Unit 4 AWP Eassy Way

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Backbenchers series W % * By Vikash yadav @ 1-Demonstrate vertical antenna and folded dipole antennas Ans-a vertical antenna is a type of monopole antenna that radiates energy in a vertical direction. It is essentially one half of a dipole antenna, with the other half being the ground or a counterpoise. The vertical antenna is commonly used for broadcasting and receiving radio signals, particularly for television and FM radio. Folded Dipole Antenna A folded dipole antenna is a type of dipole antenna where the ends of the antenna are folded back and connected to each other, forming a loop. This design provides several advantages over a traditional dipole antenna, including: + Increased bandwidth » Higher feedpoint impedance + Higher efficiency The folded dipole antenna is often used as a driven element in other antennas, such as the Yagi antenna, and is also used on its own for broadcasting and receiving radio signals. Key Characteristics Here are some key characteristics of vertical antennas and folded dipole antennas: + Vertical Antenna: o Radiates energy in a vertical direction Often used for broadcasting and receiving radio signals o Can be used with a counterpoise or ground « Folded Dipole Antenna: o Radiates energy in a omnidirectional pattem o Has increased bandwidth and feedpoint impedance compared to a traditional dipole antenna o Can be used as a driven element in other antennas or on its own for broadcasting and receiving radio signals Advantages and Disadvantages Here are some advantages and disadvantages of vertical antennas and folded dipole antennas: + Vertical Antenna: o Advantages: easy to install, relatively inexpensive, and can be used for a variety of frequencies o Disadvantages: limited directional radiation pattern, may not be suitable for certain types of radio signals « Folded Dipole Antenna: © scanned with OKEN Scanner o Advantages: increased bandwidth and feedpoint impedance, can be used for a variety of frequencies and applications Disadvantages: more complex design, may require additional components and tuning, can be more expensive than a traditional dipole antenna Conclusion In conclusion, vertical antennas and folded dipole antennas are both important types of antennas used for broadcasting and receiving radio signals. While vertical antennas are relatively simple and easy to install, folded dipole antennas offer increased bandwidth and feedpoint impedance, making them suitable for a variety of applications. Initial Additional conductor conductor Feeder Que-2 Derive expression of electric field due to short dipole ANS-consider a short electric dipole AB having a dipole moment p. Let P be the point at a distance r from the centre O. Let the line OP of the dipole makes an angle 8 with the direction of dipole moment p. Resolve p into two components: * pcos @ along OP + psin @ perpendicular to OQ The electric field at point P can be found by considering the contributions from each component. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Electric Field along the Axial Line (OP) The electric field due to the component p cos @ is given by: E(1) = (2 pcos 6) / (4trecr3) Electric Field on the Equatorial Line (OQ) The electric field due to the component p sin @ is given by: E(2) = (p sin 8) / (4tr€or?) Since E(1) and E(2) are perpendicular to each other, the resultant electric field E is given by: E = V(E(1)? + E(2)?) Substituting the expressions for E(1) and E(2), we get: E = \((2 pcos 6/ (4tr€r?))? + (p sin @ / (4tr€0r°))?) ‘Simplifying the expression, we get: E = (p/ (4r1€0r°)) V(4 cos? @ + sin? 8) E = (p/ (4m1€0r°)) V(1 + 3 cos? @) ad is the expression for the electric field due to a short dipole at a point on its axial ine. Que-3. Evaluate electric field due to array of two A/2 driven element when current of equal amplitude and same phase is flowing in antennas. ANS-when two 4/2 driven elements with equal amplitude and same phase current flow in antennas, the electric field can be evaluated using the principle of superposition The electric field due to each element can be calculated separately and then added to find the total electric field Electric Field Due to Each Element The electric field due to a single /2 driven element can be calculated using the formula: E = k *1* sin(8) / (4tr* r) © scanned with OKEN Scanner where E is the electric field, k is the wave number, | is the current, @ is the angle between the current and the observation point, and ris the distance from the element to the observation point. Since the current is equal in amplitude and phase for both elements, the electric field due to each element will have the same magnitude but opposite phases. The electric field due to the first element can be represented as: E1=k*1* sin(61)/ (4m * r1) The electric field due to the second element can be represented as: £2=k*1* sin(@2) / (417 * 12) Total Electric Field The total electric field can be calculated by adding the electric fields due to each element: E_total = E1+E2 Since the currents are equal in amplitude and phase, the electric fields due to each element will have the same magnitude but opposite phases. The total electric field will be the sum of the two electric fields, resulting in a vector sum: E_total = 2*k*I* sin(@) / (411* 1) where 6 is the angle between the current and the observation point, and ris the distance from the center of the array to the observation point. Result The total electric field due to the array of two A/2 driven elements with equal amplitude and same phase current flowing in antennas is a vector sum of the electric fields due to each element. The magnitude of the total electric field is twice the magnitude of the electric field due to a single element, while the direction of the total electric field is the sum of the directions of the electric fields due to each element. Ques-4. Analyze Horizontal antennas above a plane ground ANS-Horizontal antennas above a plane ground exhibit unique characteristics due to the interaction between the antenna and the ground. The ground reflection has a significant impact on the radiation pattern, impedance, and overall performance of the antenna. Radiation Pattern © scanned with OKEN Scanner The radiation pattern of a horizontal antenna above a plane ground is affected by the ground reflection. The ground reflection causes the antenna to radiate in a more omnidirectional pattern, with a null in the vertical plane. This is because the ground reflection cancels the radiation in the vertical plane, resulting in a null at the elevation angle of 90 degrees. Impedance The impedance of a horizontal antenna above a plane ground is also affected by the ground reflection. The ground reflection causes the antenna to present a different impedance to the feed line, which can affect the antenna’s matching and overall performance. Height above Ground The height of the antenna above the ground also plays a crucial role in its performance. As the antenna height increases, the ground reflection becomes less significant, and the antenna’s radiation pattern becomes more directional. However, increasing the antenna height also increases the antenna’s electrical length, which can affect its impedance and matching. Ground Properties The properties of the ground, such as its conductivity and permittivity, also affect the antenna’s performance. A lossy ground can cause the antenna to radiate more energy into the ground, reducing its efficiency. A good ground plane can help to improve the antenna’s performance by reducing the ground reflection and increasing the antenna’s radiation pattern. Conclusion In conclusion, horizontal antennas above a plane ground exhibit unique characteristics due to the interaction between the antenna and the ground. The ground reflection affects the antenna’s radiation pattern, impedance, and overall performance. The height above ground and ground properties also play a crucial role in the antenna’s performance. Understanding these factors is essential for designing and optimizing horizontal antennas above a plane ground. Al-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more © scanned with OKEN Scanner Axis of dipole antenna Field strength t angle @ Ques-5 . Demonstrate the fields of a short dipole. Ans-Demonstrate the fields of a short dipole A short dipole antenna is a type of antenna that is shorter than a half-wavelength of the operating frequency. The fields of a short dipole antenna can be demonstrated as follows: + Electric Field: The electric field of a short dipole antenna is perpendicular to the dipole axis and varies sinusoidally along the length of the dipole. The electric field strength decreases with distance from the dipole and is maximum at the center of the dipole. + Magnetic Field: The magnetic field of a short dipole antenna is parallel to the dipole axis and also varies sinusoidally along the length of the dipole. The magnetic field strength decreases with distance from the dipole and is maximum at the center of the dipole. « Radiation Pattern: The radiation pattern of a short dipole antenna is omnidirectional, meaning it radiates energy equally in all directions. The radiation pattern is a graphical representation of the energy radiated by the antenna. « Directivity: The directivity of a short dipole antenna is low, typically around 1.5 (1.76 dB), which means it radiates energy in all directions with little directionality. + Polarization: The polarization of a short dipole antenna is linear, meaning the electric field vector oscillates in a single plane. Mathematical Representation ‘The electric and magnetic fields of a short dipole antenna can be mathematically represented as: E® = (\il/4z) * ("2 * sin(kr) / 1) * e“(i(kr- ot) H® = (W/4z) * (k * sin(kr) /r) * e“(i(kr- wt)) where E® is the electric field, H® is the magnetic field, yt is the permeability of free space, lis the current in the dipole, k is the wave number, ris the distance from the dipole, is the angular frequency, and tis time. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Conclusion In conclusion, the fields of a short dipole antenna can be demonstrated as electric and magnetic fields that vary sinusoidally along the length of the dipole and radiate energy omnidirectionally. The radiation pattern is omnidirectional, and the directivity is low. The polarization is linear, and the fields can be mathematically represented using the equations Vee yey TIE A ese above. © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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