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Answer the following in 1 word/ sentence

1. Can teeth heal themselves or grow back if they suffer damage? No

2. A Unicellular organism that has stiff hair like structures all over its body. Paramoecium.
3. Multicellular organism that uses tentacles for ingesting food. Hydra.
4. How many days are taken by the Venus fly trap to digest an organism?
3 to 5 days.
5. The fastest growing algae that can grow up to feet a day. The giant kelps species
6. The sea algae that lights up the sea surface in Indian ocean at night.
7. Tell the number of elements that occur naturally out of 118 known elements. 72
8. Out of 118 known elements, how many were created in Laboratories?
9. It is a short way of writing the name of an element. chemical symbol
10. Substances that are formed as a result of a chemical reaction. Products
11. A method by which a solid dissolved in a liquid is separated from it in the form of
12. The process of removing sericin from the Silk fibres. Degumming
13. Another name for peace Silk or ahimsa silk Eri silk
14. Wool that comes from the angora rabbit and is known for its softness and warmth . Angora

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