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DISTRICT C/PERSON: +256 772555981 P. O. BOX 250
SPEAKER: ………. +256 784605854 KASESE
CLERK TO COUNCIL:+256 77268076
T Website:………

Date: 22nd April, 2024




The District NRM Chairman and your DEC members, Honorable KDLG
Members of DEC members, dear beloved sub-county and town council
NRM chairpersons, members of the NRM secretariat, ladies and
gentlemen, I take this opportunity to welcome you to this very
important meeting organized by our mighty party NRM office Kasese

According to the constitution of the Republic of Uganda promulgated in

1995 as amended and the Local Government Act CAPs 243 as amended,
empowers the district Chairperson to form government and play a
cardinal role of planning, budgeting and council approves all planned
activities and government (DEC) on the behalf of council monitors and

supervises both the district employees and oversees implementation of
government programs and projects.

In fulfilment of the implementation of my LC 5 election social contract

with the people of Kasese tailored to fit into the NRM Manifesto 2021-
2026, that is the thematic areas; creating wealth and jobs, delivering
education, health and water, ensuring justice and equity, protecting
life and property and achieving economic and political integration.

I wish to present to you success story for the last three years we have
been in office since 19th May 2021 as follows:-

General Administrative Achievements

1. Budget for the financial years initiated and passed annually

2. Financial year budget 2021 increased from 89Bn to 115Bn in
3. Increased average district staffing levels to 70% from 40% in 2021.

Lobby and attained High court status for the region Kasese, now high
court service are available in Kasese district.

4. Lobbied for coffee laboratory is constructed in Kasese district at a

tune of over UGX 6 Billion and it’s progressing well
5. Securing means of transport LCIs, LCIIs & LCIIIs by GoU to monitor
government programs in their areas of jurisdiction

6. Producurement of 216 seaters for Nyamirami, Nyamutswa,
Kanyughunya P/S at UGX 35Million
7. Registered significant improvement in the National performance
assessment, that improved from 123 to 84 an now 57, we hope
this year there will great change as evidenced by assessment mock
8. Out of commitment to monitoring government programs we
recovered 23 motorcycles and 6 cars that had been in possession
of staff privately kept at their homes and others in garages.
9. Parishes’ neighboring the national Park have regularly got their
share of 20% from 2019-2022 government UWA gate revenue
10. Monitoring 44 LLGs in the distribution of service delivery
resources to ensure we create good working relationship with
central government and development partners has led to
increased equitable service delivery
11. Recommended 200 student for half Bursaries to KIU and other
institutions (see records).
12. Under PMG as a district we have continued to give service to our
farmers through the extension workers allover the District.
13. Titling institutional government land to reduce land grabbing from
our institutions.

14. Trained extension workers on AI for high improved cattle breed
milk production.
15. Total of 27 student benefited from quota to public universities
(see records)
16. PWDs grant beneficiaries (see attachment ) 100million for 20
17. UWEP beneficiaries (see attachment) over 1bn so far disbursed to
36 groups, 45 groups & 41 groups respectively.
18. Older person 5 groups Beneficiaries of special grant (see the list)
each group received UGX 5 Million
19. Completion of boreholes for the FY2021/2022 at 27.7Million for
Kasese District.
20. Rehabilitation of 15 boreholes in Kasese district at 42 Million for
21. Kasese District Local Government received over UGX 21 Billion for
PDM beneficiaries (197 parishes).
22. Established (6) demonstration sites for micro irrigation in
Mpondwe Lhubiriha TC, Nyamatunga ( Nyakiyumbu SC), Miro kumi
in (Kinyamaseke TC), Mughete (Kyarumba TC) , Busambu
( Muhokya TC) and Karusandara SC.
23. Supplier 3-seater wooden desks to Kayanja,Saad Islamic,
Kamukumbi,St. Kizito, Hiima Public, Kirabaho SDA, Minana SDA, St.

Johns Buhatiro, Buhandiro, St. Augustine- Kyondo,, Bishop Egidio,,
Nyakazinga, Nyambuko SDA and Kathembo P/schools respectively
worth millions of money.
24. RIPPO Foundation has supported a number of schools with
furniture, wall book made cupboard at Kasanga, kisolholho, St.
Joseph Musyenene, Rwenguhya, kacungiro, and Rwakingi
P/schools in LLGs respectively.
25. Procured and delivered Medical equipment health facilities of
Katunguru, Bwesumbu, Buhuhira, in lake Katwe, Kyabarungira,
Buhuhira scs valued at Millions of money.
26. Received and distributed 260 Iron sheets Gauge 26 from OPM and
distributed to Rwakingi 60 pieces, Ihandiro 120 pieces, and Kiruli
80 pieces for each p/schools that were affected by disasters
27. We have registered Improved performance In PLE, UCE and
UACE examination results and curbed down exam malpractices as
result of intensified joint District monitoring and supervision by
RDC, CAO and political wing in the district.
28. Over 22 groups have benefited through luwero Rwenzori on
capacity building.
29. 119 hard to reach schools have been submitted for consideration
to relevant ministries for consideration to get hard to reach and
live allowances, request has reached cabinet level.

30. Cleaning District payroll that saw creation of 105 teachers
recruited,99 D/HT promotion 4 M0s, 9 TCs, 6 Asst.TCs, 3 Snr.
Asst.TCs etc, obsorbing some NAADs Staff e.g Agriculture officer,
Extensional workers and community devt staff,
31. Recruited 74 Parish Chiefs and Town Agents FOR PDM programe.
32. Graded sub-county CAR (list be seen) e.g Kasenyi salt pan roads,
worked on Bwera Sub county and Bugoye S/C community access
roads to mention a few.
33. Construction of Kasese district Administration block phase II so
far injected UGX 693 Million at district headquarters.
34. Furniture for selected schools (3 sealer lower age)
35. We have completed construction of foot bridges in Kyabayenze,
Mihani, and Runi villages in Karambi, Bwesumbu and Ibanda-
kyanya LLGs with support of MoWT and NGO funded USA
36. Lobbied for Construction of seven classroom blocks for Bugoye,
Rwakingi and Kitswamba SDA primary schools from RIPPO
Foundation in addition to those completed in Bukonzo West and
37. The design for Dunguluha water suppliy for kitabu,kilembe,
mahango kayambara Kasese Municipality is ongoing

38. Supplied 350 bags of improved cassava cuttings at UGX 13.5m in
addition to what NRM District Kasese Chairperson and MPs
39. Construction of a Laboratory for animal diseases tests control at
the District headquarters.
40. Secured 2 Ambulances for Bwera Hospital in Bokonzo West and
Kasese municipality constituencies.
41. We have developed Kasese District Tourism plan to attract and
promote and guide the Tourism investment in Kasese.
42. Kasese District passed a resolution to host annual Rwenzori theluji
festivals to boost tourism in the Rwenzori as revenue generation
activity for the district.
43. We have trained beneficiaries of YLPA, UWEP, and Special Grant
for older persons, PWDS and PDM funds to ensure profitable
44. Rwenzori Region Presidential skills hub has graduated over 500
skilled graduates from the 3 cohorts since its inception. Now our
youths are skilled to engage in job creation and joined money
45. We have restored over 800 Ha planted with various species of
trees in the hills of Kihara, Kilembe, Bulembia and Nyamwamba

and Mubuku valley costing billions of money under LoCAle and
Ministry of Water and Environment.
46. On-going procurement for the opening of boundaries for Kahokya
wetland and kyempara local forest reserve.
47. We have made effort to handle GBV and violence against children
with emphasis on mindset change for a harmonious living.
48. We have fulfilled our statutory obligations of planning, Budgeting,
Approval, holding meetings (DEC, sectoral committees, Business
committee, District council) and so does statutory bodies functions
of DSC, DPAC, and land Board.
49. We have continued to do oversight and monitoring role as
mandated by the LGA Caps 243 and the Constitution of the
Republic of Uganda 1995 as a mended.
50. With a help of development partner we have put up a functional
Disaster Evacuation Centre for floods, landslides and natural and
man-made disasters in karusandara sub-county.
51. We are have fully participated in mobilising for NRM membership
as evidenced in the recently concluded yellow book NRM
members registration.
52. We have actively participated in the National Census 2024
exercise in preparation for census Night and the Enumeration
exercise slated for 10th May 2024 for ten days. We have started

mobilizing the masses for this noble exercise. This is vital for the
basis for planning and provision of service delivery.
53. We have set up strategies for revenue enhancement to foster
equitable service delivery in the community.
54. We have lobbied H.E the President to support building
construction completion of Kasese district Administration, follow-
up made and progress is in high gear.
55. We have continued to resolve conflicts as they arise by creating
conducive environment and giving fair hearing to the aggrieved
parties. We have resolved a number of court cases against the
56. We have acted as mouth piece for NRM Mighty party by
informing the masses what government has done for the people
and the people of Kasese in particular vis viz the NRM manifesto
2021-2026 implementation as evidenced by quarterly radio
programs spelling what we have every three months
57. We have advertised and given the people of Kasese jobs and all
people served regardless of their region, religion and ethnicity.
58. We have appreciated that KDLG has existed now for fifty years
and resolved as council to the GOLDEN JUBILEE in October 2024.
There will be series of activities to be done over a period of one
week to be crowned with celebrations and recognizing groups and

individuals that have contributed to the socio –economic and
political transformation of the district.
59. My leadership is at the fore front to fight corruption a monster
that has eaten society and deprived citizens of quality and
equitable service delivery. This is war demands for commitment
from all of us as responsible citizens and NRM cadres.
60. We have addressed the conflict of leadership gap in the
management of Murutooke community mini-irrigation scheme in
Muhokya Town council that had affected production because of
selfish individuals.
61. We have temporarily settled the conflict between two LLGs of
Isango and MLTC over the issue of the cattle holding market.
Currently there is some relative peace.
62. We are at the fore front in mobilising our people for peaceful co-
existence and also for vigilance to fight subversive elements that
may be identified in society to be reported to security operatives.
63. Securing land and title for Nyamwamba Community secondary
school, process for construction on-going to cost millions of money
in Nyamwanba Div. KMC.
64. Construction of Hiima Community secondary school to cost
Millions of money in Hiima Tc.

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65. Construction and commissioning of Tourism re-creation Centre
Units at Kibenge in Bulembia and Multipurpose hall grounds in
Nyamwamba Divisions respectively.
66. In tourism, we registered increase in hosting tourists in both
Queen Elizabeth and Rwenzori National parks, we also received
UGX 4.5 Billion for rehabilitation of buildings in the tourists’ camps
and UGX 10.7 Billion for bridges and other infrastructure
development in the Rwenzori National park/ conservation area.
67. We have started on the Process of opening boundaries of our
district pieces of land up to LLGs to secure title.
68. On-going procurement of rehabilitation of Kitswamba-Kithoma-
Ntunga9.6 Km , Kyarumba-Kitabona 5 Km , and Kamwani- Mbata-
Kasangali 8 Km roads for Buhuhira, Kyarumba and Bwesumbu scs
69. We Rehabilitated Munkunyu- Nyakiyumbu and muhokya –Mitibiri
roads in Nyakiyumbusc and Muhokya sc respectively
70. The ongoing construction of solar powered water supply for
Munkunyu-bwengo, Buhuhira- kihyo and kitswamba S/C is also on
71. Rehabilitation of Hima Bigando road as a Maize hub.
72. Construction of Nyakakindo irrigation scheme under AgriLED.

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73. Construction of nyamatunga mini irrigation scheme in the water
stressed areas of Kenya Nyakiyumbu and Nyakatonzi.
74. Supply of piglets to the PWDs for multiplication for economic

Bukonzo Constituency West:

65. Construction of Bwera hospital mothers hostel to the NICU at UGX

400 million in MLTC

66. Renovation of classroom blocks at Kamukumbi Primary school in

Isango sc.

67. We in the process of procuring: a) Bwera-Kibirigha-Ihandiro 6.5

Km road in Ihandiro sc.
b) Bwera- Kyogha-Nyakimasa 6.5 Km road in Bwera sc
68. We have rehabilitating Kayanza Primary school classroom and
office to cost Millions of money in Nyakiyumbu sc.
69. Provision of Computers and internet to Bwera /MLTC and
Ihandiro vocational secondary school lobbied by NRM district
Chairman Kasese to link Kasese community to the outside world
to search for opportunities by both learners and those out of
70. We procured a feed fixer and a mill for poultry group in Ihandiro

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71. The design for old Bwera water supply is also on going in
Bukonzo west
72. Renovation of 2class rooms at kamukumbi P/S Karambi P/S at
UGX 25million in Bukonzo west
73. Support groups with 2 Forage chopper and one grass cutter for
farmers in Kinyamaseke TC and Ihandiro Sc.
74. Karambi- kiltholthu roads graded and Kanyughunya started on.
75. Worked hand in hand with UWA to ensure electric fencing to
cover from Kikorongo to Isango S/C to prevent/ address wild
animals, and human conflicts in the communities neighboring
the National park.
76. Renovation of Katalikibi Primary School staff house at UGX 60
Million in MLTC.
77. Construction of 2 classrooms Kathembo Primary school at UGX
110 Million in Kathoma-Kanyatsi T/C.
78. Lhubiriha- Isango bridge construction/ rehabilitation by MoWT
to cost Billions of money in Karambi sc and Kitoma Kanyatsi Tc.
79. MPondwe Bridge Under construction/ rehabilitation by MoWT
to take Million of money in MLTC
80. Construction of low cost Katholhu –Kanyanza 8.7Km road at UGX
8.4 Billion in Nyakiyumbu S/C.

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81. Construction of Isango-Bulemera road at over UGX 200 Million in
kithotha S/C.
82. Construction of min irrigation scheme at Kalholhu-Katoho at
UGX 400 Million in Nyakiyumbu, Kinyamaseka & Nyakatonze
83. Completion of 2 classroom at Kisabu Primary School-Kitholhu
S/C at UGX over 110 Million
84. Completion of Isango secondary school in Isango S/C at over
UGX 350 Million.
85. Demonstration and installed micro-irregation at Mr.Amuri
Muhamad at kaserengethe cell in MLTC at UGX 23.1 million.
86. Demonstration and installed micro-irregation at Mr.muserero
Augustine farm at Rwehingo Katholhu, Nyakiyumbu S/C at UGX
87. Completion of upgrading of kyempara Health Center III over
UGX 500 Million in Isango Subcounty
88. Completion of upgrading of Nyakimasa Health Center III over
UGX 450 Million in bwera subcounty
89. Kathughutha BPT construction at UGX 9.4 Million in Ihandiro S/C
90. Construction of Bwengo a solar powered system in Nyakiyumbu
Bukonzo Constituency East

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91. On-going procurement of rehabilitation of 3.8 Km of Besania-
Kyapa – Nyakabingo road in Nyakabingo and Muhokya
92. Low cost road sealing 2 km in Kinyamaseke TC.
93. Expansion of the construction of Kiburara grain and Feed mill at
over UGX 900 Million in Kisinga sc.
94. Mega bridge project on Kighenge-Nyamugasana, Rwembyo,
Kanyambara and kajwenge costing Billions of money in Bukonzo
East constituency
95. Rehabilitated Kajwenge-Kanyughunyu-Kamuruli 6.6 Km Road in
Kisinga sc.
96. Rehabilitated Kirembo-Kasemire 4.9 Km road for
interconnectivity in Kisinga sc.
97. . On-going procurement of two (2) mortars for value addition for
Kighenge women group milling machine in Kitabu sc.
98. Nyamugasana mega water supply system to serve water
stressed areas of Kyarumba, Kitabu, Lake-katwe, Muhokya,
kikorongo, Kisinga-kyondo , Munkunyu and Kinyamaseke up to
Nyakatonze to install 3,000 Tap stands to the cost of over UGX
300 Billion has started
99. Construction of Kinyamaseke Market at UGX 620 Million at
Kinyamaseke T/C.

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100. Construction and upgrading of Nyabirongo Health Center IV
maternity over UGX 500 Million in Kisinga town council
101. Construction of Nyabirongo Health Center IV Theater and
Doctors accommodation worth UGX 954.89Million in Kisinga
town council
102. Construction of GFS Mahango & Muhokya 21.5km Road at
over 500 Million in Mahango S/C.
103. Construction of 5 stance VIP Latrine at Nyamutswa Primary
school at UGX 26 Million Kyarumba sc.
104. Construction of 2 classrooms at Nyamutswa Primary
school at over UGX 130 Million in Kyarumba sc
105. Completion of Kibisire GFS Phase I at UGX 13.0Million in
Kitabu S/C.
106. Demonstration and installed micro-irregation at Mr.Yona
Tumusiime Maate farm PIDA cell Kinyamaseke T/C at UGX
107. Demonstration and installed micro-irregation at Mr.
Mutswange Samson farm in Kaghete-Nyakaya-kyarumba t/c at
UGX 24.7million.
108. GFS in Kajwenge in Kisinga S/C at over UGX 320 Million
109. Kyangwe GFS construction at UGX 79.7 Million in Mahango

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110. Completion of Mbulhamasi-Rwabitooke GFS at UGX
6.5Million in Mahango/Muhokya S/C.
111. Construction and upgrading of Kabingo Health Center III on
going at UGX 900 Million in Munkunyu subcounty (after adding
UGX 120 Million for Buhuhira Hc3 staff qtrs)
112. Completion of Rwabitooke-kyibiriri GFS at UGX 17.7Million
in Mahango/ Muhokya S/Cs
113. Buthale GFS construction at UGX 133.06 Million in Mahango
114. Construction of 3 valley dams in Nyakatonzi to address the
issue of water scarcity for the pastoralists.
115. Construction of a VIP latrine at Nyakatonzi Primary school.
116. Construction of the fence at Nyakatonzi seed school at 35m.
117. Renovation of kanyamprara water channel to make water
reach the valley dams in Nyakatonzi.
118. Supply of a Maize mill at kiburara quality Millers.
119. Supply of 4 heifers to Bakaikuru Bagurusi group in
Nyakatonzi for multiplication.
120. Under Ruwero Rwenzori supported one group in Rwentuhe
with 10m

Busongora Constituency South

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121. We mobilized locally to rise fuel and secured a machine to
disilt and open water channels of rivers Nkoko, Mubuku that
has kept floods in Karusandara sc at least now there is some
122. We rehabilitated 5Km Katiri- Mbuga Road in Bulembia and
Mbunga scs.

114. We acquired a land title for Karusandara sub-county

community, now the process of individual family land titling is on

115. The ongoing construction of Mbunga- Nyakazinga GFS for

Mbunga, Kilembe Rukoki and Bulembia division is on course.

116. Construction of 2 classrooms Kibuga P/S in Karusandara S/C at

UGX 89.9 Million.
117. Rehabilitation of Katwe fish shelter at UGX …in katwe-kabatoro
118. Rehabilitation and extension of kahokya solar powered
systems- Kahokya S/C
119. Renovation of Katwe HC III & installation of solar power in
Katwe-Kabatoro Town Council at over UGX 200 million
120. Construction of Admin Hall at Lake-Katwe in 100 million
121. Construction of Rukoki HC IV, OPD & Staff twin storied house
approximately UGX 2 Billion in Nyamwamba Division.

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122. Construction of Kisanyarazi-kurasandara road in kurasandara
123. Construction of 5 stance latrine at Bulimi Psch in kilembe S/C
at UGX 21 Million.
124. Demonstration and installed micro-irregation at Rev. Patrick
Begehania far in kisongora Busambu- muhokya T/C at
125. Construction of 2 classrooms at Kibuga Primary school at UGX
20 Million in Karusandara S/C.
126. Construction of 2 classrooms Kahendero Primary school at
UGX over 110 Million in Muhokya T/C.
127. Buhunga GFS construction Phase II at UGX 82 Million in
Kilembe S/C
128. Completion of Buhunga GFS Phase I at UGX 58 Million in
Bulembia Division.
129. Completion and upgrading of Katunguru Health Center III at
UGX 1.49 Billion in Lake Katwe subcounty
130. Construction of a fish slab at Kahendero landing site for fish
handling purposes.
131. Introduction of a technology for the formation of Fish bites to
address issues of environmental management at Kahendero,
Hamukungu and kasenyi.

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132. Renovation of 4 classroom blocks at Kabirizi primary under
platinum Uganda

Busongora Constituency North

133. Construction of Mubuku-Katooke-Rukooki road installation of

134. Low cost road sealing 6 km at over UGX 2 Billion (Hima T/C &
Katswamba S/C)
135. Rugendabara-Bigando & Hima Nyangeraka roads constructed
to easy produce transport to agricultural products and the
nearby markets has been done under AGRO-LED.
136. Construction of Kasangali-kajole Market at UGX 620 Million in
Bwesumbu S/C.
137. Construction of Nyabisusi solar GFS at a cost UGX 70 Milions in
Maliba Sub county
138. Construction of min irrigation scheme at Nyakakindo in Hima
T/C at over 500 Million
139. Completion of Kabwe GFS Phase II GFS at UGX 7.0 Million in
Bwesumbu S/C.
140. Construction of 2 classrooms at Kirabaho SDA at 103 Million in
Kirabaho-Kabatunda T/C.

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141. Construction of 2 classrooms at UGX 98 million at
Kyabarungira P/ Kyabarungira sc
142. Lobbied and fundraised for Buhuhira P/S 3 classrooms
constructed and roofed, secured 200, Corrugated Iron Sheets
from Rwenzori-Luwero in Buhuhira sc
143. Installation of Armco culverts on Mubuku –Nyangonge 15 Km
road in Bugoye sc.
144. Supply and installation of lights (Solar lights) in Hiima T/C at
UGX 59.5M.
145. Renovation of 2 class rooms at Nyangonge P/S at UGX 100
Million in Bugoye sc
146. We started the construction of UGX 9.5 Billion water project
for Maliba T/C & Maliba S/C now going.
147. Another UGX 27 Billion water project for greater kistwamba
S/Cs (to cover 6 scs) the design is out.
148. Construction of 2 classrooms at Kirabaho SDA at 103Million in
Kirabaho-Kabatunda T/C.
149. Construction of Admin Office Block-kirabaho-kitabu at 50
Milion in Kitswamba AT 50 Million T/C.
150. Construction of Kitswamba T/C Admin Office at 50 Milion in
Kitswamba T/C.

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151. Construction of Kyangwe Gravity Flow Scheme (GFs) at UGX
110 Million.
152. Construction of 5 stance VIP latrine at Kaswa P/S in
Bwesumbu S/C at UGX 26 Million
153. Bitere GFS phase III construction at UGX 93.1 Million in Bugoye
154. Water trouph at the spray race in Nyakakindo Hima TC.
155. Kyangende-kyabikongolo extension GFS at UGX 30 Million in
kyabarungira S/C.
156. Bwesumbu seed secondary school at UGX 3.5 Billion, work on
going in Bwesumbu sub-county.
157. Constructed a 5 stance latrine at Kabwe Primary School worth
UGX 26.6 Milion in Bwesumbu S/C.
158. Makongete GFS construction at UGX 141.3 million in Ibanda-
kyanya T/C.
159. Completion of upgrading of Bwesumbu Health Center III over
UGX 500 Million in Bwesumbu subcounty
160. Completion of Isule Health Center III at UGX 1.49 Billion, OPD,
maternity and staff quarters in Maliba subcounty
161. Construction and upgrading of Buhuhira Health Center III at
UGX 600 Million in Buhuhira subcounty.

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162. Construction of Bugoye Health Center IV Theater at UGX253.8
Million, now phase II on going in Bugoye subcounty
163. Construction of Kyoho Bridge in Bwesumbu subcounty at UGX
338Million, including road leveling and grading

Kasese Municipality

164. Construction of Motomoto Maize and feed mill in Kasese

Municipality under AGRO-LED at over UGX 850 Million
165. Installation of utilities, road networks in the Industrial hub in
Kasese Municipality under AGRO-LED at Millions of money.
166. Construction of VIP Latrines at Bulembia P/S at UGX 29 Million
in Bulembia Division.
167. Nyamwamba River banks recovery and desilted of river
Nyamwamba costing billions of money, planting bamboo trees
to conserve soils and 2 coffee hauler machines constructed in
Kilembe S/C in Kilembe Division
168. Overseeing and coordinating Kasese Municipality activities of
18 PDM SACCOs that received UGX 1.3 Billion and USMID
Programs that worked on roads and street lighting and
beautification at UGX Billions of money from Govt of Uganda.

In conclusion; I say thank you my beloved Chairpersons NRM for

entrusting me with responsibility to carry the District NRM flag as flag

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bearer 2021-2026 and as District Chairperson, I beg that you give me
chance to continue carrying this flag up to 2031.

By giving me opportunity to continue leading the people of Kasese will

enable us fulfill the NRM manifesto and also achieve more meaningful
development results for us to consolidate the NRM achievements.

“For God and my Country”

Signed ………………………………………………….

Muhindi Bukombi Eliphaz

District Chairperson/ District NRM Flag Bearer Kasese

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