga mimpi
saya terhubung dengan teman saya.

I still don't get the ending.

It is simple even for simpleton who is smarter than you. Taki travels through time
and space only to warn Mitsuha about meteor calamity, thus causing "Butterfly
Effect" which nullify casualties from that incident. Years later after they become
society worker, they meet each other at that stairs. Wether they are dating or
having sex after that, it's up to your imagination.

I don't understand a word of this song, yet it gave me so much feelings. Feelings
of sorrows, feelings of love and feelings of new beginnings.. the truth is I've
been feeling really disappointed with the human race recently, especially the
people on top. But somehow this song gives me hope for a better tomorrow. Music is
such a beautiful thing, im sure gonna miss it :(

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