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Hybrid Pastry Product Design for the Chinese Market

Customized Marketing Strategies for Introducing a Signature Product in China

As the chief marketing executive of an international chain brand featuring fine French pastries,
our company is preparing to enter the Chinese market. Marketing research indicates that
Chinese consumers appreciate culturally mixed foods. To capitalize on this preference, we will
design a hybrid pastry product to serve as the signature item for our brand’s introduction in
Product Design Description
The proposed hybrid pastry is called the "Dragon Pearl Croissant". This unique pastry combines
the classic French croissant with traditional Chinese flavors and aesthetics.
Key Features of the Dragon Pearl Croissant:
1. Shape and Appearance: The croissant retains its iconic crescent shape but is adorned
with a glaze resembling the sheen of a pearl. This visual element is inspired by the
Chinese dragon and pearl imagery, symbolizing prosperity and fortune.
2. Flavors: The filling of the croissant includes sweet red bean paste and a hint of matcha,
blending the familiar flavors of Chinese desserts with the buttery, flaky texture of a
French croissant.
3. Ingredients: High-quality ingredients such as premium French butter and flour will be
used alongside authentic Chinese ingredients like organic red beans and matcha
4. Packaging: The pastry will be packaged in elegant, eco-friendly boxes featuring a design
that combines French elegance with traditional Chinese art. The packaging will be
adorned with dragon and pearl motifs to enhance cultural appeal.
[Insert Image of Dragon Pearl Croissant Here]
Cross-cultural Marketing Strategies
To effectively market the Dragon Pearl Croissant to Chinese consumers, the following cross-
cultural strategies will be employed:
1. Localized Branding: The product name, packaging, and marketing materials will
incorporate Chinese cultural elements to resonate with local consumers. This includes
using Chinese characters and symbols associated with good fortune.
2. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with popular Chinese food influencers and
bloggers to promote the Dragon Pearl Croissant. These influencers can share their
experiences and reviews on social media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, and Douyin
3. In-store Promotions and Tastings: Organize tasting events at high-end supermarkets
and cafés to introduce the product to potential customers. These events will provide an
opportunity for consumers to experience the unique flavor combination and high quality
of the pastry.
4. Cultural Festivals and Events: Launch the Dragon Pearl Croissant during significant
Chinese festivals such as the Lunar New Year or Mid-Autumn Festival. Special edition
packaging and promotional offers can be introduced during these times to attract more
5. Digital Marketing Campaigns: Utilize digital marketing campaigns tailored to Chinese
audiences. This includes targeted ads on popular social media platforms, engaging
content that highlights the cultural fusion aspect of the product, and interactive online
By designing a culturally hybrid product like the Dragon Pearl Croissant and employing targeted
cross-cultural marketing strategies, our brand can successfully enter the Chinese market and
appeal to local consumers' tastes and preferences. This approach not only showcases the
innovative fusion of French and Chinese culinary traditions but also positions our brand as a
culturally aware and adaptive market leader.

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