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Body of the Report...................................................................................................................................2
Topic title: ............................................................................................................................................2
Profile of the Organization or Business Establishment: ......................................................................2
Rationale of the Study: ........................................................................................................................2
Statement of the problems: ..................................................................................................................2
Scope and Delimitation of the Study ...................................................................................................3
Objectives of the Study:.......................................................................................................................3
Methodology: ...........................................................................................................................................3
Timeline of activities: ..........................................................................................................................3
Analysis & Interpretation of the data: .....................................................................................................4
Interpretation: ....................................................................................................................................11
Findings of study ...................................................................................................................................11
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................11

Body of the Report

Topic title: What are the significances that the engineers prefer to do MBA after graduation?
Profile of the Organization or Business Establishment:
The Department of Business Administration's MBA program is a contemporary MBA that is created
to provide career-focused business education and address the business issues of the twenty-first
century. Our MBA program equips managers to handle all of the increasingly complex business
concerns and offers them a global competitive advantage in both the public and private sectors.
Organizations are looking for leaders that can flourish in a challenging, cross-functional workplace
with a wide range of cultures. This MBA program produces executives who are aware of their
organization and themselves in the context of a highly competitive and dynamic business
The program's core components include the development of leadership and personal impact abilities.
Students not only study leadership theories but also how to improve their practice. Additionally,
students get the skills necessary to develop original local and international plans, thoroughly assess
them, and successfully implement them.

Rationale of the Study:

As we are students of AIUB, sometimes we see that our CSE friends and brothers are taking MBA
after completing their graduation in Engineering. We all know that the MBA program is under the
department of Business Administration. So our curiosity is to know why engineers are doing MBA
and what benefits they are getting in the industry. After doing this research, it will be clear to
everyone the importance of the MBA program and will help inspire people to do it or avoid it.

Statement of the problems:

Since there are lots of degree programs rather than going for further studies in any of the traditional
engineering disciplines some engineering students prefer to pursue the MBA degree after completing
their graduation. MBA is a well-known degree worldwide. An MBA after Engineering is the start of
the best career opportunities. A degree in MBA after graduation ensures top-tier placements for
students. It is a diverse field with multiple specializations, expanding the scope for numerous
placement opportunities worldwide. Many companies prefer MBA graduates over those who have
done master of engineering. The reason is that they are doubly qualified to handle the various
challenges in the global arena. Engineering job often focuses on complex technological processes and
sets of specialized knowledge. It creates complexity and they also can’t get the job easily. There is no
doubt an Engineering degree trains you in technical skills, but an MBA program inculcates
managerial skills in you. So, these are some significant that engineers prefer MBA after graduation. In
this study, we will try to answer some questions which are included as part of the benefits of an MBA
degree rather than a Master's degree in EM:

• Why do many engineers choose an MBA degree as opposed to further specialization in their
technical fields?
• What factors play a significant role in the career progression of MBA graduates?
• How are the career paths of engineering students determined?
• How difficult is it for engineering students to switch from one path to another career path?

• What is the role of an MBA degree in the career progression of its holders?
• What are the advantages for engineering students to choose an MBA degree after graduation?
• What are the disadvantages for engineering students in choosing an MBA degree after

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This should describe the coverage and limits of the study in terms of the specific educational
background, timeframe or duration, and people or organizations involved. IT will describe the change
of mind after starting corporate life with the sources of data and specific respondents. It will cover the
engineer's perspective on higher education and the necessaries of an MBA in an organization. This
report will cover the perspective of an engineer and an organization’s needs from a graduate.

Objectives of the Study:

• When did they decide to change.
• To measure the impact on career.
• To identify the benefit to do MBA after graduation.
• To resolve managerial challenges.
• To develop the leadership abilities to collaborate well with varied teams.
• Whether the organization prefers the MBA candidates or not.

Our research topic is applied research. We have decided to use qualitative methodologies in our
research. We will do physical surveys for collecting necessary data which will help to understand that
for engineer’s, MBA program is good or bad and people’s opinions about it. For analysis of the data,
we will use qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis. We will do surveys and interviews with
close-ended questions and online archival research.

Timeline of activities:
The survey in universities on 12 November 2022
The survey in corporate offices on 17 November 2022
Engineering Students review on this topic 01 December 2022
MBA Students review on this topic 08 December 2022

Analysis & Interpretation of the data:

Output Created 25-DEC-2022 12:42:00
Data G:\RM.sav
Active Dataset DataSet2
Filter <none>
Input Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working
Data File
User-defined missing
Definition of Missing values are treated as
Missing Value
Statistics are based on all
Cases Used
cases with valid data.
Syntax t Occupation University
Processor Time 00:00:00.30
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.29



Department Occupation University

Valid 51 51 51
Missing 0 0 0

Frequency Table


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Computer Science
25 49.0 49.0 49.0

Electrical Engineer 19 37.3 37.3 86.3

Valid Civil Engineer 1 2.0 2.0 88.2

Architecture Engineer 3 5.9 5.9 94.1

Others 3 5.9 5.9 100.0

Total 51 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: In the research, we can see that 49 % of computer science Engineer students have
responded. 37.3% are Electrical Engineer have responded. Some other department like Civil
Engineer, Architecture Engineer has also responded.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Service 11 21.6 21.6 21.6

Valid Student 40 78.4 78.4 100.0

Total 51 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: In the research out of 51 responses 21.6% are doing services. Most of the responses are
students which is 78.4%.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


American International
37 72.5 72.5 72.5
University, Bangladesh

AUST 1 2.0 2.0 74.5

Bangladesh University 2 3.9 3.9 78.4

Bangladesh University of
1 2.0 2.0 80.4
Business and Technology

Valid Brac University 1 2.0 2.0 82.4

Independent University 2 3.9 3.9 86.3

KUET 4 7.8 7.8 94.1

North South University 1 2.0 2.0 96.1

UIU 2 3.9 3.9 100.0

Total 51 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: In the research out of 51 responses 72% students are American International University
Bangladesh. Other 28% students are from different universities which are AUST 2%, Bangladesh
University 3.9%, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology 2%, Brac University 2%,
Independent University 3.9%, KUET 7.8%, North South University 2%, UIU 3.9%

Pie Chart

In the pie chart we can easily see that most of the responses are from Computer Science Engineer
Students. After that Electronical Engineer students are in the second position. We can also see that
Architecture and others department students are also responses here and their amount is larger than
civil Engineers students ratio.

In the pie chart we can clearly see that in the 51 responses a huge amount response is from students
and next is services, which is also a good amount of response.

In the pie chart we can see that most of the responses are from American International University
Bangladesh after that in the second position responses are from KUET. Some small amount of
responses are from different universities like , AUST, UIU, Bangladesh university, Bangladesh
University of Business and technology, Brac University, Independent university.



Output Created 25-DEC-2022 12:42:43


Data G:\RM.sav

Active Dataset DataSet2

Filter <none>
Input Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working
Data File

User defined missing

Definition of Missing values are treated as
Missing Value missing.
All non-missing data are
Cases Used

Age Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11
Syntax Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16
Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20


Processor Time 00:00:00.00

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.00


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Gender 51 1 2 1.25 .440

Age 51 1 3 1.12 .382

For the Engineering

student after finishing
undergraduate studies is 51 1 4 2.43 .831
the best time on earn an
MBA degree?

MBA program increase

your network (social 51 1 4 2.10 .855

Pursuing an MBA Makes

one eligible to secure a
job with a good pay 51 1 4 2.08 .796
package in any

Pursuing an MBA after

Engineering can easily
help you switch from a
51 1 4 2.02 .812
core technical job to a
management- based

Nowadays MBA
programs are in high 51 1 4 2.08 .771

Why should an
Engineering student
51 1 4 2.12 1.052
pursue MBA after

Which specialization is
best in MBA after 51 1 3 2.41 .829

How an Engineering
student switch from one
51 1 3 1.94 .732
path to another career

How does an MBA helps

51 1 4 2.39 1.041
your career?

Interpretation: Gender has mean 1.25 value and STD .440. Age has mean 1.25 and STD .382. For
the Engineering student after finishing undergraduate studies is the best time on earn an MBA degree?
Its mean value is 2.43 and STD is .831. MBA program increase your network (social respect)? Its
mean value is 2.10 and STD is .855. Pursuing an MBA Makes one eligible to secure a job with a good
pay package in any organization which mean value is 2.08 and STD value is .796 . Pursuing an MBA
after Engineering can easily help you switch from a core technical job to a management- based
profile. In the basis of this research which mean value is 2.02 and STD value is .812. Nowadays MBA
programs are in high demand which mean value is 2.08 and STD value is .771. Why should an
Engineering student pursue MBA after Engineering which mean value is 2.12 and STD value is 1.052
. Which specialization is best in MBA after Engineering which mean value is 2.41 and STD value is
.829. How an Engineering student switch from one path to another career paths? Which mean value is
1.94 and STD value is .732. How does an MBA help your career? Which mean value is 2.39 and STD
value is 1.041.

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Engineers student think

that an MBA degree is the
51 1 5 2.92 1.278
only way to change their
career path

What kind of roles an

Engineering student get
51 1 3 1.59 .804
doing MBA program in
an organization?

What is the educations of

an Engineering student 51 1 3 2.14 .895

10 | P a g e
What is the advantage for
Engineering student to
51 1 4 2.22 1.361
choose an MBA Degree
after graduation?

What is the disadvantage

for an Engineering
student in choosing an 51 1 4 2.65 1.214
MBA degree after

Valid N (listwise) 51

Interpretation: Engineers student think that an MBA degree is the only way to change their career
path which mean value is 2.92 and STD value is 1.278. What kind of roles an Engineering student get
doing MBA program in an organization? Which mean value is 1.59 and STD value is .804. What is
the educations of an Engineering student MBA? Which mean value is 2.14 and STD value is .895.
What is the advantage for Engineering student to choose an MBA Degree after graduation? Which
mean value is 2.22 and STD value is 1.361. What is the disadvantage for an Engineering student in
choosing an MBA degree after graduation? Which mean value is 2.65 and STD value is 1.214

Findings of study
1. Most of the Engineering background students’ thoughts that MBA degree is the only way to change
their career path
2. Engineers thought that MBA will help their progress of career for higher salary and higher position
in an organisation.
3. After Engineering and then doing MBA will provide engineers the view of business side broadly.

1. Some business administration course might help the engineer to understand business Background
and will help them to make decisions for their career.
2. Some engineers are not interest to their education background jobs. They find interest in other
business administrative jobs. They might need to learn more than just doing MBA degree.
3. Some engineers are doing MBA just because their company asked them to do that for promotions.
That company should stop evaluating some employees with their degrees. If engineers are
comfortable with their educational background jobs, they should not be forced to do MBA.

This research has shown the Perspective of many engineering students and engineers. It also has
shown the situation of the company&#39; s demand from employees. Our education system
sometimes doesn’t match with the future career demand that has been asked from a employee.

11 | P a g e
• https://chennai.vit.ac.in/benefits-of-mba-after-engineering/
• https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/em_19990509
• https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1433419/FULLTEXT01.pdf

We the students of the Research Methodology class of AIUB are conducting research on “What are
the significances that the engineers prefer to do MBA after graduation?” We need your kind co-
operation in this regard. Data Collected Through this survey will be used only for classroom purposes:
1. Name
2. Gender:
 Male
 Female
 Others
3. Age:
 22-27
 27-32
 32-37
 37-42
4. Department
 Civil Engineer
 Architecture Engineer
 Electrical Engineer
 Computer science Engineer
 Others
5. Occupation:
 Service
 Business
 Students
 Housewife
 Others
6. University:

7. For an Engineer Student after finishing undergraduate studies is the best time to earn an MBA
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Moderate
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
8. MBA program increases your networking (social Respect)?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Moderate
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

12 | P a g e
9. Pursuing an MBA makes one eligible to secure a job with a good pay package in any
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Moderate
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
10 Pursuing an MBA after engineering can easily help you switch from a core technical job to a
management-based profile.
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Moderate
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
11. Nowadays MBA programs are in High Demand.
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Moderate
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
12. Why should an engineering student pursue MBA after engineering?
 Develop flexible management skills
 Networking opportunities
 Entrepreneurship and innovation
 Highly rewarding salary
13. Which specialization is best in MBA after Engineering?
 Marketing
 Operations
 Management
14. How an engineering student switch from one path to another career paths?
 Identify your interests.
 Research various fields.
 Incorporate your education and skills
15. How does an MBA help your career?
 Enhance your marketability
 Increase the quality and quantity of job opportunities.
 Extended full-time job offers
 Build business leadership skills
16. Engineer student think that an MBA degree is the only way to change their career path.
(Likert scale)
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Moderate
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
17. What kind of roles an engineering student get after doing MBA program in an organization?
 Technology sector
 Finance sector
 Consultant sector

13 | P a g e
18. What are the expectations of an engineering student from MBA?
 Chance to meet industry's expert
 Update personality
 Flexibility
 Reward system
19. What is the advantage for an engineering student to choose an MBA degree after graduation?
 Wide range of Career Options
 Placement Opportunities
 Be Your Own Boss
 Develop Skills
20. What is the disadvantage for an engineering student in choosing an MBA degree after
 Unrelated jobs
 High competition
 Difficult to transition from the technical and analytical skills
 Struggle with some of the concepts.

14 | P a g e

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