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Subject: KDOE441(2324-2)2.1

Student name: Dinh Kieu Trang

Student ID: 2312150268
Class: Anh 03 – K62 – CLC KTDN
Professor: Hoang Thi Ben
Self introductory

Before getting into the main parts of my plan, I will briefly introduce some aspects about

1. Hobbies
- Drawing and painting
- Media design
- Singing
- Dancing

2. Strengths
- Leadership skills
- Communication skills
- English skill
- Teamwork
- Time management

3. Values
- Competency
- Connection
- Sense of belonging
- Success
- Family
- Confident
I. Introduction
This document outlines a personal development plan designed to foster holistic
growth throughout my university journey. The plan is informed by the insights of
Abraham Maslow who stated: " “One can choose to go back toward safety or forward
toward growth". This quote emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and
continuous improvement in achieving personal goals.

I aspire to continuously strive towards becoming a better version of myself. This

plan acknowledges the need for ambition and dedication in fulfilling my academic
potential and future aspirations. The plan draws upon the collective knowledge and
experiences of past generations, integrated with my own aspirations.

The following sections will detail the structure of this plan, divided into the list of
sections in this table of contents:

I. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
II. Fields of Interest and Simplified Goals ...................................................................... 4
III. First Year – Foundation and Exploration ................................................................... 5
IV. Second Year - Deepening Knowledge and Expanding Horizons ............................... 6
V. Third Year - Refining Skills and Building a Future ..................................................... 7
VI. Fourth year – Wrapping Up and Beginning A New Journey ..................................... 8
VII. Risk Management ...................................................................................................... 9
VIII. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 10
II. Fields of Interest and Simplified Goals
1. Fields of Interest
Recognizing the importance of achieving a balanced schedule, this plan prioritizes
both academic achievement and personal growth. While acknowledging the
dedication required for career success, I firmly believe that extracurricular activities
and hobbies are essential for long-term well-being and contribute significantly to
overall development. Therefore, this plan incorporates strategies to excel in the
following five key areas:
- Academic Studies: Gaining both general and in-depth knowledge from
university courses.
- Career Development: engaging in career-seeking activities or part-time jobs.
- Personal Enrichment: Spend time engaging in art class or any other artistic
- Leadership & Engagement: Club activities or social gatherings.
- Skill Development: Acquiring new skills or certifications such as MOS
certification, Spanish language proficiency, graphic design skills, or car-driving

2. Simplified Goals
For a clearer understanding, a brief introduction of my key goals will be presented.
- First year: Getting used to the new environment and focusing on trying new
- Second year: Acquiring academic knowledge and important job-related skills.
- Third year: Gaining more in-depth knowledge about my interest in career fields
and doing internship or career research.
- Fourth year: Finish my studying and prepare for graduation and job application.
III. First Year – Foundation and Exploration
For the first year only, my plan structure will include progress and assessment as I have completed
a significant portion of my freshman year.

Categories Goals Plan Progress Assessment Time

Keeping GPA Attend all lectures and Work in I have gain over 3.2 so The entire
over 3.2. tutorials, take organized progress far. school
notes, set realistic study year.
schedules, and utilize campus
Academic learning centers.
studies Develop strong Practice self-discipline and Work in I gained a better time The entire
study habits prepare a schedule or timeline progress management skill school
and time to keep track of work that despite of not being year.
management need to be done. disciplinary enough.
Apply for a Using my English certifications Done Currently I am tutoring The
new part-time to apply for tutoring on 3 people for 6 lessons second
Career job websites or pages. per week. semester.
development Improving my time
management skills to make
time for this.
Applying and Prepare and research about Done After applying for 3 Since
working for an any potential clubs. clubs in total, I now November
organizer club Using connections to gain have become a until now.
at university insights about a specific club. member of Security
Express and commit myself to Investment Club.
the fullest.
Joining in social Joining “Ice Breaker”, “Ftu Done I have participated in The entire
activities to Club Day” event. any social event I could school
make new Applying to volunteering and make some new year
friends activities. friends
Actively start conversations
with peers.
Discover new Explore campus recreational Done I have learned to do oil The entire
hobbies and facilities, attend cultural painting school
interests events, try new activities year
Personal outside of offered by student groups.
enrichment academics.
Excercising Learn to play a new sport. Failed I tried to learn tennis The entire
often but gave up after a school
month. year
Start learning a Attending Korean language Haven’t Summer
new language class. started vacation
Increase exposure to language
by watching movies or read
books in Korean.
IV. Second Year - Deepening Knowledge and Expanding Horizons
Categories Goals Plan Resources Time Range
Deepening Take more challenging Professors' office The entire
understanding of my courses, participate actively hours, research labs, school year.
chosen field of study. in class discussions, start academic journals.
exploring potential research
opportunities with
Keeping GPA over 3.2. Attend all lectures and Online documents, The entire
tutorials, take organized friends, studying school year.
notes, set realistic study groups, class lectures
schedules, and utilize
campus learning centers.
Gain practical Learn new skills related to Connection through The entire
experience. my chosen field. friends, online school year.
Start updating my resume courses, attending
and online portfolio to business fairs.
showcase my skills and
Continue to tutor Using experience to figure Online database, The entire
out better teaching experience. school year.
Improve my English skills
and retake IELTS exam.
Apply to academic Researching information Club acquaintances, Second half
contests about contests in school. Facebook pages, of school
Applying for contests to friends year.
know how they work
Obtain MOS Decide which MOS Official Microsoft After the
certification certification best aligns with learning. school year.
my needs. Online learning
Identify learning resources. Platforms.
Practice and self- Books and tutorials.
Schedule my exam.
Skill Learn to excel in Adobe Choose a learning path. Adobe Creative Cloud The entire
development Photoshop and Adobe Self-paced learning. free tutorial. school year.
Illustration. Instructor-led courses. Skillshare.
Practice consistently. YouTube tutorials.

Learn to use Google Learn from resources Google Calendar help First
products such as available. center. semester.
Google Calendar or Notion help center.
Notion to manage work. Online Tutorials
Maintain a healthy Develop a regular sleep The entire
work-life balance. schedule and prioritize school year
healthy eating habits.
Exercise regularly.
Visiting family more often.
V. Third Year - Refining Skills and Building a Future
Categories Goals Plan Resources Time
Academic Refine my academic skills Take advanced electives, Research labs, academic The entire
studies and prepare for graduate consider independent journals, career planning school year.
studies or careers. research projects, prepare workshops
for entrance exams for
graduate programs if
applicable, and take elective
courses outside my major for
personal growth.
Keeping GPA over 3.2. Attend all lectures and Online documents, The entire
tutorials, take organized friends, studying groups, school year.
notes, set realistic study class lectures.
schedules, and utilize campus
learning centers.
Career Build strong connections Attend career fairs Connection through Second
development with potential employers specifically for my field, friends, LinkedIn, and semester.
and mentors. connect with professionals business fairs.
on LinkedIn, and update my
resume and online portfolio.
Applying for internship. Research. Online Job Boards. Second
Resume and Cover Letter. Campus Services. semester.
Applications and networking. Company Websites.
Leadership Apply to academic Researching in-depth about Club acquaintances, The entire
and contests contests in school. Facebook pages, friends school year.
Engagement Applying for contests more
Skill Sharpening my drawing Practice drawing and using Online lessons of Proko, After the
development skills. tools every week. Marco Bucci,… school year.
Watching tutorials and Free painting timelapse
lessons online. on YouTube.
Consider joining an art class.

Get Korean proficiency Set a target level. Online platforms. After the
certificate TOPIK Choose a learning method. Local institutions. school year.
Develop a practice routine. Self-study.
Take mock tests.
Learn to edit video Choose an editing software. Free video editing First
Start with the basics. software, Skillshare. semester.
Practice editing short clips. Free stock video and
Find inspiration. audio resources.
Edit personal projects. Communities.
Personal Achieve work-life Same as the second year. The entire
Enrichment balance school year.
Engage in sports more Utilize university’s PE Online tutorials. The entire
often such as courses. Local sport clubs. school year.
skateboarding, tennis, Apply for tennis court Online platforms to find
badminton, or swimming membership, invite friends. partners.
VI. Fourth year – Wrapping Up and Beginning A New Journey
Categories Goals Plan Resources Time
Academic Finishing all the courses Maximize study time. Online time management The
studies and preparing a good Professor power tools, campus learning entire
graduation thesis. Thesis advisor guidance. centers, academic advisors, school
online learning platforms. year.
Final GPA 3.2+ Retake all the subjects that Online documents, friends, The
have room for improvement. studying groups, class entire
lectures school
Career Build strong Attend career fairs specifically Connection through friends, The
development connections with for my field, connect with LinkedIn, and business fairs. entire
potential employers professionals on LinkedIn, and school
and mentors. update my resume and online year.
Finding official job Research. Online Job Boards. Second
opportunities. Resume and Cover Letter. Campus Services. semeste
Applications and networking. Company Websites. r.
Preparation for interviews. Professional Organizations.
Follow-up if needed.
Leadership Attending mentorship Find what fit me. University career services
and program. Craft a compelling statement office, professional
Engagement to apply. organization websites,
Active participation. online mentorship
Skill Opening a small Develop a business plan. Local business development After the
development business of making art- Research & Register. centers, online business school
related goods. Explore marketing avenues like planning tools, online year.
online marketplaces and local marketplaces for art and
markets. crafts.

Sharpening job-related Identify skill gaps. University career services After the
skills Upskill & Certify. office, organization school
Network & Learn. websites, online learning year.
Building personal Identify my unique values. Personal branding First
branding. Craft my online persona workshops, Online portfolio semeste
Share industry-related and website creation r.
content. platforms.
Network & Showcase.
Personal Achieve work-life Same as the second and third Google calendar, Notion,.. The
Enrichment balance years, except that I need to for time management. entire
focus on having good mental school
and physical health to handle year.
the workload.
Engage in sports more Utilize university’s PE courses. Online tutorials. The
often. Apply for tennis court Local sport clubs. entire
membership. Online platforms to find school
Invite friends. partners. year.
VII. Risk Management
Instead of dreading the inevitable misstep, I'm taking a proactive approach. Everyone
makes mistakes, but having a plan in place can soften the blow. By acknowledging my
weaknesses and learning from past errors, I aim to navigate challenges with greater

Area Risk Solution Seriousness

Time Management: Juggling Develop a detailed High: Poor time
coursework and extracurricular study schedule management and lack of
activities can lead to poor time Set clear goals. focus can negatively impact
Academic management. Break down grades and potentially delay
Studies Lack of Focus: Distractions or assignments graduation.
unclear goals may hinder Seek help from
academic performance. professors, advisors, or
Limited Internship Opportunities: Research internship Medium: Limited
There might not be enough opportunities early opportunities can be a
relevant internship opportunities and apply widely. hurdle, but proactive
Professional available. Practice interview searching and preparation
Development Unpreparedness for Interviews: skills. can increase your chances.
Lack of interview skills can Attend workshops or
prevent you from landing online courses.
internships or jobs.
Neglecting Wellbeing: Focusing Develop a healthy Medium: Neglecting well-
too heavily on academics or work routine. being can lead to burnout
can lead to neglecting your Schedule dedicated and hinder overall
Personal physical and mental health. time for personal university success.
Enrichment Difficulty Balancing Activities: It hobbies and Prioritization and
can be challenging to find time for relaxation. scheduling are key.
personal hobbies and relaxation Learn to say no to
with a demanding schedule. overcommitment.
Finding the Right Opportunity: Research various clubs Low: Not finding the
There might not be a club or and organizations. perfect fit or managing time
organization that aligns perfectly Delegate tasks and can be challenging, but
with your interests. responsibilities within alternative opportunities
Leadership &
Time Commitment: Balancing leadership roles. and effective time
leadership roles with other Learn to manage time management can still
activities can be demanding. effectively to balance provide valuable leadership
leadership roles with experience.
other commitments.
Skill Gap Miscalculation: You Research job Medium: Miscalculating
might underestimate or descriptions. skill needs or limited
overestimate the skills needed for Prioritize skills. resources can delay your
your desired career path. Explore free or low- career goals. Careful
Limited Resources: Finding the cost resources planning and
time and resources to develop all resourcefulness can address
necessary skills can be difficult. this.
VIII. Conclusion

Overall, this plan serves as a roadmap to a fulfilling and enriching university

experience. By focusing on academic success, professional development, personal
enrichment, leadership & engagement, and skill development, I’m working on laying the
groundwork for a bright future.
Dear Professor Ben, I hope you enjoy what I have prepared for my university
experience. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I would be grateful for any questions
or suggestions you may have.
Your student.

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