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DO + S + V + C
DOES + S + V +






1 Dimana rumahmu ? Where is your house ?

2 Dimana kamu akan tidur ? Where will you sleep ?
3 Siapa nama tetanggamu ? Who is your neighbour's name ?
Has your father bought the
4 Apakah ayahmu sudah membeli apel ? apple ?
5 Dimana sepupumu tinggal ? Where does your cousin live ?
When does your father go
6 Kapan ayahmu pulang ? home ?
7 Apakah kamu sedang berpuasa hari ini ?
Haruskah aku mencintaidan
8 menyayangimu ?
9 Bolehkah aku meminjam senjatamu itu ?
10 Jam berapa kamu berangkat sekolah ?
11 Apakah anda sudah berangkat sekolah ?
12 Bagaimana kamu membuat kopi ?
What time does younger brother
13 Jam berapa adik tidur ? sleep ?
14 Apa yang ayah makan ? What does father eat ?
Apa warna baju yang sedang ayah pakai What colour of the shirt is father
15 ? wearing ?
Apakah Dodit sedang bermain sepak
16 bola ?
17 Kapan kaca itu akan diberesihkan ?
18 Apa warna tasmu ?
19 Berapa harga tasmu ? How much is your bag ?
20 Kapan kamu sampai di rumah ? When are you at home ?
21 Jam berapa kita akan pulang ? What time will we go home ?
22 Berapa kah umur tetanggamu ?
23 Kapan kakekku mandi ?
24 Siapa nama penjual itu ?
Why does your grandmother
25 Mengapa nenekmu tidur ? sleep ?
26 Apa yang ayahmu minum ? What does your father drink ?
27 Dimana kakakmu sekolah ? Where is your bother study ?
28 Uangmu masih berapa , Ton ? Haw many is your money , Ton ?
Where will your mother take
29 Dimana Ibumu akan mengambil resep ? recipe ?
Apakah akan ada gempa yang lebih
30 besar ? Will there be eartquike bigger ?
What are father doing in the
31 Sedang apa ayah di dapur ? kitchen ?
32 Dimana tempat ayahmu bekerja ? Where does your father work ?
33 Apa yang kamu beli di toko itu ? What do you buy in the shop ?
34 Apakah Dion sedang bermain volly ? Is Dion playing volly ball ?
Apakah Dani sudah bermain sepak
35 bola ? Has Dani played football ?
36 Dimana Sinta akan bermain ? Where will Sinta play ?
37 Apakah Windi sedang bermain sepak Is Windi playing foot ball ?
bola ?
38 Apakah anda sudah belajar membaca ? Have you studied reading ?
How long does Dinda do
39 Berapa lama anda mengerjakan PR ? homework ?
40 Mengapa Sinta menulis surat? Why does Sinta write a letter ?
41 Apakah Bagas sudah belajar B Inggris ? Has bagas studied English ?
What time does David do
42 Jam berapa David mengerjakan PR ? homework ?
43 Apa yang ayah tulis ? What does father write ?
Apakah kamu sedang belajar
44 matematika ? Are you studying matematic
45 Apa yang Dian katakanlakukan hari ini ? What does Dian do today ?
46 Apakah dulu Raka menulis novel ? Did raka write a novel ?
47 Dimana Dini dan Dina akan belajar ? Where will Dini and dina study ?
48 mengapa kamu mengerjakan PR? Why do you do homework ?
49 Apakah Winda sudah bisa menulis ? Can Winda write ?
When will your father play tennis
50 Kapan ayahmu akan bermain tenis ? ?
Apakah buku-buku itu sedang ditulis Are the books being written by
51 oleh Santi ? Santi ?
Apa yang sedang dia lakukan di rumah What does she doing in the
52 itu ? house ?
53 Dimana Tom akan belajar B Inggris ? Where will Tom study English ?
55 Apakah Anda seorang pelajar ? Are you a student ?
56 Apakah ini pena Anda ? Is this your pencil ?
57 Apa warna mobilmu ? What colour is your car ?
58 Apakah Anda di rumah kemarin ? Were you at home yesterday ?
59 Dimana anda kemarin ? Where were you yesterday ?
60 Apa warna mobil dari Pak John ? What colour is Mr. John's car ?
61 Daging adalah makanan harimau
62 Dimana kita bisa melihat gajah ?
63 Apa makanan harimau ?
64 Binatang apa yang terbesar di dunia


1 The teacher was on the adverb what was the teacher

writing lesson on the white writing lesson ?
white board board
2 My friend sleft on the on the adverb where did my friend sleep ?
floor floor

3 I take a ball in the in the adverb where do you take a ball ?

floor floor

4 We were standing in in front of adverb where were you standing ?

front of ourfriends ourfriends

5 I am researching in the adverb where are you researching

vocabulary in the computer vocabulary ?

6 I watch television on on the adverb where do I watch television ?

the dining room dining

7 My mother cooked becouse alasan why did your mother cook

rice becouse we were we were rice ?
hungry hungry

8 A good student a banyak how many good students

studies English subyek studi English ?

9 A baby is crying a banyak how many babys are crying

loodly subyek loodly

10 I go to school by by bicycle keadaan how do I go to school ?


11 I have been here for for three keadaan how long have I been here ?
three month month

12 I am 160 cm 160 cm keadaan how tall are you ?

13 I was 60 years old 60 years keadaan how old was I ?


14 I understood your your kepemilika Whose speaking did I

speaking nO understand ?

15 My teacher is my kepemilika whose teacher is standing in

standing in front of nS front of the class ?
the class

16 My teacher is reading my kepemilika whose teacher is reading a

a book nS book ?

17 My teacher is my kepemilika whose teacher is

handsame nS handsame ?

18 My old friends will my kepemilika which friend will have stayed

have stayed in nS in jakarta ?

19 he is kind kind ket what is he like ?

20 he is tired tired ket what does he look like ?

21 The teacher was lesson O what was the teacher

writing lesson on the writing on the white board ?
white board

22 I had carried my bag my bag O what had I carried ?

23 I understood your your O what did I understand ?

speaking speaking

24 I watch television television O what do I watch ?

25 I go to market with with my preposition with whom do I go to market

my mother mother ?

26 I talk about you about you preposition about what do I talk ?

27 I need this pen for for writing preposition for what do I need this pen ?

28 I talk to my secertary to my preposition to whom do I talk ?


29 he came into the into the preposition into where did he come ?
building building

30 I stay here I S who stays here?

31 They have been they S who has been studying

studying English English ?

32 I studied English I S who studied English ?

33 I was sleeping here I S who was sleeping here ?

34 The cat catches the the cat S what catches the mouse ?

35 The book is on the the book S what is on the table ?


36 My father bring the my father S who bring the book ?


37 Two girls came here two S how many girls came here ?

38 I have played football I S who has played football ?

39 My friend is clever My friend S who is clever ?

40 I see you I S who sees you ?

41 My friend will have my friend S who will have stayed in

stayed in jakarta Jakarta ?

42 A good student good sifat which student studies

studies English English ?

43 The teacher was writing V what was teacher doing ?

writing lesson on the
white board

44 Umar had eaten egg eaten V what had umar done ?

45 Budi sleep here sleep V what does Budi do ?

46 I rice eat V what will you do ?

47 I studied English studied V What did I do ?

48 I had been playing playing V what had I been doing ?


49 My mother cooked cooked V what did my mother do ?

rice becouse we were

50 I am wearing hat wearing V what am I doing ?

( topi )

I bring two pen two pen what do you bring ?

I have done my durty my whose duty have I done ?

I wrote letter for my for my for whom did I write letter ?

darling darling

I go to masjid with with my with whom do I go to

my friend friend masjid ?

I had played football in the where had I played football ?

in the yard yard

I have been reding magazine what have I been reading in

magazine in the the library ?

I eat rice at seven everyday how often do I eat rice at

ocklock everyday seven ocklock ?

I go to school at at seven when do you go to school ?

seven ocklock ocklock

I have played foot played What have I done ?


I play football I who plays football ?

Senin Pagi 110607

English is beeing English Passive What is beeing studied by

studied by me voice ( S ) me ?

We saw a bird We Passive Who saw a bird ?

voice ( S )

We saw a bird ( Did saw Passive What did we do ?

we saw a bird ? ) voice ( V )

We saw a bird a Passive How many birds did we see ?

( banyak

We saw a bird a bird Passive What did we see ?

voice ( O )

A bird was seen by us a bird Passive What was seen by us ?

voice ( S )

A bird was seen by us seen Passive What was a bird done ?

( was a bird seen by voice ( V )
us )

A bird was seen by us by us Passive By whom was a bird seen ?

voice ( O ) Atau Whom was a bird seen
by ?

English is beeing studied Passive What is English beeing

studied by me voice ( V ) done ?
English is beeing by me Passive By whom is English beeing
studied by me voice ( O ) studied ?

The ornament is the Passive What is drawn by Budi in the

drawn by Budi in the ornament voice ( S ) guest room ?
guest room

The ornament is drawn Passive What is the ornament done ?

drawn by Budi in the voice ( V )
guest room

The ornament is by Budi Passive By whom is the ornament

drawn by Budi in the voice ( O ) drawn in the guest room ?
guest room

The ornament is in the Passive Where is the ornament

drawn by Budi in the guest voice drawn by Budi ?
guest room room ( adverb )

The floor was swept The floor Passive What was swept by my
by my mother voice ( S ) mother everyday ?

The floor was swept swept Passive What was the floor done ?
by my mother voice ( V )

The floor was swept my Passive By whose mother was the

by my mother voice floor swept everyday ?
everyday ( milik O )

The floor was swept my Passive By whom was the floor

by my mother mother voice ( O ) swept everyday ?

The floor was swept everyday Passive Whow often was the floor
by my mother voice ( ket. swept by my mother ?
everyday Waktu )

Two cars will be two Passive How many cars will be

stolen by a thief this voice stolen by a thief this night ?
night ( banyak

Two cars will be two cars Passive What will be stolen by a thief
stolen by a thief this voice ( S ) this night ?
Two cars will be stolen Passive What will two cars be done ?
stolen by a thief this voice ( V )

Two cars will be a Passive By how many thief will two

stolen by a thief this voice cars be stolen this night ?
night ( banyak

Two cars will be a thief Passive By whom thief will two cars
stolen by a thief this voice ( O ) be stolen this night ?

Two cars will be this night Passive When will two cars be
stolen by a thief this voice ( ket. stolen this night by a thief ?
night Waktu )



N Word Tenses Sentence


1 Blow 1 S Pr I blow trumpet

2 Pr C You are blowing trumpet

3 Pr P They have blown trumpet

4 Pr P C He has been blowing trumpet

5 S Ps She blew trumpet

6 Ps C We were blowing trumpet

7 Ps P My father had blown trumpet

8 Ps P C My mother had been blowing trumpet

9 SF The student will blow trumpet

10 FC My teacher will be blowing yrumpet

11 FP Your brother will have blown trumpet

12 FPC My uncle will have been blowing trumpet

2 Draw 1 S Pr I draw map

2 Pr C You are drawing map

3 Pr P They have drawn map

4 Pr P C He has been drawing map

5 S Ps She drew map

6 Ps C We were drawing map

7 Ps P My father had drawn map

8 Ps P C My mother had been drawing map

9 SF The student will draw map

10 FC My teacher will be drawing map

11 FP Your brother will have drawn map

12 FPC My uncle will have been drawing map

3 Grow 1 S Pr I grow tree

2 Pr C You are growing tree

3 Pr P They have grown tree

4 Pr P C He has been growing tree

5 S Ps She grew tree

6 Ps C We were growing tree

7 Ps P My father had grown tree

8 Ps P C My mother had been growing tree

9 SF The student will grow tree

10 FC My teacher will be growing tree

11 FP Your brother will have grown tree

12 FPC My uncle will have been growing tree

4 Fly 1 S Pr I fly

2 Pr C You are flying

3 Pr P They have flown

4 Pr P C He has been flying

5 S Ps She flew

6 Ps C We were flying

7 Ps P My father had flown

8 Ps P C My mother had been flying

9 SF The student will fly

10 FC My teacher will be flying

11 FP Your brother will have flown

12 FPC My uncle will have been flying

5 Know 1 S Pr I know

2 Pr C You are know ( tak ada bentuk ing- nya )

3 Pr P They have known

4 Pr P C He has been know ( tak ada bentuk ing-

nya )

5 S Ps She knew

6 Ps C We were know ( tak ada bentuk ing- nya )

7 Ps P My father had known

8 Ps P C My mother had been know

9 SF The student will know

10 FC My teacher will be know

11 FP Your brother will have known

12 FPC My uncle will have been know

6 Forbid 1 S Pr I forbid you to tell lies ( untuk berbohong )

2 Pr C You are forbidding me to tell lies

3 Pr P They have forbidden you to tell lies

4 Pr P C He has been forbidding me to tell lies

5 S Ps She forbad you to tell lies

6 Ps C We were forbidding you to tell lies

7 Ps P My father had forbidden me to tell lies

8 Ps P C My mother had been forbidding you to tell


9 SF The student will forbid me to tell lies

10 FC My teacher will be forbidding me to tell lies

11 FP Your brother will have forbidden me to tell


12 FPC My uncle will have been forbidding me to

tell lies

7 Forgive 1 S Pr I forgive you

2 Pr C You are forgiving me

3 Pr P They have forgiven your brother

4 Pr P C He has been forgiving me

5 S Ps She forgave you

6 Ps C We were forgiving you

7 Ps P My father had forgiven you

8 Ps P C My mother had been forgiving you

9 SF The student will forgive you

10 FC My teacher will be forgiving you

11 FP Your brother will have forgiven me

12 FPC My uncle will have been forgiving you

8 Give 1 S Pr I give book

2 Pr C You are giving book

3 Pr P They have given book

4 Pr P C He has been giving book

5 S Ps She gave book

6 Ps C We were giving book

7 Ps P My father had given book

8 Ps P C My mother had been giving book

9 SF The student will give book

10 FC My teacher will be giving book

11 FP Your brother will have given book

12 FPC My uncle will have been giving book

9 Hew 1 S Pr I hew tree

2 Pr C You are hewing tree

3 Pr P They have hewn tree

4 Pr P C He has been hewing tree

5 S Ps She hewn tree

6 Ps C We were hewing tree

7 Ps P My father had hewn tree

8 Ps P C My mother had been hewing tree

9 SF The student will hew tree

10 FC My teacher will be hewing tree

11 FP Your brother will have hewn tree

12 FPC My uncle will have been hewing tree

10 Mow 1 S Pr I mow wood ( kayu )

2 Pr C You are mowing wood

3 Pr P They have mown wood

4 Pr P C He has been mowing wood

5 S Ps She moved wood

6 Ps C We were mowing wood

7 Ps P My father had mown wood

8 Ps P C My mother had been mowing wood

9 SF The student will mow wood

10 FC My teacher will be mowing wood

11 FP Your brother will have mown wood

12 FPC My uncle will have been mowing wood


N Indonesia Inggris

1 Tobe + Nouns

Saya adalah seorang guru I am a teacher

Kamu adalah seorang dosen You are a lecturer

Dia ( perempuan ) seorang perawat She is a nurse

Dia ( laki-laki ) seorang wartawan He is a journalist

Mereka adalah dokter They are doktors

Kita adalah pelajar We are students

Ani adalah seorang penyanyi Ani is singer

Tono adalah penerjemah Tono is translator

2 Tobe + Adverbs ( kata-kata keterangan )

Rina ada di sekolah hari ini Rini is at school today

Mereka ada di Jakarta dua hari yang lalu They were in jakarta two days ago

Kamu ( ada ) di sana pada jam 9 tepat You werw there at 9 o'clock

sekarang jam 12 tepat It is 12 o'clock now

saya ( ada ) disini sekarang I am here now

3 Tobe + Adjectives ( kata-kata sifat )

Bahasa Inggris ( itu adalah ) mudah English is easy

Saya ( adalah ) pinter I am clever

Kamu ( adalah ) rajin You are diligent

Tuan ahnad ( adalah ) sibuk setiap hari Mr. Ahmad is busy every morning

anak-anak ( adalah ) gembira kemarin The children were happy yesterday

Nona Susi ( adalah ) sedh minggu lalu Miss. Nina was sad last week
Orang tuaku ( adalah ) sangat baik hati My Parents are very kind

Mobil ( itu adalah ) mahal The car is expensive

Singa-singa ( itu adalah ) buas The lions are wild

4 Tobe + Verb + ing

Saya sedang membaca buku sekarang I am reading this book now

Kamum sedang belajar bahasa Inggris You are studying English today
hari ini

Lina ( dahulu ) sedang memasak nasi Lina was cooking rice when her
ketika teman-temannya datang friends came

Kerbau itu sedang menarik kayu The buffalo is pulling wood

Kelinci-kelinci itu ( dahulu ) sedang The rabbits were eating grass

memakan rumput

5 Tobe + V3 ( Kalimat Pasif )

saya didatangi oleh guruku I am come by my teacher

Pisang itu ( dahulu ) dimakan oleh The banana was eaten by monkey

Rumah- rumah itu ( dahulu ) dibeli oleh Those houses were bought by his
saudaranya brother

Nasi ini dimasak oleh Nina This rice is cooked by Nina

Bahasa Inggris dipelajari oleh Nino English is studied by Nino

surat ini ditulis oleh pacarku This letter is written by my darling


tranlate into Good English , please !

1 apakah anda seorang dokter ? Are you a doctor ?

2 bukan, tetapi saya seorang dosen No, but I am lecturer

3 Pacar saya sangat cantik My darling is very beautiful

4 Dia sedang memasak sekarang She is cooking now

5 Mereka tidak di rumah kemarin They were not at home yesterday

HAL 40
Tranlate into English , please !

1 Sedang apa kamu, Rina ? What are you doing, Rina ?

Saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris I am studying English

apakah bahasa Inggris mudah ? Is English easy ?

Ya , bahasa Inggris mudah Yes it is, English is easy ?

tetapi buatku sulit But, for me it is difficult

No Jenis Kata Arti

Klausa Sifat Who










Klausa when

waktu whenever





as soon as




Klausa where

tempat wherever di mana saja

anywhere di mana pun


nowhere tidak di mana

pun juga


everywhere di mana-mana


anyplace di manapun


noplace tidak ada



every place setiap tempat

every place

Klausa as seperti

cara as if seolah-olah

as though seolah-olah





No Yang Soal

1 The ornament is drawn by Budi in the guest


a the ornament What is drawn by Budi in the guest room ?

b drawn What is the ornament done ?

c By whom is the ornament drawn in the guest

by Budi room ?

d in the guest room Where is the ornament drawn by Budi ?

2 The floor was swept by my mother everyday

a The floor What was swept by my mother everyday ?

b swept What was the floor done ?

c By whose mother was the floor swept

my everyday ?

d my mother By whom was the floor swept everyday ?

e everyday How often was the floor swept by my mother ?

3 Two cars will be stolen by a thief this night

How many cars will be stolen by a thief this

two night ?

two cars What will be stolen by a thief this night ?

stolen What will two cars be done ?

By how many thief will two cars be stolen this

a night ?

By whom thief will two cars be stolen this night

a thief ?

When will two cars be stolen this night by a

this night thief ?


N Indonesia Pola Inggris Jawab


Anda bermain sepak bola sekali positip You play football

seminggu once a week

Anda tidak bermain sepak bola negati You don't play

sekali seminggu p football once a week

Apakah Anda tidak bermain tanya Don't you play

sepak bola sekali seminggu ? negati football once a week
p ?

Apakah Anda bermain sepak tanya Do you play football

bola sekali seminggu ? positip once a week ?

Kapan anda ……? rumus Whwn do you …….?

Dimana/ kemana anda…….? rumus Where do


Bagaimana anda……? rumus How do you…….?

Mengapa anda…….? rumus Why do you…….?

Apa yang anda…….? rumus What do you…….?

Mengapa anda tidak…….? rumus Why don't …..?

Apakah Anda bermain sepak tanya Do you play football Yes, I do.
bola sekali seminggu ? positip once a week ?

Kapan anda bermain sepak bola tanya Whwn do you play I play football
? positip football ? on Sunday

Dimana anda bermain sepak tanya Where do you play I play football
bola ? positip football ? at Senayan

dengan siapa anda bermain tanya With whom do you I play football
sepak bola ? positip play football ? with my

Berapa lama anda bermain tanya How long do you I play football
sepak bola ? positip play football ? fo two hours.

Mengapa anda sering bermain tanya Why do you often Becouse it is

sepak bola ? positip play football ? my hobby

Apakah anda juga sering tanya Do you also often No, I don't.
bermain bulutangkis ? positip play badminton ?

Mengapa anda tidak bermain tanya Why don't you play becouse I
bulutangkis ? negati badminton ? don't like it.


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