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PTRE 311 Petroleum Fluid Properties

Homework No. 2- Chapter 2 Phase Behavior

Due Date: Friday, September 7, 2018
1. A pure propane is held in a laboratory cell at 80oF and 200 psia. Determine the “existence state” (i.e.,
as a gas or liquid) of the substance. [Hint: using Cox Charts in the textbook] (10 points)
Solution: according to Fig. 2-7 Vapor pressures of normal paraffins, at 80oF and 200 psia, propane is
located above the vapor-pressure line, propane is a liquid.

2. Determine the critical temperature and critical pressure of a mixture of 70.00 mole percent methane and
30.00 mole percent ethane.
Determine the bubble-point pressure and dew-point pressure of this mixture at - 60°F.
Determine the cricondentherm and cricondenbar of a mixture of 70.00 mole percent methane and 30.00
mole percent ethane.
Determine the temperature range in which retrograde condensation will occur for a mixture of 70.00 mole
percent methane and 30.00 mole percent ethane. (30 points)

Phase diagrams of mixtures of methane and ethane

1).Tc= -32°F, Pc=970psia
2).Pb=850psia, Pd=275 psia
3). Cricondentherm: -15°F; Cricondenbar: 980psia
4). The region of retrograde condensation occurs at temperatures between the critical temperature and
the cricondentherm: -32°F~-15°F
3. Determine the compositions and quantities of gas and liquid when 10 lb moles of a mixture of 55 mole
percent methane, 20 mole percent propane and 25 mole percent n-pentane is brought to equilibrium at
160°F and 1500 psia. [Example 2-23 on Page 88 in the textbook] (45 points)
Solution: use Figure 2-27
First, plot composition of the mixture on the ternary diagram, point 1 on phase diagram blow.
Second, read composition of equilibrium gas at point where the tieline through point 1 connects with
dew-point line. See point 2.
Composition of gas: 75 mole percent methane
15 mole percent propane
10 mole percent n-pentane
Third, read composition of equilibrium liquid at point where tie-line through point 1 connects with
bubble-point line. See point 3.
composition of liquid: 40 mole percent methane
24 mole percent propane
36 mole percent n-pentane
Fourth, calculate fraction of mix which is gas.
Fraction of gas= 1.5cm/3.5cm = 0.429 Ib mole of gas/lb mole total
and quantity of gas
quantity of gas = (0.429) (10 lb mole) = 4.29 lb moles
Fifth, calculate fraction of mix which is liquid
Fraction liquid=2.0cm/3.5cm=0.571 Ib mole of liquid/lb mole total
and quantity of liquid
quantity of liquid (0.571) (10 lb mole)=5.71 lb moles

4. A liquid of 20 mole percent propane and 80 mole percent n-pentane is to be diluted with methane. Will
all mixtures of the liquid and methane be single phase at 160°F and 1500 psia? Explain the reason for your
answer. [Example 2-26 on Page 88 in the textbook] (15 point)
No, not a single phase, but 2-phase.
Using Fig. 2-27 Ternary phase diagram of mixtures of methane, propane, and n-pentane at 1500 psia and
160°F, a straight line from the point 20 mole percent propane, 80 mole percent n-pentane to the apex at
pure methane passes through the 2-phase envelope.

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