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MYSTICAL MEDICINE PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘World rights reserved. This book r any portion thereof may not be copied or eproducedin any frm or manner whatever except a provided by law, withut the writen permission of the publisher, “The author assumes fll esponsibility forthe acuraey of all facts and quotations as cited in this book. Copyright © 1995 TEACH Services, Ie ISBN 1.57258-084-5 Library of Congres Catalog Card No, 95-61242 Published by ‘TEACH Services, Inc. Route 1, Box 182 Brusion, New York 12916 INTRODUCTION ‘Thisbook was writen aa documenttion of my personal quest for a uthil knowledge o healing The search led into broad and varied pathovays-history, mythology, psychology, spttuaism, modem and cent medicine and religion. twas a np I needed to tke, far beyond my normal boundanes of tecnica medicine ‘While {do not expect al rears o agree wth every conceson that Idea, would ak that we each look at this matenal ones Do not ake the references to you healing philosophy personally, but instead look a the origins and roots ofeach method of healing. To tmly understand healing, we must go far beyond the superficial evaluation, athe Final analysis, his ia spiral book. The Scriptures el us that spirit things ar spiriull discerned.” Therefore invite you to ask God to open your mind t9 His realty. Tis word is indeed involved ina "great controversy" And even though the outcome as grave cormic ramifications, the bale being ought onthe si of ‘our minds. That is why Turge yout ead this book prayerfully Waren R. Peters, MD. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS book which has lingered in the development tages can become frosting. However, there are many advantages aswell, A speci rot of thanks ust go thse many people who have read the book ‘in manuseript and have given their honest and faithful vii, The ‘many questions tha have ben ised by those lieningo my leeares ‘on this topic ave simulated met gig deeper and ther sill much to lam, I want to particularly thank Doon Harley, Kathy Goley, (Cheryl Grams, Linda Ball and our untiring Health Science stents ‘who di the final editing, Wives who Become "computer widows deserve special commendation, and leanne no exception, Without her suppoet and understanding, this book would at have become 2 reality. Finally, wan to thank the Holy Spr fr paiendyisening ‘omy pleas for help to ariculae my fadings accurately in writen form. May God be praised! Chaprer One Chaprer Two Chaprer Tree Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chaprer Ten Caper Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Tireen CONTENTS “The Revelation... ‘The Way is Prepared «. New Age Success. ‘The Techniques. “The Pendulum and the Stick. 2 Acupuncture and Reflesoogy a Applied and Behavioral Kinesology..-++ 37 Iridology, Herbal Therapy... cesses 6 “The Roots of Healing Methods st Sett.Help : Potting IAIN Together ee+00 6 Lifestyle for Health and Healing,....2+++ 72 References «| covsseees 80 Chapter One THE REVELATION ‘Today many peopl are becoming avare ofthe relationship that exists between the mind, body, and spirit for achieving total health, As a Chistian physician with many years of ditional, humanistic, medical and surgical traning, I began to twaken to the concept ofthe “whole man." I stared to study books authored by Hans Selye, M.D., Nathan Pritikin, O. Carl Simonton, MD. René Dubos, Norman Cousins and James Lynch, Leven “dabbled” for the first time into Christian books like Ministry of Heaing and Medical Ministry. | perceived a common thread of world brotherhood and mind expansion ‘which could solve tke tension [felt in my materialistic and technocratic surgical world. Perhaps the practice of surgery did hold moce challenge than just another bypass operation which, knew from experience, merely postponed death, but did litle to change the cause cf the underiyng disease condition ‘Thecame interested inthe popula hoist health movement sit began to sweep over this county, It was gratifying and reassuring to see tha! practitioners ofthe “holistic ats” were concerned about the lotality of man, and [felt a certain ease racere with them. Frustration in my own field gave way © hope for a beter, more humane method of practice. It was rather stimulating (0 be on the edge of “new frontiers” in medicine. It was extilarating to be a medical heretic, and challenge the stuly “medical establishment.” There was 2 de- lightful informality with these practitioners. We hugged each ‘other and accepted one another with our various peculiarities. ‘This openness among te holistic professionals was in marked, MISTICAL MEDICINE contrast to the highly competitive, formal atmosphere of trad tional medicine. We had common goals in the lifestyle areas of nuttion and exercise. We even talked about the spiritual aspects of man, something that was strictly forbidden in the standard practice of medicine. “Leave those matters to the To this vacuum entered the “Intellectual Revolution.” “To Deseares, the physical universe appeared tobe avast machine crete by supeme mathematician. "The laws of ture are ential wth he laws of mechani," be declared "You can subtiitethe mathematical onder ofthe universe for Gad whenever use the ater erm" ‘With hess of nara philosophy, heology was displaced from is proud postion as "Queen ofthe Sciences” The Great Schism the Revival of Leaming, and the Protestant Reformation hada tended to weaken te unity and author ofthe medieval church... By the eigheenth entry, eli tous fervor was yielding is Spit to tolerance and idifer nce... Some skeptics dared to repudiate all belie in an Infinite Power and to deny tat the theologians were o ever ad been the custodians of Divine ths which could guide 7 MYSTICAL MEDICINE ‘men fo salvation... The new leaing allowed maa to see himself independent. This bolster is pride, whereas his ‘elsious belies ho rated in hari. Bu he etna Jats ad moved to question thi view, “Peraps” they sug> tested, “man was intended to contol his own destiny, Instead of bowing faalisicaly to the wil of an inscrutable Providence.” They pefemed to conceive of God as are- ‘mote and impersonal det, a Fist Cause of First Principle, for an ideal consitional monarch who never violated the laws which He ha established for the government of the stra realm ‘With the frst blushof this newfound scintitie thought came the hope that man cculd solve many of the dilemmas of the World by more intensive research into “natural law.” There seemed tobe less ned forthe supernatural or a “power outside of ourselves.” In fac, there was very litle need for God at all Since in their minds He had been previously associated with the oppressive and unprogressive stupelying clergy, the “a> tional man” was glad t0 be free from God. Man could now progress without Goc, using his own materials and resources to make his world teterplace. ‘Magnetism and cletcity and thei mysterious intangibiity intrigued this generation of scienss, Before, natural things had been limited to the “material"—things that could be seen and touched, But now, energy, once seen as separate ftom substantial matter, was thought to be the very “essence” of ‘material things. Eleticty and the magnet could be felt, and its effects studied, butt eould not be seen. Man was pushing the “frontiers” of teieree, Speculation about the heavenly bod ies revived inthe context of magnetism and electricity. The ancient atrsction to csesial study and its effect on human Tie ‘once again became generally popular. This was unknown ter- ‘tory. Elctiity was now going to answer questions and un- lock power that the church or gods could never have answered or given, THE WAY IS PREPARED ‘We have just witnessed, in rerospect, a pater of history 38 it emerges, only to be repeated in diferent forms in diferent ages 10 come. First comes a eligions decline, and then the evelopment of materialism fueled by scientific advances. The Scientific progress seen as the solution to all social and material woes—the answer that will end all questions. But there is flaw in this logic. Materialism and science, no mater how pompous and prestigious, can never meet the needs of the inner spiritual nature of man. The great questions sill arise, “Where have we come from and what is going to happen to us when we die?” Tn the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, man ‘once again began to look for spiritual answers. God's name had been dragged in the dit by the clergy of the day, and the ‘materialistic, rational man had denied His existence. here, an important fact is ignored. There are only two powers inthe universe: God and Satan, And unfortunatly, ifthe existence of God has been ruled out, then the spiritual questions get satanic answers by default. During this same time, there was in Europe and America an amazing rebinh of Spisiualism, which took on many Tac. With the existing interes in magnetism and astronomy, Satan, ‘vas able to use these methods to deceive mankind. He has never been deficient in finding new disguises for error, and doltishly, man accepts even his “redressed” ancient sophistries, Franz Anton Mesmer, of Susbi, came 1 Viens to stay ‘medicine under van Swisten and de Hem, His gidating thesis, "The Influence of the Planets in the Cue of Diseases (1766), promulgate the theory thatthe sun and moon act upon living Beings by means ofthe subse uid known as snimal magnetism, analogous in its effect to the properties ofthe lodesone. Mesmer thus revealed himself asa belated ‘medial aseologer congenital mtc. He claimed be could ‘magoetize tes so that evry leaf contrbuted healing to all ‘who apprached.® MYSTICAL MEDICINE ‘Mesmer gained notoriety for his temple tothe god of heath Patients from all parts of Europe entered those halls of incense and ethereal music, searching expectant for “healing.” Mes- ‘mer had forsaken his former ideas of impersonal magnetism {or something more “natural.” He and other male “practitio- ners” now replaced the lodestone and magnetic coils. They ‘were the magnets! ‘The patens sat around a magnetic "bequet” (tb), and vealed. The majority were women, and fr them a special Set of handsome young men had been provided. Slowly and solemnly these assistant magntzes marched forward and cach seleceda woman and sted her in the eyes. No words wee spoken, bu fom somewhere sof ssiled the muse of an accoedion, an the voice af a iden opecasingersweet- ened the incease laden a. The young Apollos embraced the ees ofthe women, ubbed various spot, and gently mse saged their breasts, The women closed their eyes, nd fle the magnetism surge through them. At the extial momeat, the master magnetizer, Mesmer himself, appeared on the scene. Clad in a lilac gown, with lofty mien and majestic tread, he advanced among his patients, making “passes” and accomplishing miracles?” Lest he be thought to be an obscure “alternative practitio- rer," we should note thatthe French government offered Anon “Mesmer a pension andthe Cross ofthe Order of St. Michael, it he would divulge his secret, He was making a fortune and refused the pension. He might have done well to accept the offer, however, because later his practice was investigated by 4 group of illussious scientists ofthe eighteenth century, in- cluding Benjamin Franklin and Lavoisier, who did not accept the spiritual concepts and consequences ofthis technique. They explained away the whole thing asa fraud based on the “imagi- ‘The idea of “animal magnetism” was at fist ridiculed by James Braid, (1795-1861), a surgeon of Fifeshire, Scotland, “ut he soon became convinced, upon experimentation, that 0 THE WAY IS PREPARED there can be a genuine self-induced sleep brought about by a Fixed stare at @ bright, inanimate object."* Through the inf fence of Dr. Braid, “animal magnetism” was given scientific crea ‘Satan didnot rally care what “stamp” it was given, He only desired thatthe ensnarng technique be used by human beings to the destruction of their souls Germany was also affected by the subjective mystical forms of therapy. History reveals o us that Europe was so inellectu- ally and morally exhausted by the Napoleonic wars, tht the ‘way was prepared forthe wildest kind of speculation? It was fot only “animal magnetism’ that was sweeping Europe, but also odie force (all substances radiate an omnipresent force as experienced by psychics], homeopathy, phreaology, and sym- pathetic medicine including “stroking” or “touch therapy.” In sark contrast, some Christians of the New World were becoming interested in health and a natural lifestyle. Oberlin CCllege, a prominent Christian instiution in Ohio, adopted 2 largely vegetarian diet. Tea and coffee were not served, and exercise in the out-of-doors was promoted, Williams College, Hudson College, and Lane Seminary all followed an awaken ing interest in health, The Seventh-day Adventist Church, ais- ing from the religious awakening ofthe 1840's, took a tong stand against the “drugging business" of standard medical prac tice. Instead of arsenic, mercury, bleeding, and other harmful practices, these Christians advocated a radical separation from the medical “orthodoxy” ofthat day and espoused the use of ‘exercise, dit, sunlight and simple water therapies fr the pres ‘ervation of heath. This Christian chutch also took a strong, Stand against the spvitualisic methods of Europe. Thousands, I was shown, have been spoiled trough the plilosophy of phenology and animal magnetism, and have oun ven aco infil. Ifthe mind commences oun in this channel, iti almost sure 10 lose its balance and be onto by demon MYSTICAL MEDICINE ‘The origin of such methodology isnot lft open to question. ‘They are venturing on the devil's ground an are tempting him to conto them, This powerful destoyer considers hem his lw prey, exercising his power upon them, and that ‘guinst their will When they wish to contol themselves, they ctmot. They ied emis o San an be wl not release his claims, but holds them captive. No power ean Sever the ensnared soul but the power of Godin answer to the eamest prayers of His fail followers" ‘Why then did Spiritualism gan foothold in America during the mid-eighteen hundreds? And why do we find spirituaisie teaching invading and pervading or sol again byway of be holistic health and New Age movement? coma Chapter Three NEW AGE SUCCESS Jonah slept whi the storm tore atthe ship. The wind and waves thrashed th: tiny wooden vessel. The veteran sailors ‘were terified and frantically began doing what they could to survive. How couli Jonah sleep now, while the very lives of all aboard were threatened? He was, indeed, in a DEEP SLEEP! When God has given an assignment thats deliberately ‘ignored, only deepslep will be sufficient to cover a smarting conscience. God cxose a pagan sea captain to awaken Jonah Jonah had to be plysially shaken and a penetrating question ‘and command put to im to awaken him from his stupacous sleep. “How can you sleep? Get up and eall on your God! ‘Maybe He will tale notice of us, and we will not perish.” ‘The Christian eturch has been given a commission to warn 1 world on the benk of the impending Apocalypse. A deep sleep permeates our very being. The word is lashed and tor, ‘but we sleep on with the message of security and peace locked ‘within ou minds, Oh itis tue that we ae on Out Way fo “the world” but nt to warn it! No! that would be too invasive Instead we ae on cur way to becoming lke the world. We want to be a good “inftence” inthe world rather than warning the world. Perhaps a public relations spree would depict us as “caring people.” But certainly, lt us not sound lke alarmist. ‘The Christian community has not effectively addressed the ‘dehumanization of man by technology, and the deep hurt of mankind bound by Easter metaphysics and the New Consciousness. on the oer hand, drive their popularity in par from the fact that ay MYSTICAL MEDICINE they diel challenge the oppressive assumptions of the technocrats Western mentality destroying habits. Yes, confession can be heard from the pulpit, buts there any POWER available that can change our faulty thinking patterns and death-dealing lifestyle? Can rel PERSONHOOD te found while standing eight hours 2 day in 8 boring and dehumanizing production line of machines? Am important or valuable tothe universe? Without God-centered answers to these questions, a deep void has heen created by generations of horrible atrocities. A nation of churchgoing people anempted to desoy from the face ofthe earth a single ethic group of humans. A nation with, its coinage reading “In God We Trust,” developed and de played an atomic blast that instantly destoyed men, women, and children who innocently belonged to a race who was at war. The void was deepened by industrial nations which began to develop by-products that poisoned the very atmosphere and pollsted precious water supplies. Was there a Christian outcry? Not It all kept happening and sweet litle people continsed playing church, ignoring the poor, ignoring the disadvantaged, establishing another impersonal, inefficient agency to care for them, The personal and social void is naw monstrously deep. Into this Void stepped the New Age movement. Is adherents are tireless They will wok, give, and share day or night. Pay, hours, and benefits are not their motives, They embrace all businesses, governments, and eeligious persuasions, and offer ‘a “solution” to the personal and social voids of the day. They 4o believe in what they are doing. There isa religious fervor to the approach and attitude of the New Age or “New Con- sciousness” person, Because of the narow perspective of ma- ‘erialism, life in general has not met the ineent spiritual needs ‘of mankind. In contrast, the New Age offers ablend of human- ism linked witha strong, eclectic, spiritual enthusiasm. Panthe- ism, Monism, Spritvalism, Hinduism and many others “isms” have been liberally mixed into this caldron of deception. NEW AGE SUCCESS ‘And the church sleeps on! Perhaps no one as depicted this phenomenon more clearly than David Fetcho: “Tey have not ben afraid to charge our ainsi, mater- alist, mercantile clone with depleting the quality of burn Tite, They have sugested that cur ‘normal way of loking things is deficient ot best. Leaders of New Age movements have stepped inc the vacaney erated by the silence ofthe Church. They call plastic plastic and poison poison in Society whose esonomy is built on convincing people that both are good for them... They have taken the lead in monstating the possibilty of changing from a denatured tt an orgnie one, ftom an eth of consumerism to one fof exonomie simplicity, fom big business, profit-orented ‘medicine to individualized healing of the whole person ant ‘preventive health are, From drugged chili and eacino- [oni baby food, to natural chibi anda dedication to ‘wholesome child weaving? In the 1940's, a man began to write from the concentration ‘camps of Germany. He asked earnest questions and sought answers that fit the reality of war, filth and hate. Dietrich Bonhoelfers writings conceived a “Christianity without reli. ion.” Ie substituted daily life, or “reality,” For a caring, personal ‘God. This concept, which he chose to call “ground of all being,” was his atempe to somehow bring "God" to those who did not “need” God, To Bonhoeffer, the “human encounter ‘was the only ‘hope of "reality." His tempts to bring a spirtul dimension to plain old humanism completely destroyed the supernatural, Biblical concept of spiritual creation and re-creation. ‘In 1949, Paul Tillich wrote the book The Shaking of the Foundation, which redefined even the basie words of Chris anily “The name ofthis infinite and inexhaustible deph and ground ofall being is God. That depth is what the word “God rears. And if tht word bas not much meaning for You translate itand speak ofthe depths of your lif, ofthe source 13 MYSTICAL MEDICINE of your being, of your ulimate concer, of what you take eriusly withoutany reservation? In Honest 9 God, Jobn A. T. Robinson, an Anglican bishop, tempts to respond to the God "wp there” or “out there,” and the dilemma caused by the absence of God's personal involve~ ‘ment in “real life” ashe perceives it, These sincere efforts (0 harmonize the rite of materialism did not eause the “Gods dead” movement, but only signaled the fact that it had already happened. Man saw his "God! ap ielevant and impotent. It Seems strange that: id not occur fo these men that it was not God who had died, but instead, their connection to Him had been willfully severed. When God is not seen as the active (Creator and Susaier of life, there is litle left to the concept of God and religion. Man, “come of age” as Dr. Robinson would say, can only see human relationships as a source of “spiritual” lille. By his reasoning, mature human beings 440 not need the God of Biblical interpretation. A God such 3s that would be only fr the weak and immature * ‘With this loss of true piety, religion first becomes formal- ized, then depersonalized, and finally, humanistic tems are siven to everything that God does. Now “God” is not only absent “in me," but He is no longer “out there” or “up there"! ‘This creates a dilemma since a "God" concept has always been active and vital in be history of mankind. Therefor, the only hope of both the disillusioned cleric andthe Eastern mystic i to develop a “God!” of his own making aul Tile in commenting on the majestic 139th Psalm of David, says, “There is novitiate privacy rial isolation, Weare sways held and comprebsnded by something thats greater than we fae, that has a chim upon us, and that demands response from us. The mos intimate mesons within the depths of out souls ae not completely our own, fr they belog als to our fronds to mankitd, to the universe, and tothe ground fall ing, the aim of our lie. Omnipresence means that our privacy is public, The center of our whole being i inveved 16 NEW AGE SUCCESS Jn the center fal being: andthe centr of al being ets in the center of our being? Now compare a bit of “New Age” theology by Werner Ethard, founder of EST (Eshard Seminars Training). "The Self itself is the “ground ofall being,’ that from which everything arises "When I get in touch with myself and you getin touch ‘with yourself, we wil see the same self" "To our amazement, we find that the theology of Tilch and the New Age thinking of Eshard have their roots in ancient Buddhism, Such thinking is expressed inthe following com- mentary on Zen Buddhism. “In te higher realm of Trve Such- ness there is neither ‘other’ nor “self.” When a direct ‘identification is asked fo, we can only say, ‘Not two.” One in all all in one—if only this i realized, no more worry about your not being perfect!" This Monistc thinking, in which there is no individual, but each is part ofthe cosmic whole, reduces life to & subjective mass of individual interpretation. |As Ethard would say, Tf you did i, it must be good.” This reasoning justifies murder, theft, child abuse, and rape. Wren Christianity refuses to play the strong role of world guide, the ‘vacuum i quickly filled by the suble delusions of spiritualized hhumenism, Manis even defined in God-lke terms. The Creator islost sight of, as the creature assumes the role of his own deity Tris now time, yes, pastime, forthe church to awaken from ts slumber. Le us not rant agains! the New Age movement hen in realty is existence is only asympiom of or deep coma. “If once ‘we atcha glimpse ofthat glorious vision perhaps ten we may bandon ou futile journey to Tarshish, and find, with Jonah, that, scceptance ofthe judgment of God i acceptance of His grace.” Chapter Four THE TECHNIQUES Inthe previous chapters, we have looked briefly atthe gen- eral philosophical background and the rise of the New Age ‘movement in America today. Within this movement can be ound “holistic heath” a diverse collection of healing tec niques. We must have a thorough understanding of the origin and details of some of these methods. All who do not eamesty search the Scriptures and submit very desire and purpose of ie to tht unesing tes al who {do not seek Goin prayer fora knows of His wil will surely wande fro the right path and fall under the deep tion of Satan. His agen sil lai to cure disease. They atbate their power fo electricity, magnetism, or the so: Called ‘sympathetic remedie Inti they ate ba channels for Satan's electri cues, By this means he ess his spell ‘over the bodies and souls of men! No quotation has captured my attention more than this suc-