Interview Question What Is Your Superpower Indeed - Com 3

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Interviewing Interview Question: What Is Yo…

Interview Question:
What Is Your
Jamie Birt

Updated September 30, 2022

During a job interview, employers ask a variety of

questions to learn more about your experiences,
qualiHcations and personality. Sometimes
interviewers may stray from traditional interview
questions to ask a question that requires extra

In this article, we discuss why an employer may

ask what your superpower would be and what
diJerent superpowers say about you, and we
oJer sample answers to help you create your
own response to "What is your superpower?"

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Why Employers Ask Them

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Why would an employer

ask what my superpower
would be?
Employers may speciHcally ask what your
superpower is to learn more about your
strengths. However, they want you to provide an
answer that shows your creativity and ability to
think quickly. Interviewers often ask creative
questions like this to assess your sense of
judgment and how you present yourself.

Employers often include creative interview

questions to provide you with a challenge. These
questions allow the interviewer to change the
atmosphere, possibly helping to ease tension or
stress in the room. Creative questions allow you
to show your personality to the interviewer. It's
also important to show your conHdence in your
answer, emphasizing your ability to think quickly.

Employers use these questions to assess how

quickly you can adapt to situations you didn't
prepare for. While it's important to prepare for
your interview, employers also like to hear
answers that feel authentic and less rehearsed. A
question like "What would your superpower be?"
provides them with an opportunity to hear an
answer that isn't too formulaic and is unique to

Related: How To Prepare for an Interview

What di6erent
superpowers show about
There are a variety of superpowers to choose
from to describe yourself . However, it's
important to select a well-known superpower is
straightforward. Select the superpower you feel
best represent your best strength that will beneHt
the company.

Here are some diJerent superpowers and what

they may say about you and your skills:

Flying: You are willing to take risks and enjoy

seeing things from new perspectives.

Power to inEuence your environment: You

have strong persuasive skills and enjoy leading

Strength, resilience or endurance: You enjoy

challenges and use them as an opportunity to

Reading minds or experiencing the feelings of

others: You value emotional intelligence and
understand its importance in the workplace.

X-ray vision: You know how to analyze

situations before making decisions and value
attention to detail.

Shape-shifting: You enjoy handling a variety of

tasks and can multitask and change between

Speed: You have excellent time management

skills, value eUciency and look for ways to
improve work processes.

Agility or Eexibility: You are adaptable and

easily embrace new responsibilities or

Ability to teleport: You value eUciency, have

strong time management skills and can
prioritize tasks.

Time traveling: You understand the

importance of reviewing past results to make
future decisions.

Related: How To Emphasize Your Personal

Strengths During an Interview

How to answer "What is

your superpower?"
Here are some steps to follow to help you answer
this interview question:

Consider the question

Think about the question. It's important to
consider the purpose of the question. The
interviewer is asking this question to learn more
about your skills, not your favorite superpower.

An interviewer is not necessarily asking this

question to trick you, but they may be trying to
disrupt your thought process and force you to
think more creatively. It's important to approach
the question as you would any other question.
While the question may seem tricky, it's a
standard interview question framed in a more
creative way. Think about the question as "What
is your biggest strength or asset?" to help you
develop your answer.

It's also important to take this question seriously.

While the question may feel fun compared to
other questions, it's important to provide a
thoughtful answer. However, you may still use the
question to show your personality.

Think about your skills and

Think about your strengths, skills and assets.
Consider the demands of the job. Identify what
you believe to be your biggest strength that will
beneHt the company.

Related: How To Identify Your Key Strengths in

the Workplace

Choose a simple but strong

Select a superpower that is simple but eJective
and aligns with your biggest strength. This helps
ensure your answer focuses on your strengths
rather than the superpower itself. Choose a
strong superpower that requires no extra context
as to how it works. For example, choose
something like Wying or X-ray vision.

Support your answer with an

Provide the interviewer with a real-life example to
support your answer. Consider using the STAR
method to create your answer. This involves
establishing the:

Situation: What the situation or challenge was

Task: Your role or what you had to resolve

Action: What you did

Result: What your actions achieved

Using the STAR method may help you provide

thorough but concise answers. These answers
include important details to help the interviewer
how you handle real-world situations. The STAR
method is also eJective to help illustrate how you
overcame a previous obstacle.

Read more: How To Use the STAR Interview

Response Technique

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Sample "What is your

superpower?" answers
Here are some example answers to the question
"What is your superpower?" to help you develop
your own:

Example for <ying

"If I could choose any superpower, I think I would
pick flying. I think I would really enjoy how free I
would feel and knowing I would have the ability to
go almost anywhere. Also, I would love to see the
world from a new perspective.

I really enjoy seeing things from the perspectives of

others. For example, in my recent position as a
customer service manager at a marketing
agency, many clients complained about our
onboarding process. I suggested to my manager
that we send a survey to our clients and directly call
those who complained to see what this disliked
about the onboarding process. We also asked a
coworker unfamiliar with the onboarding process
to go through the process as a test and provide us
with feedback.

We received a lot of valuable internal and external

feedback. We used this feedback to streamline our
onboarding process and use more user-friendly
software. As a result, customer complaints about
our onboarding process reduced by nearly 75%.

Example for time traveling

"I think my superpower would be time traveling. I
would love the ability to go back in time to visit
iconic moments in history. I would also enjoy the
ability to learn from family members I never had
the chance to meet.

Whenever I have a decision to make, it's important

to me to research the past and collect data to
consider in my plans. For example, in my current
position as a manager of a medical spa, I noticed a
decline in clients booking laser hair removal
treatments once colder weather arrived. However,
the fall and winter months are often the best time
to book these types of treatments.

I helped develop an educational marketing

campaign for our social media and email channels
discussing why you should use fall and winter to
get your laser hair removal treatments. The
campaign ran at the end of summer through early
winter, and we provided discounts when booking.
As a result, we booked twice as many laser hair
removal appointments in the fall and winter
months as the last three years combined."

Example for shape-shifting

"If I was able to choose a superpower, I believe
shape-shifting would be the best superpower for
me. I would love to transform into another person,
or maybe even into an animal. I enjoy trying
di!erent things, and shape-shifting would allow me
to try this.

I also enjoy switching between di!erent roles as a

way to try new things. For example, in my current
position as a human resources generalist , I work
with another HR generalist under the supervision of
an HR manager. I primarily handle employee
recruiting while my counterpart handles employee
benefits and payroll. However, my coworker was
pregnant and would soon be out on maternity

During her maternity leave, I took on her

responsibilities in addition to my own. This helped
me learn more about the accounting side of human
resources, which I previously did not have as much
hands-on experience with. When she returned, we
discussed a system to share responsibilities more to
provide more variety in our days and further
develop our skills."

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