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Biophysical and molecular mechanisms of ESCRT

functions, and their implications for disease
Simona Maria Migliano1,2,a, Eva Maria Wenzel1,2,a and
Harald Stenmark1,2

Abstract luminal side. The core machinery consists of three

The endosomal sorting complex required for transport subcomplexes termed ESCRT-I, -II and -III, which can
(ESCRT) machinery evolved early in evolution to sculpt and cut be complemented by accessory proteins providing energy
cellular membranes. Consisting of three subcomplexes termed (the AAA ATPase VPS4) or specificity of recruitment
ESCRT-I, -II and -III, this machinery is recruited to various (such as ESCRT-0, see below). The main task of this core
cellular locations to perform key steps in essential processes machinery is to assemble at preexisting membrane stalks
such as protein degradation, cell division, and membrane to constrict and abscise them, or to seal holes in mem-
sealing. Here we review recent discoveries that have shed light branes, for example when the plasma membrane or
on biophysical and molecular mechanisms of ESCRTs in membranes of cell organelles are punctured (reviewed in
endolysosomal protein degradation and nuclear envelope Refs. [1,2]). In recent years, more and more cellular
sealing, and we discuss how dysfunctional ESCRTs can lead functions have been discovered, ranging from the for-
to diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. mation of intraluminal vesicles in endosomes, via cell
division and virus budding to membrane repair and
Addresses sealing processes of variable size scales. The multitude of
Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming, Institute of Clinical Medicine,
ESCRT functions are reviewed in comprehensive recent
Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Montebello, N-0379 Oslo,
Norway reviews [3e6]. In the present review we will focus on the
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, molecular and biophysical mechanisms of the ESCRT
Oslo University Hospital, Montebello, N-0379 Oslo, Norway machinery, highlighting their functions at multivesicular
endosomes and nuclear and micronuclear envelopes
Corresponding author: Stenmark, Harald (
These authors made equal contributions.
(Figures 1 and 2). Further, we will discuss the role of
ESCRTs in diseases (Figure 3).

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2022, 75:102062

Structural and biophysical insights into the
This review comes from a themed issue on Membrane Trafficking membrane remodeling activity of the
2022 ESCRT machinery
Edited by Chiara Zurzolo and Benjamin Glick Thanks to the concerted efforts from in vivo, in vitro and in
For complete overview of the section, please refer the article collection - silico studies, significant progress in our mechanistic un-
Membrane Trafficking 2022 derstanding on how the ESCRT machinery remodels
Available online 3 March 2022 membranes has been made during the last few years. We will start by summarizing the current mechanistic insight
0955-0674/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an
using the most classical ESCRT function, the formation of
open access ar ticle under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// intraluminal endosomal vesicles, as an example. We will hereby focus on mammalian cells and yeast, which contain
ESCRT-0, -I, -II and III. Although the HRS-STAM-
containing ESCRT-0 is conserved from budding yeast to
Introduction man, there are organisms that can do without this com-
Cellular membranes undergo continuous dynamic plex. Bacteria and archaea express ESCRT-III or ESCRT-
remodelling, such as tubulation, budding, fission and III like proteins but lack overt ESCRT-0, -I and eII
fusion events. Some of these membrane reformation components [7e9]. This obviously reflects the involve-
processes are mediated by the ESCRT machinery, in ment of ESCRT-III in non-endosomal functions in these
particular when the deformation and scission occurs in a organisms. More surprisingly, HRS and STAM are not
topology away from the cytosol. In contrast to classical found in plants, whereas ESCRT-I, -II and eIII are
scission machineries, such as clathrin or COPI/II medi- conserved. However, there are indeed functional ESCRT-
ated vesicle formation, the ESCRT machinery is capable 0 components in plants, including TOM1-like proteins
of reshaping lipid membranes without acting as a protein that share the functional domains of HRS and STAM
scaffold. Instead, it is able to cut membranes from the [10,11] and the PtdIns3P-binding protein FREE1 [12]. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2022, 75:102062

2 Membrane Trafficking 2022

Figure 1 deformation will have to await in vitro reconstitution

experiments specifically designed to address this issue.

Thus, the upstream ESCRT machinery or other recruiting

factors such as viral GAG proteins [22] initiate membrane
deformation and allow polymerization of the downstream
ESCRT machinery during processes lacking pre-existing
membrane stalks or holes. ESCRT-III components are
recruited by ESCRT-I/-II and/or Bro domain proteins [23]
and preferentially polymerize at curved membranes
[24e27]. The polymerization of ESCRT-III subunits can
occur in various conformations of the individual subunits
(closed, open or intermediate conformation), often
forming copolymers with other ESCRT-III subunits. The
resulting morphologies as circles and spirals are by now
well characterized through structural biology approaches,
cryo-electron microscopy and atomic-force microscopy
ESCRTs constitute a multi-protein machinery that controls a wide [28e30]. However, recent structural data have unraveled
variety of cellular processes. Mutations or loss of essential ESCRT that also the ESCRT-I subcomplex can form helical fila-
components have fatal consequences on cellular function and can lead to
severe pathologies. In this review we highlight the dynamics and structure
ments [31], underpinning that the upstream ESCRT
of ESCRT proteins and their importance in endosome maturation, at the machinery might be mechanistically more important for
nuclear and micronuclear envelope and in diseases. The ESCRT ma- membrane deformation and ESCRT polymerization than
chinery thus displays a high modularity so that the components can be previously anticipated. Indeed, research in the last few
flexibly matched across organisms and membrane remodeling functions. years has been heavily focused on understanding
constriction and scission of membrane necks mediated by
the ESCRT-III machinery and the field has seen a
tremendous gain of knowledge on how membrane
The ESCRT machinery thus displays a mix-and-match constriction and scission is mediated by the downstream
type of versatility across organisms and membrane ESCRT machinery (reviewed in Refs. [32e34]). The
remodelling functions. structures, molecular properties and interplay of various
ESCRT-III filaments has been investigated by elegant
Formation of intraluminal endosomal vesicles in vitro reconstitution studies using purified ESCRT sub-
For the internalization and subsequent degradation of units [27,35e40]. These detailed studies have culmi-
activated transmembrane receptors the formation of nated in a unifying model which reconciles buckling/
intraluminal vesicles resulting in multivesicular endo- unbuckling processes and protomer conversion elements,
somes is a prerequisite. Ubiquitinated cargo molecules which in combination lead to constriction and scission of
on the limiting membrane of endosomes are recognized narrow membrane necks [40]: Following nucleation by the
by ESCRT-0, which consists of HRS and STAM. upstream ESCRT machinery, CHMP4/Snf7 polymerizes,
Membrane recruitment of ESCRT-0 is promoted by followed by sequential and ordered recruitment of
binding of HRS to the endosomal lipid, phosphatidyl- CHMP3/Vps24 and CHMP2/Vps2 and finally CHMP1/
inositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns3P) [13]. ESCRT-0 in turn Did2 and IST1/Ist1. The slightly varying biophysical
recruits ESCRT-I/-II and clathrin, leading to the for- properties of each ESCRT-III subunit and their coordi-
mation of microdomains on the endosomal limiting nated assembly and disassembly lead to a continuous
membrane [14e16]. constriction of the forming membrane neck. This dynamic
turnover is regulated by the AAA ATPase VPS4/Vps4.
The next step after initial target recognition and clus- VPS4/Vps4 binds via its “microtubule interacting and
tering is the deformation of the endosomal membrane to trafficking” (MIT) domain the carboxy-terminal “MIT
form negatively curved pits [17]. The likely mechanism interaction motif” (MIM) domains of most ESCRT-III
for this is protein crowding [18e20] of upstream subunits and mediates their extraction and exchange,
ESCRTs together with transmembrane cargo molecules which is a prerequisite for successful narrowing of the
and clathrin. Based on mathematical modeling and neck [41,42]. Scission will presumably occur through
electron microscopy imaging of ESCRT-III depleted hemifusion as soon as a critical membrane distance below
cells, this initial membrane deformation, surprisingly, 3 nm is reached [43]. Exactly how ESCRT-III polymers
neither requires external energy (ATP), nor the pres- reach such a close distance is not yet completely under-
ence of ESCRT-III subunits [21]. A definitive role of stood, since the tightest observed structure is 4.4 nm
protein crowding in ESCRT-mediated membrane formed by IST1-Chmp1b [39].

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2022, 75:102062

ESCRTs - mechanisms and implications for disease Migliano et al. 3

Figure 2

Coordinated assembly and disassembly of ESCRT proteins at (a) endosomal and (b) (micro)nuclear membranes. (a) ESCRT proteins recognize
ubiquitinated receptors at the endosomal surface. A finely tuned and dynamic assembly of clathrin, ESCRTs and accessory proteins sequester ubiq-
uitinated receptors in microdomains and package these in intraluminal vesicles (ILVs). (b) Nuclear envelope rupture and reformation during cytokinesis
recruits ESCRT components to the nuclear membranes. While a coordinated membrane repair occurs at the primary nucleus, an extensive influx of
CHMP7 leads to excessive CHMP7-LEMD2 and unrestrained ESCRT assemblies in micronuclei. This results in an uncontrolled membrane remodeling
and a micronuclear catastrophe.

ESCRT functions at nuclear and micronuclear II-like N-terminus and an ESCRT-III-like C-terminus
envelopes [44]. CHMP7 is actively transported out of the intact
During open mitosis, the nuclear envelope disassembles nucleus by Exportin 1, but when the nuclear envelope is
in prophase in order to allow alignment of the duplicated disassembled or damaged, CHMP7 associates with
chromosomes in metaphase and their separation in chromatin via the inner nuclear envelope protein LEM2,
anaphase. When the envelopes of the daughter nuclei which in turn binds to the chromatin-associated protein
reform during late anaphase and telophase, they are BAF [46e48]. At least in budding yeast, the association
traversed by spindle microtubules, which need to be of CHMP7 with LEM2 requires binding of CHMP7 to
removed to allow formation of intact daughter nuclei. phosphatidic acid at nuclear envelope herniations [49].
ESCRT-III proteins play two important roles during this Recent evidence indicates that CHMP7 exists in an
process. Firstly, they assemble at the microtubule- autoinhibited conformation in the absence of LEM2,
traversed holes in the nuclear envelope to recruit the and that LEM2 binding triggers an opening that causes
microtubule-severing enzyme Spastin [44]. Secondly, CHMP7 and LEM2 to co-polymerise around microtu-
when Spastin has severed the microtubule bundles, bules at the nuclear envelope interface. This polymer-
ESCRT-III mediates closure of the remaining hole in ization leads to formation of phase-separated
the double-membrane nuclear envelope by a mecha- condensates via a low-complexity region of LEM2,
nism that is topologically related to ILV biogen- which effectively function as O-ring seals [48]. In this
esis [44,45]. way, leakage of nuclear components is prevented while
Spastin and ESCRT-III perform their jobs in microtu-
Central in recruitment of ESCRT-III to holes in the bule severing and membrane sealing. But how is the
nuclear envelope is CHMP7, a protein with an ESCRT- association between CHMP7 and LEM2 prevented Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2022, 75:102062

4 Membrane Trafficking 2022

Figure 3

Mutations or loss of essential ESCRT proteins can lead to severe pathologies. ESCRTs play a central role for endosomal maturation and trafficking,
as well as other cellular processes and virus replication and release. Defects and irregularities in ESCRT assemblies can therefore substantially influence
tissue homeostasis and organ integrity during development and adulthood and lead to the development of severe pathologies (Created with BioRender.

when the entire nuclear envelope is disassembled in simulations suggest that the differential ESCRT-III
prophase? This is achieved by the mitotic kinase CDK1, recruitment to nuclei and micronuclei is related to
which phosphorylates CHMP7 at mitotic entry. Phos- their size. LEM2, CHMP7 and ESCRT-III recruitment
phorylation renders CHMP7 unable to interact with to primary nuclei is restricted to discrete holes, shows
LEM2, and local dephosphorylation at the nascent nu- limited lateral diffusion, and is reversible as soon as the
clear envelope licences the LEM2-CHMP7 interaction hole is sealed. In contrast, when these molecules are
that triggers ESCRT-III recruitment [50]. recruited to holes in micronuclei, the lateral diffusion
becomes a problem because of the small area of the
The function of ESCRT-III in nuclear envelope sealing micronuclear envelope, leading to unrestricted recruit-
is important during normal cell division and after ment and micronuclear catastrophe [47].
damage to the nuclear envelope. However, there is also
an example that ESCRT-III recruitment can be harmful The diverse roles of ESCRTs in diseases
to cells. This occurs when ESCRT-III is recruited to the Loss or mutations in essential components of the
envelopes that enclose micronuclei, small nuclear-like ESCRT protein machinery and resulting missorting of
structures that contain a single chromosome or chro- endocytic cargo can lead to severe pathologies, many of
mosome fragment. ESCRT-III is not normally recruited which affect the nervous system [6]. For instance, a
to micronuclei, but when they occasionally break, this depletion of HRS and TSG101 lead to missorting of M2
triggers recruitment of LEM2, CHMP7 and ESCRT-III acetylcholine receptor and loss of PTPN23 disrupts
by similar mechanisms as those employed by primary neurotrophin receptors sorting. This in turn has nega-
nuclei [47]. Whereas ESCRT-III recruitment to holes in tive effects on neurite outgrowth, dendritic branching
the primary nucleus is limited and transient, ESCRT- and neuronal development and is critically linked to
III, CHMP7 and LEM2 recruitment to holes in micro- diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia
nuclei is excessive and long-lasting, leading to collapse and addiction [51e53].
of the micronucleus and massive damage to the chro-
matin it contains. This is similar to a phenomenon Similar pathologies have recently been associated with
known as chromosome shattering or chromothripsis, a mutations in UBAP1 (ESCRT-I), CHMP2B (ESCRT-
condition strongly associated with cancer progression. III) and PTPN23 (interacting with ESCRT-0, -I, -III)
[54e57]. Neurons seem to be particularly susceptible to
Why does ESCRT-III recruitment to ruptured micro- mutant CHMP2B, which is also found tightly associated
nuclear envelopes run out of control? Mathematical with Frontotemporal Dementia [58]. At the cellular

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2022, 75:102062

ESCRTs - mechanisms and implications for disease Migliano et al. 5

level, all these pathologies have an abnormal (mostly recently shown for Chikungunya, Vaccinia and human
enlarged) endosome morphology in common, which is a Cytomegalovirus [69e71]. Interestingly, some ESCRTs
consequence of defective cargo degradation or recycling. can also suppress viral replication. This has been found
for HRS (ESCRT-0), which interacts with the viral
Missense mutations in the ESCRT-III-regulatory antisense protein APH-2 in Human T Cell Leukemia
ATPase VPS4A have been related to Congenital Dyser- Virus Type 2 (HTLV-2) infected cells [72].
ythropoietic Anemia, a disease which displays defects in
cytokinesis and abscission of erythroblasts [59]. Simi- Outlook
larly, patients with de novo mutations in the catalytic Since their discovery, the field of ESCRT protein
central pore of the hexameric VPS4, display structural research has continuously expanded and an abundance
abnormalities in the brain, as well as visual and auditory of ESCRT driven processes, as well as ESCRT-
dysfunctions [60]. Mutations in VPS4 and ESCRT-III interacting proteins has been described. Extensive ef-
are also known to affect nuclear envelope structure forts have been made in understanding the structure
[6]. New findings underline the known interactions and dynamic behavior of ESCRT assemblies in different
between the chromosomal scaffold protein SATB2, the cellular processes, all highlighting the well-orchestrated
inner nuclear membrane protein LEMD2, and the nature of ESCRT proteins. Point mutations and small
ESCRT-III/VPS4 machinery. These interactions are differences in ESCRT protein expression levels can
required for synaptic activity-triggered nuclear mem- have severe consequences for organelle and cellular
brane remodeling in pyramidal neurons, a process which function, tissue integrity and even lead to fatal patholo-
is thought to be affected in cognitive dysfunction and gies. Although a large part of ESCRT driven processes
schizophrenia [61]. has already been investigated, it will be exciting to un-
cover their exact molecular mechanisms, especially
Like neurological pathologies, many cancers are associ- related to ESCRT recruitment to specific intracellular
ated with mutation or loss of essential ESCRT proteins, sites. It will also be interesting to learn which pathogens
leading to aberrant receptor trafficking and enhanced are capable of hijacking ESCRT proteins for their pur-
cell proliferation or migration. For example VPS28 in poses and how this ancestral membrane deformation
ESCRT-I is involved in the trafficking and secretion of machinery has evolved and been perfected over time.
Awd, the Drosophila homolog of the metastatic sup-
pressor NME1/2 [62]. Similarly, a loss of the ESCRT-I
subunit VPS37A/HCRP1 leads to an upregulation of Conflict of interest statement
the immune checkpoint ligand PD-L1 and to an in- Nothing declared.
crease in cell migration [63].
The authors would like to thank the Norwegian Cancer Society (grant no.
Exciting advances have been made to investigate 182698), the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (grant no.
ESCRT proteins and immune responses. Especially 2018081), the Research Council of Norway (grant nos. 262652, 302994),
ESCRT-mediated extracellular vesicle formation and its the European Research Council (grant no. 788954) and Trond Paulsen and
the Radium Hospital Foundation (InvaCell grant) for financial support.
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Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2022, 75:102062

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