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Social Skills University

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Power is taken, never given.

The age of the internet has made power such an elusive

concept that your average guy no longer understands
what true power is.
I’ll tell you what it is:
Power is being able to get what you want.
Money has purchasing power. Because in terms of
buying, the more money you have the more you
can buy.
But that’s not the only kind of power there is and
this is where many get lost. At the absolute highest
level, power has very little to do with money.


The reason for this is because for you to even be

there, having money is a prerequisite.
You don’t expect to run for president while earning
a few thousand dollars a year.
The purpose of this course is to show you the road
map to power.

The content of this course is drawn from real-life

I have not networked with presidents. But I have
used every single technique that will be revealed
throughout this course. This is not imagination; these
are things that work in the real world and utilizing
extrapolation can be extended to the big leagues.
Before you go any further, I must mention that this
course is speci cally for men. So, if you’re a woman
going through this course, you should probably put it
down now. There’s nothing of value in here for you.
The course will detail all the different principles you
need to understand to acquire power and how to apply
them in the real world. Each principle brings you a part
of the machine that builds up on your project POWER.
Do not take this course as the all-be-all to acquiring
power. It is a brief one and it does go over the concepts
quite summarily. Use your intuition to extrapolate the
ideas and try to be sharp.


If you cannot do this, then the power game isn’t for

you. A high level of intelligence and understanding is
needed for someone taking up such a pursuit.
Now, without further ado, let us dive straight into it
starting with lesson 1.

Chapter 1

Lesson 1: Money

The most important idea you will learn from
this lesson is that ‘money is not real.’
Money is an agreement we made between ourselves
to put an arbitrary value on intrinsically useless objects
to represent the value of intrinsically useful objects.
If you think money is real then you’re missing a lot
regarding what you can do with this and what you
should not try to do with it.
Think back to the time we used cowries to trade.
These were sea shells that we collected at river banks
and ocean fronts.
Consider this: if you wanted to marry, all you had to
do was go to the sea and collect a substantial number of

sea shells, use these as payment, and the bride price of
your wife-to-be was settled.
This is quite ridiculous considering the statement
‘money does not grow on trees.’ Seems it spawns from
seas instead.

Money is not real!

Now, after what I have just said to you, I will tell

you that money is the most important thing you will
own in your entire being.

Your house got burnt? Have money? Get a

new home!
Your car got wrecked in an accident? Have
money? Get a new Lamborghini!
Your loved one is sick with a deathly
disease? Have money? Get them the best
treatment available!

Money will solve practically 99% of your problems.

It has the power to change people’s opinions.
Money can buy you happiness; you just need a lot
of it.
All the things you worry about, there’s probably a
good amount of money that can solve. As a social


climber, you need a lot of money to enhance your

journey to the top.
This lesson however is not about using money to
solve your problems; it is about the importance of
money in your ascent to the top of the hierarchy. I will
show you how to use money to move up the ladder,
how to use it, and what to avoid.


As with many things, there are always a couple of

options to choose from to attain your objectives.
It is no different with the social climber. You want
to be respected, feared, recognized, and exempted from
You want the atmosphere to change when you walk
in. You want people to know that someone has stepped
into the building. The staff should change their nasty
demeanor when they sight you.
This is not possible without money.

O NE WAY of going up as a social climber is to be the

cunning and sly, maneuvering, Machiavellian bastard
of ages. The problem with this is that times have

Your cunning alone will not suf ce. You will need
monetary resources. There are no courts to display your
abilities and cunning to a king to instantly get you to
the top of the ranks.
The second way, which is what we will be consider‐
ing, is to make money and use it as a tool to facilitate
your journey to becoming powerful and formidable
wherever you are.
Before you even begin your journey as a social
climber, you must make a substantial amount of
money. Two criteria must be ful lled in the way you
make your money though.

1. You must be willing to divulge your means

of income when the situation demands
without feelings of remorse. If you make
your money via fraudulent methods, you
must be proud of it. You must own it. If you
make your money by promoting
pornography, you must still own it. If you
are a hitman, you must still own it. Your
means of income must never be a shameful
thing to you. Some may despise it, but you
rejecting it takes away all credibility from
you. Whatever it is you do, say it boldly


(only when necessary), even if you sell

buckets of shit.
2. You must make money every day, and you
must have enough to spend in such a way
that those around you are unable to
calculate an exact amount they can pin to
your name. You could spend $200 today and
spend $2000 tomorrow. You will need all
the money you can get.

Once you’ve made enough money to spend gener‐

ously when needed, you move to the next step on
utilizing this ‘ ctional idea’ called ‘money.’
I must mention that before you even consider
starting your journey as a social climber, you must have
made a substantial amount of money.


There is no point in having money if you are not going

to spend it to achieve your goals.
Making money is not a goal; it is a means to
achieving your actual goals. Making money is a
pseudo-goal. It is an idea of a target, but it in itself does
not meet the criteria of enhanced life.

A millionaire who does not spend his money is no
different from a beggar on the street. The reason you
make money is so you can spend it.
What you spend it on is what makes all the differ‐
ence. A social climber certainly should know what to
spend his money on because that is what will deter‐
mine whether or not he will ascend the hierarchy.
Spend money generously when there is something
to be gained by doing so.
I will give you instances when you will need to do
this in later lessons. But what you need to keep in mind
is that as part of the process of cementing your reputa‐
tion, spending is a must.

T O HELP you understand the idea of this lesson I

want you to do a Google search on these:

What is money?
The history of money?
Where does money come from?

These three things will give you a deep under‐

standing of the concept that is ‘money.’
The purpose of this lesson is to give you a deep


understanding of money and to prepare your mind for

how it will be used to facilitate your ascend to the top
of the hierarchy of power and in uence.

Chapter 2

Lesson 2: Knowledge

social climber must be knowledgeable.
If not vastly knowledgeable, you must at
least know most things there are to know
in your eld of expertise.
If you are into real estate, you must know almost
everything there is to know about real estate. There
shouldn’t be a question a layman would ask that you
don’t have a satisfactory answer to.
You ask why this is important.
Credibility and competence are important factors
when it comes to leading. If you want to be seen as the
be-all, then you must present an aura of competence
and credence.
One thing I like to do is make research on the most
obscure things when at night. Surprisingly, you nd


that these things end up coming in handy in the most

unlikely circumstances.
Reading about the apocryphal books of the Bible,
reading the Qur’an and the history of the prophet,
reading about the universe and the galaxies, reading
about serial killers, reading about some of the weirdest
things and you ask yourself, what nerdy shit is this?
Here is the thing. I have zero interest in discussing
these things with people. I never bring up any of these
things when having a conversation.

H OW DOES it come in handy?

Knowledge is powerful. You never know when
you’ll meet some powerful person who happens to have
an interest in one of these many rabbit holes you’ve
delved into.
There are people I connected with that have helped
me go places I previously couldn’t due to the simple
fact that I beat them in chess.
I not only made money from it, but I also traveled to
a lot of places, met a lot of people, built life-long
connections, and expanded my network due to chess. I
don’t take this as a career, far from it, but my knowl‐
edge of it facilitated my movement and ascent up the

• • •

I NSTEAD OF WASTING your time watching Net ix, gain

knowledge. Practice improving at things powerful
people have an interest in.

Practice golf.
Practice chess.
Practice your piano.
Read up on the apocryphal books.

The men at the top of the hierarchy don’t have your

regular sort of interests such as watching football and
arguing about celebrities. They have weird interests.
They incline to things that rather than help you relax,
might get you riled up and stressed.
Garnering knowledge in these things means you
have an easier time connecting to some of these people,
whom you will surely encounter on your way to
the top.
There is nothing more disarming than knowing
someone has a genuine interest in the things you hold
dear and close to your heart. Even if it is just surface-
level knowledge, you can make it work.
• • •


K NOWLEDGE IS SO powerful that it eludes a lot of people.

Many millionaires have failed to ascend the ladder
because they do not understand this. You can make
millions selling buckets online, but if you do not under‐
stand this, you will be unable to be anything more than
a peasant millionaire, or bucket seller.

W HAT TYPE of knowledge do I need?

We just spoke about the generic type of ‘interest-
based knowledge’ which included knowledge of certain
games the elite like to play (chess, golf, and poker).
We also talked about knowledge in your area of
expertise. This is imperative because it demonstrates
These are not all you need.
As a social climber, you need both these and a third,
most important type.

Y OU NEED to know your terrain inside-out.

What city do you live in?
You must know every nook and cranny.
You must know where leads to where in this place.
You must be able to get from here to there in the case of
an emergency.

If you were being pursued, would you be able to
escape? Can you run and nd a place to hide? Do you
know XYZ alley?
This will seem very inconsequential until the day
you get in a tight spot and need to survive the night.
You might not get in a dangerous situation for a long
time, but when starting, you should be expecting
anything and you must be prepared for it.

T HREE TYPES of knowledge to gain:

Know your area of expertise to the core

Have uncommon knowledge
Know your terrain

To help you better understand some of the concepts

discussed above, I want you to read up on these:

What are some of the interests of the most

powerful men who ever lived?
Why are chess, golf, and poker well
respected amongst the rich and powerful?
What are some of the weirdest things a
person can pick an interest in?


Picture this:
A person who is well-spoken, powerful demeanor,
strong facial expressions, fearless and con dent, but
also happens to know the exact date the internet was
This is weird.
This person does not t in your box. You want to be
able to say: “well if he is this then he is that.”
A person who believes in violence, a hired hand, but
also happens to be an excellent piano player?!
This does not make sense.
You want to be able to say: “he is a brutish man,
surely something as elegant as playing the piano will
not be up his ante.”
A fraudster who knows all of Shakespeare’s plays by
heart and happens to be an excellent painter?!
Surely such a man must enjoy easy things. Since he
is a fraudster he must not be inclined to do dif cult
things such as taking a month to nish a mural. Knowl‐
edge is so powerful that it penetrates the mind and
creates a whole new idea of who you are.
A very important thing to keep in mind when
considering the idea of knowledge is that it is not to be
used for the peasants at the bottom, but rather for the
in uential at the top.
Knowledge is not useful in swaying the powerless.

You don’t want to in uence those who can do nothing
for you. You want to be able to affect those who can
change the narrative.
The common way of doing things, in this case,
simply will not do.

Chapter 3

Lesson 3: Dress, Body

Grooming & Style

he social climber is always on point when it
comes to dressing.
You cannot appear haggard, and you
cannot be less than perfect. Your appearance must
seem effortless, yet you must give it maximum
You want to seem like you’re prepared for any occa‐
sion (and you must be). You want to show up looking
like a model, ready to talk and inviting.
You want to smell amazing when you walk into the
room. The women should want to hug you, and the
men must feel an aura of power and gentility, yet with
the subtle idea of ruthlessness exhibited in your style.
When it comes to dressing, grooming & style, you
cannot be anything less than perfect. This heavily in u‐

ences how you are perceived by both your enemies and
your friends; your friends must have con dence in you
and your credibility and your enemies must fear you.
An underdressed man is less likely to be feared than
a man dressed for the occasion. If you turn up to the
club wearing denim and a designer shirt, you’ll be seen
as a dork that just made money and has no idea how
the world works.
Turn up in a tuxedo and everybody knows you
mean business.
Pimps wear their pimpy kind of clothing. Ma a
bosses wear their kinds of clothing. Pick your style and
make it deathly. Powerful cologne and razor-sharp

F IXING Your Wardrobe

Before you start attempting to in uence anybody,
you must ensure you x your wardrobe.
Now, a good wardrobe depends a lot on the type of
environment you live in. There are places where putting
on a suit most of the time will seem odd, and rather
than command respect, it’ll just make you seem igno‐
rant. There are places where NOT putting on a suit will
make you seem ignorant.
When in doubt, a mostly formal collection will do.


Things to consider when xing your wardrobe:

Get rid of all old clothing.

Get rid of all ill- tting clothing.
Get rid of all clothes that have a design on
the front/back.
Don’t wear shirts with pictures of your
favorite movies tatted on the front/back.
Plain, checkered, or striped. Do not wear

Shoes are very important. They are the rst things a
person notices about you when you rst meet.
When it comes to shoes, there are two rules:

1. Wear the highest quality shoes you can nd

2. Avoid anything with too much design on it

As a social climber, you don’t want to be seen

wearing the Air Jordan’s 2000s or any of that shit. If
you have the money for it, you should be considering
good cover shoes to go with your suits.
We’re talking loafers and shiny tted cover shoes,
not white sneakers. Powerful people don’t wear sneak‐
ers. You don’t want to go around giving the impression

you’re some nerdy teenager. You mean business, and
you must impose your presence with all the visuals you
can get your hands on.
Every little detail matters.
Get a good array of shoes to match your out t and
avoid anything with multiple colors on it. Your shoe
shouldn’t have all the colors of the rainbow on it.
If you are looking to build powerful connections
with powerful people, then you must have an air of
regality about you.
Pick simple footwear with quality and appear like
someone who means business.
I emphasize this so much because missing it in this
area means missing it in every other area.
If you’ve ever been in a situation where you are
trying to get someone to take you seriously, and all they
do is look at your shoe occasionally with disdain, then
you will know how important footwear is. There is a
reason why rich people spend ridiculous amounts of
money on ‘just shoes.’
Treat this with the utmost priority.

Don’t dress your hair in anything crazy.


It is insane that I even have to mention this in this

lesson, but it must be said.
The whole idea of a social climber is to rst and
most importantly get people to take you seriously. You
defeat the whole purpose by dressing your hair like a
high-school student. Your cut must be simple and
elegant. It should be something that can be considered
If you start losing hair, embrace the bald look. Don’t
manage hair and ‘try to pull it off.’ Con dently embrace
the situation and own it.
Your nails must be neat and well-trimmed. Your skin
must be clear and smooth. Your body should t well into
your clothes. This means going to the gym to get into better
shape or paying extra-extra attention to your clothing and
having superb tailors to pull off the rich-skinny boy look.
I suggest you take the rst route.
A powerful aura means both physically intimi‐
dating and in uentially dangerous. You have the power
to cause them harm in inexplicable ways and you can
also assault them physically if it comes down to that.

Style is somewhat of a personal preference.

It has little to do with professionalism and more to
do with leaving your signature. Have something
distinctive about you.
Do you use a monocle?
It is highly unlikely that you do. But wouldn’t it be
great if you did?! Someone in the 21st Century using
If everybody wears their wristwatches on their left
arm, put yours on the right.
Do you have many rings on different ngers?
Have something that makes you memorable.
Do you always wear the same type of out t? Always
Your style should have a sense of sophistication to
it. Make it so that it is easily recognized as having been
through expert consideration.
You should look like you just picked this out t on a
whim, yet it should appear that even if you picked
out ts on a whim for the next 10 years they would be
similar because there is a pattern.
This makes you look deliberate and shows your
attention to detail; a very interesting and telling charac‐
teristic for a man.

Chapter 4

Lesson 4: Social Proof

hat is social proof?
If I told you I could make you a
millionaire, the rst thing that would
come to your mind would be “is this guy a million‐
aire or a multi-millionaire?”
Then you would check to see what car I drive. Then
you would check the clothes I’m wearing. This is social
“To have social proof is to successfully give the
impression of being able to execute a certain thing.”
If everybody says you’re the best swimmer, then
you have social proof. That does not necessarily mean
you are the best swimmer. You could be the worst
swimmer to ever walk the surface of the earth, and yet

for the very fact that everybody validates ‘you can
swim’ you hold social proof.
Social proof is paramount to everything we do. It
often determines whether or not you get the deal;
whether or not the girl goes out with you; whether or
not the waiter gives you the exclusive invite-only
table etc.
As a social climber, you must have social proof and
you must have it by all means, even if you have to fake
it. Yes, that’s right, EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO FAKE IT!
Without social proof, you will fall at on your face.
If you were to pitch the idea to a politician that you
could help him with in the upcoming elections, and yet
you have zero in uence and a non-existent support
group, he wouldn’t take you seriously.
If you had those things, he would be the one
looking for you. If you were to ask a girl out, and she
noticed a lot of girls staring at you earlier and the guys
forming a group around you, the chances she would say
yes increase.
Sometimes out of curiosity, our human instinct is to
‘ nd out’ what this man of the people has underneath
the mysterious smile.

H OW TO ACQUIRE social proof


There are several variations of social proof you need

to acquire as a social climber.
1 People like you
2 You can in uence people
3 You are good with the ladies

H ERE IS how to acquire each of these:

1. People Like You
This is pretty simple. You don’t have to do a lot for
it. It is one of those things you can easily acquire
without much work on yourself, even though it is better
when you work on yourself as well.

Be polite
Dress sharp, and wear a killer cologne and
body spray
Tip the people that work for you well and
Do favors for strangers once in a while

You don’t need to ‘get to know' anybody. Just

remember the person’s name and tip them well if they
work for you.
If you were meeting a powerful person at a restau‐
rant you frequent and the two of you got extra attentive

service because the waiters there love you, that’s a
bonus. That is what you are looking for.
“Oh, Mr. Mark, welcome. Always a pleasure having
you here.”
“Mr. Mark…for you and your friend here, it’s on the
And you just smile and nod to the waiter.
Your acquaintance will be compelled to believe
people like you and thus you would have acquired your
social proof in this area.
Being a gentleman when with people and not being
sel sh with giving is all it takes. This will do more for
your image than the money you’re refusing to spend.
There is a reason why money is the rst chapter and
like I said ‘it is the lubricant that greases the machine.’

The way to demonstrate this is by having a strong
support network, and when with the target display
your ability to x things when matters are going in an
unfavorable direction.
If you two are meeting at a new restaurant (more on
that in upcoming chapters) where you must have done
your research, and you have a hiccup, say, the restau‐
rant won’t give you the table you want for some reason,


THAT would be a good time to pull out your support

network and get the table ASAP.
You won’t die if you don’t eat at that particular
table, but being able to get it shows your ability to
in uence the situation due to your numerous
This is an important tool to have in your arsenal.
When dealing with the super-rich and powerful,
you must demonstrate your ability to get these sorts of
things done without breaking a sweat. This is why you
must do your homework.
If you fail to in uence, then your utility to such a
person drops.
As a social climber, you cannot go up on your own.
The idea is to use your different vines to hold onto
many different pillars (people) and slowly grow
upwards as a plant does.
How do you acquire this variant of social proof?
Connections and bribery.
If you can’t in uence the person to do what you
want, bribe them. Same result.

3 Y OU A RE Good With The Ladies

Like it or not, if you must climb up the social hierar‐
chy, you must learn this.

This comes naturally to many, but for most, it is
learned. If you’re one of those who nd it dif cult or
have had dif culty getting to understand women and
attract them, then you must work on this.
Again, money will grease the process and speed it
up for you.
You must check out social centers and be at several
parties to see how humans behave in these environ‐
ments. Then go to libraries and parks. Go to the beach
and check out high schools, then visit the court to
witness a trial.
Understand that it is the same people at all these
places, and understand humans.
The same women who are judges at court trials
would be seen on the beach in bikinis.
The same woman who was at a club dancing last
night can be seen at the park strolling with her dog.
Humans are multifaceted and the moment you
understand this, relating with them and getting them
to like you become easy.
If you can get people to like you in general, then the
matter of being good with the ladies becomes minor.

Chapter 5

Lesson 5: Social Status

nitial social status is very different from power.
The endgame of the social climber is to have
power. You want to get connected, get rich, and
get powerful. You cannot achieve these if you start your
gameplay from a position of weakness.
Powerful people don’t like to associate with those
they consider peasants.
If everybody thinks you’re poor for some reason, the
powerful would avoid you for one simple reason: most
of them think all poor people care about is money.
They are not wrong per se.
But you don’t want to have the burden of breaking
the stereotype every time you encounter someone
powerful. You need to have certain prerequisites met.

This is social status. You want to be the most
powerful amongst your friends. You want to be the
most powerful in your family. You want to be
outstanding where you stand, so you can be lifted to a
better place. You want to have enough in uence and
status to presumably be on par with the person you’re
dealing with.
They might be able to annihilate you, but you
should be to harm them as well. This is the only way
you will be respected.
Before we continue, I must mention that when
considering the social ladder, your idea is to work up
and deal with those at the very top, not those on your
Network UPWARDS, because that is where you
want to go.

1. A Good Ride

You should acquire a good ride. Go for status, don’t

just buy a car, buy the trending car. Lambo, Benz, etc.
Where I’m from, Benz is the name.
Without a ride, you will nd it dif cult to network
to some extent.
This is a symbol of your status.


The social climber is not about making money, but

about gaining power. You want to make yourself a
crucial part of the city you live in. A name to be reck‐
oned with.
I have repeated severally before you start, you must
rst make money, and loads of it.

2. Leader Of Your Group

You should have a small circle where you are a

Every social climber has one. You are a vital part of
the group and your decisions are nal. You dictate the
direction of things and everything rests on your
This is nothing but a show of strength and power in
your little way.
You don’t need to have 1 million people in your
group. You could be three, you could even be two. The
more powerful and in uential the other members of
the group are, the more powerful you become.
The purpose of having a group is to be the leader of
A B2-B deal is taken more seriously than a B2P deal.
It is not that the B2B is more valuable, but more

often that, if a group has been able to successfully pull
off establishing a company and growing it to a certain
degree, their competence is obvious.
You could go into a deal with an individual and be
disappointed, and you could also go into a deal with a
business and be equally disappointed. But more often
than not, the business will get the deal.
If you can successfully make yourself come across
as someone with a group he controls, then you increase
your social status from loner to leader.
This is paramount for certain collaborations. You
must be the focal point, but you still need in uence
around you.

3. As Below Also Above

A huge part of your social status is determined by

whom you know up and whom you know down; from
the poorest to the richest. Can you in uence the masses
when there is a riot? Do you know any poor persons
who are fond of you?
You cannot only focus on the top; you must also
have the bottom under control.
During your days of getting money, you have the
perfect opportunity to get your roots deep into the


bottom-feeders. Your intent is not to befriend them, but

to have in uence over them.
If you know these people and relate with them well,
you can get just about any illegal thing you need (more
on that in the upcoming chapter – City Game).
This will go a long way in speci c scenarios.
Powerful people often have the weirdest habits.
Some like to smoke very speci c brands of cigars.
If you’re not a cigar a cionado, you can still put out
a call and get them that cigar. Perhaps you don’t even
smoke and to you, that is just bullshit.
You may think ‘why is this guy killing himself?’
If you think that, then you’re not cut out for social
climbing until you can reframe your mindset. If you can
get these things for the powerful it will increase your
social status.
You can do something they can’t, and through you,
they can do that thing they can’t. You become an exten‐
sion of their power, and losing you now means losing
power in a way.
You become an extension of the in uence down‐
wards, and losing you now means losing that in uence
It must be said that simply using money will not get
poor people to like you.

Most of them would take your money and still
resent you.
You want to be that person that makes the bottom
love them. They may not need it, but they certainly
would prefer to be loved than hated, much worse

Chapter 6

Lesson 6: City Game

his lesson is a stand-alone.
It’s a vital part of the whole, but also
something you can pursue independently.
Most people are powerless in the city they live in.
In uence goes both downwards and upwards. You
can’t just hold the strings above; you must also have
ears below.
Here, I’ll give you a few simple tips you can use to
increase your in uence in the city you live in. The
bigger the city, the more work you’ll have to do, and as
you’ll see, often you won’t be able to do all the work
yourself. This is where leveraging human resources
comes into play.
• • •

1. Social Life
You cannot be powerful if you have no social life.
The rst step is to improve your social life. Before
anything else, go out and check as many restaurants as
you can, you could visit 3 different restaurants a week.
Check the nightclubs, check the bars, check every social
place; the expensive ones and the cheap ones; the
popular ones and the not-so-popular ones; the ones in
the middle of town and the ones on the outskirts of
town. You only need to go to each one once – twice is
Once you’ve done this, you’ve added ‘location
knowledge to your arsenal.
Every time you go to each one of these places,
ensure you get the staff to like you instantly. This is
easy. Just tip heavy and be friendly. People who work in
places like these meet a lot of people daily; most of the
people they meet ARE NOT nice. Some don’t even
notice them, very few tip. They’ll love you for it; a
stranger comes in smiling and giving them money.
You’ll be memorable quickly.
Once you’ve got the matter of knowing places and
getting the ones you’re interested in down, next is to
start on the important stuff.
2. Strings Above
You want to get to meet important people. Where


do you meet these people? In social settings; the expen‐

sive ones. When you want to be off the radar, you go to
the outskirts of town or not-so-popular places, when
you want to network, you go to high-end establish‐
ments. This is why you needed to know practically
everywhere in the city.
You’ll meet the people that truly make a difference
at the expensive restaurants and bars, not the cheap
roadside ones. But, of course, you already knew you
were going to spend some money to gain in uence.
You just need to get acquainted with two or three of
them and if they like you, it’ll be easy to gain access to
more people within their network.
Very importantly you must offer some sort of value
in return for their time. Powerful people, especially
those in political of ces aren’t interested in just being
friends with you; they must bene t something from it.
Everybody wants their time; you must make it worth
their while.

3. Ears Below
You can’t just start associating with top-class
people from out of nowhere. If you don’t already hold
some sort of in uence, they will rarely be interested
in you.

A simple way to gain their interest is to in uence
them rst. Those street rats, the ones nobody gives a
fuck about, but also the ones who can get those dirty
jobs no important person wants to do themselves, yes
those people, get to them.
Before you start your movement to the top, deal
with the bottom rst. Befriend one and take them
partying, spend some money on them and they’ll be all
over the place. You don’t even need to spend a lot of
money; just enough to impress them.
Don’t just go with anyone though; get the one who
in uences the rest of them. If you have the leader under
you, you’re automatically the leader of the rest. These
guys know where you can get all sorts of illegal stuff.
Not that you’ll need it, but they are pawns that can
come in very handy. When dealing with politicians,
these people come in very handy. I cannot overempha‐
size the ‘do the dirty work for you’ part.
Now, here’s the thing: once you know the bottom
well, you can smoothly casually display this when
meeting with someone from the top. It is enticing for
them because they cannot go to these places them‐
selves. You, however, are not yet in uential, so you can.
You must be careful not to come across as a peasant
Dress excellently; have class. Never ask them for a


favor, instead, offer to do something for them for free. It

should be something they can’t do themselves; you
gure that out yourself.

4. Getting People To Do What You Want

M EETING ANYBODY within your territory of in uence

immediately increases your perceived value.
The sort of reception you get matters, and it must
be great.
Before we continue, let’s do a brief detour on how to
get people to do what you do.


Here is how to get people to do what you want more

often than not.

1. Mutual Interest
This is the rst thing to consider before you ask
someone for anything. What do you have to offer? How
can this person bene t from this thing you are asking
them to do?

If there is an angle, use it. Highlight what they
stand to gain more than what you stand to gain. When
a person asks you to let them work for you for free,
know that there is an angle. This is a strategy most
copywriters and graphic designers use. They’ll offer you
a free sample and ask for a review after. Both of you
win. You get a good design, and all you need to do is
give an honest review. They’ll use your review for social
proof to get paying clients.
Now, don’t be naïve to think this person was doing
this from the goodness of their heart. They might like
you, but this is business. Good feelings don’t pay bills.
Again, highlight what the person stands to bene t
more than what you stand to bene t. You don’t start by
asking for a review and telling them how much it
would mean to you and how you’re in desperate need of
it, then offer to ‘even’ do a free sample for them just so
you can get the review.
The way to do it is to offer to do a free sample for
them and then afterward casually ask for a review. Just
like it were a minor detail since they enjoyed the work.
Works like a charm.

2. Potential Utility
You can get people to do things for you by indirectly


highlighting what you can do for them. If you have a

Lamborghini, most people would help you out with
directions if you asked. If you were walking on foot
most people would ignore you I you approached them.
The guy with the Lambo is viewed as rich, and rich =
resources = can be useful to me. Similarly, if you high‐
light what you can do for someone, they’ll help you out
with just about anything. A good writer asking his
friend who is a blogger for a favor would be a good t
because he could potentially write for his blogger
friend. In the blogger’s eye, his friend has utility.
Of course, you can’t always learn what people
specialize in just for the sake of utility, but you can
ingrain the idea that you have utility in people’s minds,
making it easier for you to get them to do what you
Everybody does what the guy who pays the bills at
the bar wants. If he wants to go get some girls, every‐
body follows. If he wants to get just one girl for himself,
everybody will have to accept. If you’re not okay with it,
pay the bills.
Nobody complains because they aren’t interested in
paying the bills. The fact that the rest of the crew
knows he’s the one to do XYZ for them makes them feel
inclined to agree to what he wants.
• • •

3. Rewards
The second point was good, but this is better.
Rewards are a way of getting people to do what you
want much faster than any of the above two.
You ask someone to help you do a little something
and once they do it you send a little $$ to say thank you.
You’re not paying them, per se, just showing apprecia‐
tion. The next time you ask them to do something, they
would be eager to do so, regardless of whether you send
$$ or not. Being appreciative makes people feel inclined
to do what they want.
By appreciative, I do not mean saying thank you,
but demonstrating it. If you want people to do what
you want, but aren’t willing to expend a few of your
resources then sorry to break it to you, you’re in for a
herculean struggle. If you tip people that work for you,
they’ll put in more effort to meet your standards and
see that you’re satis ed with their work.
Tip the dry cleaner and they’ll wash and iron your
clothes rst even if you brought yours last. Tip the
waiter regularly and you’ll always get a table even if all
the tables are booked. Rewards motivate people to
please you.
If you thought this thread was about using dark
psychology to manipulate people, then sorry to disap‐
point you. Psychology works in different ways and


understanding human nature will help you go a long

way. Sometimes the simple things are ignored because
they aren’t as interesting as the ‘dark stuff.’ This is why
so many struggles in social relations.
Now, back to the topic at hand; the city game.
The 5th point.

5. Gain Access To Anything

The people at the top will get you access to certain
things, and the people at the bottom will get you access
to certain things. Both ways, you’ll need money. You
cannot maintain in uence without money. Your life‐
style has to be up to a certain standard.
You should be able to get anything anybody can get
in your city, legal or illegal.

6. Have Soldiers
No, I’m not talking about bodyguards. I’m talking
about loyal friends who can turn up in an emergency to
settle scores REAL QUICK.
When you’re in danger, they should be able to turn
up FAST. Roll with these guys. Do things for them. This
is also why you need money for this.
A bonus point is to know the bouncers at the clubs

you visit. The best place to meet these people is at the
gym. When you know each other from the gym, and
you meet at the club, there is a certain camaraderie and
mutual respect that cannot be gotten from any other
They’ll have your back when shit goes down, and
you in turn can be con dent that the people rolling
with you don’t have much to worry about when you
go out.
Go to the gym. The bene ts are numerous and

L ET ’ S Do A Recap Of All The Points To Keep In Mind

For City Game:
- Social life and basic in uence should be in check.
- Know the top by having something to offer.
- Know the bottom by spending a little money.
- Work on knowing ---speci cally--- people who
can gain you access to certain things that aren’t so easy
to get.
- Have soldiers.
• • •


O NCE YOU ’ VE PERFECTED THIS , you will no longer have to

turn up to the bottom so often. You can hit the leader
up and he’ll turn up and meet you wherever you are.
At a certain point, there are certain places you
shouldn’t be seen at. Your movement has to be both
discreet and with class.

Chapter 7

Lesson 7: Girls & Utility

his is a fundamental requirement for moving
up the social ladder.
A social climber must have access to girls
for a variety of reasons which we will discuss.


Having access to girls means you know who knows
who can get girls and eventually, you know a lot of girls
you can hit up when needed.
There are many scenarios where this could be
useful, but we will discuss only a few of them.
It is important to note back in lesson 4: social
proof that one of the core ways to display social proof is


by working on your female charm: becoming good with

the ladies.
You cannot ignore this part.

B EFORE WE CONTINUE , let us consider something:

Humans are degenerate creatures. As mentioned
earlier, most of the people in positions of power have
the weirdest inclinations; perverted even.
If you can satisfy their cravings, it becomes easy for
you to state your importance by means of doing so.


You go out with a powerful man to a club.
The man is interested in a girl, but of course, as a
powerful person, he is not particularly inclined to
approach her himself.
This is where you make your move.
Remember, you DO NOT have power. You are
subservient to the powerful; FOR NOW!
So it is important you please them and make yourself a
valuable asset while clawing your way up.
Back to our scenario: You must then take the lead
“Do you like her?”

If he answers in the af rmative, you simply walk up
to the girl and do the arrangement.
This is why it is important to be skilled with
women, and conversations. Sharpen your silver tongue
and be a straight shooter.


The rst and most important thing is that you are
Your sexual market value should not be low. You
should be at least, fuck-able. The girls should like you.
Get one outgoing girl and get her to introduce you
to her friends' circle. If you can get the leader of the
group, she can easily contact other girls when needed
and you can do your thing.
You might choose to ignore this aspect, and you’d
be right.
After all, who wants to be a female traf cker?
The point of this is not to focus your attention on
women and being able to supply them, but that when
speci c situations arise you CAN.
There shouldn’t be anything you can’t provide.
It is imperative to have utility in every area you can.
Once you have your circle of girls, you can always
invite them over when throwing a party.


The people who have power need you for very little,
and your job is to make sure you are valuable to the
point of indispensability.
Now, let us consider lesson one: money.
If you send a girl over to a minister’s house, you
should not ask him to pay for any sort of expense what‐
soever. You must tell her not to ask him for anything.
Her job is to make him happy.
You must pay for all expenses.
This is why having money is paramount.
Let’s take a breather:
This is not the most moral lesson of the course, but
you were warned, this is The Social Climber course
after all. Your job is to make yourself valuable and even‐
tually gain power and in uence.
The dirty things that those who got up did are not
revealed to you for cheap. You will need to keep your
mind open to understand how these things work.
Now, getting back to the matter at hand:
Understand that most men are depraved and powerless
when the issue of sex and women comes into the picture.
They’ll gladly let a little girl disrespect them because
she’s beautiful and they want to sleep with her. You must
take advantage of this common occurrence.
If you manage to have them on lock when in this
area, you’ll be able to achieve a lot with them. Don’t get

the illusion that you’re building friendships. Friends
don’t try to use each other.
You’re engaging for mutual bene ts and that is all
you should keep in mind.

R EMEMBER that it does take a while for you to get

acquainted with someone to the extent that you start
interacting on this level.
An easy way to accelerate the process is to throw a
party and invite this person you’re trying to get close to,
then do your thing and see how they respond.
“Do you like her?”
He just smiles and takes his drink. Excuse yourself
and have her at the table with him in less than 5
minutes. Quick moves always win the heart of men
when it comes to their inner depravity.
They don’t want to wait.
When a man sees a woman he would like to sleep
with, he wants her NOW!
Not later. He’s taking her clothes off with his eyes.
Assure him he’ll be doing that soon by putting her
next to him; might be your ticket to getting that impor‐
tant deal signed.
If you’re bad at this, practice!


If you’re not interested, forget about being a social


You need to be able to watch out for people’s ideals.
Not everybody thinks the same way. Be careful not
to insult a man by offering him something he ideologi‐
cally despises.
Take note of the person’s words, inclinations, and
gestures. What are the undertones of his words?
Is he a religious person or is he a degenerate? Does
he take alcohol or not? Does he smoke? What does he
I will say this again: be very careful not to insult
a man.
Some insults will not be forgiven. So you must tread
very ‘very’ carefully.
You want to align yourself with a person’s ideolo‐
gies to connect on their spectrum, while still being
versatile and able to switch when with someone who
holds different ideals.

Chapter 8

Lesson 8: Loyalty &


he one thing a social climber needs the most
is loyal allies and soldiers. You cannot go far
without people willing to put their necks on
the line for your sake.
It is imperative to have people who will watch your
back; they will alert you of impending danger and also
help in the settlement of disputes when they arise.
There is a formula to building loyal allies, starting
from the selection process to the conditioning process
and the testing processing.
Do not expect loyalty from just anybody. Some
people will NOT be loyal regardless of how much you
try to get them on your side.
Some criteria determine whether a person can be a


loyal ally or not. Before I explain the whole process of

building loyalty, let us consider these criteria.
1. They must dislike you from the start.
2. They must underestimate you from the start.
3. They must be isolated from the rest of your circle
from the start.
These are the criteria for building loyal allies from
the start. A person may fail on all three criteria and still
end up being the most loyal you ever know. However,
almost always when making a random choice of a
soldier to pick, the best strategy you can use starts with
the above criteria. I’ll tell you why.
Friends tend to betray quickly because they are
more easily prone to envy and resentment.
The unspoken code of foolish friendship is “we
must all move together otherwise nobody must move.”
The people closest to you rarely make good allies
when you transition from being a loser to a social
climber. They will mostly feel entitled to your wins,
think you owe them for succeeding and leaving them in
the dust, and despise you for looking after yourself once
you move up.
You take a vacation to somewhere nice and they’re
seething. You buy something expensive and they’re
about to explode. You throw a lavish party and they just

wish to die. You help them and they hate you even
more. They will not have your back.
Except if you come up with them, they will betray
you sooner or later. You need fresh prospects; people
who didn’t know you during your struggle.
You need the new ones who are just getting to know
you. They are the ones who can t the role of loyalty
well. You groom them from the start of your relation‐
ship and build up from there.

W HY L OYALTY I S Important
Loyalty determines immunity.
If your people are loyal, you have nothing to worry
Your downfall will always begin from within a
mole, mismanagement, laziness, disunity, etc.
When you have loyal people around you, the walls
that protect you stand rm. You can overcome any
Your men would rather serve in jail than rat on you.
You put a call out at midnight and a dozen men
turn up.
Nobody prioritizes girls over the brotherhood and
nobody is greedy.


Your immunity depends on the level of loyalty your

soldiers hold to you.

You must take it to a deeper level when building
If you have 20 men, you need at least 10 loyal ones.
The rats and opportunists you can always deal with
later. But you must never have more disloyal men than
loyal men.
This will ruin your movement.
Step 1:
Take it personally.
You must show genuine interest in the person’s life
and show genuine concern for their well-being.
You don’t have to become their buddy. But, they
must feel you truly care for them and would be there for
them when they are in need.
Don’t just know them from a distance. Get close;
just don’t reveal so much about yourself in the process.
Step 2:
Availability at crucial moments.
You are not just to show them you care; you must
also demonstrate that you care. There are crucial

moments in people’s lives, show up and be there for
them when such times come.
Don’t show up to their birthday celebrations, show
up when they are broke, or when they lose a loved one.
This is when they need you the most, never miss such.
Don’t show up to drink with them, show up when
their house is about to be foreclosed.
Step 3:
Test them.
You must continually test the loyalty of your
soldiers by baiting them or making available the oppor‐
tunity to betray you, even in small ways.
Do they talk ill behind your back with a stranger?
Pay someone to play the role of the stranger and
nd out.
You must get to know what it is they think of you
when you are not looking.
It is easy to make assumptions because assump‐
tions are lazy and often do not require proving.
We just make an assumption and life continues
until we discover how wrong that assumption was
later on.

If you require immunity, then the ones loyal to you


must also know you have their backs. Do not turn your
back on one of your own in front of the others.
All punishments must be justi ed and accounted

There is a simple exercise you can do that takes
about two months to complete. Befriend two people
from without your circle. Get close to both of them.
Follow through with all the steps mentioned above.
You may not necessarily get an ‘important time’ in
their life when you need to be there for them, but you’ll
get something close.
After doing everything mentioned in the above
steps, compare the dynamics of your relationship with
these two and your old friends.
Invite these two to a party, restaurant, barbecue, etc
and pay someone to start a nasty rumor about you.
Take note of the ones who eat it all up and the ones
who refuse.
Who engages more in banter than slightly insults
Do not answer these questions until you have
completed your assignment. You can never truly know
until you have experienced it.

Chapter 9

Lesson 9: Utility

1. You have good money
2. You’re knowledgeable
3. You’re the best dressed
4. You have social proof and social status
5. You’ve done your homework on city game
6. Girls are not a problem for you when needed
7. You have loyal soldiers up and down you can
rely on

W HAT ’ S LEFT ? Utility!

What exactly do you bring to the table?
Trust me, everything we’ve discussed leading here
is just background stuff.


They are prerequisites to winning a ght that many

are in.
What do you want to achieve from the people you
interact with and how can you identify what to start off
If you’re a musician, then great, it’s easy for you to
make your point from the get-go.
But if you’re reading this, then I can assume you’re
not one.


1 Your line of work and how you want to penetrate
the social ladder climb.
2 What you intend to do with your in uence when
you get it and how the people whom you’re interacting
with can help you do that.
I know none of this is making any sense, so allow
me to elaborate:
As a journalist, your social climb is pretty straight‐
forward. You need to write breathtaking pieces. Expose
the powerful to transfer social power to yourself.
If you work in construction, well… you see the
point now.
The majority of people don’t work in prestigious
industries that allow them to gain in uence purely as a

result of their work. But you can surely gain in uence
and power, regardless of what industry you work in by
networking with the right people and getting them on
your side.
The path to this is what this course is for.
Personal utility is what determines whom you
should network with.
You can’t just go about getting ‘any’ in uential
person on your side. The reason is that it doesn’t work.
If you work in construction, your utility is that you
can build monumental structures. You want to network
with powerful people in real estate and building
construction, not a rapper in Illinois.
The purpose of doing this is not just to get money,
remember, you already have money to spend.
Yes, you will make more money and that’s ne,
consider it a bonus, but don’t let it distract you from
your ultimate goal.
Something to keep in mind is that billionaires don’t
need more billions, but as a billionaire, having ve extra
‘for the status’ is perhaps the most enticing thing.
They say they don’t care, but we all know they do.
The title of “richest man in the world” is enticing
even if they all pretend like it’s not.
The quality of life of a billionaire isn’t much better
than that of a multi-millionaire.


Yes, a billionaire might be able to afford things a

multimillionaire cannot, but there’s nothing a multi‐
millionaire would desire that he can’t get.
Not to digress, but consider an objection: “A multi‐
millionaire can’t buy Microsoft if he wanted” you
might say.
But a billionaire also can’t buy Jupiter if he wanted.
None of the above matters because owning
Microsoft or Jupiter doesn't affect the quality of life of
either of these two.
The only difference between the two is the “Status
and In uence” they have solely because of their wealth.
More people would buy a book on making money from
a billionaire than a millionaire.
We’ve drifted a bit far, but for good reason.
Now, back to the matter of personal utility; what is
it you offer from the get-go?
Now nd the most powerful people in your indus‐
try. These are your targets.
Working your way up the ladder would require
knowing these people and getting into alliances with
them. With all previous lessons leading you all the way


Here’s what you need to do:
1 Write down your industry and what exactly it is
you offer
For example: “I’m into construction and I can build
the most monumental structure to ever exist”
2 Write down the most powerful people in your
For example: If you’re into construction, who
commissioned the Burj Khalifa, and who was the chief
engineer? You don’t have to go to these people. Trickle-
down slowly. Who knows them, who knows who
knows them?
You need to know these people. Now, nd a way to
get connected from the bottom and start from there.
You might need to do a little bit of research and
stalking to get connected, but that is necessary if you
want to start going up there.
I hope by now you’re starting to see the point of
personal utility and going up in your industry.
At the end of the day, your name will be heard in
association with something and that something has to
be your industry.
You’re not the most in uential anybody, you can be
the most in uential musician, or the most in uential
actor, journalist, businessman, politician, etc, but there
will always be a suf x attached.


If you intend to garner in uence and power outside

your line of work, then you must rst start in your new
area of interest, establish yourself well enough to not
rely on your line of work for money, and then start
playing the game.
During the process of establishing yourself, you will
also naturally network with the lower people and even‐
tually go for the big guns.
What matters is that you’re rst of all networking
with the big names in your industry, and through them,
when you gain popularity and power, those outside
your industry who might be of utility to you.
When your in uence grows, you start to attract
people from outside your line of work.
For example, politicians like to meet only the most
popular musicians. You’ll hardly see politicians with an
upcoming act or a not-so-popular artist.
Rich businessmen are often seen with artists, but
only the most popular ones.
Once you’ve decided what your utility is and in
what industry, you can proceed to follow all the lessons
in this course to chart your way up the hierarchy.

Chapter 10

Lesson 10: Opposition

esson 10: Opposition

O PPOSITION EXISTSin every area of human endeavor. Do

not expect your climb to come without much opposi‐
tion. Many will want what you have and even more,
will be after the same thing you’re after.
The loot may not always be big enough for you to
You must learn to deal with all sorts of opposition,
from friendly opposition to outside opposition.
Friendly opposition does not mean they are nice


about it. It means the problem is from your people,

friends, family, or close acquaintance.

Y OU CAN DEAL with opposition in a variety of ways.

1 Absorb them into your team
2 Outpace them
3 Ignore them
4 Banish them

T HE WAY you chose to deal with opposition depends on

the power level and type of opposition.
For example, when dealing with opposition from
your people, the only way is banishment. If you smell a rat
within your circle, you must banish them immediately.
One thing you must keep in mind though is that the
opposition must be dealt with, one way or another. You
will have to consider the opposition to nd out what
works and what doesn’t.
If you’re trying to get the attention of a powerful
man, you must also keep in mind that there are also
many others doing the same thing.
How do you get them out of your way? That is the
important question.

Because, like it or not, they are in your way. If your
target is paying attention to another person, then they
are not paying attention to you.
Pay close attention here.
I’m not saying a person cannot pay attention to two
different projects (in this case, people) but that one
takes preeminence regardless of how much that person
tries to balance the number of resources and time they
give to both.
So, naturally, you want to be the more important
one. This is what this lesson is all about; dealing with
threats to your ascendancy.
We will now look at the different types of opposi‐
tion and how to deal with them.

1 Competitors
2 Haters
3 Snakes

1. Competitors
These are people who are into similar
endeavors to you. They are trying to achieve the
same results as you. They may or may not employ


similar methods, but they are de nitely in

There are two types, and depending on which
you’re dealing with you can choose one of two methods
to handle them.

A -S TRONG competitors
These people have a strong standing already. They
have more power and in uence than you and some‐
times more money. When starting you don’t want to
get on their bad side too quickly as they can cripple
your growth before you even go far.
Get them on your side if you can. If you can’t, be
careful. Stay off their radar for the time being. When
you do have enough in uence to go toe-to-toe with
them, then you can face them.


You can easily absorb these into your team. You are
more powerful and in uential than they are. They have
more to bene t from the alliance than you, so you offer
them an alliance and keep them close so that you can
watch them carefully.
Alternatively, you can choose to ignore them, but

this deprives you of the ease of a watchful eye. Remem‐
ber, they want the same thing you do, so do not expect
them to remain where they are for long. They’ll eventu‐
ally come up as well.

2. Haters
These are people who dislike you for some reason.
You have no obligation to nd out why they dislike you.
People have a plethora of reasons for disliking some‐
one. It may be that they don’t like how you’re doing
well; they may hate the way you talk, dress or even
smile. Whatever their reasons, all you need to under‐
stand is that this person does not like you.
You generally want to treat these people as though
they do not exist. You need them to keep putting in
energy and attention towards you. They are another
source of fuel, even though a dangerous one. A hater
only becomes a hindrance when you start paying atten‐
tion to them.
The best way to deal with haters is to ignore
them and let them pour life energy, attention, and
brain power toward you. This does not prevent you
from achieving your goals, it simply gives you
more energy. The moment you start caring, you
start losing. Someone says you’re this or that; just


ignore it. If they say you did this or that; still

ignore it.
They are the only opposition you must always
ignore to neutralize and even use to your advantage.

3 Snakes
These are people within your circle who are secretly
haters or have ulterior motives that do not align with
your goals.
What makes them dangerous is that they have
inside information. You cannot ignore them.
If you discover a snake within your ranks, you must
banish them immediately. Con rm the person is a
snake before you banish them because there can never
be a return from exile. Once they are gone, they are now
an enemy for life.
If you let a snake go and return, it will bring havoc
upon your endeavor.

You must rst put down a list of possible competi‐
tors for your industry, the ones you can absorb, and the
ones you must stay away from.
Act fast to neutralize the weak before they become a

serious problem and step lightly where the strong are
to avoid getting crushed.
Once you know who is who, you must write down
your strategy to deal with each of them.
I’ll give you a simple example:
If you’re into construction and you know a
competitor who is far more powerful than you, then
avoid encroaching on their ‘so-called’ territory.
If you want building projects, great, but be careful
not to go toe-to-toe with someone way more in uential
and powerful than you to avoid getting on their bad
However, if the competition is way less in uential
and powerful than you, then reach out and offer them
an alliance immediately. You don’t have to act on the
alliance or even pick up any new projects with them,
just the idea that you’re on the same team, and then
keeping an eye on their activities will help neutralize
them temporarily and give you an edge.
In the future, before they can get one up on you,
you’d be way ahead of them.

You must know who your oppositions are and how
to deal with each of them.


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