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Does He Like Me? (For Confused Teenage Girls) Quiz -

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Does He Like Me? (For Confused Teenage Girls)


Sweetie, I think you might be getting somewhere with


Dear one, it's time to uncross those fingers because it

seems like Cupid might have struck the right target. It's in
the air, the way he looks at you, how he speaks, all those
little signs that make you feel like there's a glimmer of

It appears that he might be interested, although he might

not have figured it out himself. Some boys are like that,
shy or in denial, a little slow on the uptake. Maybe he's
wrestling with his feelings or maybe he's just not quite
sure how to approach this whole thing.

That's where you come in. If you're up for it, you might
need to give him a little nudge. Not too hard, you don't
want to scare him off. Just enough to let him know that
you're interested. Remember, there's a fine line between
coming on too strong and being too subtle. You need to
find that sweet spot.

Or, of course, you can just ignore it. Maybe he'll catch up
eventually, or maybe you'll find someone else who is ready
and willing to step up to the plate. But it does seem like
there's a good chance you could get him to reciprocate
your feelings if you play your cards right.

So, hang on for the ride, darling. Wait for the right
moment, when the stars align and the timing feels just
right. Perhaps you can gently coax him out of his shell, or
maybe he'll finally gather up his courage to make the first

But whatever you do, always remember to hold your head

high. Like a true princess, don't let your tiara fall off. Keep
shining, keep glowing, and don't let anyone or anything
dull your sparkle. You've got this, sweetie. Good luck and
remember, you're a queen, and queens never back down.
So, don your tiara and go seize the day, your highness. xx

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Certificate: Test results

Does He Like Me? (For Confused Teenage
Girls) Quiz

Sweetie, I think you might be

getting somewhere with him.

Dear one, it's time to uncross those fingers because it

seems like Cupid might have struck the right target.
It's in the air, the way he looks at you, how he speaks,
all those little signs that make you feel like there's a
glimmer of hope.

It appears that he might be interested, although he

might not have figured it out himself. Some boys are
like that, shy or in denial, a little slow on the uptake.
Maybe he's wrestling with his feelings or maybe he's
just not quite sure how to approach this whole thing.

That's where you come in. If you're up for it, you

might need to give him a little nudge. Not too hard,
you don't want to scare him off. Just enough to let him
know that you're interested. Remember, there's a fine
line between coming on too strong and being too
subtle. You need to find that sweet spot.

Or, of course, you can just ignore it. Maybe he'll catch
up eventually, or maybe you'll find someone else who
is ready and willing to step up to the plate. But it does
seem like there's a good chance you could get him to
reciprocate your feelings if you play your cards right.

So, hang on for the ride, darling. Wait for the right
moment, when the stars align and the timing feels just
right. Perhaps you can gently coax him out of his
shell, or maybe he'll finally gather up his courage to
make the first move.

But whatever you do, always remember to hold your

head high. Like a true princess, don't let your tiara fall
off. Keep shining, keep glowing, and don't let anyone
or anything dull your sparkle. You've got this, sweetie.
Good luck and remember, you're a queen, and queens
never back down. So, don your tiara and go seize the
day, your highness. xx

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Teenage Girls) Quiz

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Laurel (72364) 3 days ago


My bff has a little brother who is 1 year younger than me. Since my bff and i are
homeschool, i went to her house everyday therefore meeting him everyday.

We are not super close, just friends. And to be clear I DONT THINK I LIKE HIM
that way. I just am confused if he is showing signs of liking me or if he's just
being weird.

On one hand, He would tease me quite regularly, ig trying to make me laugh. I

also caught him staring me alot tho he look to other object everytime i turn to
him. The most disturbing thing is that he would smell my pillow when he got the
chance (because i have my pillow in the classroom) me and my bff have tried to
swap my pillow to see if he still took my, and he did, he would only smell my
pillow. Ewwwww that so eww idk.

On the other hand, he did told me about a few of his crushes and ask advice on
them which i gave. I dont think he currently have a crush on anyone.

Maybe im just overthinking it, pls give me y'all thoughts. Thank you :)

Aurora (54627) 11 days ago

My bf is happy a little but when i stand next to him he moves away from me so i
feel like he is mad at me and he said's he is happy or he is not mad can someone
tell me how to tell if a he is mad at me?

Hannah (02171) 23 days ago

Oh my goodness @Charly, hey!

I didn't know you were on other chats too. I mostly am on the other chat but I
used to be on more.

Charly (20057) 24 days ago

@Lilah are you christian?

Lilah (06709) 44 days ago

I wish this quiz didn't use bad language. It is very ungodly.

Eni (35198) 46 days ago

I'll give the short version of my crush:

I've liked this guy for almost 2 years now but I've known him for 4 years because
my ex, who is also his friend.
He is basically the opposite of me. He's smart and I'm dumb. He's tall and I'm
short. But our humour is so the same that even our friends notices it and
comments on it.
We both are pretty close in school, like if you see me you'll see him too because
we have the same classes together.
He teases me a lot about my height but knows when to stop because I am
sensitive about some stuff and he knows that. He also winks at me a lot.
Is that normal for a 'friend' to do? Or does he like me?

anonnymmuuss (83706) 59 days ago

Okay so this guy that I know was 2 years younger than me so my friends always
made fun of me. I really liked him tho so let me explain first the backstory.

So he has a crush on my sister. Yeah ikr but anyways i only started hanging out
with him because he wanted advice on my sister. so we would hang out all the
time i would ditch my friends for him. they would make fun of me and him or wtv.
over time i started realising i had feelings for him, and when i like a boy I LIKE

I get really really really stressed about it. like constantly thinking about him.
always looking for him in the hallway. to the point where i dont really eat. I also
write love letters. It helps me get everything off my chest. I ended up writing 2
love letters for anonymus boy sometimes these letters work and they help me get
over them but sometimes they make everythingworse. (I don't give these
letters to these people)

stupid desicion #1 bringing love letter #1 to school.

I brought it to school and I was reading some parts of it to him (the parts that
didnt make it obvi it was him. He was with his friends and all the sudden he
grabbed the letter out of my hands, read that the letter was for him (anonymus
boy). He immediatly ran outside with all of his frends and I was stunned. like
stunned I went upstairs to the bathroom and sat there for 10 minutes

Later my friends came in and I started crying like ballingLater one of my friends
his age told him it was a dare and he believed it. but then I made
stupid desicion #2 bringing love letter #2 to school

Okay this one I wanted to do so it was my plan. I was going to read this letter to
him. I did. privately (under the stairs) I read him the letter. he seemed suprised
but I knew he didnt like me back. and for a split section I felt betterbut then the feeling came
back but it came back worse and I didnt know what to do and I was stressing and having mental breakdowns

and it's so stupid because he's literally 2 years younger than me.

We never talked after any of this and I used to still like him but now I'm kind of
over him.

Also im kinda venting on here because my friends are tired of hearing about
anonymus boythanks for listening to my vent

someone (06451) 86 days ago

omg! why is this so relatable! just today, we were supposed to be in a group, but
ig one of my friends took him cuz she didn't want me to be embarased :( we were
both very sad and he sorta refused to talk to my friend..

blue (33896) 173 days ago

the dolphin emojis bleeped my language out lmao. he said "ugly a** b****"

blue (33896) 173 days ago

i need help with this guy situation :(

so basically me and my best friend (who's one of the queens of my grade, like
she's so pretty and popular) like the same guy, logan.
i really like him and i told her, bc she's my best friend, at at the time she was
talking to this other guy, colin.
so logan flirts with me all the time, but i knew that he and my bsf were friends
too. i was sure that he liked me, so my friend asked him who he liked but he said
he didnt like anybody.
so then a couple days ago, logan was talking to me and it was the best thing ever
XD. but then he was telling me about how he pulled this girl. i thought he was
being clever and talking about me, but he was actually talking about my bsf.
i was so mad bc she knew i liked him and she did that!! but logan showed me and
yeah, she snapped him saying she liked him. girl put it on god too :/
so then i asked her what was going on and she said that logan told one of our
friends that he liked her. HEARTBROKENNNN
but then she told me that she only realized i liked him too after she had already
told him SHE liked him. and she does struggle with impulsive decision making so
that kinda makes sense but still.
she started crying bc she felt so bad about hurting me. she said she didnt like him
anymore, so she told him she just wanted to be friends and blocked his number.
logan was kinda pissed about it though and started venting to me lmao
but i was sure that it would work out for me and logan now that my bsf didnt like
him anymore (she likes colin again now), but then one of my other friends sent
logan a snap of me and he responded with "ugly " DUDE
help :')

Chloe (89523) 188 days ago

im so happy with my result lol

Tiger (55539) 205 days ago

hey bell, im really sorry to hear about ur bf. if hes been kinda sad lately that
might be the reason, i was depressed a couple years ago and i stopped eating a
lot, so 100% ask him if hes ok and if theres anything u can do to help if hes not.
Good luck, and i hope everythings works out.

Bell (14824) 205 days ago

before I start i am 13 and my bf is 14 and i really care about him . So I had a

crush on this guy called Dylan who is just the best like he listens so well and is fit
and hot and buys me so much stuff and im finally with him and have been for like
half a year or more so I legit love him so much. But recently I've been noticing
he's getting really really skinny like it's really bad and I lifted him in like a cute
way and he felt weightless so I asked his weight and he was under half mine... He
needs help and I l love him so wanna support him but he's not even eating. help
please anyone

Bell (14824) 205 days ago

Bc i need some help related to that

Bell (14824) 205 days ago

Would I mind if the tall guy was lanky or rlly skinny

Tara I go to wylie (90703) 207 days ago

If you know a tall hot guy from wylie highschool pseeeeeeeeease send him my
way (freshman or sophmore) im a sophmore

Rando (89931) 216 days ago

I like this guy in my class. He keeps staring at me. His friend stares at me too.
People think he likes me because he keeps looking at me. He also is really nice to
me. We don't talk a lot but everytime we do he is so nice. He also likes to show
off his strength around me (picking up his friends, wrestling, etc right behind me
or right in my vision). I was planning on confessing to him tomorrow but now I'm
scared. He keeps talking about girls really loudly and looks at me while doing so.
The test told me he didn't. A lot of tests said he did. I feel like he is giving me
mixed signals. He talks about a girl asking him out really loudly near me yet
ignores me in the halls and acts like I don't exist at times. He is popular and I am
not. Could that make a difference? I really need advice.

immaswifty (33932) 234 days ago

not me doing this 3 months after camp

LOL,DARLING!!! (09503) 234 days ago

OMG I so wished this quizzed said that he likes me!!! Different ones said that he
did!!! Oh well I will get him to like me!!!

Wonderwomen (43380) 306 days ago

nn he is the shy type i mean thats why i like hes so sweet gentle and caring
hes even a gentleman when we are together im glad he notices me and we have
a connection



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