(F7-3.12.23) Unit 2A+2E - School Days (Vocabulary and Word Skills)

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(Vocabulary & Word skills)

Class: Flyers 7 – Teacher: Anna

daily routine wake up get dressed


have breakfast arrive at school go to bed

(n) /ˈsʌndeɪ/
(n) /ˈmʌndeɪ/
(n) /ˈtuːzdeɪ/
(n) /ˈwenzdeɪ/
(n) /ˈθɜːrzdeɪ/
(n) /ˈfraɪdeɪ/
(n) /ˈsætərdeɪ/
• biology (n) : the subject study of the life and structure of
/baɪˈɑːlədʒi/ plants and animals
• chemistry (n) : study of the structure of substances, how they
/ˈkemɪstri/ react when combined or in contact with another
• economics (n) : the study of how a society organizes its money,
/ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪks/ trade and industry
• French (n) /frentʃ/ : the language of France
• geography (n) : the scientific study of the earth’s surface,
/dʒiˈɑːɡrəfi/ physical features, divisions, products, population
• German /ˈdʒɜːrmən/ : the language of Germany
• physical education (n) : sport and exercise that is taught in schools
/ˌfɪzɪkl edʒuˈkeɪʃn/
• religious education (n) : education which connected with religion or with
a particular religion
Task 1. Match the daily routine phrases with photos (A-H).
B Daily routine:
A arrive at school G

C D get dressed F

go to bed D

E have breakfast C
have dinner B

have lunch E
G leave school H

wake up A
Task 2. Write the phrases in the order you do them on a
normal school day.
Daily routine:
arrive at school 4

get dressed 2

go to bed 8

have breakfast 3

have dinner 7

have lunch 5

leave school 6

wake up 1
Learn this! Times 01


10.00 = ten o'clock 6.30 = half past six

8.15 = quarter past eight 4.45 = quarter to five

10.20 = twenty past ten 2. 55 = five to three
12.00 = midday 00.00 = midnight 06
Task 3. Say these times.

a. 8. 45 quarter to nine

b. 5. 15 quarter past five

c. 11. 00 eleven o’clock

Say the

d. 4.25 twenty-five past four

e. 10.55 five to eleven

f. 00.15 quarter past midnight /

Task 4. Listen to Sofia talking about her daily routine.
At what time does she do these things?

2. have 3. arrive at
1. get up
breakfast school
________ 8.20

4. have lunch 5. leave school 6. have dinner

________ 2.50
________ 7.30

7. go to bed
During the week, I get up at twenty past seven. I have
breakfast at quarter to eight and then I go to school. I arrive at
school at twenty past eight. (It’s very close to my house!)
At school, I have lunch at quarter past twelve. At the end of the
school day, I leave school. That’s at ten to three.
At home, I have dinner with my family. We have dinner at half
past seven. I go to bed at ten o’clock.
RECYCLE! do or does

Remember, we use do or does

to form questions in the
present simple. We put it
before the subject (she, he,
you…). We use the infinitive
without to.
Do you have lunch at school?
When does she wake up?
Task 5. Match ten of the school subjects with the icons
below. Then listen and repeat all the words.
art and design 06
chemistry 09
economics 10
English 04
music 01
geography 07
French 08
I.C.T (information and communication technology) 02
maths 05
P.E. (physical education) 03
R.E. (religious education)
Task 6. Compare the subjects in task 5 with you own school
subjects. Answer the questions.
1. Which subjects do you do?
Example: We do English. We don't do economics.
2. Do you do any other subjects?
Example: At our school, we also do...

art and
biology chemistry economics English

music geography French history I.C.T

maths P.E. physics R.E.

Task 7. Listen and complete Tim's timetable for Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday. Write the correct school subjects.

I.C.T. Art and design


1. It’s five past nine on Wednesday. 4. It’s half past ten on Thursday.
Teacher: Open the first window again and Teacher: OK now, let’s start again. From the beginning. Two, three
click ‘RUN’. ...
Tim: It doesn’t work! Teacher: That’s good. But can we try it again? This time slowly.
Teacher: Is there a problem, Tim? Two, three ...
Tim: It doesn’t work. My program doesn’t 5. It’s five past nine on Friday.
work! Teacher: Tim, have you got a problem?
Teacher: Let me see ... Tim: Yes. I can’t find the blue ... or the red paint.
2. It’s quarter past eleven on Wednesday. Teacher: All the colours are on your table. Look for them!
Teacher: Bonjour, les enfants! Tim: Oh, it’s OK. Sam’s got it.
Class: Bonjour, Madame. Teacher: Listen, everyone. You’ve got ten minutes to finish your
Teacher: Asseyez-vous. pictures.
Girl: Sit down! 6. It’s ten to two on Friday.
Tim: Oh, OK. D’accord. Teacher: OK, so China, Japan, India ... these are countries in which
3. It’s twenty past eight on Thursday. continent?
Teacher: Guten Morgen! Tim: Asia!
Tim: Guten Morgen. Teacher: Yes, Tim. Very good. Do you know any more?
Teacher: Wie geht es Ihnen heute? Tim: Erm ... Brazil?
Tim: Er ... Guten Morgen! Teacher: No, Brazil isn’t in Asia. Where is it?
Teacher: Come in, Tim. Sit down. Tim: Europe.
Teacher: It’s in South America!
LEARN THIS! Prepositions of time
a. in
in June in 2020
in (the) spring in the morning / the afternoon
b. on
on Friday on 1 May
on New Year’s Day
c. at
at 6 p.m. at night
at New Year at the weekend
• 2A+2E – Workbook
• Vocabulary WS
Slidesgo Flaticon

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